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MAD MAX |OT| Beyond Thunderpoon


Platinum is mine.

Super fun game overall, but I can't help but wish it was significantly harder.

It's too easy to become super powerful in the early game, at which point everything - from car combat to fighting, becomes near rote.

-Way too many things to collect. I'm glad they give you a checklist per site, and I love how each location 'feels' different, and many imply a certain history... but it doesn't change the process of 'drive to place, kill dudes, collect'. There are, what, 190ish locations? And many of them are really cool... but it was just overload. Maybe half the locations, and then more hidden ones that link sidequests together (ie, you find a map in one that leads you to another?). I don't know... but just going to a base, racing to unlock the survey crew, then checklisting each location is too same-ish.

-Mine hunting is a terrible minigame. Though I discovered it's faster to wait till you're filthy rich, then just run over the mines, jump out, and quick repair. That it's significantly faster to do this than watch a defuse cutscene sort of illustrates my issue with it's respect for my time re: collectables.

-subbosses all too similar.

-tied into the 'too easy' complaint... I took out some early convoys and it took everything I had; I could barely keep up with them, I was using side rams and everything just to knock them out. fast forward a few hours and I could thunderpoon anything into dust with my eyes closed, making the later, harder convoys far too easy.

-harpoons, and later, thunderpoons, are 'hit o to win' buttons. i get why they added it, but man, chum's aim is exquisite and it just makes it too easy.

---upgrading max (and the car, really) was too easy. max especially. I felt like I had him max'd out so quick... the quests to get car upgrades was cool, just too quick and easy (especially in the OP weaponry department'). I mean, I almost wish you had no autoaim with the poons, and that chum wasn't perfect... for something as powerful as those I wish I was doing free firing or something.


tldr -- loved the game. i just wanted it harder. much harder. i did enjoy the very mad max story, though.
After 6-7 hours of playtime I can honestly say that I absolutely adore this game and never before have I witnessed such a perfect portrayal of a wasteland gone terribly wrong, with plenty of building carcasses and rusty ships giving the feel of a society long lost.

The game kind of hit with a wrong start for me but after a few upgrades of both Mad Max and the starting Magnum Opus something just clicked.

I know the fuel and water scavenging is going to become mundane after dozens of hours, but somehow I feel that Avalanche Studios did a good thing by keeping these aspects into play to make the world feel more alive.

Almost each camp you encounter has some sort of contraption in order to get water. You can see enemies wandering the road or sitting still, eating corpses or garbage.

Caves or structures you go into that eventually has a sad love story, with two skeletons holding each other and a photo of their past life. (for example)

Nothing short of amazing. That is how I am feeling right now about this game.


I love this game but it's got to be the glitchiest fucking game I've ever played.

Restarted due to a progress killing glitch and I patched it last night.

Post patch my autosave list will fuck up about half the time. It won't allow me to manually overwrite them and the text fucks up.

Fast travel also wouldn't work to one of the fortresses. Just became greyed out.

I'm worried about not being able to finish the game this second time round.
I can't, for the life of me, find that last insignia on that ship base in the middle of the Fuel Veins in Jeet's Territory. Is there one surrounding the sides of the ship?
The map showed me that I still hadn't cleared all of Jeet's territory of minefields, so I drove around with the dog trying to find the remaining ones. The dog then barked at an already cleared minefield at a non-existent mine (I was standing right on top of it). Apparently the game somehow glitched earlier and doesn't count this field as cleared. Has anyone else had issues with clearing all minefields?


After 6-7 hours of playtime I can honestly say that I absolutely adore this game and never before have I witnessed such a perfect portrayal of a wasteland gone terribly wrong, with plenty of building carcasses and rusty ships giving the feel of a society long lost.

The game kind of hit with a wrong start for me but after a few upgrades of both Mad Max and the starting Magnum Opus something just clicked.

I know the fuel and water scavenging is going to become mundane after dozens of hours, but somehow I feel that Avalanche Studios did a good thing by keeping these aspects into play to make the world feel more alive.

Almost each camp you encounter has some sort of contraption in order to get water. You can see enemies wandering the road or sitting still, eating corpses or garbage.

Caves or structures you go into that eventually has a sad love story, with two skeletons holding each other and a photo of their past life. (for example)

Nothing short of amazing. That is how I am feeling right now about this game.

Right there with you. Backlog is huge but I keep coming back to Max. Fantastic game that deserves a more refined sequel.


I haven't posted these in a long time so, Witness me!!!!!


I can't, for the life of me, find that last insignia on that ship base in the middle of the Fuel Veins in Jeet's Territory. Is there one surrounding the sides of the ship?

I just cleared that ship. There is one insignia on a fence near the water dispenser, the next one is at the front of the ship before you climb down to the lower decks and the last in is in one of the two rooms in the lower decks, which you have to open with the crowbar. Go into the left room, the insignia is above the door.


Yeah some of the insignias are stupidly well hidden.

I love exploring Strongholds because every Stronghold is unique and designed really well. I really love when i see small place on the hill that then leads me inside tat hill and it is huge. Wasteland is one of the best OW locations i have ever seen in OW games.
I just cleared that ship. There is one insignia on a fence near the water dispenser, the next one is at the front of the ship before you climb down to the lower decks and the last in is in one of the two rooms in the lower decks, which you have to open with the crowbar. Go into the left room, the insignia is above the door.

Ooo! There it is! Damn.


I love exploring Strongholds because every Stronghold is unique and designed really well. I really love when i see small place on the hill that then leads me inside tat hill and it is huge. Wasteland is one of the best OW locations i have ever seen in OW games.

You know, I was thinking about this just yesterday.

I'm not sure if the level designers just went overboard with strongholds or if they're deliberately obtuse just to disorient you / piss you off. Some of them are pretty maze-like in structure, and even though I really appreciate that every location is unique, most of them are quite tedious to 100%.

I suppose that is the point, but still..

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It seems all top dogs are the same? The first one was so awesome, but they all have the same moves and required strat which is really disappointing.


All the same with generally a specific weakness (like shotguns to the face, fire, etc). Some have twists on the environment, like adds or traps, but for the most part, yeah, no real difference.
I don't know if I can do it.

I'm halfway through the game, and I don't know if I can handle how repepetive it's getting. Love the game, it's so fun, but it's starting to drag on me.



It seems all top dogs are the same? The first one was so awesome, but they all have the same moves and required strat which is really disappointing.
Yeah, I said this earlier, but having the top dogs essentially be palette swaps with the same exact moveset each time was a huge missed opportunity.

They eventually turn them into regular enemies that appear in some later locations.

I don't know if I can do it.

I'm halfway through the game, and I don't know if I can handle how repepetive it's getting. Love the game, it's so fun, but it's starting to drag on me.

I had that moment, so I switched it up and started to focus on the story missions and the outposts only, ignoring pretty much everything else that wasn't directly on my way to the next marker - that along with getting the thunderpoon helped me get over that hump and made me really enjoy the latter half... so much so, that I actually went back after the excellent finale to finish up more of the side stuff and scavenging locations.


The map showed me that I still hadn't cleared all of Jeet's territory of minefields, so I drove around with the dog trying to find the remaining ones. The dog then barked at an already cleared minefield at a non-existent mine (I was standing right on top of it). Apparently the game somehow glitched earlier and doesn't count this field as cleared. Has anyone else had issues with clearing all minefields?

Yes I have appranlty I have 1 mine to go in a minefield in Jeets territory but my dog doesn't bark and also I can't find it I have search the minefield a couple of times in the buggy and on foot.

I died on this mine at week ago cause I walked into it.


I'm guessing the improved data streaming will fix the 1 second pause every 10 minutes or so that many of us were dealing with. Looks like a solid patch for an already solid game.

I bought the game yesterday on PC and this problem is still there. For a second I thought my game was crashing. Other than that I'm enjoying the game so far.


I love this game but it's got to be the glitchiest fucking game I've ever played.

Restarted due to a progress killing glitch and I patched it last night.

Post patch my autosave list will fuck up about half the time. It won't allow me to manually overwrite them and the text fucks up.

Fast travel also wouldn't work to one of the fortresses. Just became greyed out.

I'm worried about not being able to finish the game this second time round.

You mean like this?

Got that too, on top of the map glitch which renders the game unplayable (for me).

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I bought the game yesterday on PC and this problem is still there. For a second I thought my game was crashing. Other than that I'm enjoying the game so far.

Can confirm it still happens post patch.


I know the fuel and water scavenging is going to become mundane after dozens of hours,

It won't... it's actually the opposite. You'll upgrade a stronghold and then water, gas, and ammo essentially become meaningless since you'll get instant refills. I never ran out of anything during the whole game... i mean, shotgun bullets here or there when i felt like rushing through fighting, but not really.

I love this game but it's got to be the glitchiest fucking game I've ever played.

Fast travel also wouldn't work to one of the fortresses. Just became greyed out.

Fallout 3 PS3 was far, far glitchier, especially the goty edition. This is nothing compared to that. I definitely had some odd sound glitches, some icons that never disappeared, and other goofiness but in general the plat went smoothly.

The map showed me that I still hadn't cleared all of Jeet's territory of minefields, so I drove around with the dog trying to find the remaining ones. The dog then barked at an already cleared minefield at a non-existent mine (I was standing right on top of it). Apparently the game somehow glitched earlier and doesn't count this field as cleared. Has anyone else had issues with clearing all minefields?

I had this issue once -- I was searching the last few minefields out and an icon appeared on my map where i'd already cleared one, but the dog barking was telling me to go to the other field in that region. The dog was right, even though no icon ever showed on the map. I cleared all minefields and got the trophy even though i still have that ghost/incorrect minefield icon on my map.


Only time I scavenged for anything, it was fuel because some areas needed something exploded and I had used my previous fuel tank on such a task. And that was like twice the entire game.

If anything the game could really use a mode that makes you work for that sort of stuff.

Make the stronghold projects harder to build, nuke fast travel, make water slowly evaporate, etc.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone else feel like the game gets far too easy the more you play? Max is just a complete beast at this point. I'm 50% done, with 1.5 territories completed and I don't have to fear anyone or anything, I just run into 20 enemies and spam them down with ease.

I really feel like this game could have been so much more, so I hope they do a second one. What I'd like to see in a sequel:

- Mine fields removed or reworked, it's not fun driving around searching for them (maybe allow us to call the dog the same way we call the car, so if we randomly find a field we don't have to go back to base, change to the buggy then drive all the way back)
- Improved car handling across the board, no more spinning out of control for hitting a grain of sand
- Richer story that develops a little slower
- Unique Top Dogs serving as more substantial boss fights
- Less scrap locations, remove the 1/1 scrap sites entirely
- Unique territory objectives, don't just have the same check-list over and over
- Wardrobe feature that lets you change Max's appearance and attire, overwriting the looks of the item upgrades (I don't want to use something that looks rubbish just because it has the best stats)
- Custom knives, knife finishers are awesome and it would be even better if we could change the appearance of our knife, different models could unlock just like everything else


Yes, I thought the game was an absolute cakewalk, too, but there's something to be said about the relaxing and somewhat care-free nature of it all.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Yeah, I said this earlier, but having the top dogs essentially be palette swaps with the same exact moveset each time was a huge missed opportunity.
Yeah, this is kinda disappointing. I quite liked the one where you had to
face waves of enemies before facing him though
. Was quite tense. Then all the rest did the same moves every time.

Totally agree about the 1/1 scrap locations too. Just seems so pointless when you're late-game, get out of the car to scrounge around and get 3 scrap from a location.

Do you get to use a sniper rifle outside of the car later in the game? A few times I've wanted to use it while running around but I kind of understand how it might break the game if you could use it anywhere.


I think it occupies that same spot Shadows of Mordor did last year.

Safe, solid entertainment. Not very ambitious, kinda easy, just playing really well and competently produced without many faults. A guilty pleasure kinda thing.

Do you get to use a sniper rifle outside of the car later in the game? A few times I've wanted to use it while running around but I kind of understand how it might break the game if you could use it anywhere.
Nah, consider it part of the Magnum Opus' arsenal.
Just finished the story,
thought the ending was kind of strange, it kind of threw all the characters under the bus at the last 20 minutes of the game, I understand why they did it but it kind of went against what Max was starting to feel for Glory at the end of the game. The way he pretty much killed Chumbucket, the Magnum Opus and the way he totally threw that snowglobe away was kind of shitty. But I will say, getting the classic Mad Max outfit and Interceptor was worth it.
Great game overall, look forward to cleaning up a few loose ends and trying to unlock more of those dope V8 upgrades.


Yes, I thought the game was an absolute cakewalk, too, but there's something to be said about the relaxing and somewhat care-free nature of it all.

Exactly. It's a good game to play after a long day at work - just hang back and relax, drive around and beat up some fools.

First hours are definately the most difficult - no combat upgrades, car handles like garbage and has no offense/defense buffs.


Exactly. It's a good game to play after a long day at work - just hang back and relax, drive around and beat up some fools.

First hours are definately the most difficult - no combat upgrades, car handles like garbage and has no offense/defense buffs.

It is also game that you can quit whenever you want and start whenever you want because there is no complicated plot or something like that. For some it is bad thing but if you want to relax and enjoy it is awesome. That is why I would prefer strong side missons in Mad Max 2 (if they make one) and simple main plot.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Godfuckingdamit. 64 hours into the game and I get hit with the map glitch (it won't open anymore), and thanks to the latest patch, none of the solutions I found on the net work. And I was so goddamn close to Platinuming the game, now it's pretty much impossible. Great.
Godfuckingdamit. 64 hours into the game and I get hit with the map glitch (it won't open anymore), and thanks to the latest patch, none of the solutions I found on the net work. And I was so goddamn close to Platinuming the game, now it's pretty much impossible. Great.

They are looking into it and also provided this.

Mad Max Patch 3 Issues

Wastelanders! We are aware of a couple of issues that have come up after the release of Patch 3 and wanted to give you a brief update:

Framerate Issues on Win 64 - After looking into reports of new framerate issues, it appears that Patch 3 is resetting some player’s framerate settings to 24Hz. This issue can be resolved by going into “Settings” and changing the ”Resolution” back to a higher setting.

Map Issues – We are aware that some players are still having issues with the map and in some cases are experiencing new issues. We are currently looking into these and will provide updates when more information is available.
In some cases there are workarounds you can do in the game if you experience an issue where the map will no longer open:

Workaround 1: Go to a Vantage Outpost that you have not previously visited, scout out a new object with the binoculars, and close the binoculars. When the map is triggered it will restore your ability to open the map. After that be sure to play until an auto-save point to update your save data.

Workaround 2: Interacting with an object will sometimes resolve the issue such as picking up fuel, looting a body, looting scrap and looting an ammo box.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Second territory finished, I'm slowly but surely making way through the game.


Okay, so if you turn the console off the game collects scrap for you, which will be deposited when you start the game back up a next time.

However, this mechanic does not work if you put the console in rest mode. So if you're done playing for the day, be sure to fully exit out of the game and close the application or else you'll miss out on free scrap.

The amount isn't earth-shattering of course, but every free piece of scrap is welcome I'd imagine.


Any mods for the game yet on PC? Specifically to make it harder or make it a bit more savage. It's definitely getting too easy, I think I'm only 10-15 hours in. Very fun, though.

Also this is the most over-written game I've ever played. Every single non-player character says about 30 words more than they need to. Even Max speaks loads of times he doesn't need to, or his sentences go on a few clauses too long. The tiniest bit of trimming would have:

A) saved them lots of money
B) made the whole world and characters more believable and compelling



Man this game sucks the hours away. 3 hours later and I realized I've only done one story mission or wasteland mission. I need to upgrade this stronghold, get caught up in a car chase, destroy some people with my fists first.

I'm really enjoying it after I got used to the controls. The one thing that annoyed me at first was having to hold the buttons for everything. Getting in your car should be just a tap but you hold it for some reason. Now being used to it it's fine but at first it's jarring, especially coming off of MGSV which is pretty sublime gameplay wise. But this is fine after about 5 hours. Also a total turn around from nothing to do in MGSVs open world to this having interesting places to explore everywhere. I'm glad I picked it up.
So yeah, any tips for beating Stank?

I've hit a road block, I've tried everything but I just can't seem to beat time in the time allowed and keep the Opus from blowing the fuck up...
So yeah, any tips for beating Stank?

I've hit a road block, I've tried everything but I just can't seem to beat time in the time allowed and keep the Opus from blowing the fuck up...

Maxed out Thunderpoon and side burners helped me, it took a couple tries but getting rid of the goons with the sideburners while focusing on Stank with the Thunderpoon.


Unconfirmed Member
It's funny as from a meat and potatoes gameplay look at Mad Max you could easily level the collectathon complaints at this game and call it 'Modern Open World - The Game'. Yet.....I don't care. It gets Mad Max so right IMO in it's world, the character, how it approaches the car and the story (which is basically built around the car) and even with the quirky characters. A prime example of this being Chumbucket who I was unsure of before playing this but who I absolutely love now. He's awesome. I love the open world of this, it's a beautiful wasteland and I love driving about it, using the harpoon and thunderpoon, taking care of convoys etc. It's just such fucking fun to play. I like Avalanche and was very likely going to enjoy this but they got Mad Max really right in this game IMO. Love it.

It also gave me the biggest laugh I've had in a game for a long time. I went into a stronghold and got into a battle with some war boys and a war cryer. I didn't have any shotgun shells so he strengthened the enemies and I had to roll about and fight like a maniac due to being low on health. Anyway, after beating them he just stops and it's all quiet. I hear a 'So err yeah, you just gonna let me go ? hehe' (or something to that effect) and I then shoot him with my double barrel (had picked up a shell near the end of the fight) and he explodes. Just great timing and gave me a great belly laugh.
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