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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


EDIT: for the post above, if she can't/won't meet up soon, it's going to fizzle out. Leave the ball in her court ("Shall I pencil you in for Easter weekend 2019 then?") and start talking to other people.

Agree with both points for both posters. With the first point for Moose Biscuits, if you leave the profile blank, then it'll just give the impression that you're a bot. With dates that I've had from Tinder, at some point or another I've either had girls ask about how to pronounce my name online or in person. This is why it's advisable to put a joke, a reference to one of your pictures, or an ice breaker to invite women to engage with you. Basically, something to help you stand out from your average Joe in your area.

The second point for Xun, life is too short to be entertaining one girl for two weeks in hopes of waiting for their schedule to clear up. In that time you could be going out with other women. Besides, for all you know she can make up some BS excuse about being "busy" after her schedule clears up.

Therefore, leaving the ball in her court leaves it open to her on if she wants to meet up; you're basically implying that you're moving on. I've had girls give me excuses so I moved on.

Ask again next week. It's too much to generalize a thought like that.

Doing the same to just ask early next week to set up plans.

Just tell her to write you back when her schedule is free. And walk away.

No need to keep the conversation going.
Cheers guys.

Usually when I leave the ball in their court it just ends, but bizarrely in this instance she actually wants to pencil something in for the following week!

Also the past couple of days I've had 25 or so matches on Tinder... 😳

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
So I finally started swiping on tinder and I don't know, it me feel kind of gross. Or maybe afraid. I swiped left on some women I probably would have normally found attractive because I was worried that if I did swipe right on them and we matched then I might have to talk to them and eventually meet.

maybe I'm not actually ready to date, I'm only 26, I can put it off a few more years. I'm not that desperate to touch butts yet
Cheers guys.

Usually when I leave the ball in their court it just ends, but bizarrely in this instance she actually wants to pencil something in for the following week!

Also the past couple of days I've had 25 or so matches on Tinder... 😳

I'm in a big city and i get around 3-4 quality matches per week maximum.
D'oh! Posted in wrong thread, but here...

How far away are you all searching on services? I've messaged some high matches (OKC) about an hour away, but I really don't want to go beyond that.

So far I'm having zero luck (been at this for months) - I actually seem to do better with the rare single woman face to face. I'm using Tinder as well. I actually got a good match on Tinder and we decided to meet during the work week for coffee, then I never heard back from her (tried her a couple times then quit).

I live in the DC metro area, so a 35 minute drive to meet someone could turn into well over an hour if going in the wrong direction at the wrong time. I have OKC set back to 25 miles at the moment, and that gets profiles from people closer to DC where it's definitely expected to be a 40-60+ minute drive for me...fucking I-270.


Cheers guys.

Usually when I leave the ball in their court it just ends, but bizarrely in this instance she actually wants to pencil something in for the following week!

Also the past couple of days I've had 25 or so matches on Tinder... ��
I said a day to her, but I've not heard anything back yet.

Oh well.

I'm in a big city and i get around 3-4 quality matches per week maximum.
This is usually how it is for me, but more recently I've been getting more matches.

It certainly seems to ebb and flow though.
I said a day to her, but I've not heard anything back yet.

Oh well.

This is usually how it is for me, but more recently I've been getting more matches.

It certainly seems to ebb and flow though.

I erased my Tinder and Bumble profiles to take a break and will do a profile refresh in the next month or so.

I got some dates, but right now i find online dating underwhelming.
I erased my Tinder and Bumble profiles to take a break and will do a profile refresh in the next month or so.

I got some dates, but right now i find online dating underwhelming.

I scheduled one which never happened. My OKCupid profile is currently deactivated - no one new is showing up.

I'm thinking I should just delete my Tinder profile and start fresh around summertime...I'm hoping to be in better shape by then. Maybe I can recruit a friend to take pictures of me hiking or some bullshit.


I scheduled one which never happened. My OKCupid profile is currently deactivated - no one new is showing up.

I'm thinking I should just delete my Tinder profile and start fresh around summertime...I'm hoping to be in better shape by then. Maybe I can recruit a friend to take pictures of me hiking or some bullshit.

That is a good plan. Getting fit also helps with hiking so you don't look super sweaty. Hiking, an animal, volunteering somewhere in Africa and a good portrait photo. The four cornerstones of the successful profile.
About to head out on a fourth date with that woman I was excited about. Here's hoping it turns out to be a worthy follow-up to the excellent third date. *crosses fingers*


Got a really great match on Tinder yesterday, we chat for bit, it goes well, then we agree to chat later since I had work and she had class.

I open the app today, and she's gone from my matches list.


I haven't had a date since last August.
Update: Date went pretty well. Wasn't as mind blowing as the third date, but overall we both had a really good time painting pottery and chatting for two hours before heading to dinner/drinks. Part of me really wants to read into her not inviting me into her apartment this time due to tiredness, but she did agree to a 5th date, so I have some hope that my anxiety is unfounded.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Ok so I'm new to tinder. Is getting a match then a message that says she wants to immediately meet up along with a link to a sex meetup thing a common occurance on tinder? I'm assuming this was a bot. This seems like it would get annoying.


I've been on a small break from dating (I still get the occasional like and visit on OKC; I deleted my Tinder until I go to Chicago) but reading this article on J.K. Rowling's fall and rise as a lesson on how to deal with failure awakens a fire inside me not only to get back on the dating horse but to also get back on my art producing horse. Nobody became who they are through holding back on their work; they put it out there on Instagram, blogs, competitions, and elsewhere. The same can be applied to anything else in life.

I was supposed to work on a comic that I agreed to do for a friend a month ago. The reason why I've put it off is because I don't believe in myself to able to do it proper justice. The most successful writers and artists became who they are through persistence, the desire to move up, and most importantly, they believed in themselves and/or had a group of people who believed in them too. I've been doing little things to regain my confidence such as starting to regularly volunteer at a community bookstore once a week. I realized that what I was missing was having a semi-active social life, meeting new people, and hanging out with friends. Working from home and being in online meetings doesn't compare to face to face. I also started looking into masters programs for stuff I want to do.

That being said, I got this loaded gun of a message from a 21 year old student on CMB:

Hey! So to be totally honest I'm not sure if I am looking for a relationship or even a romantic date right now (I think I get kinda wary when the age difference is more than like 3 years, tbh, just because being halfway through college I'm at a very busy/specific place in life right now, which might not match well with someone at a slightly different point in life), but, from your profile anyway, you seem like a great combination of funny and kind and smart and genuine, and I like meeting new people, so if you want to reach out sometime, I'd love to hear more about what types of events and things you're passionate about volunteering at in the city, and what else you care about :)

As a writer, it drives me insane that this is an entire run-on sentence without proper punctuation or capitalization! There's a 7 year age gap between us. I once had an exchange with a 20 year old girl on OKC who I messaged that thought that a 26 year old man messaging her was creepy. She dismissed me because of my age so we had a back and forth about this with me explaining my point of view. In the end I stopped replying because she wouldn't budge on her views. I also had a change of point of view when I started dating older women last year.

I haven't replied yet but I wanted to show the kind of stuff that people get dismissed for. Having tried to date college students, I get that they're "busy" and it's not their fault that they don't have free time. However, when I was in undergrad even I had free time for other things when I had intensive projects to do. I think undergrad students believe that they have a lot going on when it doesn't prepare them for what lies beyond post-college; the reality is that people who are past that phase don't have the patience when to put up with it when their time is valuable. It's why I often end up moving on.


Bumble must have some algorithm that thinks I have a preference for blondes, because 95% of the women who've been showing up for me are blonde. Like, so many to the point where I've started to laugh when 23-year-old-blonde-who-likes-to-drink #346 shows up.

Don't get me wrong, I have zero preference as far as hair color goes, I just think it's really weird XD Apparently if you're looking for blonde girls, southeast Wisconsin is the place to be.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Scheduled 3 dates last week and two of them cancelled the day of. Tinder should just be renamed to Flaker.

Week prior I went on a date with a woman 5 inches taller than me. Surprisingly the deal breaker wasn't that but rather that she doesn't want kids.

Met another cool girl and had a great date. But won't see her again because she's a complete doppleganger of my ex: in looks, voice, interests and job path. It was Twilight Zone levels of creepy.

As a writer, it drives me insane that this is an entire run-on sentence without proper punctuation or capitalization!

lol As I get older this stuff annoys me more.
connect with someone through bumble, goes well with the chatting all weekend until they ask what i'm looking for. "if it weren't for that, you'd be perfect!" lol welp

someone rp as my gf in wow pls


Bumble must have some algorithm that thinks I have a preference for blondes, because 95% of the women who've been showing up for me are blonde. Like, so many to the point where I've started to laugh when 23-year-old-blonde-who-likes-to-drink #346 shows up.

Don't get me wrong, I have zero preference as far as hair color goes, I just think it's really weird XD Apparently if you're looking for blonde girls, southeast Wisconsin is the place to be.
Yup, I went out with a few girls who were originally from Wisconsin on either OKC or CMB. They were blondes lol. I've yet to hit it off with a blonde so the journey continues even though I don't care about hair color either.
Scheduled 3 dates last week and two of them cancelled the day of. Tinder should just be renamed to Flaker.

Week prior I went on a date with a woman 5 inches taller than me. Surprisingly the deal breaker wasn't that but rather that she doesn't want kids.

Met another cool girl and had a great date. But won't see her again because she's a complete doppleganger of my ex: in looks, voice, interests and job path. It was Twilight Zone levels of creepy.

lol As I get older this stuff annoys me more.
Hahaha, Ghoster might be another good name for it.

I swear the dating gods must be steering you into dating women who remind you of your ex. It's like something out of a rom-com!

I've been getting a whole bunch of matches on CMB lately for some odd reason (possibly due to it being spring break for public college students) but sadly, conversations have fizzled out. Who do I have to beg to implement a heads up notification feature?


Sonic handles my blue balls
A lot of women have been asking me out two or three messages in, I guess exhaustion is kicking in from digital pen pals. But I just got the funniest date proposition: matched with a girl last night and we exchanged a few gifs before I go to sleep. This morning she asks if I want to get high and walk in central park haha

Hahaha, Ghoster might be another good name for it.

I swear the dating gods must be steering you into dating women who remind you of your ex. It's like something out of a rom-com!

Ghoster would be way too spooky.

I think there are just a lot of short Jewish girls into video games with giant eyes, puffy hair and big personalities that look identical, along with tall athletic midwestern blondes with big lips and green eyes...at least in NYC. I thought maybe I also just can't tell white people apart so I've had my friends confirm doppelgangers by showing them pics lol. I still have yet to come across a girl who looks like my last ex, but that might be for the best.

I've been getting a whole bunch of matches on CMB lately for some odd reason (possibly due to it being spring break for public college students) but sadly, conversations have fizzled out. Who do I have to beg to implement a heads up notification feature?

You could try complaining on twitter haha but yeah that app is horrific when it comes to notifications.


A lot of women have been asking me out two or three messages in, I guess exhaustion is kicking in from digital pen pals. But I just got the funniest date proposition: matched with a girl last night and we exchanged a few gifs before I go to sleep. This morning she asks if I want to get high and walk in central park haha

Ghoster would be way too spooky.

I think there are just a lot of short Jewish girls into video games with giant eyes, puffy hair and big personalities that look identical, along with tall athletic midwestern blondes with big lips and green eyes...at least in NYC. I thought maybe I also just can't tell white people apart so I've had my friends confirm doppelgangers by showing them pics lol. I still have yet to come across a girl who looks like my last ex, but that might be for the best.

You could try complaining on twitter haha but yeah that app is horrific when it comes to notifications.
What wouldn't I give to trade places with you? Walking through Central Park is always fun since that's my go to date place. Not sure how I feel about doing it high since I've never liked the taste of weed but in the company of another person, it sounds like things are looking good.

I wonder if there's a website that's the equivalent of alllooksame.com but for white people. I wouldn't be able to tell a Jewish from a Mormon unless they had a prominent beak of a nose.

CMB prides itself on being anti-ghosting but the women I've matched up with have shown me otherwise. I sent a tweet out to them earlier lamenting about it so hopefully the listen. Plus it's been glitchy as sin because it'll stay stuck on the same match after liking someone causing me to reboot the app. I think giving them 2-3 stars on the Google Play store will also help. What happened to you CMB? You used to be good but then adding more micro transactions made it worse.

The 21 year old girl unmatched me after I replied to her but I don't care. I mentioned how loaded her message was and that age is nothing but a number because in the end of the day we're all human despite having different experiences. I then told her that I was willing to entertain the idea of meeting up with her and asked when she's free.

If anything, it was dumb of her to to look outside of her age group and especially dumb to do it during a time that she's "busy" so it makes absolutely no sense. That girl was incredibly naive. I find it frustrating to chat with college girls including grad school girls when they know shouldn't be slacking off and are prone to flake. I also had an Arab girl that I got matched up with unmatch me. She seemed dull as bricks so it was for the better.

The most promising lead has been a med student who's worked with Latino patients. It turned out that she lived in the Dominican Republic for two years, has visited my family's hometown (major bonus because it's rare but then again, living in the country for two years allowed her the time to visit other towns/cities versus someone who's only gone for a two weeks), is planning on going back this summer for two months for research, and we both happen to share a love of Junot Diaz's work. I hope to close in on a date in the next day or so for this weekend if not early next week. I've also been talking to Asian girl who complimented my hair but I'm not holding my breath.
I'll be honest team. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I suck at texting. I get a decent amount of conversations started by I don't know how to keep them going. My personality doesn't rrally show th rough I feel


Sonic handles my blue balls
What wouldn't I give to trade places with you? Walking through Central Park is always fun since that's my go to date place. Not sure how I feel about doing it high since I've never liked the taste of weed but in the company of another person, it sounds like things are looking good.

Turns out I misread and she actually meant Prospect Park. Didn't want to go to Brooklyn so I didn't go haha

Med student sounds promising, good luck!

I'll be honest team. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I suck at texting. I get a decent amount of conversations started by I don't know how to keep them going. My personality doesn't rrally show th rough I feel

You can keep conversations going by just making sure you end with a question. Assume the other party is busy or has trouble keeping a convo going as well, providing them a question makes it easy for them to respond. Just make sure they aren't lame topics like about the weather and try to steer it in a direction where you feel your personality can shine...or just ask them out asap if texting isn't a forte.


I'll be honest team. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I suck at texting. I get a decent amount of conversations started by I don't know how to keep them going. My personality doesn't rrally show th rough I feel
No need to text so much/keep texting going between dates. Save the chatting for the dates It's been getting reiterated in the Dating-Age thread but if a girl gets too chatty just mention that you're busy to cut it short.

I've gone out with girls that were super chatty via text but we didn't have any chemistry in person and vice versa. I can be super chatty via texts with friends but generally keep it to a minimum with girls these days. Some girls mention preferring chatting on the phone as opposed to text if they suck at it. You can also just keep it to light fluff talk convos such as the latest Atomic Blonde trailer.

I'm groaning at another girl's profile who wants to smash the patriarchy but at least she has full body pics to back it up. The only thing that I find odd is that she keeps mentioning her body (mentions body positive stuff). But on the plus side, she likes guys who are forward with their intentions. I might play ball and message her on a whim since she liked me back and prefers tall, lanky types. The only thing is that this girl seems to be big into chatting via text.

I also ordered some condoms since I had some expired ones sitting around for a year to prepare for my trip next week.

Kanik said:
Turns out I misread and she actually meant Prospect Park. Didn't want to go to Brooklyn so I didn't go haha

Med student sounds promising, good luck!
But today is another nice day man! Then again, I don't blame you for not wanting to make the trek. It would be a longer trek for me from my way.

She hasn't replied yet but if I could squeeze her in before I stress out over pre-trip preparations, that would be great. My mom wants me to go the DR this summer as it's been several years since I've gone back but I might do book a cruise with one of my closer friends. The idea of hooking up with her over there sounds fun oddly enough and tempting.
I get 0 matches on tinder, despite living in a big city. Get some on okcupid though. No one ever wants to talk, or if they do they message me like once a day. Guess I should put a pic of abs up on my profiles.


I get 0 matches on tinder, despite living in a big city. Get some on okcupid though. No one ever wants to talk, or if they do they message me like once a day. Guess I should put a pic of abs up on my profiles.
It happens man. There will be days where I get 0 matches or get matches and girls stop replying after the initial message.

It also helps to delete your account and reboot it because if you're using the free version, after a certain period of time, the algorithm will shuffle you to the bottom of the deck meaning that less people will see you. Less people seeing you=diminishing returns which translates into 0 matches until you either upgrade to premium or reboot your account. It's as gatcha as it gets. You can always try sending a second message if they stop replying or ask them out sooner. Ab pics would increase you likelihood of getting matches but only if you're okay with looking for hookups/casual flings. If you're not, then as I mentioned, you should delete your account and restart it.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Been off of Tinder for 6 months but kinda had the itch lately. Yet I still didn't want to re-download the app due to how socially exhausting that got. As some might already know here, I only ever got one meaningful connection out of the app last summer but every other match/date I went with downspiraled fast and became pretty impersonal.

So I decided to go for Bumble, which based on the format, sounds more of my kinda thing (guy here btw). Surprisingly, I've only had 2 matches throughout my entire first week of using, with one of them expiring a day later compared to Tinder where it just threw a lot at me in a matter of days. That said, I kinda prefer this pace -- I think it saves both sides time and effort given the huge tendency of impulse swipes. The match drought also at least helps me at least keep this as a side activity and be more productive first and foremost.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Well, after a brutal break up, a cross country move, and a rather depressing couple of months, I've decided to get on the online dating train.

Trying Bumble first as a homie rec'd it to me. Hopefully this doesn't shatter what little confidence I have left haha.

Any advice?

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Use Tinder.
Be beautiful.
Don't be ugly.
Be funny.
Don't be a bore.
Set dates.
Don't over-message.
Have fun.

I'm pretty much there. That's good.

I'm giving this Bumble thing a week and if nothing pans out I'm going back to meeting girls the old fashioned way.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Heads up on Bumble: maybe 1/5 matches actually message me. I dunno what's up with the other 4 on average - whether they're just using the app for funsies, get skittish once there's a match, are too busy to actually send a message or, more realistically, are just swiping right on everyone and think I'm not worth messaging after matching.

So set your expectations low on that one (i.e. ignore a match notification and only care about a message notification). I prefer the personalities of the women on Bumble but don't like that I can't initiate the conversation.


Well, after a brutal break up, a cross country move, and a rather depressing couple of months, I've decided to get on the online dating train.

Trying Bumble first as a homie rec'd it to me. Hopefully this doesn't shatter what little confidence I have left haha.

Any advice?

Bumble was a fucking ghost town for me. Maybe like 3 matches in a week or so and none of them messaged me. I signed up for okcupid yesterday and already have two dates lined up this weekend. So, maybe try okc first?


I'm in Chicago trying to use Tinder /Bumble aggressively. There's some attractive girls in my hostel. It's great. I'm still going to roll the dice and try to get lucky via the other apps. Columbia University is across the street from here too.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Another complaint about Bumble - I guess in attempt to not annoy the user, the app sometimes consolidates notifications. But this results in not being told you were messaged for hours.


I also don't know what happened in the last 24 hours, possibly related to changing up my profile pic, but I got two separate women that messaged me in a way similar to what I expect straight women get from some guys.

One girl messaged me five different openers during the course of an hour. None of it was endearing and instead was weird, awful and one message was gross. Another girl on Tinder commented on how I changed my pic and then went on a rant about how I'm probably more addicted to changing my pic than I am responding to her. (we last spoke when we first matched, a month ago)

I'm in Chicago trying to use Tinder /Bumble aggressively. There's some attractive girls in my hostel. It's great. I'm still going to roll the dice and try to get lucky via the other apps. Columbia University is across the street from here too.

Definitely try OkCupid - I still hold onto the idea that it's the best site/app and I had the most messages on that during PAX.


I've got a match on OKC that seems promising. She's beautiful, has similar interests, and deals with similar health issues as me. We've sent a few messages over the past few days and they've been long ones too which is a good sign. I forgot to end the last one with a question, and she hasn't responded so I'm unsure if I should hold out for a few days to see if she does or send one now.

I'm just trying not to screw this up, gaf. Life's been rough over the past year so my self-esteem and confidence are low.
Only really been a lurker in this thread.

I think I'm done with online dating, I just am not attractive/interesting/have solid a solid career to succeed at online dating.

Can't get any matches on tinder that isn't spam. Like I'm pretty sure I've been on tinder for a year or so and have never matched with anybody lol. No matches on bumble, ever. Been on it for at least 6 months lol. Nobody responds on POF or okcupid. Hell I even paid for match.com when it was on sale lol.

My self-esteem as at a all time low now.

Going to just focus on improving physically and career wise for now.

I've accepted being alone lol.
Only really been a lurker in this thread.

I think I'm done with online dating, I just am not attractive/interesting/have solid a solid career to succeed at online dating.

Can't get any matches on tinder that isn't spam. Like I'm pretty sure I've been on tinder for a year or so and have never matched with anybody lol. No matches on bumble, ever. Been on it for at least 6 months lol. Nobody responds on POF or okcupid. Hell I even paid for match.com when it was on sale lol.

My self-esteem as at a all time low now.

Going to just focus on improving physically and career wise for now.

I've accepted being alone lol.

Have you changed the photos?

Go for a funny profile. Something out of the box. There's always people who appreciate humor.

(your career is a bit irrelevant on matching).


I've gotten no bites on dates in the weekend that I've been here in Chicago but I'm okay with that. I talked to quite a handful of girls but nothing too concrete since it was penpal-ish. If anything, I have 2 dates lined up when I get home but might delay them since I spent quite a bit. Also correction: Columbia College is a separate college. I'll try again one last time today but I'm not holding my breath.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Girl matches with me on Bumble Friday afternoon. She messages me and asks me out in the first message. We go on a date Saturday evening. I wasn't feeling it and probably won't ask her out for a second date but I wished online dating was always that simple.

I've got a match on OKC that seems promising. She's beautiful, has similar interests, and deals with similar health issues as me. We've sent a few messages over the past few days and they've been long ones too which is a good sign. I forgot to end the last one with a question, and she hasn't responded so I'm unsure if I should hold out for a few days to see if she does or send one now.

I'm just trying not to screw this up, gaf. Life's been rough over the past year so my self-esteem and confidence are low.

Just send her another with a question like "how's your monday going? recovering from the weekend?" etc. Better to just keep the conversation going than trying to wait it out - it will be like ripping a bandaid for you and if she likes you she'll not think anything of it.

I've gotten no bites on dates in the weekend that I've been here in Chicago but I'm okay with that. I talked to quite a handful of girls but nothing too concrete since it was penpal-ish. If anything, I have 2 dates lined up when I get home but might delay them since I spent quite a bit. Also correction: Columbia College is a separate college. I'll try again one last time today but I'm not holding my breath.

Dang, sorry to hear. For your potentially delayed dates, it might be better to just have a walk through the park date as opposed to pushing them off. I'm a firm believer of the sooner the better in regards to getting a first date out of the way.

Only really been a lurker in this thread.

I think I'm done with online dating, I just am not attractive/interesting/have solid a solid career to succeed at online dating.

Can't get any matches on tinder that isn't spam. Like I'm pretty sure I've been on tinder for a year or so and have never matched with anybody lol. No matches on bumble, ever. Been on it for at least 6 months lol. Nobody responds on POF or okcupid. Hell I even paid for match.com when it was on sale lol.

My self-esteem as at a all time low now.

Going to just focus on improving physically and career wise for now.

I've accepted being alone lol.

Gah, don't beat yourself over that. There could be a ton of reasons for someone to not be successful at online dating. My older brother, who used to be buff, with blonde hair + green eyes, and when single would hookup with women anywhere and everywhere, couldn't get a single date during his time on OkCupid years ago. He only ever scheduled one date, with the only girl to ever respond to him, who then cancelled the day of. I later checked out the messages he was sending and they were all blatantly copy-paste hellos. (I sometimes get those from women on Bumble and it's a major turn off - I'd rather get a hello vs a "HERE ARE TWO TRUTHS AND ONE LIE...".) A friend of mine who is gorgeous could only get like two dates during her time on Tinder. I later saw the pics she chose and they were all awful. There are far too many variables at play.

If you want you could post your profile here or an album of pics for us to help you choose / edit.
I've been using Tinder for a while now. I do like to think that I have at least a decent profile since I do swiped right. My problems when I try to talk to these girls, most of them barely respond.

Some respond and we have a tiny conversation, but I feel its clear that they're not interested from the time it takes them to respond. Any advice on this?


Dang, sorry to hear. For your potentially delayed dates, it might be better to just have a walk through the park date as opposed to pushing them off. I'm a firm believer of the sooner the better in regards to getting a first date out of the way.
I don't want to jinx it and say that I might get con flu because that's another legit excuse to can it. I'm going to swipe right on Bumble and Tinder a bunch today and message some local Chicago chicks I got matched up with on OKC to push my luck. There are also a bunch attractive girls staying at my hostel that I can speak to. That being said, you're right about walking through the park even though I still have to spend money on train fare.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Heads up on Bumble: maybe 1/5 matches actually message me. I dunno what's up with the other 4 on average - whether they're just using the app for funsies, get skittish once there's a match, are too busy to actually send a message or, more realistically, are just swiping right on everyone and think I'm not worth messaging after matching.

So set your expectations low on that one (i.e. ignore a match notification and only care about a message notification). I prefer the personalities of the women on Bumble but don't like that I can't initiate the conversation.

Bumble was a fucking ghost town for me. Maybe like 3 matches in a week or so and none of them messaged me. I signed up for okcupid yesterday and already have two dates lined up this weekend. So, maybe try okc first?

Came in with a sad rant about things on Bumble are not panning out, then read these messages.

Guess it isn't just me, that's nice to know.

Might give OKC a shot next.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yeah, after what I said about Bumble having a nice pace so it could just sit there while I go about my day, the dryness came to a point where I just went "well, what am I still doing here then," so I promptly deleted the app.

Figured I might as well do Tinder again. To my surprise, it looks like the time gap between Like reloads got longer (don't remember it being 12hrs) so now I can really not have to think about it throughout the day while having the benefit of a more active pool (got 2 matches in 24hrs since I reinstalled).
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