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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch |OT|


Just finished this, pretty dull ending. Overall the game over stayed its welcome at the end.

Every boss fight was the same big gigantic HP monster that had an all out attack that nearly kills everyone.

Most monsters are useless.

Evolution requiring a level reset is stupid.

Cutscenes and cinimatics in battle should not cancel out other commands.

AI partners are as dumb as hammers.

Too many non voiced scenes, big shame since the VA was rather good.

Dungeon design felt like FF13, tons of monster fights in a corridor(albeit branching paths) where you only get the illusion of being able to avoid them. Overall cheap way to pad play time.

I liked the visuals, the characters, the overall plot and the unique blend of Pokemon and Tales battle system. Overall it was worth it.

I agree with everything you said. But I still loved it regardless.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
5 hours into the game. Loving it so far. Bosses can be kinda tough after mostly just fighting some of the easy regular enemies lol.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Does anyone know if the NA version of this game has Japanese text/Subtitles? Even if it's not in the menus sometimes setting the PS3 system language to Japanese enables the game to be fully Japanese, both text and voice (For example, Resonance of Fate does this).

Could someone check if this is true for this game? Thanks!

I posted this before but never got an answer, could someone check this for me?


I was so close to die right at the end of the final boss. Never felt more stressed than that. Jesus.

The music in the credits is great!


Oh god Shadar's
3 boss battles are murderous ;.;
Where can I find ingredients to make a lot of MP and HP for all recovery items?


I'm currently selling my copy of the game for $45 (it's like new) for anyone who still wants to play the game and doesn't want to pay full price for it. I'll pay shipping for it as well


You might be better off just cheesing Platoon and buying a bunch of sprite dews or great sage's secrets.

Ooof of course that's where I got those things in the first place lol. Will prob. do that, the path to him in that dungeon isn't very far either.


Junior Member
I fucking called it:
Well, Alicia and Allie being one and the same was a suspected theory from day one, though they still haven't explained how she doesn't have s soul mate (the white witch?). I called Shadar being Oliver's soul mate a little while before entering the marsh though.

The reason I began to suspect the Alicia thing is because I noticed she was the only person in Motorville with a British accent. Furthermore, she was aware of Drippy's accent.


It's so boring to grind for get that level 80-90 in oreder to win the colosseum and the "optional" quest boss. especially when those tokos doesn't come out in the last dungeon.


It's so boring to grind for get that level 80-90 in oreder to win the colosseum and the "optional" quest boss. especially when those tokos doesn't come out in the last dungeon.

Heh I fought 2 Tokotokos outside Perdida, when I won and got 9000 EXP I was 'WTF' XD.

Right just
defeated Shadar, I personally dislike the idea that he did what he did as a way of 'protecting' the world, really pointless addition. I do feel sad for him and how he fell into despair though =(
The boss battle theme is amazing too (Spoiler warning if you haven't gotten very far in the game yet!)


Junior Member
It's so boring to grind for get that level 80-90 in oreder to win the colosseum and the "optional" quest boss. especially when those tokos doesn't come out in the last dungeon.

Good thing I accidentally grinded all the way up to level 80 because I mistakingly believed I had to catch a Tokotoko. Figured out how to make them spawn pretty reliably too.

Is Shadar even gonna be at my level?
I don't even think I was 70 before Shadar, I dunno.

Grinding is super fast in Ni No Kuni tho if you just patrol the route with Tokotokos near Perdida. Not that you need much grinding in this game, especially since you can lower the difficulty at any time.


I just looked up a few hidden trophies in the guide and decided I'm going to finish all the tasks and bounty hunts, and the S Rank Solesseum challenges and call it a day with this game.

These two trophies in particular made me say "lulz, no thanks" after experiencing how shitty it is to grind for super rare items:

items (I only did like maybe 30 so far...going any further will require super rare items)

species (I have like 90...)


i had a low level version of the same creature line lying around. just evolved it into a lotus bubbud.

I read a guide suggested leveling up the one from the well.. went and captured one and got it to level 18 only to see it morphed into a spongey bubbud that I already had. Doh!


Junior Member
Okay so I beat
Shadar. Kinda lazy how they just dropped in his whole backstory right after beating him with no foreshadowing or anything in the game leading up to that point. The only thing you can really call beforehand is him being Oliver's soul mate.

Same goes for the whole wizarding war. There should've been more backstory and hints about that earlier in the game. Is there something I missed in the Wizard's Companion? Should I have been reading the Tales of Wonder?
Just started the game, holy shit this is the slowest start ever... Seems this whole introductory portion could have been sped up a lot more. Just want to get into the actual meat of the game!


Boy this game just keeps going! Just beat what I thought was the final boss but nuh uh. I like the twist with Pea's character although it's telegraphed pretty clearly. I hadn't made the relation until after what I thought would be the end though. One more flower to collect.. and then I figure at that point Tangri can fly to the mist-covered island? I guess the way Al Mamoon looked like when I teleported to it explains what the mist covering that island is from.
It's a bit shame there ain't more Ghibli animation in the game and it is such low frame too but it is certainly understandable with a new IP ect. They still were charming.

Over half of the animation is in the first 2 hours of the game tho :lol.


OK I just made to the final boss and I need help in
defeating the final form. Should I just focus all attacks on the main body?


Finally beat it a couple of hours ago. I've been playing too much dust 514. I liked it. My only gripe is how useless the merit rewards are.

OK I just made to the final boss and I need help in
defeating the final form. Should I just focus all attacks on the main body?
It helps if you have area attacks. Earsplitter makes short work of them. Though I have a Catastroceros which just decimates everything.


OK I just made to the final boss and I need help in
defeating the final form. Should I just focus all attacks on the main body?

I beat the final boss on my first try but it was a bit of a struggle. I just kept using Evenstar as much as I could as maybe 5 casts or so would take out the adds and obviously hurt the main baddy.

I never got a dino so I feel like my familiars were kinda crappy for this fight but it worked out in the end. I did a few of the post-game things but ultimately was happy to be done and able to send it back to Gamefly. I was disappointed that there wasn't an animation at the end.. that seemed like a given to me.

Good but not great game. Without the Ghibli tie-in, I'm not 100% sure I would have stuck with it so long. I felt like the progression of my characters and their familiars was far too gradual. Probably a 7.5 or so out of 10.


Thanks for the info guys, will try it next time I do the battle tomorrow XO.
After that, Gonna grind til they reach max level and finish off everything else, @3@.
Do you guys metamorph your familers? I find that they get too weak.

how much further do I have left?

Just beat the boss in the sky city and now on my way back to the fat cow queen
Do you guys metamorph your familers? I find that they get too weak.

Yes, I think every single one that was in my final party was metamorphosed from first or second all the way to third form. You just have to stagger it to avoid having your whole team go down at once. If you don't progress to L3 familiars you'll probably have a bad time.


I don't even think I'm over 1/4 into the game yet and it is absolutely one of my top two games of this gen (the other being Xenoblade, of course), though at this point the story is quite simplistic, slow and somewhat boring. I have a question though: what's the reasoning for the name not natively supporting 1080p?


I don't even think I'm over 1/4 into the game yet and it is absolutely one of my top two games of this gen (the other being Xenoblade, of course), though at this point the story is quite simplistic, slow and somewhat boring. I have a question though: what's the reasoning for the name not natively supporting 1080p?

If I had to guess it's just down to its original release date (2011). 1080p games were pretty rare back then as I recall? Well, I think they're still pretty rare..


Question: has anyone encountered a glitch where the game locks you out of using Square, Triangle, and R1 on the controller?

I'm 25 hours into the game, at the
Vault of Tears
, and suddenly my save file has this game-crippling glitch. When running around in dungeons or the overworld, I can't use those three buttons. In battle, the controller works 100%. Loaded up some other PS3 + PSN + PS1 games, controller works fine.

WTF is this?
For the
have 250 familiars
Trophy do, evolving Familiars count towards it?

That's hardly a spoiler :D. Golden versions of familiars also count. For example if you had fully evolved Mite and fully evolved Golden Mite it counts as 6. You can check what familiars you have counting towards the final number in the telling stone familiar list. Tamed familiars have a heart icon next to their name.


Thanks will check the telling stone. ...and where can I find Gold versions? I only have the Golden ver. of Swaine's starter familiar.

Mikey Jr.

Thanks will check the telling stone. ...and where can I find Gold versions? I only have the Golden ver. of Swaine's starter familiar.

Beat the game. They will be in dungeons just walking around, or in random battles. You can't miss them.

Also, another question, have they ever officially released how much this game has sold in the West?
The 250 familiars trophy isn't that big of an issue or even timesink if you just have little luck with the capturing rates of the basic form familiars. Leveling them is quite fast post game when you can just farm Tokotokos with veil.

Alchemy trophy is by far the most annoying one.


Anyone seen this? I really wish I ha one, though I downloaded the PDF onto my iPad and works decently in iBooks.

I never care about special editions, bonuses or other swag, but the physical book in Ni No Kuni is very useful.


Finally got the platinum trophy for this over the weekend, I must be mega slow compared to others as it took me over 100 hours to get it.

The alchemy grind was killing me for a while, may I recommend that people collect powerstones whenever they can! Waiting for respawns on items sucks!

I did enjoy the game, but it has plenty of glaring flaws.


I'm now 8 hours in and just reached the desert.... Jesus did the difficulty just ramp right up... cant even get to town :/


I'm now 8 hours in and just reached the desert.... Jesus did the difficulty just ramp right up... cant even get to town :/

It got brutally difficult there. I just tried to avoid any and all fights until I made it to the town. You get a second party member then which at least makes the fights doable.

The difficulty of random encounters doesn't scale particularly well in this game ever. Enemies do far too much damage in comparison to your team's HP. I was constantly upgrading weapons and armor but it never felt like I was any stronger.
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