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I don't get why would Reddit would censor stories that show Era's true colours.
Reddit is probably the largest platform there is for any gaming related talk. Why would they give a shit about them ?

Claus Grimhildyr

Vincit qui se vincit
I don't get why would Reddit would censor stories that show Era's true colours.
Reddit is probably the largest platform there is for any gaming related talk. Why would they give a shit about them ?

Many mods are social justice types that think the same as them. Battlefield was overrun by them, /r/Games defends the same idiocy in gaming journalism as them, etc.
I'm fairly certain at least one r/games mod is also a Ree mod. They immediately banned any thread about Alec Holowka the day his suicide was made public and no conversation or even acknowledgement that he even existed is allowed there.


It's not Reddit as a whole, but mods of the sub Reddits censoring the stories. It would make sense that a Ree mod could also be a mod on a gaming sub Reddit.
The ree mods are not selected at random...they have power users in pretty much most social media outlets that can silence and protect ree

You saw first hand with the pedo discord stuff.....any story that went up was pretty much buried in most major areas


The ree mods are not selected at random...they have power users in pretty much most social media outlets that can silence and protect ree

You saw first hand with the pedo discord stuff.....any story that went up was pretty much buried in most major areas
Pedo Era really showed how far the Ree reach is. There was no shame and they got away with burrying the story so well that they just blatantly do the same for anything they don't want to catch the wider worlds view.


what if i told you a beloved media company's new streaming service went back on their promise to remove problematic content in the form of mid century racist black stereotypes? would you think Era would shout to deplatform these Nazis who continue to profit from racism?
Good. Don’t fuck with old entertainment. Let it stand the way it was intended.
Kinda hard to remove them entirely given their importance to the ending.

Yup, this should be the standard when re-releasing older films with problematic elements

Agreed. I especially appreciate how it's called out that the depictions were and are wrong, and that pretending such racism etc never existed is unacceptable. We need to know our shameful history to fight against its resurgence.
Its the right move.
"when your favorite corporate overlord does it, it's totally cool! no need to cancel! in fact, it's important to remember this shit!"

fucking hypocrites
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what if i told you a beloved media company's new streaming service went back on their promise to remove problematic content in the form of mid century racist black stereotypes? would you think Era would shout to deplatform these Nazis who continue to profit from racism?

"when your favorite corporate overlord does it, it's totally cool! no need to cancel! in fact, it's important to remember this shit!"

fucking hypocrites

In fairness, I see plenty of book burners in that thread ready to cancel Dumbo.

And I'll stick up for the Dumbo crows anytime. Sure they're jive as hell but so what? Why is that so bad? They tease Dumbo a little but after that they teach him how to fly and become his friends. So they're actually good guys and are just cool.
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I always get a chuckle when they ban people for ‘false equivalence’ because usually the equivalence is just fine, they just don’t like that the equivalence is making their arguments look bad or is showing their hypocrisy.
Hey, if you can't win an argument, just make up a new term so you can still technically be right!

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
I think it's hilarious that Disney likes money enough that Song of the South has been released in both Asia and Europe. If Disney really cared about how offensive Song of the South was, they would not have released it anywhere.

Only on Ree do people love and worship Disney like some benevolent God. Everyone else on Earth knows that Disney is one of the most ruthlessly capitalist media conglomerates in the world. Disney are the primary drivers of copyright extension in Western nations, and the bill that resulted in the "Lifetime + 70 years" copyright duration currently in effect in the United States is referred to as the "Mickey Mouse law" because it exists solely to prevent Mickey Mouse from entering the public domain.

One very curious quirk of copyright law in nations with sane copyright laws: Song of the South has been released in Japan (most recently in 1990), and the Japanese didn't pass "Lifetime + 70 years" until last year to bring their laws in line with the EU for their bilateral EU-Japan trade agreement, so Song of the South is actually in the public domain in Japan. Strange but true.
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Era is a fucking shitshow safespace. Just got my second ban for having the temerity to challenge people who think endangering lives is a price worth paying just to spread the climate change message.
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Yeah that sounds about right. I think the males on that forum are the most whiny, jealous, sneaky and saddest lowlifes I ever encountered. And those 2 non-bianirys are probably just straight white gamer males that use this label to be part of something.
I changed my profile there to non binary on the slightest % it might give me leeway from a ban. :messenger_winking:

But vocal feminst nerd male supporter there are gigacucks. Thank Darwin that evolution will remove them from the gene pool.


And those 2 non-bianirys are probably just straight white gamer males that use this label to be part of something.
That's what I originally did by putting that poster on ignore temporarly then upon seeing that maybe that person had came around I tried to give the benefit of the doubt uningore her , and the lines I quoted were LITTERALY the very first thing I saw ... I've said it here more than once I'm an INTERSEX dude and although in english I be using They/Them here in French in my regular life I can't that is depressing and fucked , and fucks with my brain and makes me depressed engouh as it is , it is soul crushingly a privilege I can't enjoy at all . So doing so in english spaces would further down my mental distress and depression . So muting that person for the upcoming trimester is literally me protecting myself . I hope that upon reading me further that person starts ALSO to understand that sexism doesn't only render men nasty but women too and this was a prime example here ... Is it tiring to always have to be the better person ? You bet it is and as intersex I know it all too well ... So it would be cool to not have idiots reducing me as "a guy" , when I spend my time when I'm here every three message reminding folk that I'm neither male nor female because in reality I'm both ... Now I shall take my functional and currently lactating tits out of here because muting wasn't enough given that if you intervened as a moderator is that this person keeps yappin at me ...

Kagey K

I think it's hilarious that Disney likes money enough that Song of the South has been released in both Asia and Europe. If Disney really cared about how offensive Song of the South was, they would not have released it anywhere.

Only on Ree do people love and worship Disney like some benevolent God. Everyone else on Earth knows that Disney is one of the most ruthlessly capitalist media conglomerates in the world. Disney are the primary drivers of copyright extension in Western nations, and the bill that resulted in the "Lifetime + 70 years" copyright duration currently in effect in the United States is referred to as the "Mickey Mouse law" because it exists solely to prevent Mickey Mouse from entering the public domain.

One very curious quirk of copyright law in nations with sane copyright laws: Song of the South has been released in Japan (most recently in 1990), and the Japanese didn't pass "Lifetime + 70 years" until last year to bring their laws in line with the EU for their bilateral EU-Japan trade agreement, so Song of the South is actually in the public domain in Japan. Strange but true.

Is Song of the South really that racist? I watched it in the 80s growing up as a kid and have rewatched it a few times since then. Yes now as an adult in 2019 some of the stuff will make a jaw drop, but it is a product of its time doing a period piece about an earlier time.

Same with Dumbo or a bunch of Looney Toons shorts. If we censor these things out of existence, how can future generations look back to see how much has changed?

These are literal cultural touchstones in entertainment, and those are usually these first place people look when looking back through history.

If we wash all that out it might look like 1920 wasn’t much different then now. How can you see how far you have come if everything that is behind you has changed?


So righteous, so pure:

I bet these fuckers park in disabled parking spaces as well.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Era is a fucking shitshow safespace. Just got my second ban for having the temerity to challenge people who think endangering lives is a price worth paying just to spread the climate change message.

You will never, never be allowed your own voice on Era beyond the confines of their ideological bubble.

Quit while you are ahead, or acquiesce to the political repression by censoring yourself.
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Is Song of the South really that racist? I watched it in the 80s growing up as a kid and have rewatched it a few times since then. Yes now as an adult in 2019 some of the stuff will make a jaw drop, but it is a product of its time doing a period piece about an earlier time.
I saw it once in the 80's, don't remember a lot about it. As the full movie is on Youtube I guess I'll give it a rewatch, which is more than anyone calling it racist will ever bother to do.

Song Of the South is racist!
Did you watch it?
No. Why would I? It's racist!

I'm fully prepared to agree it's racist though.


Song of the South can been seen as pretty racist for a number of reasons. there is the obvious stuff about the tar baby and the very fake relationship the ex slave has with his family, which portrays this idyllic lifestyle that didn't exist outside of a few privileged people. most black folks during Reconstruction were not treated this way, so it is a whitewashing. it's very much a white person's idea of what black life was like (easy and carefree, zip-a-dee-doo-dah).

then there is all the jive talk. people say "I don't get it, they are just talking like black people" because nowadays black culture is mainstream, but it was not when the film was made. the problem is, these characters were written by white people, and written to talk in slang and act like idiotic characitures rather than solid characters. the behind the scenes story on all this is interesting:
Dalton Reymond delivered a 51 page outline on May 15, 1944. The Hays Office reviewed Reymond's outline, and demanded that some terminology, such as characters referring to Remus as a “old darkie” be removed from Reymond's treatment.

Disney hired African-American performer and writer Clarence Muse to be consulted on the screenplay, but Muse quit when Reymond ignored Muse's suggestions to portray African-American characters in a way that would be perceived as being dignified and more than Southern stereotypes. Muse subsequently wrote letters to the editors of black publications to criticize the depiction of African-Americans in Reymond's script. Disney suspected that Muse would later attack the film because Disney did not choose Muse to play the part of Uncle Remus, which Muse had lobbied for.

Furthermore, Walter White, executive secretary of the NAACP, and June Blythe, the director of the American Council on Race Relations, were denied requests to see a treatment for the film.

In addition to concerns about his racial stereotypying, Reymond had never written a screenplay before or since. Maurice Rapf, who had been writing live-action features at the time, was asked by Walt Disney Productions to work with Reymond and co-writer Callum Webb to turn the treatment into a shootable screenplay. According to Neal Gabler, one of the reasons Disney had hired Rapf to work with Reymond was to temper what Disney feared would be Reymond's "white Southern slant".

Reymond's treatment included the phrases "massa", in reference to white characters, and "darkey", in reference to plantation workers, prominently. Rapf removed the offending phrases, but dialogue he added to make it clear that the film was set after slavery had ended was removed; one character in Rapf's script states, in reference to the black plantation workers, "We gotta pay these people. They're not slaves." Uncle Remus also states, after being told that he cannot read any more stories to Johnny, "I'm a free man; I don't have to take this."

i saw it in the theaters in the 80s and it was a learning experience. in many ways the racism of the film are more subtle and historical, and it's kind of a good example of old culture that could be learned from. it's a shitty film (at one point the main kid is watching a clock for entertainment) but interesting for all these reasons, and probably worth watching just for educational purposes. cancelling it seems to be standard policy tho. in the 90s it was clear they would never release this and after 2016 living in the SJW pocalypse they for sure will keep it buried.

tbh i wouldn't call the final product any more racist than "What Made the Red Man Red?" which is still featured in Peter Pan with zero issues.
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About to be banned again- for no reason I can figure.

I finally got so frustrated I posted how I really felt.

Honestly, I sometimes think stories like that are posted as "ban bait".

Reading the article, the whole situation doesn't make any sense.

These 2 lads get on a flight. Then there is a delay. Then the flight is cancelled.
It's because the 2 lads are Muslims supposedly.
They are rebooked on a later flight though with some of the same passengers form the cancelled flight?

The whole story stinks.

You'd have to imagine that your average US flight crew would have seen TONS of people from all different nations, religions etc within about a week of starting the job? So how can I be expected to believe that 2 brown guys appeared on the flight and suddenly the crew are like "WHAT DO WE DO!?".

There's more to the story. For sure.

The airline is willing to take the financial hit of cancelling a flight just because 2 Muslim blokes boarded but also is willing to book them on the very next flight? Smells like bullshit to me.

Of course you can't speak up like that on RetardEra or you'll be banned.

Reminds me of this one:

I would be willing to bet that what happened was that, when she got on the plane with her kid or into her seat or when she was putting her stuff in the overhead, one or both of her titties fell out and the staff had to say "wtf you can have tits out on the flight". Cos there's no fucking way that she's the first fat black woman to fly Jamaica to the US and the staff were like "whaaaaaat, we've never seen someone like this on this route before".

These kinds of articles are posted on RetardEra specifically as an attempt to weed out the posters that have even the smallest amount of common sense.

As you say, airlines have this policy and if these dudes have been action odd on the flight then something probably has to give.
I've seen drunk dudes and rowdy individuals taken aside and then denied boarding loads of times but it would have to be something major to actually empty and already boarded flight and then cancel. Definitely not "OMG we've never seen to Muslim lads on a flight before, so lets cancel the flight and put them on the next one".

More than likely the cops took these dudes aside and told them to fucking stop whatever it was they were doing that was causing people to freak out.
Public laughter ensues. This poster was a very disturbed individual that spent a Saturday evening threatening a forum by posting nude pictures of men. Cometh the hour, Cameth the man?!
Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf


Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf

That may be the most pathetic thing I've read this week. Thanks for the warning, we'll be really careful.

Deleted member 757921

Unconfirmed Member
Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf

Imagine caring about cross site used tampon throwing so much you feel the need to post this or create so many alts accounts.


nonbinary? her his them they idk what to say! help me poster dude dudet cis?

you cant just post that and not give pronouns what are you alt-right?
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Patient MembeR
Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf
If you're not a bot, this is even funnier.

Claus Grimhildyr

Vincit qui se vincit
Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf

Oh boy, I am quaking in my boots! How can I possibly not when I imagine a bunch of pasty skinned, morbidly obese, mentally ill cunts coming to trouble an internet forum?

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
Howdy alt right, misogynist pigs.Our sleeper agents are in place, ready to strike at any moment.You have banned a few, but there are many more (we have so many alts, you will never find us).Things will only intensify from now on.What started in October 2017, will soon be completed, which is to burn this shithole to the ground.You have been warned shower boy. #blitzkrieg #vernichtungsschlacht #burngaf
Your nude pictures of men were so scary. We're afraid.
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