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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"



Lol this guy.



Is poke mesh still the best android map option? I have it loaded with a dozen accounts but it still takes a while to fully scan. It seems to struggle with relocating me while open to. I normally have to close it and start over which means all of the accounts have to relog in again.


Bayfront Park in Miami is still a good place to get Charmanders. And since you are by the water there, plenty of Magikarps.

Though someone at one of the gyms there had a FUCKING Tauros. God dammit.
if you can earn candy from walks I may finally be able to up my snorlax cp...since it's pretty impossible to get more otherwise
Went on a 4.5k walk earlier.

Then I came home and mowed the lawn!

I don't know who I am anymore!

Hatched 2 zubats, 1 geodude, 2 sandshrew, 1 ponyta (at 46 candy dang it!), 1 ekans, 1 slowpoke, 1 electrabuzz.

Caught a pikachu (rare), 2 jigglypuff (rare), 1 exeggcute (very uncommon), 1 bulbasaur (rare), 1 tauros, 1 squirtle (rare)


Ah man, this new phone I'm using is so fucking awful for Pokémon Go, game is really slow and the GPS sometimes stops working and my character stands still and I gotta reset the app, plus minimizing the app automatically restarts it when I go back to it. I can't enjoy this game anymore :(
Are there pokemon we should try to catch more of to get ready for gen 2? I heard Porygon, horsea, onix, zubat, chansey

Those, Scyther (for Scizor), Oddish (Bellossom), Poliwag (Politoed), Slowpoke (Slowking), and Eevee (Umbreon and Espeon). All of those (as in, the ones I added with my post, none of yours) except Scyther -> Scizor are branching evolutions though.

That said though, as I've said before I'm still not 100% convinced they will roll out new Pokémon by generation.


Installing the game back on the phone's memory seemed to make it run better, but I'm still getting the random GPS lock-up where the character stops moving and I have to restart the app, this happens every 5-10 minutes and it is really annoying. Could it be a RAM problem? I'm using an HTC Desire 626s now, and I don't think I'll be switching to a better phone until next year :(


Installing the game back on the phone's memory seemed to make it run better, but I'm still getting the random GPS lock-up where the character stops moving and I have to restart the app, this happens every 5-10 minutes and it is really annoying. Could it be a RAM problem? I'm using an HTC Desire 626s now, and I don't think I'll be switching to a better phone until next year :(
I had a similar problem on my old phone where the character wouldnt move and sometimes the game wouldnt even load unless I was connected to Wi-Fi
Is a Ram problem, my old phone only had 750 Megas


I had a similar problem on my old phone where the character wouldnt move and sometimes the game wouldnt even load unless I was connected to Wi-Fi
Is a Ram problem, my old phone only had 750 Megas

Oh man I guess I better get prepared to start playing this game less for the time being, until I get a better phone next year :( I had a Huawei that worked fine but I messed it up during the weekend so I had to get a new phone (not on my budget) and I hoped this would work fine.
Man, I don't know how much longer I can play this game. I live in the burbs and am at level 16. It seems like I'm the only Mystic member in the entire city. Every gym has at least one trainer at level 27 with a damn Dragonite at the end. Ahhhh!!!


Really need that buddy system, Charmanders are almost impossible to find here, and Bulbasaur close to that. I've caught two Charmanders in the wild since I started playing, July 17th.
So this is scary. I just got a banning e-mail (sender information, appeal link, and everything else matches the ones I got for my scanning accounts, so it's legit as far as I can tell), but I can still play the game. I even closed the app and opened it again several times to make sure. It's also odd considering most ban e-mails come either weeks later or never.

I can only hope it was sent by mistake or the best scam e-mail I've ever seen. While my account isn't 100% clean, I find it hard to believe I was banned for what I did on it. I've used scanning apps in the past, but always with burner accounts. I've used PokeAdvisor and Blossom Manager in the past to check IVs, but I stopped everything remotely banworthy a long time ago. Hell, I even stopped using GoIV because I'm super protective of my account now. The only thing that's changed recently is I started placing pokemon in gyms this week including 8 level 10 gyms, so maybe I got reported.

In any case, it's been three hours since the e-mail was received and I can still log in, play, and watch my defender cooldown tick, so hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, I will still have my account and nothing will ever come of it. I'm ready to shoot off an appeal the second that changes, though.

Fake edit: I just checked my burner Gmail to see if I got any more ban notices on other accounts, and I was actually UNBANNED on one of my accounts, which is weird since I never appealed anything.
Really need that buddy system, Charmanders are almost impossible to find here, and Bulbasaur close to that. I've caught two Charmanders in the wild since I started playing, July 17th.

I have never seen either.

However I've caught multiple Porygons and Mr Mimes and other 'rare' Pokemon.


Fake edit: I just checked my burner Gmail to see if I got any more ban notices on other accounts, and I was actually UNBANNED on one of my accounts, which is weird since I never appealed anything.

That sounds awfully like they figured out which was your real account and that the one they banned was a burner...
That sounds awfully like they figured out which was your real account and that the one they banned was a burner...

That makes no sense. They wouldn't unban the other account, nor do they ban accounts for using trackers/IV checks, they ban them for adding to server load or outright cheating with bots and/or GPS spoofing.
So this is scary. I just got a banning e-mail (sender information, appeal link, and everything else matches the ones I got for my scanning accounts, so it's legit as far as I can tell), but I can still play the game. I even closed the app and opened it again several times to make sure. It's also odd considering most ban e-mails come either weeks later or never.

I can only hope it was sent by mistake or the best scam e-mail I've ever seen. While my account isn't 100% clean, I find it hard to believe I was banned for what I did on it. I've used scanning apps in the past, but always with burner accounts. I've used PokeAdvisor and Blossom Manager in the past to check IVs, but I stopped everything remotely banworthy a long time ago. Hell, I even stopped using GoIV because I'm super protective of my account now. The only thing that's changed recently is I started placing pokemon in gyms this week including 8 level 10 gyms, so maybe I got reported.

In any case, it's been three hours since the e-mail was received and I can still log in, play, and watch my defender cooldown tick, so hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, I will still have my account and nothing will ever come of it. I'm ready to shoot off an appeal the second that changes, though.

Fake edit: I just checked my burner Gmail to see if I got any more ban notices on other accounts, and I was actually UNBANNED on one of my accounts, which is weird since I never appealed anything.

What the actual fuck. Just got the same email, or rather just saw it. I actually got it 5 hours ago and in the time since I've logged in several times and played quite a bit. All I've done is use IV checkers and even those I've used like twice since the update, and not at all in a little while now. But yeah, like you my account still seems to work anyway. Kind of freaked out.


I feel like those who want to get rid of trackers have never played a Pokémon game.

tracking down where a pokemon has been part of the main franchise from the very beginning. Maybe not as detailled as it is in nearby, but you do at least encounter the Pokemon youre searching for (except if it is a roaming Pokémon)


I feel like those who want to get rid of trackers have never played a Pokémon game.

tracking down where a pokemon has been part of the main franchise from the very beginning. Maybe not as detailled as it is in nearby, but you do at least encounter the Pokemon youre searching for (except if it is a roaming Pokémon)

They have also never played Pokémon GO in its working state. Because outside of the time, Nearby is essentially what Pokémon GO was.


They have also never played Pokémon GO in its working state. Because outside of the time, Nearby is essentially what Pokémon GO was.

What are you talking about? Been playing since day 1 and I'm level 30...nearby was not and has never been anything remotely close to the in game tracking system


Neo Member
What are you talking about? Been playing since day 1 and I'm level 30...nearby was not and has never been anything remotely close to the in game tracking system

I don't know why people are comparing the two... They are completely different... One shows you the exact location while the other makes you work for it... Nearby and the others before it were good alternatives when the tracker wasn't working as intended.


What are you talking about? Been playing since day 1 and I'm level 30...nearby was not and has never been anything remotely close to the in game tracking system

Nearby does the three steps. You can click to show the Google location, but that isn't the most clear process. For the rest it Is mostly three steps triangulation.


without pokemon nearby its unplayable

I'm currently at XP level 24 with 116 caught in the Pokedex, without the use of any tracker. I'd say the game is fully playable without trackers, if you're willing to visit different places.

If the hinted buddy system arrives, it will be even easier to evolve the remaining ones in the Pokedex.


I have played the main Pokémon games, and have also played Pogo in its working state, and I do not use any trackers and probably never will. Although I still wish, the 3-step system was here...


It's super dumb Jolteon can counter Golduck and Starmie just fine, but Slowbro just destroys it. It's not even close. I can't even think of a Slowbro counter except Exeggutor with Solar Beam. Mine has Psychic and it gets destroyed. Buff electrics pls

Also I still don't understand how gym levels work. Sometimes I see gyms with one or two Pokemon with no free spots. Is it random or is a gym limited to like 2000 cp before it stops giving away free spots? If the latter is the case, the optimal way would be to put low cp stuff in first and a 2500+ Dragonite at the very last.


It's super dumb Jolteon can counter Golduck and Starmie just fine, but Slowbro just destroys it. It's not even close. I can't even think of a Slowbro counter except Exeggutor with Solar Beam. Mine has Psychic and it gets destroyed. Buff electrics pls

Also I still don't understand how gym levels work. Sometimes I see gyms with one or two Pokemon with no free spots. Is it random or is a gym limited to like 2000 cp before it stops giving away free spots? If the latter is the case, the optimal way would be to put low cp stuff in first and a 2500+ Dragonite at the very last.

if you are quick you can get 3 pokemon in with free spots. (as when you put in a pokemon it gets 2k exp for the gym and the first 3 levels all are 2k apart)

if anyone attacks the gym before 3 get in though you can have less free spots.

the optimal way to get more slots is for someone to put a crappy pokemon in there at the bottom (not low CP but crappy)

for example a 1300 flareon in a gym is a much better bottom pokemon than say a 400 lapris due to how the system is set up.

you get the following exp per pokemon defeated when leveling up

if your CP is below
500 * (enemy CP / your CP) which will equal 500+ exp to a max of 1k per pokemon

if your CP is above you get
250 * (enemy CP/ your CP) which will equal less than 250 exp each time.

thus ideally someone puts in a highish CP monster that a lower CP pokemon can take out.
for me the nearby gym has a 1500 flareon that my 1000 vaporeon can take out leading to

500 * (1500/1000) = 500 * 1.5 = 750 exp for the single kill.

meanwhile if people put in a bunch of 250 CP pokemon and I sent my 1k vaporeon at them I would get

250 * (250/1000) = 250*.25 = 62.5 which would require me to kill them 12 times in order to get the same exp as the single build up.


if you are quick you can get 3 pokemon in with free spots. (as when you put in a pokemon it gets 2k exp for the gym and the first 3 levels all are 2k apart)
That can't be right because I just saw a gym with a single Snorlax and the gym had exactly 1500 prestige. It needed another 500 to level up.
That can't be right either because I personally put a Lapras in a gym with a lonely Gyarados yesterday and it was stuck at lvl. 2.

then it was possible the gym was attacked, then left at level 1, but then a teamate came (likely the gyrados owner) and leveled up the gym to create and open slot. I do this sometimes to give my own pokemon a buffer.
I'm currently at XP level 24 with 116 caught in the Pokedex, without the use of any tracker. I'd say the game is fully playable without trackers, if you're willing to visit different places.

If the hinted buddy system arrives, it will be even easier to evolve the remaining ones in the Pokedex.

It purely depends on location, Rural players like me are screwed without trackers


without pokemon nearby its unplayable
If you can't track down most things (I'd say I have an 80-90% success rate) using only the current in-game tracking it's nothing but a reflection on your own poor triangulation skills.

It purely depends on location, Rural players like me are screwed without trackers
If you're a rural player I understand your opinion even less. The less roads/intersections/buildings around, the easier it is to track down spawnpoints. It becomes a little trickier in city centers where spawnpoints are everywhere in all directions so you really need to triangulate, in rural areas you can pretty easily "guess" where pokemon will spawn.



USED TWENTY ONE ULTRA BALLS TO TRY AND CATCH this CUNT Wartortle with 777cp (Im lvl 24)


Used one great ball and it went in......wtf!!!

Ihave no ultra balls left....


EDIT- OH..........my .......days..........


Gonna sit in a corner and cry now....
If you can't track down most things (I'd say I have an 80-90% success rate) using only the current in-game tracking it's nothing but a reflection on your own poor triangulation skills.

If you're a rural player I understand your opinion even less. The less roads/intersections/buildings around, the easier it is to track down spawnpoints. It becomes a little trickier in city centers where spawnpoints are everywhere in all directions so you really need to triangulate, in rural areas you can pretty easily "guess" where pokemon will spawn.

I use a tracker for the lack of variety, not because I can't find anything, your post came across really negative and condescending I'm not really looking to argue with some one over this.

I need a tracker because all I find is trash.
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