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MAD MAX |OT| Beyond Thunderpoon


I'm a few missions past you. Maxed out Max, and most of the upgrades for the Opus. Like you, I'm still having a ton of fun
Cool. I also have most of the upgrades for the fortresses. I have to do a mission or two for Pink Eye to unlock some fortress upgrades I think. The only things I haven't done are the big scrap piles in each fortress. I did it once for Jeet but I'd prefer to save up the scrap for my own upgrades right now.

I think it's an amazing game with so much potential for a sequel.
- Fixed glitches
- Add bikes
- Just keep improving the hand to hand combat. It's amazing and brutal as is.
- Maybe add some guns that can be upgraded
- The ability to upgrade multiple vehicles
- More varied things to do
- I think gun mounts on the vehicles would be a sweet addition.
- It would be cool to have like a demolition derby type of thing or arena-based vehicle combat. Like how Death Races are implemented.


So I've been taking it slow and I think I've upgraded my car pretty well for where I am in the story. I just got to
and I thought it would be more of a challenge. Lol
I lowered the threat to zero
like as soon as I got there. I unlocked the
holy wrench
and maxed it out already. Still haven't checked out
The Dunes
yet but I'm looking forward to it. I also maxed out the legend stats last night. I'm still having a great time.

Game needs more creative avenues to spend scrap on imo, given how that's all you collect throughout the entire game.

I'm only halfway through the process of lowering threat in Gutgash's territory to 0 (almost finished 2 zones) after having completely cleared Jeet's -- and I've got Max fully kitted out, all Legend upgrades, Road Warrior ranked past the cap, all the possible upgrades for the MO at this point in time, all the scrap pile projects done for the 2 strongholds so far (3k each) AND I still have over 2k spare scrap going around lmao.

I don't think this is supposed to happen or maybe I've just 'grinded' too much...


So is everyone that played this already over it?

I'm pretty much done with it. I've finished the story, got jeets and pinkeyes territories to zero threat, and guts to 1. think i had 2 wasteland missions left, one of which was
stealing crow's sound system
- which I am not doing cause he is fucking awesome..

I have no real desire to do anything involving getting the archangels and racing in each of them, so i'm not chasing achievements.

I think I got somewhere around 45+ hours out of it. It's a bloody gorgeous solid game that I had great fun with despite its flaws, and it only cost me about £12. Can't complain.

I did think it was a bit naff after completing the game that you can't
mod the Interceptor


holy shit =o



Game needs more creative avenues to spend scrap on imo, given how that's all you collect throughout the entire game.

I'm only halfway through the process of lowering threat in Gutgash's territory to 0 (almost finished 2 zones) after having completely cleared Jeet's -- and I've got Max fully kitted out, all Legend upgrades, Road Warrior ranked past the cap, all the possible upgrades for the MO at this point in time, all the scrap pile projects done for the 2 strongholds so far (3k each) AND I still have over 2k spare scrap going around lmao.

I don't think this is supposed to happen or maybe I've just 'grinded' too much...

Ya, scrap became pointless for me around ~50% completion. Too many damn icons.

At least Far Cry 4's upgrade tree mostly matched its collectathon, I was still getting upgrades in that game pretty much up to the time when I got the Platinum Trophy. Not that way at all for Mad Max.


Noah Caldwell-Gervais just put up a 40 minute review of Mad Max on his channel. He's one of the best critical analyzers of games on YouTube right now and really does excellent work. The review covers how well the game draws inspiration from the films, how well it actually plays as a game, and a bit on why the reception of the game has been so mixed between critics and fans.

OK, so I've just gotten to Gas Town. I've liberated everybody's area and gotten the "threat level" for all areas to 0.

I now have absolutely no motivation to actually continue with the story mode. Is it worth it?


Holy crap I wanted to throw my controller during the mission where you have to drive this barge halfway across the map, it was like driving with 5 seconds of input lag lol. meanwhile enemies are trying to kill you and your only defense is the limited ammo Shotgun.

Holy crap I wanted to throw my controller during the mission where you have to drive this barge halfway across the map, it was like driving with 5 seconds of input lag lol. meanwhile enemies are trying to kill you and your only defense is the limited ammo Shotgun.


I managed to screw up the wasteland blue dot on the map and drove clear to the south in this truck only to find it was the wrong place (some place about some biker buried with his car)

I then had to drive clear to the northwest to get to the right place...


I had this issue, crashing more and more frequently and then eventually I couldn't get past the initial splash-screen without a crash. What fixed it was deleting the settings.ini file in the main folder as it had become corrupted. Next time you start the game all settings will be reset but the game ran perfectly after that and it will rebuild a new file for you automatically.

Yea, something was weird for sure.

Anyway, the next day I started Steam and the game and it worked perfectly so I have no idea what was going on!

May be the Car Gods took respite on that day - the Carbbath!


I think it's an amazing game with so much potential for a sequel.

If they do a sequel and still insist on the crappy Ubisoft Game model, at least let us remove encounters completely from an area (and make it easier to reach zero threat than it is now). You waste enough time doing their repetitive tasks, that you don't need a million random encounters to slow you down even more.


OK, so I've just gotten to Gas Town. I've liberated everybody's area and gotten the "threat level" for all areas to 0.

I now have absolutely no motivation to actually continue with the story mode. Is it worth it?
You can probably blow through it pretty fast


I think you guys aren't considering life in Max's world when you call him an asshole. Compared to every other non-victim in that universe he is practically a saint.
how is this selling? is there any potential for a sequel in a few years?

granted I'm still early in the game but this is really damn fun. i can only imagine how good it would be if they removed some of the ubisoft-isms and also allowed you to walk on moving vehicles (convoy chases would be epic as hell)

god damn, just cause 3 will be good. avalanche knows what they're doing with every game.
I ran into a couple of big glitches yesterday, one of which I thought was game breaking:

1) An enemy car I was attacking disappeared into thin air.

2) The map wouldn't come up, so I thought I was screwed.

I played it for a while yesterday, though. I took out a couple of strongholds, raided a lot of scrap areas, and did some upgrading. Still not sure of whether I'm strong enough for the next story mission, though, so I wish there was some kind of indicator.
I think it's an amazing game with so much potential for a sequel.
- Fixed glitches
- Add bikes
- Just keep improving the hand to hand combat. It's amazing and brutal as is.
- Maybe add some guns that can be upgraded
- The ability to upgrade multiple vehicles
- More varied things to do
- I think gun mounts on the vehicles would be a sweet addition.
- It would be cool to have like a demolition derby type of thing or arena-based vehicle combat. Like how Death Races are implemented.

You forgot one



Un Rama
I'd like War-Rigs to be added as a kind of Shadow of the Colossus element to the gameplay. You can drive up to them and destroy them that way. Or you could jump onto them and make your way to the front while trying to not get killed or fall off.
Noah Caldwell-Gervais just put up a 40 minute review of Mad Max on his channel. He's one of the best critical analyzers of games on YouTube right now and really does excellent work. The review covers how well the game draws inspiration from the films, how well it actually plays as a game, and a bit on why the reception of the game has been so mixed between critics and fans.


Good review but it totally spoils just about every sidequest and the entirety of the main story (not that its much good, just saying for those that want to watch this)


After finally seeing the movie I really want to play this game. The reboot is super awesome and probably the crasiest shit I've ever seen in 2 hours. The non-stop action makes you dizzy and all I could think while watching was "omg this would be so cool in a video game". But 69,- is a stiff price right before the holidays with so many games around the corner. So I'm a little undecided. Hope I can find it for 55,- or lower in my local store but I doubt it cuz too new and PS4 version (fuck current gen tax) and digital is always full price if there is no sale atm. What should I do GAF? Buy now or wait or buy later and wait now?


After finally seeing the movie I really want to play this game. The reboot is super awesome and probably the crasiest shit I've ever seen in 2 hours. The non-stop action makes you dizzy and all I could think while watching was "omg this would be so cool in a video game". But 69,- is a stiff price right before the holidays with so many games around the corner. So I'm a little undecided. Hope I can find it for 55,- or lower in my local store but I doubt it cuz too new and PS4 version (fuck current gen tax) and digital is always full price if there is no sale atm. What should I do GAF? Buy now or wait or buy later and wait now?
Wait for Black Friday.

This is not Fury Road: The Game. It's more like what Max does in between the movies.
Using spotify with this game makes it so much better.

Really wish the game had some background music

I haven't played around with using music on the PS4 yet and don't have spotify.

Can I use the PS4 media player to do a custom soundtrack either from USB or streaming from my Mac as I do with videos?


I'd like War-Rigs to be added as a kind of Shadow of the Colossus element to the gameplay. You can drive up to them and destroy them that way. Or you could jump onto them and make your way to the front while trying to not get killed or fall off.

This is the best suggestion for the sequel I've seen yet (This would be awesome).

As for the Ubisoft type collectathon map, I'm ok with it. Mainly cause unlike Ubisoft each location seems to be a puzzle in how to find everything. Not just go here and gather this. They're pretty clever in how they hide the objects you are looking for so it makes it interesting each time. I haven't been bored with it unlike with Ubisoft games. Plus the combat/driving is less clutzy than AC and doesn't feel like just mashing buttons (in fact while combat is very simple you do have to time things right and come up with some strategy when you have a lot of guys coming at you at once).

I've been trying to clear out each territory and having a ball with it. Plus there are varied enough activities that you can mix up what you do so it doesn't feel like you keep doing the same thing (go to a camp, clear it out, 100% it. Now go mess around with some warboys. Take down a sniper. Go after a convoy).

(Granted less clutzy controls than AC is not hard to do. I swear AC feels like you try to tell your character to go in a direction and hope the computer reads your input right rather than deciding you said to do something else).
I spent several more hours with Mad Max this afternoon, and have progressed quite a bit now since I posted before. I've taken out most of the threat in the dump, and seem strong enough to venture into Gastown to take on the next (#8) main mission.

I've still got quite a few Wasteland missions to do, but I'm not sure if I'll do them all. I've done several, have a couple of more listed on my map that I plan to do, and have taken out most of the threat in Jeet's territory.

I'm actually enjoying it a decent amount now, although I still dislike some of the design choices. It's grown on me, but I don't think it's great or nearly as good as it could've been outside of the beautiful vistas.

How long is the last half of the campaign? And does it get super hard? I've leveled up enough to unlock Max's best armor and his second best brass knuckles, but still need to do more to upgrade my car past the second or third armor.


How long is the last half of the campaign? And does it get super hard? I've leveled up enough to unlock Max's best armor and his second best brass knuckles, but still need to do more to upgrade my car past the second or third armor.

Once you get up to Gastown in the upper-right of the map, the game is pretty much over and it doesn't get difficult at all. Game was mostly a walkover from beginning to end, outside of the occasional fall death. Difficulty depends greatly on one's proclivity for going out of his or her way to get scrap and upgrade, though.

Overall, this game's melee combat is far more basic than even something like Shadow of Mordor and once you upgrade the Harpoon to rip the tires off enemy cars, the vehicle combat becomes pretty simple as well.

The melee combat never loses its punch, though. They really make each hit feel impactful and I appreciate that. Even at the end of the game, I still enjoyed watching Max do slo-mo wrestling moves and blast guys in the gut with the shotgun.
Once you get up to Gastown in the upper-right of the map, the game is pretty much over and it doesn't get difficult at all. Game was mostly a walkover from beginning to end, outside of the occasional fall death.

The only times I've found it difficult have been when I've been under-leveled. I went to Gastown too early, was swarmed and left because I figured I should level-up more.

I also got sent to a five star camp without realizing, and got my ass kicked. But now I've leveled up enough, I believe.

Thanks for the info. I was wondering because I believe I still have 8 or 9 story missions left.


Started playing recently and I'm 1/3 into the game as of now... must say I quite like it. While it does share some of Ubisoft's collectathon ideas, it's nowhere as obnoxious and overwhelming. The size of the world is just right, it does a good job capturing the dry and desolate wastelands of the Mad Max universe, driving around is fun and combat, while simple, does feel satisfying though I could see it becoming a bit too repetitive in the later hours.

All in all, it's a very solid open world game and since even this close to the release you can find it rather cheap, I definitely recommend giving it a try.


Good lord the gastown story mission race is a lot harder than I thought it would be, I can't keep my Opus in a straight line for the life of me, She's all over the road.


Finished Mad Max...over 100 hours with everything completed except for the Vehicle Collection. Good ending sequence and solid story. I enjoyed the game completely from beginning to end. A few negatives but way more positives and easily the most fun that I have had with any of the 15 games I have completed this generation. Would love Mad Max 2 as there's so much more stuff that Avalanche can do with this franchise. Overall, a 9/10 in my opinion.


I haven't played around with using music on the PS4 yet and don't have spotify.

Can I use the PS4 media player to do a custom soundtrack either from USB or streaming from my Mac as I do with videos?

I'm not sure but PS4 has a free spotify app where you can stream music to any game. It's kind of like pandora where it has ads if you don't pay for it.


Good lord the gastown story mission race is a lot harder than I thought it would be, I can't keep my Opus in a straight line for the life of me, She's all over the road.
Yeah, I just finished that one and it's been the only difficult part of the game so far. I've maxed out Max and figured the race would be a breeze like everything else. I even tried switching to a lighter, faster, better handling car -- made no difference.

It's a lot easier once you realize
there are a couple of spots along the course that heal your car and you have unlimited ammo
i think there is one in the starting area (where chum's hideout is) that doesn't show up unless you drive close to it (since there is no balloon there). it's either on the extreme left or right of the area.

Thanks. Found out that unless you 100% each camp they don't show in the collectables section. I had missed one piece of scrap at one of the camps. Thankfully the camp icon doesn't go green with the tick until 100% and I was able to find the uncomplete camp via the map.


Is the last stronghold, Friah, suppose to open up with quests prior to the first Gastown story mission, or at any time after? It was greyed out for me but going there Friah had a side mission open up and Chumbucket as well, but I haven't been directed there like the others.
Is the last stronghold, Friah, suppose to open up with quests prior to the first Gastown story mission, or at any time after? It was greyed out for me but going there Friah had a side mission open up and Chumbucket as well, but I haven't been directed there like the others.

I saw Friah on my map, went to it and unlocked it. I still haven't completed the first Gastown story mission.

Friah gave me two Wasteland missions: one from the leader and one from Chum.


uh how do you turn the time to night time, I need to get to this spot during night time for this mission

I tried fast traveling and reloading and doing random stuff but I haven't seen the time change for a while

edit: finally, see the night approaching after driving around collecting history relics for a while
Well, I beat it about 20 minutes ago. The story is complete. I'll be selling it next week.

I will admit that I liked it more as I played it, though I never hated it. It grew on me, or I just got used to how things worked. Probably both. But I still wouldn't say it's especially great or anything close.

Stank Gum battle 'race'
was a piece of shit and a poorly designed boss battle, if that's what you'd call it. Even with full armor, the car is quite susceptible and it's hard to dodge everything when you're in such a narrow track with an occasionally difficult camera. If you screw up once, you're usually screwed.

That was the hardest part of the game for sure.


1) The look of the open world. Its colouring, filters, etc. The moon looks awesome, as does the hazy sky.

2) There is lots to do, but that's also a con.

3) The car combat can be really cool once you have good weapons.

4) There are times where it clicks and can be pretty fun.

5) Lots of player choice as per upgrades.


1) Floaty vehicle controls

2) Too long and overwhelming/convoluted for its own good

3) Will be confusing for some, because its upgrade paths and other things are not well explained

4) Some poor design (the above-mentioned 'race' for starters)

5) Input lag

6) Bad framerate on X1

7) Repetitive missions/not so memorable story.

Question: Is it blurry for anyone else? On Xbox One at least. I found that some of the nighttime scenes were blurry at times, especially while out in the wasteland. That said, my TV is old and may be going on the fritz.
Question: Is it blurry for anyone else? On Xbox One at least. I found that some of the nighttime scenes were blurry at times, especially while out in the wasteland. That said, my TV is old and may be going on the fritz.

Might be the heat haze effect, I turned it off on my PC as it made everything look blurry.
Might be the heat haze effect, I turned it off on my PC as it made everything look blurry.

It could be, yeah. I'm really not sure. I saw it inside sometimes, too. Outside, I'd spin the camera around fast and notice motion blur I guess you'd call it.

I've been procrastinating on buying a new TV, because my 9 year-old Sharp Aquos is still going (somewhat) strong. But it's showing its age, because it sometimes makes a whirring effect when the screen changes to black or when I turn it on, the audio has had to be reset due to nothing coming out via HDMI and it has image retention now.

If I leave the TV on at the Xbox dash, or the Wii U browser, I can see the image retention of the app squares and curtains. It hadn't happened much in game, of course if that stuff had burned in temporarily then I'd see it in game. Still do if it happens.

There's also a burned in line across the bottom.

So, long story short, it could be the TV. I'm still not ready to buy a new one, because it still works and I don't know what to get.
Ran into some extreme frustration.

I have every single trophy except for the platinum and Up To The Task, which requires completing every non looping challenge in the game (basically a trophy list in itself).

I have two challenges remaining:

Reaper of the Harvest: Complete 191 scavenging locations
Stick it to Ya: Kill 15 enemies with boarder spikes

With the first, I'm on 190/191. There is NOTHING left on the map. Every camp has a yellow tick. Every balloon has a green tick. I have the Looked Everywhere trophy. But this challenge is stuck.

With Stick it to Ya, as I have fully completed the game and all convoy routes, there is no way for me to get the remaining kills. I am at 7/15 and have spent hours looking for a hostile vehicle with war boy jumpers.

Really putting a damper on what I thought was a brilliant game, but there are just too many glitches and nothing is being patched.
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