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OG Xbox Appreciation and Lack of Emulation Thread of the big black box of doom


Blinx is still really impressive, especially in the water. It actually clears a path when time is frozen.



And some bullshots taken using the development tools for MechAssault 2




Fox Mulder

I just bought another one since the backwards compatibility on 360 sucks really.

amazing system. I loved the half time show in nfl2k with highlight footage, while the ps2 only had photos. Loved that hdd.
I have so much nostalgia for the OG Xbox. Growing up my older brother and I were HARDCORE PS1 kids. We would watch G4 and read EGM and when we heard that Microsoft would be making their own game console, we laughed at the idea. We didn't think that since the demise of the Dreamcast that there could be 3 console makers anymore. We mocked the Sony competitors by calling them the Sucksbox and Gaycube (yeah, we were reeeeal mature /s).

Then came Christmas of 2001. We left so many hints to our parents that we wanted a PS2. When it was time to open presents on Christmas Eve, we saw the console sized box under the tree with a couple random DVD box sized packages and we started geeking out. We tore into the package only to find... an Xbox. We were a tad disappointed to say the least. That all changed when we opened a little present that contained Halo. Hoooooly shit were we blown away. We played co-op all night into Christmas morning on Legendary and spent the rest of the day playing PGR and DoA3. Since that morning, Xbox systems have been my primary gaming consoles.

Morrowind, Halo 1/2, Forza 1, Thief: DS, RTC Wolfenstein, Fable, PGR. So many hundreds, if not thousands, of hours. I also remember playing the first Splinter Cell and thinking that game graphics were never going to get any better.

Also... I fucking LOVE the Duke. I wish MS would release a 360 or XB1 version. I'd have a serious nostalgia-gasm playing Halo: CEA or a possible Halo 2 remake with one of those controllers.


PGR2 is my favorite racing game of all time. Makeshift games of Cat & Mouse with Mini Coopers on Nürburgring were some of the best times I've had playing online with friends. KGB Corner is a fantastic track as well. So many good memories. It along with Otogi 1 & 2 are the only Xbox games in my collection.

Morrowind on Xbox had some terrible bugs revolving around NPC drift that could break the game. I still dumped 100 plus hours into this version after playing 150 hours on the PC version. It's the only TES game I've enjoyed, probably because it was my first.
We probably played PGR2 together at some time. I was a 52..53? Somewhere around there. Anyhow, Carrera GT on Castle Eight? The best shit ever. I miss those days


Ninja Gaiden Black still looks good today. Yes. It. Does. Halo 2 was one of the most impressive games also. I didn't get to play the OG Xbox much although I did play Forza, Halo 1&2 on my brother's Xbox, and I have some of the gems for BC on my 360. It was such a powerful console, it looked and played amazing. I wonder if we'll ever get another brute force (pardon the pun....terrible game lol) console. It just went for power, power, power and ended up bigger than my T.V at the time lol.
I have one of these bad boys in the house in a closet somewhere. Still runs great as far as I know.

Will never forget the times me and my brother had playing JSRF and the racing game that came packed in.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
There was a really special time for Xbox..

It was right around with DOAX and Ninja Gaiden were out. Post Halo and Pre-Halo2. At that time the system had a legitimate identity of it's own.. and it was quite the GAMER'S console.


good credit (by proxy)
I still have my copy of Gunvalkyrie aka the most underrated game of all time, just waiting for some emu :(


OG xbox was the last time I really felt the new console buzz, that excitement you get when you first fire it up and see it in action. PGR, Dead or Alive 3, Kotor, Ninja Gaiden Black - Xbox was an ugly brute, but it really had the games and some impressive graphical performance for it's time.
Cool system, had good fun playing it at a friend's house. I'll probably have to buy one one of these days :p

Also regarding emulation; someone's been making progress lately on an emulator. Google "espes xqemu" to check it out


I love my original Xbox and still have it hooked up. It's a great console. I recently got into Jade Empire and I'm really liking it so far.


At the time I had sort of drifted back to being primarily a PC Gamer (I tend to phase back and forth between that and consoles every 5 years). I was incredibly impressed at the Xbox versions of Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, and of course original stuff like Halo.

I still keep mine hooked up for Rallisport 2 and Morrowind (I prefer playing that with a gamepad).


Hey guys, you're forgetting both Otogi 1&2 and Conker in the OP!

Best Microsoft console, I kid you not.


I loved using this controller


Me too. I actually preferred it to the smaller one. I'd always play with this monster while my friend used the S controller.
It was my favorite console of the generation. Mine came with Mech Assault and I remember it blowing me away with its graphics.


Is there still any remote hope that emulation will actually develop for OG Xbox on PC??

I still remember people asking me why I bought a Xbox back then, because "It is just a PC in a box, it will be immediately emulated!"

Good times.
Boy that OG Xbox takes me back, so many great and diverse games. In addition to those already mentioned, Kingdom Under Fire and Otogi was the shiz.
So many good gaming memories and later on with XBMC my Xbox was the only gaming console I needed for a while. A lot of Xbox games were the very best of their genre:
Rallisport Challenge 2 for Arcade Racing
Ninja Gaiden Black for Action
Halo 2 for FPS
PGR and Forza for Racing

Edit: also some gems like
Phantom Dust


Is Shenmue 2 playable on the 360?

Since it seems Sega won't do an HD release, I might decide to snag a copy from ebay again.

Yes it is. Currently playing through Shenmue II at the moment on my 360. There are some small issues but nothing that takes away from the gameplay. Only notable things are the music and sound goes missing when you are in the Golden Qr. and some minor slow down here and there (Although from memory the DC version had this issue also).

Overall it's still very playable. I'm playing on Xbox even though I have the DC version, I just like the English dubs better.


nice to see how we can differ. To me Shenmue 2 on Xbox is what killed the series. To many idjits that didn't buy it just because it was from one of the best machines there will ever be The Dreamcast, imo.

And Morrowind don't get me started.

But all in all, it did it's work. It got out there. It offered computer level gaming to those that couldn't afford/tweak a pc.

Respect it.


Any console which brought me Fable 1 (criminally underrated, the best one) - Jade Empire (fuck you motherfuckers!) and XBMC is alright by me.
I fucking loved that console - and even though I have the tiniest doll hands, I love the Duke.

Oh Rallisport Challenge 2? That thing was DOPE.
I errr.... also got to experience Mario Kart and Zelda for the first time on it ..um... yeah


Yeah, and I though so too. It just a PC (right?), so what's the matter?

I remember hearing this, but it's clearly not true, otherwise why the hold up? I've also heard emu coders aren't interested because most great Xbox games were ported to PC, but that's also untrue as seen on this thread. Otogi 1 and 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, JSRF, Phantom Dust and my personal favorite, Breakdown remain OG Xbox exclusives, and that list is partial. Not to mention the console received enhanced versions of many cross platform games. It deserves to be preserved, and hopefully it will at some point.
OG Xbox was great. I remember not too much going on in the PC world and I was finding the PS2 to be a bit meh, overall my gaming enthusiasm was not what it once was. One day on the way home from work I decided to impulse buy an Xbox with Halo and PGR. Best decision ever!


One of my favorite consoles of all time. Very underrated too considering how little it comes up in conversation. SO many good games.


Some of the best gaming years of my life, right there. Halo CE, Fable, KotOR, Morrowind, DoA, Forza 1...

The release of Controller S was a godsend.
I loved the OG Xbox. only the Dreamcast beats it and just bearly. I would love to get a working OG Xbox, VGA adapter and my catalog of games back. It was such a fresh, energetic take on gaming. It wasn't perfect. It didn't have to be.


I loved the OG Xbox. only the Dreamcast beats it and just bearly. I would love to get a working OG Xbox, VGA adapter and my catalog of games back. It was such a fresh, energetic take on gaming. It wasn't perfect. It didn't have to be.

it was also the death of Dreamcast that allowed Xbox to breath a little longer with some Sega exclusives


My first game for this was the first Buffy game. So much fun at the time, and I didn't really watch the show ever. But for me this was mostly a PSO box, once I got that, I'd still buy an Xbox game here or there, but I was mostly on PSO.


As an owner of two hacked Xboxes, got to love the HDD caching of my games collection with a 320GB HDD, and I am pysched about using an DVDO iScan VP30 with the ABT102 card. Imagine 1080p OG XBOX on my Panasonic Plasma at a decent frame rate.

I loved to play Unreal Championship and Call of Duty on Live during the pre X360 era. Both UC and CoD were my kind of online shooters before I came to appreciate the slower paced Halo death match. I felt comfy not playing on the UT beast PC and enjoyed the similar paced UC and CoD.

Panzer Dragoon Orta was the reason why I got the console.
Jap and US Xbox 360 owners really lucked out due to more Xbox games that were backwards compatible. Playing Panzer Dragoon Orta was one of the reasons I bought my UK 360, bummer that the PAL version was broken at the end of Stage 3, it was like having a demo. Thank god NGB and JSRF ran on Pal 360s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games_compatible_with_Xbox_360

I wonder do US/Japan versions of Orta run well on modded PAL 360s?

Chalk me up as someone who can't wait for the day Xbox is emulated well on PC's.

Also I REALLY want to play this FROM Jap Xbox game.


THE BEST US PRESIDENT EVAR!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CWshYtxTe0
OP, Sony didn't kill SEGA.

SEGA killed itself.

Oh I realize that NOW. Nothing could have saved Sega save MAYBE the DC having a 20:1 attach rate. That wasn't happening. That still didn't help me. Plus I was REALLY annoyed at the PS2 hype of the time. Especially as from everything I heard the machine was a pain in the ass to program for, the excuse that devs gave for no wanting to program on Saturn. I came to peace with it many moons ago, but back then, PS2 was not on my list. I could also afford to not buy one as my roomate grabbed one a year or so later.

I still have my copy of Gunvalkyrie aka the most underrated game of all time, just waiting for some emu :(

Preach on my brother! Gunvalkyrie was just flat out awesome, but it took me a while to realize HOW to really play it. I image most reviewers didn't even bother.

The lack of Phantom Dust in the OP is disturbing.

Same. Fit my hands perfectly. Damn you, malformed hand population!

The X-box 180 is probably my favorite console of that generation. FF12 may be on PS2, but everything else I enjoyed that generation was on X-box.

PS2 also had MGS3, Ys VI, and a few others, but it was also an era where a lot of the JRPGs were being crushed under the weight of their own ridiculousness. Grandia 3 broke my heart.

As for the lack of games, it was late, and I was going off of my memories. There were a few I knew I missed picking up back in the day that I was planning to grab, the Otogis, Phantom Dust, but very soon after I got my 360 my OGs hard drive died.

I just bought another one since the backwards compatibility on 360 sucks really.

amazing system. I loved the half time show in nfl2k with highlight footage, while the ps2 only had photos. Loved that hdd.

Backwards compatibility really did suck for most games. At least NGBlack played perfectly.

What does OG even mean?

OG means original gangsta, or old git (apparently if you're british). It's just the way to label the first Xbox as Microsoft's naming scheme has really screwed things up. Hell, looking for information on the damn thing got a lot harder after May this year.



Such an amazing series, where's the third title/reboot dammit?

That looks awesome! Need to find it.

Also, anyone want to do a little write-up on their favorites, I'll add it to the OP.

Not to mention if anyone knows about the hacking scene. Never modded my Xbox, so I don't know a lot about it. I do know it had a ridiculously large homebrew/media player/emulator community.
360 compatibility kinda sucked in quality and selection. While i know it wasn't possible due to licensing issues, I wish they didn't do a half as backwards compatibility and released a smaller redesigned OG Xbox.
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