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My take on The Matrix Ressurections. (This thread is Spoilers made flesh)


Well i though it was absolutely fucking awful.

It fails on every level. The acting and direction terrible to say the least. The action simply poor, effects that somehow look worse than the original. The story played out like a reddit fan fiction wank post. The script, o my days, the script. My wife said on several occasions "this cant get any worse surely?" but to our constant surprise it actually did.

Will Smiths wife, what the fuck was that?, lol. Don't think she's on the short list for the Oscars this year.

pretty sure most of the original cast took one look at the script and said nah, we good thanks.

Its doesn't matter if you've got a message or cool arty metaphor about society to get out there if your film fails on every level and it was, quite frankly, unnecessary at best and boring at worst. For a Matrix movie that's a crime against humanity itself.

Glad some people got something out of it, but Jesus please don't make anymore.
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I sat there at the end wondering why they made this and then I saw the stinger at the end of the credits. It was just the creator lashing out at WB who wants an old ip to start making money again. It was a movie that wanted to be satiric, but fell short in so many ways.
Watched this last night. I feel dirty for buying it. Barely worth a rental IMO. There are so many terrible things I find it hard to write about. I'll just dot point randomness out then -
  • The audio hits and misses. Some gunfire just sounds like balloons popping.
  • The stupidity of agents, heroes and action sequences. There is so much wrong with the action logically that suspension of disbelief is broken, jumped on and dumped in the trash. You'd need a lobotomy to believe half the action shit in this movie.
  • The visuals are nowhere near the levels of iconography or interest as the original trilogy. The attempts are there but they are shallow and faked.
  • The story is passable but not "revolutionary again" as the movie even self describes. It also is far too long in the tooth throughout creating a very boring and repetitive movie.
  • Above all the "cool" factor is just not present. It feels like visiting a relative you sort of like instead of letting loose with your best friend.
  • Things are explained through conversational composition rather than being shown to the audience. There's no overlay to what is happening and why e.g. we just got access to some sentinels that can easily get Neo for us, they're our friends now. Oh machines come into the real world now, we talked about that remember.
  • The action does not deliver anything close to the choreography, set pieces or sense of danger. It's very rudimentary and predictable.
  • The flashbacks from the original are just "we have editing at home" levels of shite. WTF is this? Here's snippets of a better movie, we'll keep reminding you how much better throughout.
  • The interesting elements from the trilogy are just left out to dry e.g. matrices would have been a more interesting story than what is present here, leading on from Neo accessing machines in the real world. Other elements such a "you can always be faster than them", nope bullet time freezes you.
  • Niobe backflipping on her "believe in NEO" to "lock him up".
  • The Matrix powering up speech felt like a scene out of Monsters Inc. Perhaps they should try laughter instead for that boost mode.
  • The music wasn't as memorable, iconic or blood pumping as the trilogy, especially the OG Matrix.
  • The execution of Trinity hovering just looked straight up silly.
  • The RATG cover at the end is awful.
  • A cat video joke? Really that's the perfect metaphor for the lack of creativity with Resurrections.
If I was to sum up my feeling during watching and after the movie in one GIF -

Watched this last night. I feel dirty for buying it. Barely worth a rental IMO. There are so many terrible things I find it hard to write about. I'll just dot point randomness out then -
  • The audio hits and misses. Some gunfire just sounds like balloons popping.
  • The stupidity of agents, heroes and action sequences. There is so much wrong with the action logically that suspension of disbelief is broken, jumped on and dumped in the trash. You'd need a lobotomy to believe half the action shit in this movie.
  • The visuals are nowhere near the levels of iconography or interest as the original trilogy. The attempts are there but they are shallow and faked.
  • The story is passable but not "revolutionary again" as the movie even self describes. It also is far too long in the tooth throughout creating a very boring and repetitive movie.
  • Above all the "cool" factor is just not present. It feels like visiting a relative you sort of like instead of letting loose with your best friend.
  • Things are explained through conversational composition rather than being shown to the audience. There's no overlay to what is happening and why e.g. we just got access to some sentinels that can easily get Neo for us, they're our friends now. Oh machines come into the real world now, we talked about that remember.
  • The action does not deliver anything close to the choreography, set pieces or sense of danger. It's very rudimentary and predictable.
  • The flashbacks from the original are just "we have editing at home" levels of shite. WTF is this? Here's snippets of a better movie, we'll keep reminding you how much better throughout.
  • The interesting elements from the trilogy are just left out to dry e.g. matrices would have been a more interesting story than what is present here, leading on from Neo accessing machines in the real world. Other elements such a "you can always be faster than them", nope bullet time freezes you.
  • Niobe backflipping on her "believe in NEO" to "lock him up".
  • The Matrix powering up speech felt like a scene out of Monsters Inc. Perhaps they should try laughter instead for that boost mode.
  • The music wasn't as memorable, iconic or blood pumping as the trilogy, especially the OG Matrix.
  • The execution of Trinity hovering just looked straight up silly.
  • The RATG cover at the end is awful.
  • A cat video joke? Really that's the perfect metaphor for the lack of creativity with Resurrections.
If I was to sum up my feeling during watching and after the movie in one GIF -


I haven't seen it yet, but I assume these will be my general thoughts
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