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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Wow @ Wii, do they make low calorie crow? :lol

360 came out of nowhere, MW2 no doubt had a hand in its sales.

Speaking of MW2 holy shit 6 million. WTF!?

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse

A Human Becoming

More than a Member

PS2: -1%
DS: +8%
PSP: -30%
360: -2%
PS3: +88%
Wii: -38%


PS2: 1,466,700
DS: 7,875,400
PSP: 1,841,200
360: 3,460,700
PS3: 2,974,500
Wii: 5,784,000


PS2: 44,981,318
DS: 35,416,758
PSP: 16,182,836
360: 17,320,986
PS3: 9,768,696
Wii: 23,324,381


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PantherLotus said:
Why would he say that? Kindofa silly thing to say, unless his job is "fanboy rep." Man I don't miss the days of each console having its own little captain that says stupid shit.

pssss...read the other 20 posts that actually accurately quoted him.


RubxQub said:

What the fuck are you people doing? :lol



DevelopmentArrested said:
You really think that Halo Reach will sell more than 4.2 mil in its first month? Halo Reach? Really?

I wouldn't think so, I'd say around 3 mil. Unless MS puts a bigger marketing push than they did with Halo 3. We'll see.
Ardorx said:
By the way, it's incredible how big of a difference the is between the number of copies MW2 sold on the 360 and on the PS3.
Must be more 360 owners that care about the intelligent message that video games have to say about contemporary military conflicts.


Are people actually doubting that some of the people who had their consoles blocked didn't go out and buy a new one? and that's part of the reason the 360 sold more than the PS3? seems logical to me considering all the reports of people selling their old systems on craigslist/ebay.

Chris R

Kandrick said:
Keep them coming :lol
Keep what coming? MW2 the game of the year for a massive number of people was marketed as best on the 360. No doubt the game sold plenty of new consoles as well as xboxlive subs as friends want their friends to play online with them.

People with banned consoles want to play MW2 too I bet, forcing them to pick up a new system and the game.

I wasn't assigning numbers here nor do I care that system a sold more than system b. I'm not a console fanboy but it seems there are plenty on all three sides in this thread.
elrechazao said:
The reggie defense forces are sure out in force to make sure that nobody slights the man in the least. Make sure to destroy anyone who doubts his wisdom!
slight the man all you want; at least learn to read what he said first though.

Dax01 said:
With less consoles in the install base...
Okay.... and?


demosthenes said:
Did you not see the prediction thread? Everyone save maybe 5 people thought the PS3 would win, including all the 'expert' analysts.

Because people still have this dumbass notion that brand > everything. Price matters and a $200 360 or $300 360 with two games packed in (by default) is incredibly attractive. Especially to cash-strapped parents.


DevelopmentArrested said:
And? Look at Mario Kart Wii. Still in Top 10 year and a half later.

NSMB wii is in a nearly 3 million gap behind MW2 360. Even if it outsells it by an average of 100K a month it will take nearly 3 years to catch up. I don't think it will happen either.

I agree NSMB Wii will start outselling MW2 360 on a monthly basis once the Jan NPD hits, but not at the rate it will pass it.


jetjevons said:
When did Reggie say NSMBWii was supposed to outsell COD:MW2 360 by? If end of Jan then :lol
He never said this he said ps3 or 360 beatng the ps3sku Is doable also lol at 360 beating ps3 shock of the year

Why For?

Pureauthor said:
It needs to beat the sales on ONE system by the end of January.

Fair enough.

In that thread, I did mention it had a CHANCE agains the PS3 version, but ZERO against the 360 version, but I'm sure everyone knew that.

I hope for the Sonybots sanity that NSMBWii DOESN'T outsell it though. I honestly don't like the meltdowns. They make me feel all icky.


So.. uh yeah Reggie will cry, with happiness after he gets his annual bonus and paycheck for selling more than a million copies of New Super Mario Bros. Wii this year. Iwata had a goal to sell 10 million units of New Super Mario Bros. Wii by March 2010. I think if we combine Japan(1 million first week), US(1 million first NPD report) and Europe(number 1 everywhere) it seems like a fairly easy target.
This NPD hurts. All the gifs, they would have been so charming. Breaking the back of the 360 with wit....now wasted. It was the year. Now you'll come upon them in the fail of the night, remembering what never was.

2009. Year of the PS3.


Paznos said:
Are people actually doubting that some of the people who had their consoles blocked didn't go out and buy a new one? and that's part of the reason the 360 sold more than the PS3? seems logical to me considering all the reports of people selling their old systems on craigslist/ebay.

It just sounds like really bad damage control.


my name is Ted
JudgeN said:
Seems like 360's get pushed really hard by retailers during Christmas (for obvious reasons). They had the Walmart $100 gift card deal, and there is another $50 gift card deal on the Elite, it seem like the PS3 rarely gets these kind of deals.

All and All good numbers for all system but maybe its just me but AC2 numbers seem really low.
The PS3 did have deals. Bestbuys was goving away Little big planet, and the New Ratchet anc clank game with the PS3 during Black Friday weekend. Also Walmart and Amazon had deals too this year for the PS3.


Professional Schmuck
Did people expect the price drop would suddenly change the trends of the past three years? More importantly, did they expect it to have a lasting meaningful impact?


I don't really think its terribly relevant to new-console sales but people keep repeating this 1 million users banned number which is false:
VB: There were stories that talked about how Microsoft knocked out a lot of modders from Xbox Live. I recall that early on there were maybe 1 or 2 percent of the people who were using modded machines. Why would there be such a large number now? One report said it was a million modders knocked out.

MW: It’s a cat and mouse game. These were people that were pirating software. We try to keep sanctity of life from a safety and anti-cheating perspective and we protect our partners. We didn’t release the number. I cannot explain to you why people would think it was a million people. It wasn’t a million people. Check the veracity of that claim. It was one news source. I think we do a really good job understanding what people are doing on the system. That applies to intellectual property (piracy) and how we treat the community in terms of harassment. We are committed to making it better and better.


radioheadrule83 said:
Reading comprehension GAF.
He said throughout the entire holiday season NSMBW would outsell one version of MW2 - he didn't specify which one. And looking at the NSMB vs PS3 MW2 numbers for November, he's not lost his bet yet.

There just kids, they don't know what they're talking about.


I've said this before, but I'll say it again:

My prediction for the rest of the generation is that the PS3 and 360 will seesaw back and forth in Worldwide LTD, as different systems get different price cuts. When the PS3 launched, the 360 had an ~8 million unit lead on it; I expect the disparity to remain between ~4-12 million forever.

And the Wii will continue to dominate both of them. In other words -- present trends continue. I got an enormous amount of flack for this suggestion about a year back, as if "present trends continue" was a preposterous notion, when present trends do indeed continue 90% of the time.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Halo 3 did do 3.3 on one third of the install base.. that ain't bad.

And I thought in the actually video that the Reg quote comes from he says the 360 SKU, but for some reason it was written as either? Atleast I thought that is what the thread about it ended up going with.


I was seriously not prepared for those MW2 numbers. Good fucking christ. Looks like somebody lost a bet.

I mean 6m+ in a single month. God damn.


Anyway, we really need to get some sales outside of the top 10. There's still a ton of stuff that sold great when the top 10 is ending at 315k.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Mrbob said:
NSMB wii is in a nearly 3 million gap behind MW2 360. Even if it outsells it by an average of 100K a month it will take nearly 3 years to catch up. I don't think it will happen either.

I agree NSMB Wii will start outselling MW2 360 on a monthly basis once the Jan NPD hits, but not at the rate it will pass it.

In the U.S you are probably right. World wide I think it can do it. It's going to gain 3-4 million from japan IMO.




- 360 had a massively successful month, and surprised a lot of people, especially considering their vague and not-too-celebratory "we sold 2x as much as last week" Black Friday statement.

- The "Playstation Family" has underperformed, while the PS2 still performed beyond expectations yet again. The PS2 has tended to keep kicking longer than expected.

- MW2 seemed to give the 360 a massive bump, and one larger than anybody expected. The relative weakness of the PS3's ability to sell software to its userbase probably contributed heavily to its discouraging performance this month.

- The Nintendo products outperformed expectations yet again this month, and the holidays continue to be very good to Nintendo platforms.


To those trumpeting the Wii's YOY decline, I really don't think it's a big deal. Wii had a really weird Nov-Dec sales distribution last year (almost no increase from Nov->Dec). I think we can expect a more normal Nov->Dec % increase this year, and the Wii's 2009 holiday will end up pretty much the same as its 2008 holiday.


Ardorx said:
By the way, it's incredible how big of a difference the is between the number of copies MW2 sold on the 360 and on the PS3.
Not really. It's the expected ratio, basically in line with install-bases. But historicaly adventure(ala AC2) and fighting(ala SF4) have higher ARs on ps3, while 360 has slightly higher fps(ala MW2) ARs.
There truly is a difference in the psychographics of each consoles' owners(but not massive).


I could see Reggie being correct with the PS3 version. It’ll still be close but it’s possible.

It’s obvious that Nintendo titles like this have crazy long legs so the drop off in December would be less.

so no laughing at Reggie from me.

Also, who wants to bet that NSMBW will end up on the December 2010 list the same as Mario Kart did this year? I think that’s possible.


Looking over the number again, I'm more surprised that the PS3 version of MW2 outsold NSMB Wii. As for Uncharted 2's sales, it was unrealistic to expect it to be in the top 10 when it only did about 540k last month. I think it's in the top 15, though. It probably moved another 150-175K by my guess. If I'm right, that would put UC2 at around north of 700,000. Not bad. And it still have December to do better.


You're basically saying over 100,000 banned users bought 360's this month if you're saying that this is why 360 beat PS3. Keep believing that.


igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
Must be more 360 owners that care about the intelligent message that video games have to say about contemporary military conflicts.

I hope this quote never dies.
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