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Media Create Sales 11/26 - 12/2 2007


ethelred said:
It's a little bit higher than my prediction.

Roughly 60k above my prediction..I really was thinking it would do WiiSports first week + a little extra..Guess I underestimated the bigger userbase. Atleast it wasn't a week prediction..then I'd be truly embarassed.


you can't put a price on sparks
Lobster said:
Roughly 60k above my prediction..I really was thinking it would do WiiSports first week + a little extra..Guess I underestimated the bigger userbase. Atleast it wasn't a week prediction..then I'd be truly embarassed.

we'll see how fast it drops off.

i predict it'll drop off a bit, but level off and stay in the top 10 for a while if its anything like wii sports/wii play.


What's the reason AC is releasing late in Japan for PS3? (sorry dont have time to read 5 pages, have class in 5 min)


davepoobond said:
we'll see how fast it drops off.

i predict it'll drop off a bit, but level off and stay in the top 10 for a while if its anything like wii sports/wii play.

Im having a hard time prediction anything about Wii Fit atm.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The real shocker is a western made action game on the 360 selling 40k first week. During some slow weeks, that would have a shot at being number 1. 360 seems to be carving out a litter niche for itself much above what the XBox ever could. I rarely remember XBox games charting, especially in the top 10. It seems like at least once a month that a 360 game will top 10 chart.

I'd say that MS has made ground in Japan, if only with a eensy-weensy bit of mindshare, but at least games have potential to hit 100k or so here and there. Lost Odyssey should do a pretty solid amount, too.


davepoobond said:
well, there's nothing particularly spectacular about the game. so far.

Mmm thats true, but there was nothing spectacular about Wii Sports 180k first week either.

I don't know whether to predict Wii Sports numbers or below. Im 60% towards below though.


Wii Fit sold out, so the majority of posts in this thread are just silly.

And we all know Nintendo. They continue to market games to death even 2 years after initial release. Brain Training is still selling like gangbusters all over the world for example, with for example the biggest videogame TV marketing campaign ever seen here in the UK. Hell, it might even be the biggest marketing campaign I've ever seen for a specific product. Almost every advert break, another Brain Traning advert. Then it's at bus stops all over the country. Insane.

If Wii Fit was to not become the initial success Nintendo want it to be, they will just market the hell out of it until it becomes a success. This is what Nintendo are good at right now. Low budget games + high budget marketing.


pswii60 said:
Wii Fit sold out, so the majority of posts in this thread are just silly.

And we all know Nintendo. They continue to market games to death even 2 years after initial release. Brain Training is still selling like gangbusters all over the world for example, with for example the biggest videogame TV marketing campaign ever seen here in the UK. Hell, it might even be the biggest marketing campaign I've ever seen for a specific product. Almost every advert break, another Brain Traning advert. Then it's at bus stops all over the country. Insane.

If Wii Fit was to not become the initial success Nintendo want it to be, they will just market the hell out of it until it becomes a success. This is what Nintendo are good at right now. Low budget games + high budget marketing.

Tell that to NoA.


My Wii Fit prediction was only about 190K off :p I predicted a slow start, but massive legs.

Also it's funny to see people celebrating how gaming beat non-gaming, although Layton is pretty much a non-game going by what people say about most other non-games (usually on Wii or DS). Meh.


pswii60 said:
This is what Nintendo are good at right now. Low budget games + high budget marketing.

They're not the only one, either. I watch perhaps half an hour of tv a week, and last week I managed to catch a Cooking Mama advert (DS+Wii).
Another PSP release, another success. I hope to see some news from Nipponichi soon, although getting another PS2 port looks likely.

Gundam and Basara prove again that PS2 is pretty alive and kicking (not in hardware sales though, even with new model...). Sony really kicked themselves stripping out PS2-compatibility in the 40GB PS3, imo the worst decision they have made on PS3.

Btw, I always see Mario Party 8 in the MC charts (and in top20 iirc) but we don't get any numbers from it in the leaked famitsu data so I don't know where its at anymore, still <900k? above? going up or down? Famitsu weekly top30 delay is really annoying ><
I'm sort of optimistic that SMG might have really good legs over the coming weeks. Might actually even come close to a million if the holidays and Wii Fit help it.


Capcom should have sold SB2 Wii at premium price, leaving this time exclusive. They sure sold a lot SB2 on PS2 but missing the chance of get more money of the same game.


listen to the mad man
TunaLover said:
Capcom should have sold SB2 Wii at premium price, leaving this time exclusive. They sure sold a lot SB2 on PS2 but missing the chance of get more money of the same game.

They ARE selling it at a premium price. It's double the cost of the PS2 release. This, and not the fact that it's on the Wii, is what's keeping sales down.


Stumpokapow said:
They ARE selling it at a premium price. It's double the cost of the PS2 release. This, and not the fact that it's on the Wii, is what's keeping sales down.

My point is that Capcom doesn't give to Wii time exclusiveness, which kill the sales (of Wii version), furthermore kill the posibility of getting more money from a more expensive-premium version.


provides useful feedback
Stumpokapow said:
They ARE selling it at a premium price. It's double the cost of the PS2 release. This, and not the fact that it's on the Wii, is what's keeping sales down.

He was talking about making it premium price AND time exclusive, I think, so it'd force people to buy the Wii version if they're impatient.


listen to the mad man
TunaLover said:
My point is that Capcom doesn't give to Wii time exclusiveness, which kill the sales (of Wii version), furthermore kill the posibility of getting more money from a more expensive-premium version.

Ah, I get you now. I still disagree; I don't think the problem is that both versions are day and date, I think it's that the Wii version is more expensive. If it was the same price (or even just a little bit more expensive), I'd say the ratio would be at least a little bit more slanted towards the Wii... I also think more SB2 owners (who also own the Wii) who aren't buying SB2H would be tempted to because they already enjoy SB2 and they'd be getting an "upgraded version" while also getting the expansion pack.

Ultimately, though, it's a big "what if" and until a developer does it we'll have no idea what will work the best.


provides useful feedback
Stumpokapow said:
Ah, I get you now. I still disagree; I don't think the problem is that both versions are day and date, I think it's that the Wii version is more expensive. If it was the same price (or even just a little bit more expensive), I'd say the ratio would be at least a little bit more slanted towards the Wii... I also think more SB2 owners (who also own the Wii) who aren't buying SB2H would be tempted to because they already enjoy SB2 and they'd be getting an "upgraded version" while also getting the expansion pack.

Ultimately, though, it's a big "what if" and until a developer does it we'll have no idea what will work the best.

It does seem pretty bizarre that they would be compelled to pack in the first game with the second game on one machine only - lots of other games have jumped systems before without any prequels attached to it, why do it here?

It'd be like the 360 version of Devil May Cry 4 coming packed with ports of Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 as well.
pswii60 said:
Wii Fit sold out, so the majority of posts in this thread are just silly.

And we all know Nintendo. They continue to market games to death even 2 years after initial release. Brain Training is still selling like gangbusters all over the world for example, with for example the biggest videogame TV marketing campaign ever seen here in the UK. Hell, it might even be the biggest marketing campaign I've ever seen for a specific product. Almost every advert break, another Brain Traning advert. Then it's at bus stops all over the country. Insane.

If Wii Fit was to not become the initial success Nintendo want it to be, they will just market the hell out of it until it becomes a success. This is what Nintendo are good at right now. Low budget games + high budget marketing.

I will attest to this. For the last 3 weeks, there has been an insane amount of advertisement. From DS games like EBA, BT, BT2, Vision Training, Nintendogs, Zelda PH, Tetris, BBA, AC Mario Kart etc tec. But by far the most heavily advertised are Brain Training, and BBA (Wii). Although none of them have the beautiful Nicole Kidman in them. at then end there is a scene with all the similar touch generations games.

In terms of Wii, it too is being heavily advertised. Including SMG, MP3, MP8, Cooking Mama, BBA, a few more I can't think of.


drohne said:
isn't layton just a bunch of 'brain teasers' with a european animation veneer? i'm not sure this is a victory for videogames as such
It is interesting seeing so many Brain Training/Wii Fit haters across gaming forums everywhere cheer the success of Layton, when it's clearly inspired as much by so called 'non-games' as more traditional games :lol

Level 5 has become one of the premiere developers in Japan because of this philosophy. They had the insight (which really wasn't rocket science and shows how out of touch so many 3rd parties are) to combine existing types of gaming and the new direction Nintendo was having so much success in to create something innovative and very popular. Also, it likely has a broad fan base, including new/returning gamers. Level 5 has done well and deserves the success, more 3rd parties need to follow their lead.

PantherLotus said:

quick n' dirty. the last week only includes the top 30, which is amazing for the Wii -- it currently has 8 and if it can find (3?) more in 31-50 it could have the most titles in the top 50 that it ever has. Also note that the PS3 seems to be picking up steam -- just as the PS2 (not charted) seems to be losing it. I think there may be a correlation and it might also be fair to say that every PS2 title "should" count towards the PS3 count. Oh-well. Just trying to stay consistent.

*if anybody can provide data quicker than I can mine it out of every single one of cheesy's posts for the past bloody year i would dedicate my next chart to you?*
This is what I have for 2007:
	NDS	Wii	GBA / GC	PSP	PS3	PS2	360
J 1 - 7	32	6	0	4	2	6	0
J 8 - 14	29	7	1	4	2	7	0
J 15 - 21	29	7	1	4	0	8	1
J 22 - 28	29	5	0	3	1	11	1
J 29 - F 4	32	6	0	2	1	9	0
F 5 - 11	33	6	0	3	1	7	0
F 12 - 18	33	6	0	3	1	7	0
F 19 - 25	31	6	0	4	1	7	1
F 26 - M 4	35	6	0	3	1	5	0
M 5 - 11	34	7	0	1	2	6	0
M 12 - 18	38	7	0	1	1	3	0
M 19 - 25	36	4	0	2	1	6	1
M 26 - A 1	35	4	0	1	3	6	1
A 2 - 8 	35	4	0	3	1	7	0
A 9 - 15	36	3	0	3	1	7	0
A 16 - 22	34	4	0	4	0	8	0
A 23 - 29	29	6	0	5	0	8	2
A 30 - M 6	36	6	0	4	0	4	0
M 7 - 13	35	6	0	5	0	4	0
M 14 - 20	34	7	0	4	0	5	0
M 21 - 27	36	5	0	3	0	5	1
M 28 - J 3	32	7	0	4	0	7	0
J 4 - 10	34	8	0	5	0	3	0
J 11 - 17	33	7	0	5	2	1	2
J 18 - 24	30	7	0	5	3	3	2
J 25 - J 1	28	7	0	2	3	10	0
J 2 - 8	37	7	0	2	3	1	0
J 9 - 15	35	7	0	2	1	4	1
J 16 - 22	33	8	0	1	1	7	0
J 23 - 29	30	7	1	3	2	6	1
J 30 - A 5	33	7	0	3	1	5	1
A 6 - 12	35	6	0	3	1	4	1
A 13 - 19	36	6	0	4	1	3	0
A 20 - 26	34	6	0	3	1	6	0
A 27 - S 2	30	6	0	3	2	8	1
S 3 - 9	28	5	0	4	2	11	0
S 10 - 16	32	4	0	5	2	7	0
S 17-23	28	5	0	8	2	7	0
S 24-30	22	7	0	7	4	9	1
O 1-7	23	7	0	6	3	10	1
O 8-14	27	6	0	5	2	8	2
O 15-21	27	5	0	5	4	8	1
O 22-28	22	8	0	5	4	10	1
O 29 - N 4	25	7	0	5	2	8	3
N 5 - 11	25	6	0	6	5	5	3
N 12 - 18	26	7	0	6	5	4	2
N 19 - 25	27	7	0	3	5	6	2
Here are some interesting graphs:

DS / PSP, really highlights the dominance DS has on the market and how lacking PSP sw performance is:

Nintendo / Sony / MS. Shows how strong Nintendo has become and how little 360 affects the market, it really is statistical noise:

Wii / PS2:
Stumpokapow said:
If it was the same price (or even just a little bit more expensive)...
Are you sure you know their pricing? :/

SovanJedi said:
It does seem pretty bizarre that they would be compelled to pack in the first game with the second game on one machine only - lots of other games have jumped systems before without any prequels attached to it, why do it here?
Nevermind, looks like no one knows what they are talking about ....
ziran said:

Wow DS dominates the PSP and it's neck and neck between PS2 and Wii, 23-19 respectively. Although you can see the PS2 has big dips while the Wii is more consistent. It's going to be interesting to see how long it takes for third party to actually start to transition PS2 games to the Wii. I don't think that will happen until multiplatform games perform better on the Wii then the PS2, which I don't think will happen any time soon since there's no incentive for PS2/Wii owners to buy a Wii version since the waggle is usually half-ass or nonexistent.

Edit: Wow at top 50 for Nintendo/Sony/MS titles graph for the week March 12-16. 45/50 for Nintendo. :lol


ziran said:
They had the insight (which really wasn't rocket science and shows how out of touch so many 3rd parties are) to combine existing types of gaming and the new direction Nintendo was having so much success in to create something innovative and very popular.
Indeed. When Layton was first announced in a special press event it was mostly considered a disappointment here, and nobody thought it and the fact that Level 5 publishes it themselves would be a big deal. Now Layton 1 is their best selling original IP, and nobody here is surprised by Layton 2 faring this well.


when is my burrito
oo Kosma oo said:
What's the reason AC is releasing late in Japan for PS3? (sorry dont have time to read 5 pages, have class in 5 min)

If the American version is any indication, technical problems.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Somebody needs to teach NoA what the word "marketing" means.

Well whatever they are doing, it's largely working. I'd argue that of this moment NA is Wii's strongest market.
According to Moor's site DQJ is at 1.4M with 633k opening, and if memory serves me correct DQ4 on the PS1 did about 1.1M (someone correct me if I'm wrong). With DQ4 DS opening of 600k, I think it will surpass the PS1 DQ4 remake.
Lobster said:
Mmm thats true, but there was nothing spectacular about Wii Sports 180k first week either.

I don't know whether to predict Wii Sports numbers or below. Im 60% towards below though.

What was the Wii userbase when Wii Sports come out?....


when is my burrito
Relaxed Muscle said:
What was the Wii userbase when Wii Sports come out?....

About 350k. Wii Sports has sold at aobut 50% of the new console sales since forever until Wii Fit.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Btw, I always see Mario Party 8 in the MC charts (and in top20 iirc) but we don't get any numbers from it in the leaked famitsu data so I don't know where its at anymore, still <900k? above? going up or down? Famitsu weekly top30 delay is really annoying ><
Right on the razor's edge. As of the week of 2007-11-12, Famitsu had it selling 5.5K (down from 6.8K the week before), with a total of 889.6K.
Stumpokapow said:
Ah, I get you now. I still disagree; I don't think the problem is that both versions are day and date, I think it's that the Wii version is more expensive. If it was the same price (or even just a little bit more expensive), I'd say the ratio would be at least a little bit more slanted towards the Wii... I also think more SB2 owners (who also own the Wii) who aren't buying SB2H would be tempted to because they already enjoy SB2 and they'd be getting an "upgraded version" while also getting the expansion pack.
Is it an "upgraded version" at all, though?
SovanJedi said:
It'd be like the 360 version of Devil May Cry 4 coming packed with ports of Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 as well.
That's Devil May Cry 4, though, not Devil May Cry 3: Cry Some More.
BishopLamont said:
According to Moor's site DQJ is at 1.4M with 633k opening, and if memory serves me correct DQ4 on the PS1 did about 1.1M (someone correct me if I'm wrong). With DQ4 DS opening of 600k, I think it will surpass the PS1 DQ4 remake.
DQIV PS1's first and second week were slightly better. I checked the release dates to see if DQIV DS would have an extra week of boosted holiday sales or anything, but... it came out 6 years after DQIV PS1 to the day, so neither has an advantage.


SovanJedi said:
It does seem pretty bizarre that they would be compelled to pack in the first game with the second game on one machine only - lots of other games have jumped systems before without any prequels attached to it, why do it here?

It'd be like the 360 version of Devil May Cry 4 coming packed with ports of Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 as well.

How hard is it to understand? On the PS2 it's the expansion pack. Playable by itself but works more like an expansion pack ie the Musou model. On the Wii it's Basara 2 + the expansion pack.

Guess which one would the 20M PS2 owners go for? Even if it's a timed exclusive, I'd say most owners of the original game still don't want to lose the game saves and start over from scratch.

If anything, Capcom over-estimated it's fan base of this series, which is a shame since Basara 2 is a much better game than any of the Musou games to date.


Pretty stupid of Ubi to not release the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed the same day as the 360 version. Just look at how much more the PS3 versions of multiplatform games have been selling in Japan lately.
The vast majority of AC sales will come from the west anyway, so I don't think it's really important in the scheme of things which version releases first in Japan.
Stumpokapow said:
Admittedly, you're correct; it's not double the price. It's 40% more. I don't think that really changes the overall point.
It changes quite a bit to have a 7340Y price point rather than a 10960Y.

Basara 2 price was 7329Y.
Then it had a CapKore re-release for 3129Y.
Basara 2 Heroes price is 5480Y.

On Wii, they are offering you Basara 2 AND Basara 2 Heroes for 7340Y. Its cheaper than what you would have to pay to get that on PS2.

Yes, they aren't offering Basara 2 Heroes alone, but the price for the Double Pack is very reasonable and comparable to the PS2 prices. Could have charged 5040Y for Basara 2 like RE4 Wii, instead its less than 2000Y.

The only discussion point here is if it would have been wiser to release Basara 2 Heroes alone rather than in a Double Pack with the main game. Being an expansion to Basara 2 and being on a platform which didn't have any Basara titles before, I think the best choice would have been releasing both (Double Pack and Heroes alone) but I can see why Capcom tried this to lure new userbase to the franchise. Considering the numbers it moved, I'm not so sure about a multiple SKU strategy would have worked much better.


Pureauthor said:
The vast majority of AC sales will come from the west anyway, so I don't think it's really important in the scheme of things which version releases first in Japan.

yeah, million here or there doesnt matter...


listen to the mad man
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
On Wii, they are offering you Basara 2 AND Basara 2 Heroes for 7340Y. Its cheaper than what you would have to pay to get that on PS2.

Except that everyone who wanted Basara 2 and owns a PS2 has either already bought it (and thus would not need to buy it now) or will pick it up at a discount or used.

Yes, they aren't offering Basara 2 Heroes alone, but the price for the Double Pack is very reasonable and comparable to the PS2 prices. Could have charged 5040Y for Basara 2 like RE4 Wii, instead its less than 2000Y.

So you don't think that the price difference has ANYTHING to do with people not buying into the Wii version at all?
spwolf said:
yeah, million here or there doesnt matter...

How deluded does one have to be before one can think that Assassin's Creed is ever going to see a million units in Japan? The game will be lucky to break 150K.


Pureauthor said:
How deluded does one have to be before one can think that Assassin's Creed is ever going to see a million units in Japan? The game will be lucky to break 150K.

how simple minded one has to be not to realize that I was talking about revenue lost, and not actual units sold?
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