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My new neighbour has infested the whole floor with bugs


I've had an interesting history of neighbours on my floor over the years (a schizo who was also a junkie, a prostitute who brought her work home, a guy who had the loudest most insane sounding coughs and gags that went on for hours) that you'd think i live in a dodgy area. But no, it's actually a really nice area and the apartments are supposed to only be for university students. Anyway, I'm sure my newest neighbour actually is a student but she has brought in some other residents with her. So her hygiene is terrible and she cooks incredibly strong smelling food. This combination seems to have brought in an infestation of bugs. I'm not sure if they are bed bugs or what, but there are a ton of them. They range from barely visible to small, they are dark with a light brown spot, have super thin and long antennae and actively run from the light trying to hide under things. They also seem to only be active at night.

Anyway, I dunno what kind of state her apartment is in to have attracted them but it must be bad as we've never had bugs for the 3 years I've been here. I've actually seen them come out from under her door and try to go for mine (I'm opposite her). Every night I spray the shit out of the entrance to my apartment and then spend a good amount of time moving things and crushing these little shits.

I knocked on her door earlier today as these filthy buggers need to be eradicated. Problem is - she isn't home. She usually disappears for around a week and then comes back (i can tell as she talks on her phone almost the whole time she is home. Well, less talks and more like yells at the other person while putting them on loudspeaker).

That means if these bastards are bed bugs they'll all be coming straight for my apartment in bigger numbers (the other close apartments are vacant as most international students have gone back to their countries since the pandemic kicked off).

I really wanna kick her door down and bug bomb the shit out of her place but I don't think that'll go down too well. What do you reckon?


Are you being bitten at night? If so could be bedbugs and be prepared for a fight trying to nuke them all, it's not an easy task at all even for professionals. If you decide to move just burn everything they get in everything like the back of TVs ,laptops and wash your clothes on a temperature that if guaranteed to ruin them.
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Prison Mike

How does she look?
dirty GIF


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I did pest control for about 6 months when I was 17 and its stories like these combined with that prior experience that make me wonder how people live in such crazy different conditions. I found a few maggots in a corner of my house once and I legit cleaned every every inch with bleach that I could and still couldn't sleep ok for a few days.

Insane that some people can live the way they do.


I would be speaking to the apartment manager about an emergency pest extermination regardless of whether that poor girl is home. She gets 24 hours notice, and then the Orkin man is headed into that unit.
Exactly. You’ve gotta take the initiative here, regardless of the tenant being there or not. The longer you wait, the worse it will get.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
sounds like roaches. Bed bugs dont run around they hide in your mattress and as far as I know they move slowly.
Those are baby roaches, in a couple of day's you'll have a whole football team of grown ass roaches ready. The last place I lived at had the same issue, no mater how many times the exterminator came we just couldn't get rid of them because the adjacent tenants didn't clean their shit and attracted more, just a headache.

Patrick S.

Amiga Forever
I HATE roaches! Not having cockroaches was the absolute best side effect of moving away from the Canary Islands, which are completely overrun by American cockroaches. And drunk Brits :p


It is roaches. Bet you money she has trash and food out and most likely has potted plants indoors which had eggs in soil. Get an exterminator. Bed bugs look like watermelon seeds with a little tail


- Get fumes, traps, spray, door gap blocker for your own place.

- Contact the landlord and building management

- Leave a note on her door with some caution tape and a bio hazard sticker


In before the cops find a body in the apartment across from yours.

In the mean time, I recommend tons of RAID around all of your potential entrances.
Definitely talk to the landlord, since this a clear infestation rather than the occasional critter.
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