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PlayStation 5 [OT] Taking Over The World One SSD At A Time


I came across this mock up and while I agree with the first post, I would rub this on my junk.

That is huge. I think it is the first flat design that takes in account that the thermal solution must be massive.


No its not apples to oranges.

Just because its RDNA2, it does not mean 3rd party games will perform vastly different to the examples given here.

Bottom line is increasing clocks does not improve performance more then what the Tflops suggest.
Its right there in the video theres no denying it.

Another way to put it, if Amd release a RDNA2 pc gpu with 40cus @ 1955mhz , i am very confident it will perform almost the same as the PS5.

Digital foundry is group of arrogant and stupid people. They dont have the skills or knowledge(counting pixels and making fps graphs isnt complicated at all) to do these more complicated things, or maybe they do but they do these click bait things.

Any real tech enthusiast would see in a minute that comparing PC parts on PC OS with PC games/benchmarks won't equal into "console with high clocks vs console with wide gpu but same tflops".

So yes, they are plain stupid if they really think that doing this comparison proves anything else than in PC world results are these.

Unless they had 2 different kind of PS5, their test is useless.

Does clocks vs wide give benefits for one or another solution in 100% of cases? no, sometimes high clocks help, sometimes wide bus helps.

But to know real hard numbers in closed custom console with custom OS, API and games = testing PC parts is not they way to do it.

And if someone believes their conclusion as truth, they are as stupid as they are, or just bit naive and lacks the knowledge to see why they failed.

But yeah, lets believe these pixel peeping morons rather than main engineer of Sony.

Personally I dont believe that high clocks give that much of benefits vs wider bus @ same tflops, on all cases.

But on some cases it could show up in high enough levels to choose that approach, but this is just a guess as I'm not Cerny.

Sony had their reasons to choose this way and they are company that knows how to engineer stuff so they must have had real reasons
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This was confirmed PS5 gameplay with RT? Seemed to get no notice


I wouldn't trust that site with any kind of information about ps5 after this anti-tech knowledge Master Piece , one example:
Overclocking tests on the RX 5700 XT-close analogue for the PS5’s GPU-indicate that a massive 18 percent overclock from stock up to 2.1 GHz resulted in just a 5-7 percent improvement to frame rates. This is the exact opposite of Sony’s claim, which implies better-than-linear performance scaling with clockspeeds. RDNA2 is an iterative update to the first-gen RDNA architecture found in Navi 10 parts. This makes it very likely that the PS5 will also behave similarly: upping the clocks to 2.2 GHz won’t magically offset the substantial difference in hardware allocation between the Series X and the Playstation 5 GPUs.
Short story, the usual FUD comparing RDNA2 to RDNA1 overclocked without any proof, and stating as a fact... and even finishes the article with a fanboy jab:
This leads to the sobering conclusion that in real-world workloads, the PS5 might be 30 percent or more slower than the Xbox Series X. We don’t expect the world’s fastest SSD or individual raindrop audio rendering to offset that.
Lol the entire article talks about the GPUs only, and then wrapps it up with 'the worlds fastest SSD' meme... and a new one _ 'the individual raindrop audio rendering' lol bad Sony really hurt Jimmies feelings.

And there's more, this one is tagged as OPINION (the other wasn't!): The Playstation5 'no loadings' SSD is a gimmick!
Noted that it's the PS5 SSD that is a gimmick, not both next gen systems SSDs?

The video you are talking about is the same story:
_nowhere in the trailer is mentioned the PS5!
_in the end of the trailer it is said that the game was rebuild and enhanced for NEXT GENERATION, meaning all systems including PC (most likely the footage displayed)
_this fanboy watches the comparison video comment section with bad review:
Various viewers of the comparison video simply commented that the original looked better, while redditors were even more critical, saying that the Observer: System Redux trailer was “hit and miss” and that there was “absolutely nothing next gen about this”
... and runs to make a clickbite piece about PS5 graphics and ps fans disappointed wow!
So, yeah guys... be careful whenever you run into something or someone quoting notebook.checkas lol


What’s everyone expecting for a launch price and games?

I’m expecting a $499 console. I’d love if they got down to $449, because that would genuinely feel like a good price to me, considering, but I do think $499 makes sense, based on everything I’ve heard.

One X, time, and the continued escalating prices of consumer electronics (phones, tablets), have taken the sting out of going beyond $400, imo.

Games are harder, as we have so little to speculate with. For a base, Sony is putting out some promising first party games for PS4 this year, and launching PS5 with versions of them optimized for the new console would be👌. I feel similarly about big third party games like Cyberpunk. I’d love to see whatever the Horizon dev is up to, as I’m sure that will be as visual killer app as it comes, and am hoping for a lot of surprises big and small.

There’s... probably a limit to how much can be prepared for the new console right off the bat, as transitions are hard, but I did like what PS4 had to offer early on. I think a mix of new, in that fashion, and old, could go a long way.
What’s everyone expecting for a launch price and games?

I’m expecting a $499 console. I’d love if they got down to $449, because that would genuinely feel like a good price to me, considering, but I do think $499 makes sense, based on everything I’ve heard.

One X, time, and the continued escalating prices of consumer electronics (phones, tablets), have taken the sting out of going beyond $400, imo.

Games are harder, as we have so little to speculate with. For a base, Sony is putting out some promising first party games for PS4 this year, and launching PS5 with versions of them optimized for the new console would be👌. I feel similarly about big third party games like Cyberpunk. I’d love to see whatever the Horizon dev is up to, as I’m sure that will be as visual killer app as it comes, and am hoping for a lot of surprises big and small.

There’s... probably a limit to how much can be prepared for the new console right off the bat, as transitions are hard, but I did like what PS4 had to offer early on. I think a mix of new, in that fashion, and old, could go a long way.

I had been holding out hope for 449 but am ready for 499. Just seems like both consoles are too strong for anything less, maybe I’ll be surprised tho.

I dont know what to expect for launch lineup other then TLOU2. I wouldn’t mind a From game Remastered, or a new Ratchet and Clank. I’ll probably buy the PS5 version of Madden 21 (assuming it’s available on PS5).

is PS5 launch window too soon for Spidey 2?
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I had been holding out hope for 449 but am ready for 499. Just seems like both consoles are too strong for anything less, maybe I’ll be surprised tho.

I dont know what to expect for launch lineup other then TLOU2. I wouldn’t mind a From game Remastered, or a new Ratchet and Clank. I’ll probably buy the PS5 version of Madden 21 (assuming it’s available on PS5).

is PS5 launch window too soon for Spidey 2?

Oh, I forgot about that. It does seem possible that the Bluepoint game could be ready for launch. Maybe? It is really ambitious, apparently.

They’ve been talking about it forever, though, and it would be awesome if it could align with the launch. Also be awesome if we knew what it was, but I digress. 😋
PS5 event is apparently a few weeks away

There are benefits to Sony waiting on the response to another show. Digital events of this level aren't super common and are obviously due to our current situation so letting somebody else go first has the possibility to be a good thing. I've never been a big believer in social media interactions as a sign of anything so I hope and believe Sony has an extensive marketing plan for the release and announcements in an impactful way.

The wait is always the hardest.


who is Tidux? Is he reputable? Honest question, not being snarky.

if true, this is awesome

Honestly I can't recall why I followed him, probably said something interesting in the past, but it's corroborated with red gaming tech's sources, which adds credibility.

It's also just plausible from past precedent.

Further comments

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I feel like I just learned about RDNA 2, I don’t know anything about RDNA3. Would these features be mostly about continuing to improve efficiency and whatnot?


I feel like I just learned about RDNA 2, I don’t know anything about RDNA3. Would these features be mostly about continuing to improve efficiency and whatnot?

No doubt. Usually new GPU architectures will do things like pull common operations into the instruction set for greater efficiency, or think of how the PS4 pulled the 8 ACEs from the near-future AMD pipeline forward because Sony wanted to hit a certain compute target, etc. Or on the extreme end, the 360 preceded ATI unified shaders on desktop cards by a year.
In the UE5 stream today, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney commented on PS5's SSD

Tim Sweeney talking the PS5 SSD

Sweeney says that Sony’s storage architecture is far ahead of “the best SSD solution you can buy on PC today. And so it’s really exciting to be seeing the console market push forward the high-end PC market in this way.”

“[The PS5] puts a vast amount of flash memory very, very close to the processor,” says Sweeney. “So much that it really fundamentally changes the trade-offs that games can make and stream in. And that’s absolutely critical to this kind of demo,” Sweeney explained.

“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.”


2. What is the appeal of all these pixel art games? It's not just a PS thing, we have them on the Xbox too and I hate them.

But why do you hate them 😱?! What was your first game and with that kind of thinking I’d wager you’re more into 3D? Sorry about the rapid questions lol.

I mean just think of the millions of legendary pixel games....go back, perhaps to the NES or SNES/Genesis/NeoGeo...surely one of those games capture your interest as a gamer? This is also a very good article on the subject as well:

A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
But why do you hate them 😱?! What was your first game and with that kind of thinking I’d wager you’re more into 3D? Sorry about the rapid questions lol.

I mean just think of the millions of legendary pixel games....go back, perhaps to the NES or SNES/Genesis/NeoGeo...surely one of those games capture your interest as a gamer? This is also a very good article on the subject as well:

A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art

Because one of the major appeals of the games I play is to escape into a big beautiful world. I can't stand the look of pixel art today and there is no immersion for me in a game where the graphics look not much better than a 5-yr old's stick figure drawing.

The original Legend of Zelda was the first game I played and and I loved it at the time, but even at the time it looked like ass and I have no interest in revisiting that look for the sake of nostalgia.
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But why do you hate them 😱?! What was your first game and with that kind of thinking I’d wager you’re more into 3D? Sorry about the rapid questions lol.

I mean just think of the millions of legendary pixel games....go back, perhaps to the NES or SNES/Genesis/NeoGeo...surely one of those games capture your interest as a gamer? This is also a very good article on the subject as well:

A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art

Why do you hate Nintendo?


Because one of the major appeals of the games I play is to escape into a big beautiful world. I can't stand the look of pixel art today and there is no immersion for me in a game where the graphics look not much better than a 5-yr old's stick figure drawing.

The original Legend of Zelda was the first game I played and and I loved it at the time, but even at the time it looked like ass and I have no interest in revisiting that look for the sake of nostalgia.

Ah hah...regardless of your unfortunate hate for the video games that essentially made gaming what they are today, Zelda did capture your gamer’s heart at one time lol. You didn’t need, at that moment, a 3D world to enjoy it and to think how an “ass” game (and many like it) could literally capture a generation‘s imagination and deep interest is beyond me. I mean what would you have created say, in 1985-1995 lol? I think you would’ve probably done your best to immerse gamers into a world even with limited technical resources.

I really do think it’s all about the gamer’s imagination and where they’re willing to allow a game, regardless of their age or even limited/specific way of conveying a narrative, to take them as they play 🤔.

So basically you’re opinion is that a game whereby you cannot, at the very least, turn the camera around in a vastly created 3D world (so to speak?) is a “no” for you? I mean that is a shit ton of absolutely mind blowing games to hate if my logic concerning you is correct (it may not be). Personally I wouldn’t say that it’s about revisiting for nostalgia‘s sake but a combination of both nostalgia and game quality/design/replayability, etc.

Well let me ask you this, I take it you believe that these games are basically not worth your time?:





Just to mention a few lol. Comparing such quality, even more aged games such an NES games to a 5 year old‘s stick art I feel is a bit misplaced but you’re certainly entitled to your opinion and I’ll defend such a right for anyone here always even though even I wouldn’t pass up a child’s basic artwork + good storytelling lol 🍻.

The work those “artist“ devs and storytellers created, to develop what they did so long ago with what small a “canvas” they had.....musically, graphically, narratively....is absolutely mind blowing (the article I posted expands on that logic 🧠). While I truly love games (3D & 2D/Pixel, etc.), maybe one day you’ll revisit/play some old or new pixel/hand drawn games and see them in a different light. If not....we’ll l that is unfortunate and they’ll probably never stop being developed.

Those are the games that inspired the vast worlds you and so many others love today. They were the keys to gaming development’s future and only continue to inspire. Fascinating perspective you have though, honestly 😊.

Why do you hate Nintendo?

Uhh...why are you quoting me and asking me that absolutely horrible question 🤣?


Gold Dealer
I’ve been wondering how Sony will offer digital pre-orders of titles before launch, especially for those going for the digital model.

Although I only buy digital since 5 years, but I would rather get the disc copy just in case. I think the digital one might turnout to be a big seller in countries that have great internet connections and coverage. The digital one looks more sexy as well, and I think it'll be $100 less.


Am I the only one that would be interested in a Philosoma reboot? The modern PS5 hardware can SURELY fulfil the cinematic aspirations of the original AND genre twisted sequel, Phase Paradox.


So... another copy made by Sony? heh...


Note that this PC was released IN 2017.
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Gold Member
So... another copy made by Sony? heh...


Note that this PC was released IN 2017.



Closest to equivalent PC and price

X-570 motherboard: 190 Euro
GTX 2070 Super: 540 Euro
Ryzen 2600: 175 Euro
16GB DDR4 : 80 Euro
Nice Rig case: 190 Euro
NVME SSD 4.0: 189 Euro

Total: 1264 Euro (Without monitor, inputs, power supply, speakers / headphones etc)

Wichard explains PC SSD will not reach PS5 speeds for the foreseeable future, so the SSD is the best one I could find.
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So $1423 USD.

Has there been any announcements of what comes in the box. Ill guess just a PS5, controller, charge cord, HDMI high speed, power cable.

I want the media remote, and charge station.

This thing might cost $600 because thats a lot of nice hardware. I know they are paying way less but still.

Nice thread, really nice bitbydeath bitbydeath
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Gold Dealer

Closest to equivalent PC and price

X-570 motherboard: 190 Euro
GTX 2070 Super: 540 Euro
Ryzen 2600: 175 Euro
16GB DDR4 : 80 Euro
Nice Rig case: 190 Euro
NVME SSD 4.0: 189 Euro

Total: 1264 Euro (Without monitor, inputs, power supply, speakers / headphones etc)

Wichard explains PC SSD will not reach PS5 speeds for the foreseeable future, so the SSD is the best one I could find.

Man I've spent $4300 on my PC last year, and PS5 will shit hard on it.

Glad it's meant for productivity, although it can run most current gen games at 4K ultra 60fps, never touched a game on it.

I was considering Big Navi, but now fuck it, I'm more than enough with a sharply design hardware with no goofy Windows 10 snapping from time to time. Plus, PS5 is the ultimate gaming platform with the best graphics so far.
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