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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!

Played it and Platinum'd it (top ten time on Free Fire Zone, oh yeah). Excellent game. Ran into a few bugs, but nothing that jumping back to quiksave wouldn't fix. A bit of an uneven difficulty curve since the new areas were by and large much easier than the old ones, and I wasn't too big a fan of the changes to the jump controls. Gorgeous to look at and see in motion - great artwork and animation as well as the HD. Stills feels rewarding to perfect the areas, especially in Paramonia and Scrabania, which I always found to be the highlights of the original.
I'm two hours in now and let me tell you, this game is AMAZING! I played Oddysee on PS1 when I was a kid and I loved it back then (although it was way too hard for me to beat, but I've finally beaten it about two years ago).

New 'n' Tasty is really a treat for fans. The graphics are gorgeous, the animations are top notch and the controls are as precise as they have been in the original. Overall the quality of this game is extremely high, if I didn't know better, I'd think this is a AAA game with a enormous budget behind. No bugs so far, the only thing that I don't like is the audio mixing. Something is not right about that, but it's not too bad.

So, Oddworld fans who haven't played this yet, get it now and play it! It's so much fun. And if you're not familiar with Oddworld yet, give it a try, I think this is the best game in the series for new players to start with.

JAW, you have done an amazing job, very well done, congratulations! Now I'm eagerly waiting for Munch HD on PC ;) It's so sad that the original Munch version is unplayable and broken on Steam...

Thank you :)
Has Matthewmatosis's Comparison been disccused before ? I was considering buying the game because its finally out for PC but alot of the changes sorta kills this for me especially the different art direction.

He makes a lot of good points but I can't agree with all of them. He's right about the art direction and animation taking a big hit. I'm still a fan of New n Tasty even if it isnt faithful to the original all the time.

However, he spends a strange amount of time talking about how activating a checkpoint is visible now and elaborates that it actually damages gameplay. Wut?
And how about that section where he actually starts dissecting Slig anatomy to classify them as predator or prey.
And for all the time he spends talking about how the game should be dirty, he sure hates the dirty screen effect.

It all just seems a little too..intense to me. He's not wrong but he should lighten up.


I never played this game further than the demo on PSX back in the day so when I finally saw this released on PC I bought it.

I was having a good time with it with no issues other than the common choppy cutscenes when my computer decided to go nuts and almost everything crashed, including this game while saving, which has left my save file corrupted. Now I feel lazy about restarting it.


Is it just me or does the PS4 version have really unresponsive buttons, specifically the square one. I have to hit it 2 times a lot to go in a door or pull switch etc.


Has Matthewmatosis's Comparison been disccused before ? I was considering buying the game because its finally out for PC but alot of the changes sorta kills this for me especially the different art direction.
I haven't watched the whole review now, but there is a lot nitpicking going on there. Like the talk about the visors of the Sligs is really ridiculous. If he is so picky about such details I'm surprised he didn't mention the guns of the Sligs, which look like pump guns but actually behave like assault rifles.

I think the art direction of New 'n' Tasty is not that much different from the original game. In fact I think the game looks exactly like the pre-rendered cut scenes from the original. There was always some discrepancy between cut scenes and the actual gameplay in the original which is totally gone in New 'n' Tasty.
I haven't watched the whole review now, but there is a lot nitpicking going on there. Like the talk about the visors of the Sligs is really ridiculous. If he is so picky about such details I'm surprised he didn't mention the guns of the Sligs, which look like pump guns but actually behave like assault rifles.

I think the art direction of New 'n' Tasty is not that much different from the original game. In fact I think the game looks exactly like the pre-rendered cut scenes from the original. There was always some discrepancy between cut scenes and the actual gameplay in the original which is totally gone in New 'n' Tasty.

this is like the arguments about how nathan drake's face looks. when you increase the resolution on something, details are added that weren't there before. said details are the artists interpretation of what the original object looked like. the person who criticizes it had a different interpretation, and is simply mad that that expectation isn't met.

they did a great job with this remake. it does the original justice and modernizes it without compromising what made the original great. there aren't very many remakes like that. only REmake comes to mind
Has Matthewmatosis's Comparison been disccused before ? I was considering buying the game because its finally out for PC but alot of the changes sorta kills this for me especially the different art direction.

im a HUGE oddworld fan. I get some of his points, but he is just going way to far and needs to lighten the fuck up.

this game is well worth the price. It's an awesome remake and they did the game justice.


I wish I didn't know about those Matthewmatosis videos, because it's making me enjoy the game less. These guys did an amazing job on this game and I can't blame them for forgetting small details like the ones he mentioned. It's so beautifully done and it's an obvious labour of love. Many HD remixes/remasters get released that have nowhere near the quality of this game. I'm still sour over my purchase of Prince of Persia HD collection for PS3, what a piece of junk that was, and let's not forget the infamous Silent Hill collection.

These guys deserve every great review they get and I hope to see more from them.
I've just completed this, being entirely new to the series. Its an interesting if fairly flawed platformer. Too many sections are sabotaged by the infidelity of the controls, there are many sections where the difference between success and failure I couldn't really describe, since doing what feels like the same thing over and over can yield wildly different results.

The way in which they handle disabling your physic abilities feels convoluted & unsatisfying as well. So many sections would be trivial if not for the little "zap" control bots floating around.

Still, the sense of place rivals that of Bioshock. It features a great central character with a strong world building exercise. The depth & latent social commentary (even if it is a retelling of Soylent Green) is extremely interesting. I just wish the platforming was better. Still, i'd recommend it.


I've never played an Oddworld game before, so I thought this would be a good place to start. I've always been interested in the series but I never got around to actually buying or renting one over the years.

I don't seem to be enjoying it at all. The controls just feel so wrong to me. I should probably try turning the auto-run off and see if that helps. I'm constantly overshooting things I don't want to overshoot. But even when the controls work for me, I don't know if I like the gameplay. I'm sure the difficulty of the puzzles increases as you play, but I just find it all very unsatisfying so far.
What the fuck.

My progress has been deleted on xbox one?

It says I'm only in stockyards but last night I beat the scrab and paramite temples and was just back to rupture farms??

I love this game and I'm playing on hard but I don't think I'm gonna replay all those sections again.

Is there any way to get my save back??

I should add my file in the menu still has the accurate time and date from last night, but the chapter select says IM only at stockyards.

This is really confusing


I'm in Australia and they game isn't up on the marketplace yet.

Does anyone know what's going on?

Can I just download the game from the US marketplace webpage?



Just in case any Australians are waiting for the game, JAW recently posted on their Facebook page that the game is waiting to get through the rating process and should be a few weeks away.

Robot Pants

Updated the OP and all that, and I was going through the info for this game and I was curious why the xbox one version was 10 dollars cheaper?
Cause of the wait?

nm I guess its 20 dollars everywhere now
Adoring this game so much on PS+ that I bought and XB1 copy out of principle. Will also buy it again once my PS+ sub lapses (^____^)

Did this end up doing okay as far as sales?

Updated the OP and all that, and I was going through the info for this game and I was curious why the xbox one version was 10 dollars cheaper?
Cause of the wait?

nm I guess its 20 dollars everywhere now

Supposedly the $30 was for getting all 3 cross-buy versions.... which, I don't know what happened to them :/
Has Matthewmatosis's Comparison been disccused before ? I was considering buying the game because its finally out for PC but alot of the changes sorta kills this for me especially the different art direction.

I loved new 'n tasty, and oddysee has a special place in my heart. I can say that something was off in new 'n tasty, but i can't quite explain what. I think he has a point when he talk about the art direction, the atmosphere in the original was just of another level. IMHO. Maybe it's just nostalgia, i don't know :D

I hope they nail this aspect better with the remake of the sequel


I started playing the game today. I can't get past this part. It's in a secret room
Secret Area 13 (Paramonian temple)
. The grinders seem to move way too fast. I read there were similar problems in the PC port (the post was from 3/15), but I'm playing on PS4. Did anyone else have a problem like this? I'm going to have to restart the chapter.

I started playing the game today. I can't get past this part. It's in a secret room
Secret Area 13 (Paramonian temple)
. The grinders seem to move way too fast. I read there were similar problems in the PC port (the post was from 3/15), but I'm playing on PS4. Did anyone else have a problem like this? I'm going to have to restart the chapter.


Pretty sure this isn't a glitch, you just have to time it right. i remember playing this and it taking like 100 tries
I’m very LTTP but is Vita to PS4 cross save possible? I thought it was but it’s not working for me. Started my Vita save while traveling and am unable to continue on the PS4.
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