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No new games in 2020, unfinished backlog only

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The last two games for the 52 game challenge thread are done!

#51 - Grim Dawn
Brilliant game. It was a little overwhelming at first, but I got comfortable and zeroed in on my build part way through and man was it fun. Loved the music and the different environments. The skills, weapons, proc's, all work well. A really fun ride. I finished the campaign, but just bought the DLC's on sale so I'm going to play through those soon.

#52 - Yakuza 0
All around well done. Great voice acting, dialogue, facial animation, fighting, progression, and story. I enjoyed every bit of it. Man, what a gauntlet at the end. It was a nice build up and over the top ending as you would expect. I'm going to have to see what other Yakuza's are well regarded and maybe get those as well.


My challenge :
No 2020 games (or the strict minimum). I can buy older games as my "physical backlog" is quite limited ( 2 physical games and 1 from PS+ I really wanted to play).

"Physical backlog" :
  • Xenoblade Chronicles Done !
  • Final Fantasy XII Gave up ! Done !
  • The Last of Us (PS+) Done !
  • The surge (PS+, still don't know if I want to play it or not) Not interested finally
Games completed :
  1. Dragon Age Origins (started early 2019, finished 6th January 20, around 80h)
  2. The Last of us + Left Behind (Started 1st January, finished 19th January 20, 18h30 + 2h20, Survivor Difficulty)
  3. Dark Souls Remastered (thanks to the lockdown, finish a coop playthrough (half NG and full NG+) with a friend)
  4. Xenoblade Chronicles (Started 25th January 2020, finished 10th May 20, 78h30)
  5. Streets of Rage 4 (Online coop with friends, still playing Mania arcade and scoring)
  6. Assassin's Creed (Started 12th of May, finished the 30rd of May)
  7. Assassin's Creed II (Started 2nd of June, finished 17th of June, 15h30)
  8. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Started 20th of June; finished the 5th of July, 14h42)
  9. Assassin's Creed Revelations (Started 5th of July; finished 11th of July, 9h03)
  10. Final Fantasy XII : The Zodiac age (Started 25th of July, stopped 21st of August Finish the 3rd of November, around 64h)
Went back to finish it. I really have mixed feeling about it. I wanted just to finish the main story because I was almost at the end (like 5 hours) and I got hook by the sidecontent and spend a bit more than 20h...

The goods :
  • Combat/gambit system
  • Hunts (Gilgamesh is the best fight of the game) and sidequest
  • World
  • Art direction
  • Bash, Fran and Balthier : These 3 characters are just so good. Especially Fran and Balthier.
The bad :
  • Main story : not so much happening, some dungeons are agonizing long and boring (Ridorana Cataract for example...)
  • License board progression system : mixed feeling a bit addictive but unlocking abilites to use equipment/spell instead of immediate advantage removes the interest of spending licence point, especially toward the end game when the boards are almost full and only equipment slot remains...
  • Esper system : I don't like the fact that the "summoner" stay in battle and if he dies, it's end the summoning... It makes summoning almost pointless in really hard fight (hunts).
  • Myst quickenings : Immersion breaking for me because never explain in the game lore. And being suddenly in a space like environment in a middle of battle chaining these flashy/over the top attacks, really felt weird to me.
  • Ashe : I couldn't get into her storyline. She just sounds/looks like a lost teenage during the whole game. I was not engage to help her getting back "her" throne.
  • Penelo : Nothing really against her but she's just there because Vaan is there...
  • Vaan : He's there for... Well I don't know. In fact I know that in was added pretty late in the game development just to have a "main character" (instead of Basch I think) more inline with the targeted audience. But story wise, remove him and nothing change. And I didn't get the really awkward moments where he makes some really stupid jokes and all his teammates are embarassed/bewildered...
Overall I liked wandering into this world and enjoy the "Final Fantasy feeling" that emanate for it.

11. Batman Arkham Knight's DLC : Batgirl, Red Hood, Catwoman and Harley Quinn (21/22 nd of August, around 3h)
12. Assassin's Creed 3 (Started the 23th of August, ended the 5th of September, 19h)
13. Baldur's Gate (PS4) (Started the 14th of September, ended the 5th of October, "162 days")
14. Demon's Souls (PS3) (Started the 5th of October, ended the 17th of October, 25h)

What to play next :
My heart is balancing between Baldur's Gate : Siege of Dragonspear and a second run of Final Fantasy XV (started on 7th of November) (FFXVI hype)

I think I'll go with FFXV. I want to stay into Final Fantasy universe and I am curious of the story change from the royal edition and DLC.

Multiplayer games in which I sunk quite some time :
  • For honor (January/February, 1v1 Warden/Peacekeeper)
  • Warcraft 3 (April/May, 1v1, Orc)
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I've been slack in posting here so I've got a few to list...

20. Call of Juarez (PC)
A number of years back I completed the second game in this series.. which was actually a prequel to this game... so I figured I'd jump in to this one and "continue" the story as such... It was a bit of a mistake, as this game was WAY less polished than the second one... It really did feel like a team making their first game.... It's basically split in two, with you playing two different characters depending on the level, and while one character is fine.... the other forces some stealth mechanics that.... barely work..... so there was a lot of frustration there... I also found it glitchy and poorly signposted as to what you actually needed to do... There was one point where I died about 20 times just getting through a window even though I knew that's what I needed to do... the physics and engine just really REALLY didn't want to let me get through it fast enough to not be shot.... I've got the sequel games already and may continue the series, as I liked the second game.... but it's a good thing I played that one first!! Not recommended

21. Robinson The Journey (PSVR)
It had been quite some time since I played anything in VR so I busted this one out.... It was a decent enough experience.... a sit down experience where you use the ds4 rather than move controllers, and while it's very slow and relaxed, I enjoyed it.. The walking speed was too slow and quite frustrating, but otherwise it was decent enough. It's mostly a puzzle game, with some climbing sections as well.. You also get a pet dinosaur to order around to help in some of the puzzles... That bit was a little frustrating as the AI seems to get confused and not do what you want quite a bit.. Seems it's good timing I played it now, as it's one of only I think 10 games so far listed as completely PS5 incompatible....

22. Tales of Phantasia (PSX)
This one has been about a 5 year journey! For whatever reason I started this game and got varying distances in to it (probably 5 hours or so) before stopping.... then I'd restart a year later and do the same... Seems finally this year was the year! It's the first game in the Tales of series, and started out as an SNES game, so it has that old school 2D look to it from the era, just with some added battle effects from the Playstation release (and they added voiced skits etc). Having never played a Tales of game before, the action based combat took me a while to get used to, but once that was dialed in I enjoyed myself... About half way in I got stuck on a Boss battle for a fair while, so then I made sure to level up more before the final boss battle.... but it seems I went too far as the final dungeon/boss then was a cakewalk.... oh well! Still... was a fun game and hopefully I continue the series.... hopefully before 2025 though!

I've got a couple more done too, but that'll do for one post


23. Watch_Dogs (PS4)

This one did take me a little bit for it to click and get in to, but wasn't bad in the end... The story was pretty average and I thought the vehicles controlled a little weakly, but otherwise the main gameplay was pretty solid and having the hacking stuff on the side was a nice bonus... It's a typical Ubisoft game that just has.... an insane amount of things on the map to do if you want to 100% it.... but I skipped a lot of that stuff as it all just seemed a bit too much! Was considering jumping straight to the sequel so I could tackle Legion close to launch... but decided that'd probably burn me out on it


I went through Ratchet & Clank 2016, it's been sitting on my shelf for 3 years at this point so...

The game looks amazing and it plays so well. These games are just fantastic and some of the best action titles out there.... but they completely butchered the story and characters, it is honestly horrible. I am not some massive R&C fan but this game is so off, it is like it was written by someone who never played the first title and just went by the plot summary on Wiki, it is that bad. But it's also just bad on its own merits, it's just not good at all. I know they had to tie it to the movie, which I never watched and heard was terrible, but all that proves is that a tiny dev team in 2002 could tell a better story than the combined effort of a much bigger version of that same studio and a team of Hollywood writers in 2016. Not great.
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Wife got me Age of Calamity for my birthday and I couldn't resist I love Zelda so friggin much.

Sorry bros remember me as I was.


24. Assassins Creed Unity (PS4)

I held off on playing this one for quite some time after all of the negative publicity of bugs etc on release... but honestly.. they must have fixed it all up pretty well as I didn't have any issues at all aside from the typical accidental jump to your death instead of climbing on to a ledge type of thing that's been around since the series began. I didn't find the story very engaging in this one, but I did like the upgrades to the traversal in this one (basically letting you hold a button to auto parkour downwards from up high)

Not really got a lot to say on it, but yea, quite enjoyed my time with it, but certainly didn't 100% it as like Watch_Dogs, the map is just insane with the number of potential activities you'd have to do to 100% it


My challenge :
No 2020 games (or the strict minimum). I can buy older games as my "physical backlog" is quite limited ( 2 physical games and 1 from PS+ I really wanted to play).

"Physical backlog" :
  • Xenoblade Chronicles Done !
  • Final Fantasy XII Gave up ! Done !
  • The Last of Us (PS+) Done !
  • The surge (PS+, still don't know if I want to play it or not) Not interested finally
Games completed :
  1. Dragon Age Origins (started early 2019, finished 6th January 20, around 80h)
  2. The Last of us + Left Behind (Started 1st January, finished 19th January 20, 18h30 + 2h20, Survivor Difficulty)
  3. Dark Souls Remastered (thanks to the lockdown, finish a coop playthrough (half NG and full NG+) with a friend)
  4. Xenoblade Chronicles (Started 25th January 2020, finished 10th May 20, 78h30)
  5. Streets of Rage 4 (Online coop with friends, still playing Mania arcade and scoring)
  6. Assassin's Creed (Started 12th of May, finished the 30rd of May)
  7. Assassin's Creed II (Started 2nd of June, finished 17th of June, 15h30)
  8. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Started 20th of June; finished the 5th of July, 14h42)
  9. Assassin's Creed Revelations (Started 5th of July; finished 11th of July, 9h03)
  10. Final Fantasy XII : The Zodiac age (Started 25th of July, stopped 21st of August Finish the 3rd of November, around 64h)
  11. Batman Arkham Knight's DLC : Batgirl, Red Hood, Catwoman and Harley Quinn (21/22 nd of August, around 3h)
  12. Assassin's Creed 3 (Started the 23th of August, ended the 5th of September, 19h)
  13. Baldur's Gate (PS4) (Started the 14th of September, ended the 5th of October, "162 days")
  14. Demon's Souls (PS3) (Started the 5th of October, ended the 17th of October, 25h)
  15. Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition + DLCs (Gladio, Prompto, Ignis and Ardyn) (Started 7th of November, ended 5th of Decenver around 58h)
It was my second playthrough. This game is far to be perfect but still I really like it.

Story has some pacing issue but it got me really invested and emotional toward the end. From chapter 9 to the end, I got really hooked. I really like the late chapters (13 and 14).
Combat is messy but have a lot of room for experimentation. Unfortunately you don't really need it since it's near impossible to die (Why allow healing item use when in "Danger" state ? Just only allow to be helped by your friends... After all the relation between Noctis and his bro is the core of the game).
The open world is a generic AAA standard filled with meh sidequest. But I find that you usually get rewarded when completing the successive quest from a NPC by finding new dungeons/royal arm/new weapon...
Fishing is awesome and, as in my first playthrough, I spended a lot of time into it.
Noctis and his bro relation resonate particularly strong with me. It's probably why I like this game so much. I just enjoyed witnessing this tale of friendship.
Soundtrack is top notch for me and what I expect from a Final Fantasy. There is the unforgettable tracks (Somnus, Apocalypsis Noctis...), battle themes are a pleasure (Veiled in black...) and ambiance soundtrack are really setting the mood of dungeons (What lies within, Lurking Danger)...

DLCs are overall good. Only Episode Prompto is bad (bad TPS gameplay and story... But at least there is more Aranea time ;))
Episode Gladiolus is my favorite. The gameplay is really good. The final boss was a pleasure (this version of his theme made the fight EPIC) and was a bit challenging. Then the special combat unlocked was really challenging and forced you to learn mechanics and boss pattern. It was really good and shows how it makes you play better when you have very limited healing items in stock.
The special combat in all DLCs are interesting on this point.

Episode Ignis is also really good on the story side.

Episode Ardyn have a lot of lore on the world that should have been in the main game... Combat is fun at first since Ardyn is really powerful but it gets boring on the long run. His story was nice but which they took more time for it. His change of personality just come out of nowhere and feels completely unnatural (he switching from good guy to evil in few seconds xD)

So yes, on the paper this game is flawed but not that bad.
In the end, what matter to me in games is the pleasure I have to play them. And in this area Final Fantasy XV surpasses many other titles that are on the paper far better.
I know that I will play it again in the future. And now I also consider it like a true Final Fantasy, there is just a thick coat of paint on it that make it look different.

What to play next :
I wanted to go for Baldur's Gate : Siege of Dragonspear but Final Fantasy XV kind of reignited my thirst for JRPGs and I looked into some old one that I could do... and I ended up buying a PSP for Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (started 9th of December). This will be the next game...
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Patient MembeR
Played a lot of SEGA Saturn this week, revisiting favorite puzzle games. Kururin Pa! was a lot of fun to play with my son, both taking turns on single player mode and the VS mode. Each character has their own special item in the VS mode, so it's cool to fiddle with those and pick a favorite based on the item usage. My son and i played about a dozen rounds before moving on to Baku Baku Animal. This one operates similarly to Super Puzzle Fighter, where you have four colors of food-blocks and four animal head-blocks that eat the food if the blocks touch. It boasts some awful early 3D polygon character models so it's fun to revisit on that factor alone, but the sound fx and the core puzzle gameplay are really solid.


I finally beat Breath of Fire II (SNES) yesterday afternoon, there was like an endless amount of random encounters it gave me a bit of a headache especially in the last, final dungeon.

I'm taking a break finally and going to re-play a game I beat before (LUNAR: SSSC), I'm trying to do this slow so I don't burn myself out.


I finally beat Breath of Fire II (SNES) yesterday afternoon, there was like an endless amount of random encounters it gave me a bit of a headache especially in the last, final dungeon.

I'm taking a break finally and going to re-play a game I beat before (LUNAR: SSSC), I'm trying to do this slow so I don't burn myself out.

What are your thoughts on BoF2? Where do you think it compares/ranks with the rest of the series? I've been meaning to play it for years. I'll definitely be using a romhack to reduce encounter rates whenever I decide to start a playthrough.


What are your thoughts on BoF2? Where do you think it compares/ranks with the rest of the series? I've been meaning to play it for years. I'll definitely be using a romhack to reduce encounter rates whenever I decide to start a playthrough.
I thought Breath of Fire II was pretty good. I've always been a big fan of the series and I've kept up with it over the years so I have all the games. So far, I've only finished 1-3, don't remember much of 4 and I haven't really touched on Dragon Quarter.

I think BoFII ranks pretty high up there for me. I liked a majority of the playable characters, the story was really nice (religion and stuff) and I thought the gameplay was up to par. My favorite part of the game was definitely the Shaman System I thought it added a lot to the game especially towards the end. Seeing your characters transform was really cool.

I thought there were enough secrets to keep the game challenging. Uh. But, I thought the encounter rate was pretty damnable like it gave me a headache at the end. It just seemed like the enemies were endless and you can't take five steps without another battle. I just ignored it though, and I thought it kept the game challenging.

If you play it, I think you'll really enjoy it.


Neo Member
So, over the last few years I have sold off everything except my Switch and Xbox 360 (had about 10 different consoles). I am determined not to buy any new games(or new consoles) next year. I will be all over next year's version of this thread.

Ryuji Goda

Was also playing through God of War Ascension on the PS3. Really liked it. But had to start over twice because of bugs. So fuck that game.


Finished Terranigma some days ago. Much better than Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia/Time. And that ending, just sublime.

Yes. I'm pretty sure it's the original translation meant for the Super Nintendo. I don't really mess around with emulators and all that other stuff.
You should have done it with the retranslation. Look up the differences on youtube.
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Patient MembeR
I posted the 2021 thread:

Thank you, everyone, for making it another fun year. I had fun posting my own progress, but i had a lot more fun reading about all the games you played and how you liked em.


I posted the 2021 thread:

Thank you, everyone, for making it another fun year. I had fun posting my own progress, but i had a lot more fun reading about all the games you played and how you liked em.
Thanks for making these threads DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi . I love seeing what people are playing and it creates a cool community to connect with.


I posted the 2021 thread:

Thank you, everyone, for making it another fun year. I had fun posting my own progress, but i had a lot more fun reading about all the games you played and how you liked em.
Thanks to you for these threads.

Really nice to read everyone progress and discover new (old) games.


New thread is up, but I assume we can still finish off the year here, and I've made a bit more progress (with one step backwards admittedly)

25. The Order 1886 (PS4)

Another game that I bought a couple years back super cheap cause it was a flop, that I turned out kinda liking!
For a game fairly early in the PS4 lifespan... it still holds up graphically, the production level is high and I generally enjoyed the story, the gameplay I'll admit wasn't fantastic... it was decent enough but just somehow lacking that real solid feel that the top level games have... I can accept that I wouldn't have been happy with it if I'd bought it new at full retail as it took maybe 7 hours, and I'm not the type to rush through games at a fast pace... and it's not really the kind of game you'd replay over and over...

But for the $8 or something it cost me.... I quite enjoyed it!

I've then had my second failure of the year by buying a PS5 and completing Astro's Playroom, but I'm still ahead of the "Realistic Psyduck with some ibuprofen" goal, which is all I was ever going for anyways....

26. Spider-Man Remastered (PS5)

Another PS5 game, however, I already bought Spider-Man for PS4 in 2019... so it's safe! Technically I'm still finishing off the 3rd DLC in the game, but I beat the main campaign over a week ago. I have to admit that I was unsure for the first 30mins or so, with the opening boss battle feeling rough to me as I struggled to work out the controls and the feel of the game, but it quickly grew on me and now I'm about 45hours in, and platinumed the game (only my 3rd plat ever, and easily the biggest game I've done it for). The feel and atmosphere of the game just feels like spider-man... and all the cast do a good job bringing the characters to life I think... It's maybe not as cinematic as some of the other Sony 1st party games... and after Last of Us 2 (my first cheat of the year), the cinematics and animations just aren't on that level... but as an actual game... I've been having a lot of fun... And I like the amount of content... it slowly unlocks things as you progress through the game, giving reasons to return to earlier areas, unlike Ubisoft games that just bombard you with a million markers on the map all at once

Looking forward to playing Miles Morales early in the new year after maybe playing something else between the two games


Patient MembeR
Thanks for making these threads DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi . I love seeing what people are playing and it creates a cool community to connect with
You bet!
Thanks to you for these threads.

Really nice to read everyone progress and discover new (old) games.
Sure thing. I like reading about the older games in here, because those kind of threads tend to drop off the front page and/or don't get a lot of attention. In here at least, everyone is posting "old" games to one degree or another.

New thread is up, but I assume we can still finish off the year here, and I've made a bit more progress (with one step backwards admittedly)

25. The Order 1886 (PS4)

Another game that I bought a couple years back super cheap cause it was a flop, that I turned out kinda liking!
For a game fairly early in the PS4 lifespan... it still holds up graphically, the production level is high and I generally enjoyed the story, the gameplay I'll admit wasn't fantastic... it was decent enough but just somehow lacking that real solid feel that the top level games have... I can accept that I wouldn't have been happy with it if I'd bought it new at full retail as it took maybe 7 hours, and I'm not the type to rush through games at a fast pace... and it's not really the kind of game you'd replay over and over...

But for the $8 or something it cost me.... I quite enjoyed it!

I've then had my second failure of the year by buying a PS5 and completing Astro's Playroom, but I'm still ahead of the "Realistic Psyduck with some ibuprofen" goal, which is all I was ever going for anyways....

26. Spider-Man Remastered (PS5)

Another PS5 game, however, I already bought Spider-Man for PS4 in 2019... so it's safe! Technically I'm still finishing off the 3rd DLC in the game, but I beat the main campaign over a week ago. I have to admit that I was unsure for the first 30mins or so, with the opening boss battle feeling rough to me as I struggled to work out the controls and the feel of the game, but it quickly grew on me and now I'm about 45hours in, and platinumed the game (only my 3rd plat ever, and easily the biggest game I've done it for). The feel and atmosphere of the game just feels like spider-man... and all the cast do a good job bringing the characters to life I think... It's maybe not as cinematic as some of the other Sony 1st party games... and after Last of Us 2 (my first cheat of the year), the cinematics and animations just aren't on that level... but as an actual game... I've been having a lot of fun... And I like the amount of content... it slowly unlocks things as you progress through the game, giving reasons to return to earlier areas, unlike Ubisoft games that just bombard you with a million markers on the map all at once

Looking forward to playing Miles Morales early in the new year after maybe playing something else between the two games
Yep, feel free to finish up your 2020 challenge in this thread. I'm gonna post "final thoughts" in a few days.

Then mods will probably move the new thread to communities like they did for this one.


27. AER Memories of Old (PC)
Decided with the year coming to a close that I'd pick a few short games to get through and this was the first... In all honesty, if it wasn't so short I'd probably have never completed it. It's one of those indie games that tells a story mostly by exploration and finding logs to read, and I certainly didn't do all of that. The art style is quite stylized, but quite low poly and basic. The game is in two parts, exploration where you switch between flying and walking (the world is populated as small islands basically) or basic platforming and puzzle solving. It took me less than 3 hours and I suspect in a year when asked about it I'd struggle to recall the game as it just wasn't memorable in any way for me... But others may disagree!


My challenge :
No 2020 games (or the strict minimum). I can buy older games as my "physical backlog" is quite limited ( 2 physical games and 1 from PS+ I really wanted to play).

"Physical backlog" :
  • Xenoblade Chronicles Done !
  • Final Fantasy XII Gave up ! Done !
  • The Last of Us (PS+) Done !
  • The surge (PS+, still don't know if I want to play it or not) Not interested finally
Games completed :
  1. Dragon Age Origins (started early 2019, finished 6th January 20, around 80h)
  2. The Last of us + Left Behind (Started 1st January, finished 19th January 20, 18h30 + 2h20, Survivor Difficulty)
  3. Dark Souls Remastered (thanks to the lockdown, finish a coop playthrough (half NG and full NG+) with a friend)
  4. Xenoblade Chronicles (Started 25th January 2020, finished 10th May 20, 78h30)
  5. Streets of Rage 4 (Online coop with friends, still playing Mania arcade and scoring)
  6. Assassin's Creed (Started 12th of May, finished the 30rd of May)
  7. Assassin's Creed II (Started 2nd of June, finished 17th of June, 15h30)
  8. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Started 20th of June; finished the 5th of July, 14h42)
  9. Assassin's Creed Revelations (Started 5th of July; finished 11th of July, 9h03)
  10. Final Fantasy XII : The Zodiac age (Started 25th of July, stopped 21st of August Finish the 3rd of November, around 64h)
  11. Batman Arkham Knight's DLC : Batgirl, Red Hood, Catwoman and Harley Quinn (21/22 nd of August, around 3h)
  12. Assassin's Creed 3 (Started the 23th of August, ended the 5th of September, 19h)
  13. Baldur's Gate (PS4) (Started the 14th of September, ended the 5th of October, "162 days")
  14. Demon's Souls (PS3) (Started the 5th of October, ended the 17th of October, 25h)
  15. Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition + DLCs (Gladio, Prompto, Ignis and Ardyn) (Started 7th of November, ended 5th of December around 58h)
  16. Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (PSP) (Started 9th of December, ended 28th of December, 36h22)
Finally I get to play this classic. And I am really not disappointed.

The setting is really interesting with the "clock ticking" before Ragnarok. It makes the world exploration quite unique.
Story is interesting but not enough present along the game. Except few interesting events happening in the 3 last chapters, nothing happen during the game.
Still recruiting the Einherjar always feel good and dungeon are nice to explore. There is also nice "exploration/puzzles" with the cristal mechanic.

The Sprite work and animations are amazing. Eye candy all along the game !

Then the combat... A work of art ! The best I have played. So satisfying ! Finding optimal combos and execute them perfectly feels so good ! Change a character or even just a weapon and you have other possibilities. So damn fun.

I also like the soundtrack especially the melancholic tracks during the recruiting mission.

Really happy with it. Even if it felt a bit long on the last 2 chapters. Love the melancholic mood of it.

What to play next :
I'll go with Lunar Silver Star Harmony on PSP. But I'll wait the new year to start.

My 2020 GOTY (Dark Souls excluded):
Baldur's Gate.
A nice discovery and unique experience. The best open world I have played.
Xenoblade Chronicles is the close second. It has everything I want from a JRPG.

See you next year !!
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I finished Metal Gear Solid 3. Probably the best Metal Gear I've played. I've heard so much stuff about how the ending is one of the saddest ever and how emotional the final battle is, and after it all was done, sure it was pretty tough to watch and play, but not anywhere close to that level. Then came the ending with EVE's recording and the funeral scene....wow, fuck me. This is gonna feel much sadder to play a second playthrough.


Patient MembeR
To finish out the year, I cleared a human-powers-only, high empathy run of Prey. The mechanics of the world were a lot more helpful this second time around since I understood them better. Lots of opportunities for shortcuts and sequence breaks. I think I may go for a typhon-only run on my next playthrough.


Patient MembeR
Let's see how I did on my original list from Dec. 2019:

- Dodonpachi Daioujou - still playing it faithfully. Haven't gotten that 1cc, but I'm solid on stages 1-3, fairly solid on stage 4, still learning my routes for stage 5. I can no-miss/no-bomb the first three bosses consistently (80%+). I can do the hyper trick on stage 4 boss sometimes (~30%). I am slowly improving my runs against the final boss. Maybe 2021 is the year of the 1cc.

- Diablo 3 - took a seasonal Barbarian and a seasonal Paladin Crusader

- Death Stranding - haven't beaten, but got pretty far

- Sekiro - beat the two harder endings. Still haven't platinum'd it though

- Kingdom Come Deliverance - Gave up on it during the Monk / Monastery mission

- Nier Automata - Haven't beaten it.

- Hollow Knight - barely touched it.

- Nobunaga's Ambition - Handed off to a friend

- Everspace - Played a few runs. It's okay.

- ESP Ra.de - messed around but haven't put in any serious 1cc practice yet

- Puyo Puyo Tetris - played it multiplayer here and there

- Flinthook- Still amazing. I played quite a few runs of this during Christmas break

- RingFit Adventure - Played it faithfully for most of the year, with a few gaps. Fun RPG! I'll keep playing it in 2021.

- Siralim 3 - Not much progress

- Enter the Gungeon - Not a lot of progress on this one, actually.
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28. Maize (PC)
Picked this one out of my Steam list due to it being another short game and the premise of it being an Adventure FPS about sentient corn being suitably odd... All up took me 4 hours to get through, with both positives and negatives. Negatives... it's an indie low budget game running on the Unreal engine, yet it has a lot of performance issues and never really got supported with patches. You can't remap keys, which as a lefty made things a little annoying... I had a lot of crashing issues until I found that playing in a window solved it mostly, and, my PC specs while getting on a bit, are WAY above what's needed, yet it would stutter at times and my PC gets about as loud as I ever hear it with fans spinning up.. much more so than stuff like Doom Eternal..... The start is also a bit rough and weak, takes probably close to an hour to really start the plot/story, which is an issue for a 4h game.. It's basically an FPS version of a point and click adventure game.. no combat.. just finding items and then finding the right place for them or combining them with other things (with a bit too much backtracking at times). But the humor and just the random plot kept me interested enough to get through to the end.. Hard to recommend though, as it's only going to work for certain people I'd think....
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