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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| [EXTREME]

Still 3 missions left with tasks to do. Not really looking foward to [Extreme] Backup Back Down tasks. They were already hard in the normal version.
I hear you. Backup, Back Down might be my least favorite mission in this game. For some reason the checkpoint system is not a thing in that mission... and it's not exactly a short one if you're trying to extract all the vehicles.


I hear you. Backup, Back Down might be my least favorite mission in this game. For some reason the checkpoint system is not a thing in that mission... and it's not exactly a short one if you're trying to extract all the vehicles.

Gotta say though, watching someone good at the game do all the tasks in one go is a thing of beauty.

Haven't really bothered with the extra tasks but am looking forward to tackling them in future play throughs, should add some nice variety to tackling the missions instead of just going for the goal and S ranking (gonna skip the lame one's like listening to conversations etc.).
Gotta say though, watching someone good at the game do all the tasks in one go is a thing of beauty.
Do you have any videos? :) I wonder how people approach it. I mean, it's easy to cheese it with EMP mines but it's also dreadfully boring to just wait and extract, wait and extract. There must be a way to do a perfect run of this mission without it being a repetitive pain in the ass...



I hear you. Backup, Back Down might be my least favorite mission in this game. For some reason the checkpoint system is not a thing in that mission... and it's not exactly a short one if you're trying to extract all the vehicles.

I actually like the mission but doing the tasks is not something I like because it doesn't have checkpoints.

Haven't really bothered with the extra tasks but am looking forward to tackling them in future play throughs, should add some nice variety to tackling the missions instead of just going for the goal and S ranking (gonna skip the lame one's like listening to conversations etc.).

The conversations are actually sometimes rather interesting. Problem with the tasks is that they are really glitchy. Targets can skip conversations sometimes even if you do it exactly right. Sometimes I have even gotten alert phase because someone drove over other soldier.
Well damn it. Should have used that then.

Yeah definetily will split up them so that I will get prisoners and soldiers on one playthrough and tanks on other. Biggest issue I have with that mission is the lack of checkpoints.

Yep, the lack of checkpoints in that mission is pretty ridiculous especially when you're nearing the end part with the tanks task. Screw one thing up and that's almost 10-12 minutes of waiting again. At least if you take all the tanks and armored vehicles it pretty much guarantees and S rank. Good luck. :]


The conversations are actually sometimes rather interesting. Problem with the tasks is that they are really glitchy. Targets can skip conversations sometimes even if you do it exactly right. Sometimes I have even gotten alert phase because someone drove over other soldier.

Ah, that's unfortunate. If the conversations are good then I'll give them a try for sure though, thanks man.


Kind of off-topic, but how long does it take to 100% Ground Zeroes? I ran through the whole thing really quickly before Phantom Pain but am having fun going back and unlocking stuff. Are there still console exclusive costume crap?
Probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway...

With all the positive reactions this game is getting, I'm considering picking it up on Steam. But there are two caveats: I've never played a Metal Gear game before, and I hate stealth. It's not even that I hate bad stealth, I just hate it all together. I will not try it. If a game forces me to do stealth instead of giving me the option to go loud, I won't even try.

Would I hate this game?


Probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway...

With all the positive reactions this game is getting, I'm considering picking it up on Steam. But there are two caveats: I've never played a Metal Gear game before, and I hate stealth. It's not even that I hate bad stealth, I just hate it all together. I will not try it. If a game forces me to do stealth instead of giving me the option to go loud, I won't even try.

Would I hate this game?

Stealth has been the overall focus of the series but it has never really been the only way to play the games, that is even more true for MGSV.

Here's a video showing the variety of ways you can approach the same mission, it's really up to you how you approach things since there are just so many tools at your disposal. The window for creativity is wide open:


And here's another showing stealth at first but then proceeding into an offense based approach:


If you would like to hear the review of someone that also wasn't familiar with the series much before MGSV then check out Angry Joe's review.
Probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway...

With all the positive reactions this game is getting, I'm considering picking it up on Steam. But there are two caveats: I've never played a Metal Gear game before, and I hate stealth. It's not even that I hate bad stealth, I just hate it all together. I will not try it. If a game forces me to do stealth instead of giving me the option to go loud, I won't even try.

Would I hate this game?
I mean... You can play it without stealth if you want but it still IS a stealth game so idk. The opening chapter is on-rails and requires some stealth, but after that you can probably guns-blazing the rest of the game.

If you're not a MGS fan then you probably won't care too much about the story, which is something hardcore MGS fans didn't like about the game (I did, but a lot of people here will call the game garbage because they didn't like the story).


Quick question: Mission 5

The bionics specialist that you extract... I've completed the mission twice now and the "Obtainable skill: Bionics Specialist" on the mission log doesn't become grayed out like other skills/blueprints I retrieve on missions. I also can't find the bionics specialists in my staff... Is this normal? Will it affect my 100% endeavor?

Quick question: Mission 5

The bionics specialist that you extract... I've completed the mission twice now and the "Obtainable skill: Bionics Specialist" on the mission log doesn't become grayed out like other skills/blueprints I retrieve on missions. I also can't find the bionics specialists in my staff... Is this normal? Will it affect my 100% endeavor?


Hmm.. Do you have arm upgrades unlocked? If you do I think it shouldn't matter.


HNNNGGG... I have only the extract 3 tanks task left for Backup, Back Down. Last one left and I get OHK by that tank. Damnit. Luckily the first part of the mission is rather easy with my current setup.


Gathered 200k fuel today in hopes of making some nukes and it all gets moved to online. I'm probably gonna have to wait a week to see how this goes...
Gathered 200k fuel today in hopes of making some nukes and it all gets moved to online. I'm probably gonna have to wait a week to see how this goes...

You can't build nukes with offline resources anyway, you need 75000 online fuel/metal.

Or was that different before the most recent patch, and you've only just updated?


You can't build nukes with offline resources anyway, you need 75000 online fuel/metal.

Or was that different before the most recent patch, and you've only just updated?

I've been busy with work for weeks, so I played in short amounts offline. Then I connected and updated. I just set up a nuke to build from online materials but now I need this 200k fuel to process.
I'm afraid to sign back on and see that my 3M+ is down to like 5M in the red. Seriously, the fact you can be fucked while not playing is stupid.
I'm afraid to sign back on and see that my 3M+ is down to like 5M in the red. Seriously, the fact you can be fucked while not playing is stupid.
I invaded like 10 people the other day. Next day I was invaded twice. One successful and one failed. Barely lost gmp. Soldiers I lose don't even matter since I have a bunch in the waiting room that just auto replace.
I think you're fine to log in tbh.
I invaded like 10 people the other day. Next day I was invaded twice. One successful and one failed. Barely lost gmp. Soldiers I lose don't even matter since I have a bunch in the waiting room that just auto replace.
I think you're fine to log in tbh.

I haven't booted up in like... 2 weeks?


I'm afraid to sign back on and see that my 3M+ is down to like 5M in the red. Seriously, the fact you can be fucked while not playing is stupid.

FOBs were poorly implemented

Should've done something like Dark Souls. Want to invade/be invaded? Go right ahead, play the game online.

Want to play by yourself without having to worry about losing all your stuff? Feel free to play offline without losing access to any of the features or items in the game!


I'm afraid to sign back on and see that my 3M+ is down to like 5M in the red. Seriously, the fact you can be fucked while not playing is stupid.

At this point I don't even give a fuck anymore. The "endgame" is useless anyway, so they can steal 50 S-ranks for all I care.

FOBs were poorly implemented

Should've done something like Dark Souls. Want to invade/be invaded? Go right ahead, play the game online.

Want to play by yourself without having to worry about losing all your stuff? Feel free to play offline without losing access to any of the features or items in the game!

But they force you to play online so they can cram that insurance down your throat. This is a 100% calculated gameplay design concept, it's no coincidence there is no option to opt out of the FOB.

The game steals your lunch money and then offers you a paid insurance "service" for when it steals your lunch money.


But they force you to play online so they can cram that insurance down your throat. This is a 100% calculated gameplay design concept, it's no coincidence there is no option to opt out of the FOB.

The game steals your lunch money and then offers you a paid insurance "service" for when it steals your lunch money.

Yeah I think it was a bit of both but unfortunately you're right and they mostly just wanted to make more money out of this.
So being pretty much capped with fuel, common metal and GMP with nothing else to currently really spend it unless I wanted to dump it on repeated support calls, buddy changes and strikes on should I just take the plunge and the demon points and make nukes?

I swear these caps were just another method of getting people to end up spending money to have an additional, if just temporary avenue to dump materials/GMP to built that second FOB.


But they force you to play online so they can cram that insurance down your throat. This is a 100% calculated gameplay design concept, it's no coincidence there is no option to opt out of the FOB.

The game steals your lunch money and then offers you a paid insurance "service" for when it steals your lunch money.
By 'force' do you mean when getting 100%? Because you can opt out by not being connected.


Hmm.. Do you have arm upgrades unlocked? If you do I think it shouldn't matter.

I figured out what was going on.

I remember seeing him in my R&D team when I extracted him doing the mission for the first time so it was weird to me that he just disappeared. Now I'm redoing missions to complete all tasks and for S ranks. When I extracted him the second time, the game automatically dismissed him. Didn't even send him to the waiting room because his ability level was that much lower than anyone else on my staff. lol

Wasn't making use of direct contracts before because I assumed personnel with unique skill sets wouldn't be moved or dismissed. Definitely making use of them now!


Yiss managed to do all tasks! Now only animals and invoices left to get the platinum. Finally I can start trying stupid stuff and not worry ranks or tasks.

By 'force' do you mean when getting 100%? Because you can opt out by not being connected.

Well if you ever connect online bunch of your resources are locked online and you can't use them if you are offline. Good luck building MB or pretty much anything while offline.

Oh it was the Boss? Cool.


But they force you to play online so they can cram that insurance down your throat. This is a 100% calculated gameplay design concept, it's no coincidence there is no option to opt out of the FOB.

After what mission does this FOB shenanigans start anyway? My next mission is 16, I've been putting it off and doing a bunch of side ops and development and stuff so that I'll be able to deal with it (I tried it once and there were a bunch of
that showed up and kicked my ass).


After what mission does this FOB shenanigans start anyway? My next mission is 16, I've been putting it off and doing a bunch of side ops and development and stuff so that I'll be able to deal with it (I tried it once and there were a bunch of
that showed up and kicked my ass).

After Mission 22


Well if you ever connect online bunch of your resources are locked online and you can't use them if you are offline. Good luck building MB or pretty much anything while offline.
So you can't build anything and the game literally stops you from developing anything from that point on? Well, that would affect the game even if you werent trying to platinum it I guess.

I havent played since the patch, the one time I did go online it made the menus slow to a crawl. Id really like to get 100%, but if its impossible to do offline im fucked.


Question about side ops, I'm stuck à 135 /157 side ops. I have done every main mission available except episode 45 and 46. Since I use the butterfly
side op 150 for Quiet and episode 45 doesn't show up
. Do I have to do these missions in order to unlock missing side ops (some mine-cleaning, armored vehicle elimination, tank unit elimination and wandering puppet elimination).


So you can't build anything and the game literally stops you from developing anything from that point on? Well, that would affect the game even if you werent trying to platinum it I guess.

I havent played since the patch, the one time I did go online it made the menus slow to a crawl. Id really like to get 100%, but if its impossible to do offline im fucked.

If you never go to online for long periods of time you can develop stuff ofline as your resources won't be put online. It works now so that when you go online most of your resources go to online (I had 100k BM and only 5k of them was in offline bank) meaning you can't use those when you are offline. Same happens to GMP also.
I figured out what was going on.

I remember seeing him in my R&D team when I extracted him doing the mission for the first time so it was weird to me that he just disappeared. Now I'm redoing missions to complete all tasks and for S ranks. When I extracted him the second time, the game automatically dismissed him. Didn't even send him to the waiting room because his ability level was that much lower than anyone else on my staff. lol

Wasn't making use of direct contracts before because I assumed personnel with unique skill sets wouldn't be moved or dismissed. Definitely making use of them now!

I've been trying to figure out which personnel to direct contract and under which circumstances I should... I've been trying my ass off to find a Metamaterials Specialist so i can develop the Sensor head on Dwalker that is pretty much the same as DDogs auto marking so I can use Dwalker with Ddog's marking abilities with the added transportation aspect of Dwalker's speed.


I've been trying my ass off to find a Metamaterials Specialist so i can develop the Sensor head on Dwalker that is pretty much the same as DDogs auto marking so I can use Dwalker with Ddog's marking abilities with the added transportation aspect of Dwalker's speed.
You can extract a matematerials specalist in episode 17.


Is there any reason to keep multiple vehicles of the same kind? I have at least two of all of them, so I figured I could just keep one of each kind and sell the others. Because why not? I'm running low on GMP, and I don't even use the vehicles I've extracted.


Is there any reason to keep multiple vehicles of the same kind? I have at least two of all of them, so I figured I could just keep one of each kind and sell the others. Because why not? I'm running low on GMP, and I don't even use the vehicles I've extracted.

Not really, no. Especially now that 75% of your vehicles are stashed online and you can't access them. Same goes for gun emplacements. There are a handful of Combat Deployment missions that require a truck or something, but that's pretty much it.

Just sell that shit. I mean, it's not like they're actually, physically parked on one of the platforms on Mother Base to create a sense of immersion and accomplishment or something.
I tried to dispose of my nuke but it kept giving me a network error, fixed it by going offline...
Did that happen to anyone else? I wondered if it was because I've ended up with ridiculous amounts of gmp, around 9.8 million when online.


So no benefits at all? Was going to disarm it instantly anyway but just wanted to check if there is any reason to keep it.

In theory the more nukes you own, less invasions you are subjected. But. There are people (like me) only invading people with nukes, so there's a high chance someone will stole your nuke and you will lose it, so it's better dismantle it, anyway people with low heroism won't invade you anyway.
So no benefits at all? Was going to disarm it instantly anyway but just wanted to check if there is any reason to keep it.

It acts as a deterrence to FOB invasions but if your invader is already a 'Hero' then it has no effect. It can be useful but it's better to disarm it and get the trophy instead of risking it being stolen and having to wait another 24 hours.


In theory the more nukes you own, less invasions you are subjected. But. There are people (like me) only invading people with nukes, so there's a high chance someone will stole your nuke and you will lose it, so it's better dismantle it, anyway people with low heroism won't invade you anyway.

How high your heroism needs to be in order to invade people with nukes? I have 950k heroism atm and still can't see anyone with nukes on my list. Not that I care about invading others but was wondering how high should it be.

Finally got 100% completion clocked at around 150 hours. Still need to wait over 24 hours for the nuke though.


How high your heroism needs to be in order to invade people with nukes? I have 950k heroism atm and still can't see anyone with nukes on my list. Not that I care about invading others but was wondering how high should it be.

Finally got 100% completion clocked at around 150 hours. Still need to wait over 24 hours for the nuke though.

Maybe none of those people bothered to develop nukes? If your heroism is in yellow, you have Hero status and it means nukes are no longer a deterrent.

How do you get Rank 6 stuff? Also what's a good way to farm S+ and S++ guys?
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