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NES/Famicom Appreciation Thread


I still play my nes every few days. I actually just finished running through Zelda in about 3 hours today. I remember the day my dad brought the NES home. We played so much Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt that day. It wasn't a birthday or Christmas, it was just a regular day. I was 3 and played it constantly up until the Genesis came out in 89 when I got one of then.

A few months ago I sat down with my girlfriend's 5 year old and we both played through Contra with the 30 lives code. It was so awesome to see how excited he was to beat it and live until the end, he jumped up on they bed and yelled, "give me a five!" Then I let him look through all my games and he picked out Ducktales to play. He's actually really excited that they're putting it out on Xbox because he has one in his room and will be able to play it.

That must have been one of the best feelings ever.


Remember the pirate carts? My 31-in-1 was a workhorse for years, it's where I got a lot my old-school arcadey fix in between epic adventures like Rygar and Zelda. My best friend had a 72-in-1, lucky bastard.

The converter part was a mystery to us for years, we had no idea what a Famicom was. We just thought it was some sort of extra storage compartment, otherwise how they could possibly fit so many games in one cartridge?
Just got a Famicom (modded to have AV output) about two months ago with Guardic Gaidaen (Guardian Legend), Drasle Family (Legacy of the Wizard), Battle of Olympus, God Slayer (Crystalis), Ducktales, Ducktales 2, Castlevania 3, and some other games I used to rent but never owned. The most fun I've had so far has probably been 2 player Goemon 2, which is a massive improvement over the original (despite looking similar). I also got Goonies 2, which was my first NES game back in the day, and it's as good as ever.

Actually, a lot of games are even more fun than I remembered, but the one thing I had forgotten is how much I hated the long passwords from that time, and hiragana passwords are even more of a pain in the ass.

The King Kong game by Konami is also totally insane crack dream.
Nice OP.

Here's most of my modest collection:

Such a great system. I'll have to check out some of those recommendations from the OP. Last Guardian is pretty awesome, I own Faxanadu but haven't actually played it yet, never played the rest.

Here's a quick and dirty photo of my NES shelf, I have about seventy or so carts in another location.

What is the signature on King's Knight?
Actually, a lot of games are even more fun than I remembered, but the one thing I had forgotten is how much I hated the long passwords from that time, and hiragana passwords are even more of a pain in the ass.
The thing about passwords today is that smartphone cameras make them far less irritating.

You still have to type them in, but no more hand-writing errors turning into lost progress.

Awesome level 1 music

Amazing game. So much fun just to play, lots of powerups, feels great for being NES era.



Kickin' rad level 1 music and level 2 music

Also awesome. Like a lost Mega Man without shooting, or something? You can combine alpha and beta symbols in different ways to get different robot partners with radically different powers. Great physics, music, overall feel. Everyone should try it.


Unsung classic.

I don't know why Al Bundy is on the cover though.

Unsung classic.

MMmm This game holds incredibly well.

Everything just feels right and that cover made me think of Andrew Dice Clay.

Andrew Dice Clay punching bitches 100 feet into the air. That's the best game you could have made in the late 80's early 90's.

Edit: Getting a port of TMNT The Arcade game was like the best thing ever as a kid!


My first console ever! :)

So, so many classics.

The NES is the first console I pull out of the closet when I'm drunk with friends most of the time! :D

The only thing I'm negative about is that the only way to rip\backup games is via a copyNES and those are fucking rare. One of these days I'll get one.

Welp, nice thread Teknoman! ;) I'll post pics of my collection later tonight if I think about it!
I've already got a SNES, Dreamcast, Saturn and N64 collection going, I know I shouldn't start another but the NES just has so many good games I wanna play. I know once I buy one I'll be sucked into another spending spree :p


My first console ever! :)

So, so many classics.

The NES is the first console I pull out of the closet when I'm drunk with friends most of the time! :D

The only thing I'm negative about is that the only way to rip\backup games is via a copyNES and those are fucking rare. One of these days I'll get one.

Welp, nice thread Teknoman! ;) I'll post pics of my collection later tonight if I think about it!

Do it :D

MMmm This game holds incredibly well.

Everything just feels right and that cover made me think of Andrew Dice Clay.

Andrew Dice Clay punching bitches 100 feet into the air. That's the best game you could have made in the late 80's early 90's.

Edit: Getting a port of TMNT The Arcade game was like the best thing ever as a kid!

On my list along with Gun*Nac now. I bet its really expensive though. Gun that is.

Nobuo Uematsu. :)

Seriously? Wow.
I absolutely love the NES and still play it pretty regularly. It was my first actual game console (my family had a Commodore 64 before that, but we didn't have many games for it). You can probably guess from my avatar what one of my favorite NES games is.

I like that people are recommending lesser-known games for the system. That's one of the great things about the NES, there are the big popular titles but once you start digging into the system's library there are a lot of hidden gems to find as well.

My contributions:

Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Metal Storm
Mighty Final Fight
Adventures of Lolo series


I've been F5ing this every day hoping for a restock.

RetroUSB tweeted today (or yesterday?) that they finally got the printed materials and were assembling new carts.

The screens for the first one look interesting as well. Its a completely original game?
The screens for the first one look interesting as well. Its a completely original game?
Yup. All done by one guy.

It's modeled after stuff like "I Wanna Be the Guy," which I typically detest.

But I bought the game out of respect and did manage to enjoy it to some degree.

It should be a part of any NES collector's library for the historical aspect, at the very least.


Just as expected, Gun Nac is pretty high...is the Famicom version any cheaper?

EDIT: Another fun shooter is Abadox.


Surprisingly I only have 20 games for my NES. I'm missing a bunch of titles that I want but put aside for the time being.
Mega Mang!


Awesome level 1 music

Amazing game. So much fun just to play, lots of powerups, feels great for being NES era.



Kickin' rad level 1 music and level 2 music

Also awesome. Like a lost Mega Man without shooting, or something? You can combine alpha and beta symbols in different ways to get different robot partners with radically different powers. Great physics, music, overall feel. Everyone should try it.

I don't know why Al Bundy is on the cover though.

Two of my go-to name drops, along with Batman.


how tricky is the av mod? i really want to pick up a famicom but i just can't stand the second model and i'd rather not play with RF if i can avoid it.


Best Nintendo system.

A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
Adventure Island II
Adventures of Lolo 3
Baseball Stars
Batman: The Video Game
Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
Bionic Commando
Blades of Steel
Blaster Master
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers
Cobra Triangle
Demon Sword
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Dr. Mario
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Warrior IV
Duck Hunt
Duck Tales
Fester's Quest
Final Fantasy
Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
Ghosts 'N Goblins

Ice Climber
Ice Hockey
Ikari Warriors
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II
Journey to Silius
Kickle Cubicle
Kid Icarus
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja
Kirby's Adventure
Kung Fu
Legendary Wings
Life Force
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Little Samson
Lode Runner
Maniac Mansion
Mario Bros.
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Metal Gear
Metal Storm
Mickey Mousecapade
Micro Machines
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Power Blade
R.C. Pro-Am
Rad Racer
Ring King
River City Ransom
Rush'n Attack
Section Z
Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll
Spy Hunter
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo World Wrestling
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
Tetris (Tengen)
The Goonies II
The Guardian Legend
The Legend of Zelda
Vice: Project Doom
Wizards & Warriors
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Zombie Nation
just got Bubble Bobble, Tecmo Bowl, Rad Racer & Adventure of Lolo the last few days, so much love...traded for Blades of Steel too!

oh yeah any Rolling Thunder fans, i dig Code Name: Viper. also I dont know if they both old up but Golgo 13 1 & 2 are high on my list cause he's such a badass (...)

Everybody in this thread better know and love The Guardian Legend and Gun*Nac.

Or at least be prepared to correct their crimes if they do not.

Crazy Compile Shmup (see also: MUSHA and Space Megaforce for the Genesis and SNES threads).

damn, checking these out soon then

I still have two of them, one has the sticker sheet.

aw man, just checked mine and it lacks them - any pics of said stickers? i love that shit, the anniversary issue of NP with the NES sprite stickers was so awesome

Best Nintendo system.

A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
Bionic Commando
Blaster Master
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers
Dr. Mario
Duck Tales
Ikari Warriors
Kirby's Adventure
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
R.C. Pro-Am
River City Ransom
Rush'n Attack
Spy Hunter
Super C
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

these are the ones id pick up on the cheap if i find em, a mix of stuff i dug as a kid & others i never go to try
Ahh favorite system of all time, glad I have my original NES and my AV Famicom/Disk System. Love Nazo No Murasame Jou, Lagrange Point, Solbrain/Shatterhand, and Crisis Force.. so many more but I'll leave it at that for right now.


Battle of Olympus actually looks pretty cool. Would have never guessed it was a Zelda 2 esque game from looking at the cover art.

How is Magic of Scherazade? Also is Life Force NES different from the Life Force Arcade/ Salamander DX pack?

EDIT: Steel cases?

Man, great thread. I'm going to go into a nostalgia coma.

Magic of Scheherazade is a fantastic game. Like Flying Warriors and Little Ninja Bros (also Culture Brain games), they mix a few different genres. There are a few RPG turn based fights in it if I remember correctly, but otherwise it plays like the original Zelda.


Probably my favorite gaming years. Playing Super C or Battletoads with a buddy never got old.

SMB3 is easily my favorite game on the system. First time I beat and heard the credits music was just magical. That one aside I'd give it to Crystalis.


I love these threads. Great way to rekindle the past and add to existing collections. Picked up Yo Noid and Little Nemo The Dream Master last week.


best games, best system, best childhood
































if you grew up in the 1980s in America and there's not a single image above that makes you the least bit wispy-eyed, then you truly do not have a soul


Here's some shots of what I have, as promised.

BTW this thread got me playing a bit, some Mega Man/Castlevania goodness always feels good! :D




Going to have to post mine sometime tomorrow night.

Anyone have any other NES exclusive shoot em up or just straight up run and gun recommendations? Also looked up Zanac due to Gun*nac, does that still stand up today?
There's something about the package art for the 1st-party NES titles that just stirs the soul. Just looking at SMB2 or SMB3, or the Zelda games. They're beautiful in their minimalism and evocative colors. I clearly remember seeing the art for those and the mind going off like pop rocks. Knowing that I was about to play the best game I'd ever played. And it was true! Pulling out that golden Legend of Zelda cart for the first time? Damn son, I got somethin in my eye.


Neo Member
Adventures of Lolo
Batman: Return of the Joker
Blaster Master
Bucky 'O Hare
Deja Vu
Felix the Cat
GI Joe: A Real American Hero
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Little Samson
Metal Storm
Power Blade
River City Ransom
Street Fighter 2010
Vice: Project Doom
Zen: Intergalactic Ninja

Just wanted to share some slightly off the beaten path favorites of mine.
Excellent thread here!
Uninvited was the sequel to Shadowgate, right? you still die at like every turn, yeah? man i gotta get around to that some sometime
I picked this up for a few dollars and liked it.


was a Saiyuki game in Japan with some graphical tweaks to make the character look native american. the game had a mega man format, but you have a extending pole rather than a projectile weapon. controls are tight, and bosses are cool, but grinding for gourds(increase your heart containers) can be annoying.
Most of my NES games are either in my messy drawer where I can retrieve them for playing, or in an NES game shelf in my closet (where I keep the "less classic" or my duplicate copies of SMB. 3 with some kid's name and 25¢ written in permanent marker on it), like a true gamer.

I lucked out so hard that it would have gotten me a good item drop in Diablo 3, I found a top loader NES for ONE DOLLAR at a sale being held at a church, thanks to old people that didn't know better. For one dollar, it now takes absolute minimal effort short of simply playing on VC or whatnot to get a game working. Even games I thought were broken were brought to life. Legendary dollar bill right there.

My most recent cheap acquisition from a pawn shop or other second hand place was Bayou Billy.
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