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Playstation Plus Thread 3: Getting The Knack Of These Games


I'd however rather spend the €7 for which I can find the physical version of Lords of the Fallen nowadays, and get a €15 indie for free. The €40-60 retail game will never become a free game before it hits budget tire in stores.

Personally I'd like to see retail games I'm interested in but never got round to buying that can be picked up for £15-£20 like Shadow of Mordor, Tropico 4, Mad Max, Evil Within, Murdered: Souls Suspect, Saints Row 4, Beyond: 2 souls than almost any of the indie games we've had over the past year save for a couple (Rocket League, for example)

I think a lot of the people assume everyone asking for retail games just want ANY retail game, regardless of quality. This isn't true, Well not for me anyway.

As someone who had plus for a long time before PS4 I remember the great feeling when they'd add a game on there that you wanted to buy but never got round to. Don't think I've had that once on PS4's plus games.


Personally I'd like to see retail games I'm interested in but never got round to buying that can be picked up for £15-£20 like Shadow of Mordor, Tropico 4, Mad Max, Evil Within, Murdered: Souls Suspect, Saints Row 4, Beyond: 2 souls than almost any of the indie games we've had over the past year save for a couple (Rocket League, for example)
Looking at Amazon UK, you can get Murdered PS4 for 6 pounds, Beyond PS3 for 8, The Evil Within for 7, Mordor PS4 for 10. The others you might need to wait a bit longer as they are fairly recent, or haven't appeared on PS3 or 4.

As someone who had plus for a long time before PS4 I remember the great feeling when they'd add a game on there that you wanted to buy but never got round to. Don't think I've had that once on PS4's plus games.
I have that often, Flame Over is one of them even. I own a buttload of retail games so I don't experience that feeling there.


Somebody else who has gotten the PS+ survey?
I'm a bit worried with the functions they are suggesting.
Only interesting for me would be discounts on streaming services.
Free movies I guess would be license hell and several countries would never get part of that I guess. same with some other discounts as well.
Also not sure if this in the end will be added value or a replacement for something else...

Short description on what the survey was about:

PS + Survey by Wilke
Playstation is considering adding new functions and rewards for PS+.
and suggested 8 functions I answered on

Function: PS+ knowledce center (forum for PS+ members for PS+ related news, tips, tricks, guides, reviews and meet other PS+ members.

Function: discount on PS hardware and peripherals, ex controls, headsets.

Function: Monthly PS+ competition with attractive prices. For example answering a couple questions, sharing a photo or video.

Function: Discount on popular streaming services like Netflix, HBO Nordic, Spotify.

Function: Discount on Sony products, for example TV, cameras, mobile phones.

: free movies every month

: PS + game tournaments with attractive prices.

Function: Discount on lifestyle products, like magazine/newspaper subscriptions, cinema tickets, take away, travel/airplane tickets, restaurants.
I got the same survey. The emotions question is so weird.

The only interesting rewards are discounts on services and hardware, but I don't want that at the expense of the monthly games we are getting now.


I don't care if the indie game looks ten times as awesome as the retail game, if I want to play both, I would rather get the retail game for free and spend $5-10 on the indie game than get the indie game free and spend $40-60 on the retail game.

It's not like you can choose. They'll either give you a 10-20€ indie or a 10-20€ retail game.

I've never got a game on plus that I couldn't find elsewhere for less than 20€. Not even in the "glory days".


So Broforce is pretty boring. Shame people voted for that over AAC. Happy about Galak-Z at least, that's much more my jam.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
It's not like you can choose. They'll either give you a 10-20€ indie or a 10-20€ retail game.

I've never got a game on plus that I couldn't find elsewhere for less than 20€. Not even in the "glory days".
Difference being you can't get the digital version of said retail game at that kind of price. Not in EU anyway.


Difference being you can't get the digital version of said retail game at that kind of price. Not in EU anyway.

Usually have been able to during a sale by that point if you had any interest whatsoever. I mean, if that was an issue, all indie games should be £50 each until after they've been on Plus since that seems to be the tax for getting your data through the internet.


Usually have been able to during a sale by that point if you had any interest whatsoever. I mean, if that was an issue, all indie games should be £50 each until after they've been on Plus since that seems to be the tax for getting your data through the internet.

Basically this. And yes, all the games that you can find for <20€ retail went at least once <20€ on PSN as well.
This is almost unbelievable. At this point I'd rather have them offer either a discounted multiplayer only Plus OR make it cheaper and just stop offering mediocrity.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Knack looking pretty hot right about now eh? The Knack thing used to be a joke. Now sadly it would actually be a dramatic leap in quality for the service.


I read the words "space moba" somewhere and I now want to set my PS4 on fire.
At this point Uncharted 4 multiplayer will be the only thing that would keep me paying for PS+, sadly.


Sony ruined the party twenty days before this month.
There's no hope the other PS4 game is good, I don't trust Sony anymore.
They are simply unable to mix a bit the genres.


Sony ruined the party twenty days before this month.
There's no hope the other PS4 game is good, I don't trust Sony anymore.
They are simply unable to mix a bit the genres.

Don't lose faith, child.
Knack will die for Sony's PS+ sins.

I don't really want to Knack, but it's a fun meme


I got my PS4 in December thinking I'll probably have to sign up for +.

So far none of the + games have interested me and I'm starting to wonder what value + would be for me.

The games I have are: Fallout 4, Just Cause 3, MGS and Knack (it was already in the PS4 - I didn't buy it and don't understand why you guys want it). Fallout and JC don't require + and I haven't even looked at MGS Online. I also play World of Tanks and Warframe, neither of which require + to play.

So yeah, I'm starting to think that + offers no value to me. The only reason I can see that I would need + is if it is required to play No Man's Sky. If NMS has an offline mode or doesn't require + then I'm struggling to see the benefits of +.

Am I missing something or is + just not for me?


I got my PS4 in December thinking I'll probably have to sign up for +.

So far none of the + games have interested me and I'm starting to wonder what value + would be for me.

The games I have are: Fallout 4, Just Cause 3, MGS and Knack (it was already in the PS4 - I didn't buy it and don't understand why you guys want it). Fallout and JC don't require + and I haven't even looked at MGS Online. I also play World of Tanks and Warframe, neither of which require + to play.

So yeah, I'm starting to think that + offers no value to me. The only reason I can see that I would need + is if it is required to play No Man's Sky. If NMS has an offline mode or doesn't require + then I'm struggling to see the benefits of +.

Am I missing something or is + just not for me?

The Knack thing is a joke :)
People say they want it on Plus because simply it was one of the first retail games for PS4, so it would be possible for Sony to give it on Plus (first party, old game, bundled with console, discounted several times). But that was the PS3-Plus Sony.

Simply some people (including me) want a retail game on Plus (no, not a 20€ DLC/Demo also distributed on disc, a proper retail game, like Injustice, the only retail title Sony gave, but also a cheap re-release Goty-like if we want, budget price and so on).
It's ok giving indie titles, but mix them up with something else. I don't like space shooters like Galak or Dead Star, in example....and Sony is giving two similar games over a span of days. Also if you are a PC player, the chance is you have 90% of those games already (bundle, 75% off sales on Steam etc.)

Take Super Meat Boy: yeah, it was a D1 Plus release on console, but the game was first on 360, than on PC and here it was bundled to the death (HB 1 dollar and so on).


I'm still waiting on the darkest timeline of getting Killzone and The Order one random month. Hope it's in January so I can save some cash on not renewing for a month!


The Knack thing is a joke :)
People say they want it on Plus because simply it was one of the first retail games for PS4, so it would be possible for Sony to give it on Plus (first party, old game, bundled with console, discounted several times). But that was the PS3-Plus Sony.

Simply some people (including me) want a retail game on Plus (no, not a 20€ DLC/Demo also distributed on disc, a proper retail game, like Injustice, the only retail title Sony gave, but also a cheap re-release Goty-like if we want, budget price and so on).
It's ok giving indie titles, but mix them up with something else. I don't like space shooters like Galak or Dead Star, in example....and Sony is giving two similar games over a span of days. Also if you are a PC player, the chance is you have 90% of those games already (bundle, 75% off sales on Steam etc.)

Take Super Meat Boy: yeah, it was a D1 Plus release on console, but the game was first on 360, than on PC and here it was bundled to the death (HB 1 dollar and so on).

I've had plus a few times for my PS3 and have ended up with some games that I enjoyed (Stealth Inc 2, Unfinished Swan etc) but the majority of times I'd check the games out only to delete them straight away. I thought that as online play was tied in with plus, I wouldn't have much choice but here I'm sat 4 months into having a PS4 wondering if I actually need plus for anything. For the games themselves I may as well just get what I want from sales.


The Knack thing is a joke :)
People say they want it on Plus because simply it was one of the first retail games for PS4, so it would be possible for Sony to give it on Plus (first party, old game, bundled with console, discounted several times). But that was the PS3-Plus Sony.

Simply some people (including me) want a retail game on Plus (no, not a 20€ DLC/Demo also distributed on disc, a proper retail game, like Injustice, the only retail title Sony gave, but also a cheap re-release Goty-like if we want, budget price and so on).
It's ok giving indie titles, but mix them up with something else. I don't like space shooters like Galak or Dead Star, in example....and Sony is giving two similar games over a span of days. Also if you are a PC player, the chance is you have 90% of those games already (bundle, 75% off sales on Steam etc.)

Take Super Meat Boy: yeah, it was a D1 Plus release on console, but the game was first on 360, than on PC and here it was bundled to the death (HB 1 dollar and so on).
Yeah, but don't forget to take examples of the exact opposite situation e.g. all new games launched on day one on PS+(Olliolli 2, Velocity 2X, Rocket League etc.). SMB is probably the extreme case...it definitely doesn't represent the PS+ as a whole.

Also, lack of genre diversity is surely a problem and I agree with all the complaints about this... but it makes me wonder why no one complained back in the ps3 days when it wasn't unusual to get multiple fps/racing/other genres for more months in a row...
I'm sick of these little meaningless games but Killzone would absolutely suck as well. That game is balls. Just give us something good like Rocket League.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I'm sick of these little meaningless games but Killzone would absolutely suck as well. That game is balls. Just give us something good like Rocket League.
Killzone 2 is amazing and Mercenary is pretty great too. Where does Shadowfall rank between those games and the turd that is KZ3? And don't say it's even worse. That's not possible.


bish gets all the credit :)
It's probably on par with 3, but it's clearly rushed. Boy, is it pretty though. It and Knack (yes, I've played it. It's average, not terrible) would be a welcome addition to PS4's sorry PS+ lineup.
Killzone 2 is amazing and Mercenary is pretty great too. Where does Shadowfall rank between those games and the turd that is KZ3? And don't say it's even worse. That's not possible.

Somewhere between 2 and 3 actually, but that doesn't say much since I only really loved KZ2 and not much else from the series. I don't know, it is indeed clearly rushed and technically the game is a mess too. Doesn't run well at all.

I could totally understand if these games are added to the line-up but they're really not good games at all unfortunately. Something like God of War III HD is way more appropriate since it's been on sale a shit ton of times already and it already sells for almost nothing in retail.

We'll just have to do with these amazing space games we're getting.


Beat Galak-Z, the "ending" was kind of a bummer though. I only died once to the Season 2 boss, overall didn't find it hard at all. Still just so much fun to fly around and blast everything.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Use the rear touch pad for reloading and throwing grenades.

HAHAHAHA nope. Not even bothering to play past the tutorial with a control scheme like that for Helldivers.


I wonder if the Uncharted Collection will appear on Plus before the 4th game comes out.

Not a chance. The collection will continue to sell good even after the U4 premiere. If we are getting a Naughty Dog game in the near future then it's going to be TLoU and I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 version would arrive first to save some money.
I do? Holy shit. This has never happened before. Normally everyone agrees with me. You must be wrong.



I for one would welcome the UC
You must realise that you hold a minority view on that matter.

I just played through all three games for the first time in the UC collection, and I thought they were for the most part "solid" games but nothing too special. I was surprised to go back and see some of the review score the games received.


GWG hinted to blockbusters for April, I wonder what Sony will do. Well, we already know Dead Star is one of the games :(
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