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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


Anyone else having a LOTR extended edition marathon planned for this weekend?

Going all out on this one, haha.


glad embargo is this week. gives me time to preorder!

You know, during e3 everyone kept on saying it's just batman combat, but it seems to be a bit more?

Curious if the Nemesis system will work out. For that kind of system to work really depends on how good the combat system is. needs to be hard but fair.


glad embargo is this week. gives me time to preorder!

You know, during e3 everyone kept on saying it's just batman combat, but it seems to be a bit more?

Curious if the Nemesis system will work out. For that kind of system to work really depends on how good the combat system is. needs to be hard but fair.

Right. The most common example they give of a nemesis moving up in rank is for them to either survive an encounter with or defeat Talion. So ideally there is some difficulty.


This has a surprising amount of hype, I cannot fucking wait.

The "complaints" about Arkham style combat make me near giddy. I still play combat challenges regularly in those games. Arkham combat with a sword is maybe the best thing I can imagine.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
This is going to be hard to resist.

But given its SP only and the plethora of other titles coming, there's probably no rush to get this. Especially given ill be getting the PS4 version and my console already has Diablo in the disc drive.

But this looks sooooooooooo good.


I'm wondering how much of a positive influence a Red Dead Redemption alumnus can be on this game's story. I know they've shown early bits of it in those promotional Twitch streams, but I've avoided those in favor of the (obviously very compelling) orc business because I'd rather have no prior knowledge. Christian Cantamessa's only other video game work is seemingly the Manhunt games, so I'm not exactly sold that he's bringing Red Dead's narrative pedigree with him.

Lord of the Rings has never been a franchise which holds an inherent value for me and all the marketing for the game does it no favors since the art looks like any other brooding, brown-haired white guy revenge story from the PlayStation 2 era onward. Barring a review meltdown, I'm planning on picking this up mostly as a result of the pretty tangible drought right now rather than being absolutely instilled with confidence.
Yo I ain't saying it should have been the thread title, but it should have been the thread title.

I'm wondering how much of a positive influence a Red Dead Redemption alumnus can be on this game's story. I know they've shown early bits of it in those promotional Twitch streams, but I've avoided those in favor of the (obviously very compelling) orc business because I'd rather have no prior knowledge. Christian Cantamessa's only other video game work is seemingly the Manhunt games, so I'm not exactly sold that he's bringing Red Dead's narrative pedigree with him.

Lord of the Rings has never been a franchise which holds an inherent value for me and all the marketing for the game does it no favors since the art looks like any other brooding, brown-haired white guy revenge story from the PlayStation 2 era onward. Barring a review meltdown, I'm planning on picking this up mostly as a result of the pretty tangible drought right now rather than being absolutely instilled with confidence.

The first Manhunt was a pretty solid grindhouse narrative. I'm hopeful.


I care just enough about Lord of the Rings to hate the premise for this game. It sounds like the worst sort of Force Unleashed level bullshit.

I would imagine that Edmond Dantès shivers, without knowing why, any time someone within a five hundred mile radius mentions this game.

I still don't know if this game is going to turn out good enough for me to ignore the dumb fiction, but we'll see.


Australia release = 8th Oct.


I have played exactly one game on my shiny new PS4 in Tomb Raider Definitive Edition and despite the PSN freebies I've downloaded THIS is my next game.

Need now!


The first Manhunt was a pretty solid grindhouse narrative. I'm hopeful.

I actually really liked Manhunt as well, but when you're advertising the writer of Red Dead Redemption I'd like to be more hopeful than for a grindhouse story.

I just don't know how much room for pathos there actually is in Middle-earth and that bugs me because I feel like 2014 has really paled to last year when it comes to stories in big budget studio games. And yeah, maybe I shouldn't be looking at Shadow of Mordor specifically to fix that, but me, personally, this will be the first new game I've gotten in a while and I'm feeling that damn thirst.


Right. The most common example they give of a nemesis moving up in rank is for them to either survive an encounter with or defeat Talion. So ideally there is some difficulty.

yep. this worries me because i can't think of any western developed games that has got that down.

I mean i like batman counter combat and others of that irk (ass creed, sleeping dogs) but those systems aren't really difficult. Deaths come really rarely.

if I kick everyone's ass, then the nemesis system would be kinda pointless then! Unless at the end everyone mobs you like a musou game lol.


Barring a review meltdown, I'm planning on picking this up mostly as a result of the pretty tangible drought right now rather than being absolutely instilled with confidence.

There's like a million games coming out in the next month. Why go for this one if you're not even all that excited about it?
I haven't watched that many gameplay videos of this game so I can go in as fresh as possible, but I really hope this is a good game. There's a chance that this might be the big underdog title of the year.


yep. this worries me because i can't think of any western developed games that has got that down.

I mean i like batman counter combat and others of that irk (ass creed, sleeping dogs) but those systems aren't really difficult. Deaths come really rarely.

if I kick everyone's ass, then the nemesis system would be kinda pointless then! Unless at the end everyone mobs you like a musou game lol.

Well, it seems like uruk groups can also naturally have duels/ambushes against each other and specific Captains/Chiefs will rise to the top even if you don't have any influence on them. Or they will host hunts and such and increase in infamy if you don't interrupt them. So certain facets of the system will still play out.
This game looks really good. From all the praise it gets from journalists I wouldn't be suprised if it was game of the year for some outlets.


Well, it seems like uruk groups can also naturally have duels/ambushes against each other and specific Captains/Chiefs will rise to the top even if you don't have any influence on them. Or they will host hunts and such and increase in infamy if you don't interrupt them. So certain facets of the system will still play out.

but at that point it wouldn't really matter. Doesn't matter your name or rank if I can easily kick your ass!


There's like a million games coming out in the next month. Why go for this one if you're not even all that excited about it?

Because this is one of the few that interests me at this point in time? I've still seen enough to tip the scales for the game, I'm just voicing my doubts.


I haven't watched that many gameplay videos of this game so I can go in as fresh as possible, but I really hope this is a good game. There's a chance that this might be the big underdog title of the year.

When did the trust ever waver? The game got a good reception at its reveal (besides the whole "stealing AC animation" kerfuffle) and is coming from a well-respected veteran developer that hasn't had this much creative freedom in a long time.

An underdog would be something like Wolfenstein, from an untested, break-off developer. Especially since it showed fairly poorly at E3 2013 and had a somewhat remarkable turnaround by its release earlier this May.

Or The Evil Within, another game from an untested startup dev with a significant pedigree that demoed very poorly in its initial revealings, but has seemed to polish up a lot better in the past few months of crunch time.

I just don't really think it's fair to call a Lord of the Rings Action/Adventure game based on Assassin's Creed from a veteran developer with history in the license an underdog, but no big deal.

The pre-release review embargo shows further confidence from the publisher, I really don't think this game's quality was ever in question.


Because this is one of the few that interests me at this point in time? I've still seen enough to tip the scales for the game, I'm just voicing my doubts.

Fair enough. I read your post as you being less than interested in the game but needing something to play. So I was confused.


Hmmmm i want to pre order this on PSN but I am afraid that the game turns out to be bad. Hope it's good, it looks interesting and i love Monolith.


Does anyone know if amazon will send me 2 different pre order codes for PS4? I bought the 2 games on one account (2 different credit cards) and was curious.


Hmmmm i want to pre order this on PSN but I am afraid that the game turns out to be bad. Hope it's good, it looks interesting and i love Monolith.

Luckily the reviews will be out a handful of days before the game so you'll have a window to pre-order with more information if you want.


I think I've only watched the initial gameplay video they released a long time ago, and that got me hyped enough to buy it day 1. No need to watch anything us, I'm ready for this. Can't wait to finally dig into it.
I RRRRREEAAALLLY hope the PC version is up to snuff. I have no issues picking it up on PS4, but it's so much cheaper on PC.


I'm wondering how much of a positive influence a Red Dead Redemption alumnus can be on this game's story. I know they've shown early bits of it in those promotional Twitch streams, but I've avoided those in favor of the (obviously very compelling) orc business because I'd rather have no prior knowledge. Christian Cantamessa's only other video game work is seemingly the Manhunt games, so I'm not exactly sold that he's bringing Red Dead's narrative pedigree with him.

Lord of the Rings has never been a franchise which holds an inherent value for me and all the marketing for the game does it no favors since the art looks like any other brooding, brown-haired white guy revenge story from the PlayStation 2 era onward. Barring a review meltdown, I'm planning on picking this up mostly as a result of the pretty tangible drought right now rather than being absolutely instilled with confidence.

frothing demand indeed.
When did the trust ever waver? The game got a good reception at its reveal (besides the whole "stealing AC animation" kerfuffle) and is coming from a well-respected veteran developer that hasn't had this much creative freedom in a long time.

An underdog would be something like Wolfenstein, from an untested, break-off developer. Especially since it showed fairly poorly at E3 2013 and had a somewhat remarkable turnaround by its release earlier this May.

Or The Evil Within, another game from an untested startup dev with a significant pedigree that demoed very poorly in its initial revealings, but has seemed to polish up a lot better in the past few months of crunch time.

I just don't really think it's fair to call a Lord of the Rings Action/Adventure game based on Assassin's Creed from a veteran developer with history in the license an underdog, but no big deal.

The pre-release review embargo shows further confidence from the publisher, I really don't think this game's quality was ever in question.

I was thinking more of people's lack of attention to SoM compared to other games this year rather than the pre-release reception itself. The impressions have been good for the game, but it seems that there isn't enough people talking about it (except these past few weeks, it seems to be building up heat).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
People are going to be surprised by how good SoM is. This and Evolve are 2 games it's kind-of hard to "get" until you spend time with them. Then you're like "ooooooh."
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