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[Poll] Can Microsoft afford to hold back from showing all their big games in their July event?

Can Microsoft afford to hold back from showing all their big games in their July event?

  • Yes they can afford to not show all their big games

    Votes: 96 40.2%
  • No they have to show all their big games

    Votes: 143 59.8%

  • Total voters


I don't think they're in a position to hold anything much longer. PS4 has more than double the install base of xbox one and unless Sony screw things up in a E3 2006 way, PS5 has the momentum of last generation. Not only that but, right now Xbox is sharing most of its exclusives with PC which means the logical thing to do if you are on a budget is to buy a PS5 for the exclusives and juice up your PC for microsoft games and multiplatforms.

Microsoft has to show something that people can only get on that platform if they want to compete with PS5.
A PC graphics card equivalent to XSX sill cost more than the console itself. On top of that you'll need a 1440p or 4K display which is another $300+ (and I'm being conservative). This is such a shitty talking point that borders on trolling. Even more so with the prospect that PS5 games may end up in the Epic Store. Console gamers are console gamers. PC gamers are PC gamers.


I don't think they're in a position to hold anything much longer. PS4 has more than double the install base of xbox one and unless Sony screw things up in a E3 2006 way, PS5 has the momentum of last generation. Not only that but, right now Xbox is sharing most of its exclusives with PC which means the logical thing to do if you are on a budget is to buy a PS5 for the exclusives and juice up your PC for microsoft games and multiplatforms.

Microsoft has to show something that people can only get on that platform if they want to compete with PS5.
You people act like PS4 got to 100 million strictly on Sony alone. No. MS stumbled out of the gate massively this Gen and Sony capitalized. Just the Gen before, both companies finished neck and neck with Xbox all but owning North America. And that was just with Halo, Forza, and Gears.

This time around MS has the hardware advantage and the price will be on par with PS5. So they will be going toe to toe on games and out of the gate MS launch lineup is looking to be better.


Not Banned from OT
Lol its not concern trolling. Its just aside from Halo, Gears, and Forza, what other great AAA games have they put out this gen? Sea of Thieves, ReCore, Quantum Break..? My point is they need to start reaching the Sony level of quality and consistency with their release output. Its been laughably bad.

Its fine and dandy if they continue to acquire studios, but it doesn't mean anything without actual games to show for it. I mean they acquired Rare over ten years ago and what have they done? Kinect bs and Sea of Thieves.. Rare was top tier in the 90s.

I hope they come with magazines full of great games to shoot off, so don't misunderstand my perspective. The gaming industry is better off when MS actually puts forth an effort.
That was old management who forced new studios to create crap they had no interest in doing except for a paycheck and it showed in the games. The new management is letting the new studios make the games they want how they see fit. Microsoft is there to help recruit to staff them up and payroll. I for one am excited to see a first party take RPGs seriously. You might not believe in obsidian entertainment and inexile but I think they will make some fine games in an area Sony has neglected. I also think playground RPG studio over time can become a premier Western Rpg studio. They went toe to toe against the gran turismo monster and created the better game so don't sleep them either.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
This is the most important show for Microsoft ever. They have to bring the big guns. I would show their biggest AAA games if I were them

Sony has a lot of momentum and will have even more in August


Not Banned from OT
This is the most important show for Microsoft ever. They have to bring the big guns. I would show their biggest AAA games if I were them

Sony has a lot of momentum and will have even more in August
No the most important shows were peter Moore's E3s when Sony tried to paint the 360 as the OG 1.5 and played the bullshit kill zone 2 trailer. If Microsoft showed any weakness in those 2 E3s they would of been dreamcasted. They are fighting to be profitable enough for the CEO now they can't win so if the show is good or great won't matter Sony will win by a country mile.


The upcoming event won't decide the long term sales of their console or services.
Said so. Before launch they should have a big one.
I actually think that the later, the better.
Anmonth before release would be probably perfect.
Make an amazing event and open preorders


I think they have to go ham with the games. MS has much, much more to prove than Sony. Xbox's first party output has had a few good things but nothing on Sony's level. They have to start big and end big.
The concern trolling over halo, forza and gears only is like getting way over the top. Im sure inexile. Obsidian entertainment, double fine, playground RPG studios are all totally doing gears, forza and halo games. I hear inexile is moving to a forza factory first game will be out in a few years forza wastelands ffs people time to come up with some new concern trolling.

I heard Ninja Theory, Initiative and Compulsion all have Halo, Gears and Forza titles on the way as well! 😄
That was old management who forced new studios to create crap they had no interest in doing except for a paycheck and it showed in the games. The new management is letting the new studios make the games they want how they see fit. Microsoft is there to help recruit to staff them up and payroll. I for one am excited to see a first party take RPGs seriously. You might not believe in obsidian entertainment and inexile but I think they will make some fine games in an area Sony has neglected. I also think playground RPG studio over time can become a premier Western Rpg studio. They went toe to toe against the gran turismo monster and created the better game so don't sleep them either.

I really hope so and want to believe, but this new management is still untested and hasn't actually produced anything worth the amount of talking they've put out. They haven't earned blind faith yet like Sony has, but here's to hoping that changes next week.

But even if they do announce some exciting things, they would need to follow through with releasing them to critical success. They announced Scalebound too, and I was really hyped for that, but that got canned. Right now, the only thing MS can be assured of is a more powerful box and consumer friendly environment.
You people act like PS4 got to 100 million strictly on Sony alone. No. MS stumbled out of the gate massively this Gen and Sony capitalized. Just the Gen before, both companies finished neck and neck with Xbox all but owning North America. And that was just with Halo, Forza, and Gears.

This time around MS has the hardware advantage and the price will be on par with PS5. So they will be going toe to toe on games and out of the gate MS launch lineup is looking to be better.

Like it or not Xbox has a ceiling when it comes to sales, they are limited by a real lack of global appeal. They'll do fine enough in the US and UK they always have, they tend to be mediocre to nearly non existent in the rest of the world and I don't see that changing. Just because they bought a bunch of mid level dev houses most of whom were struggling at the time doesn't mean they all of the sudden are going to have some top quality line up. Hopefully they do start putting out better and more varied first party titles because their tentpole series are in the decline and gamepass is either going to have to get a price hike or the quality of 1st party games is truly going to be mostly AA experiences instead of AAA because investment required for AAA games won't be recouped with someone only paying $120 for a year.
For the assumed targeted North American market? Sure. But I doubt Europeans or Japanese are going to buy the console either way.
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They obviously arent under any obligation. But I think it would be wise, considering last gen has been a bit lacking in games and most notably Xbox's recent messaging

I expect the heavy hitters to be really good Halo, Fable, Forza (sorry not a fan of Gears, I dislike wall bouncing) and hopefully a few quality left field games. Im a PS Fan, but i'll still watch the 23rd. Hope you guys get a great show!


Not Banned from OT
I really hope so and want to believe, but this new management is still untested and hasn't actually produced anything worth the amount of talking they've put out. They haven't earned blind faith yet like Sony has, but here's to hoping that changes next week.

But even if they do announce some exciting things, they would need to follow through with releasing them to critical success. They announced Scalebound too, and I was really hyped for that, but that got canned. Right now, the only thing MS can be assured of is a more powerful box and consumer friendly environment.
Yet again scale bound was under old management. They tried to force 4 player online play on a studio not into it who wanted a "paycheck". The end result was a flipping disaster like everything else during that time. Now it is studio has idea Matt Booty gives them a sounds great ill see you later if you need anything reach out. Versus here is the shitty gaas your studio will do if you want a paycheck. Ill expect updates every few weeks. That is a big cultural change that will eventually pay off.


I am not sure upgrades are necessary. In the short term Seris X exclusives would also run on XBoxOne, which means you wouldn't even need an SSD on your PC to run the ports. And depending on how weak Lockhart is, there is no need to spend 1000 dollars on upgrades just to run Xbox next gen games. A normal SSD would probably do the job.
? The Xone is getting discontinued next year, and your statement makes no sense especially from a PC gaming perspective. If a mechanical hard drive is "good enough to run" XSX games then why upgrade? Why not just game on a PC build with 2013GCN parts and a dated GPU. You upgrade because you want 4K 60 and Ray tracing. You'll grab an NVME because sooner than later that SATA is going to be old news. If you already have a 2080i, and an NVME, then don't get an Xbox. Like just get gamepass for PC, it's a sweet deal. For the rest of of us who don't necessarily want to foot a +$1500 bill for a PC just to match next gen specs, there's a $500 4K/60 box that plays on ultra settings by the same company


Considering we've seen nothing from them aside from 'in-engine' Hellblade (which I will believe when I see actually running) and Halo Infinite which honestly didn't impress me at all, I'd say they need to get a move on. The hardware sales numbers from current gen at least suggest a lot of people have switched from Xbox to Playstation (outsold 2:1, no?), so they have a battle to reverse that.

It's not really sufficient for them to equal what Sony is doing/will do in August. They really do have to absolutely knock it out of the park or people will just think "Yeah sure, I'm buying a Playstation let me know when you have some good first party stuff".


That original Inside XBOX 'first look at series x gameplay' is still the only event from the Xbox 2020 'monthly moments' thing.

I think there was supposed to be an event in June (maybe the Xbox Series S reveal?) but there hasn't been anything in ages....

I think with the disappointment around Inside Xbox - Phil (or someone) pulled rank and said the "next thing we show has to absolutely knock it out of the park."


They can't blow everything now with the console itself coming 4 months later, they should leave something for September/October, right before next-gen launch. Showing absolutely everything they got right now would be like masturbating before the actual date.


They really had better show something more than just Halo.

Yeah like, Halo this Halo that, now what if I'm not interested in the series at all? Flight Sim looks brilliant but again, that's not a "game" for an average Joe, to say the least. I'm hyped for Forza 8 but that's it, I cannot think about anything to look forward from MS, Titanfall is a multiplatform title now, while it would be so sick to see TF3 in action, Quantum Break will most likely never get a sequel, and again, I would love to continue the story, they need a wide portfolio of new big titles if they want to lure people that aren't into Gears and Halo into Xbox.
? The Xone is getting discontinued next year, and your statement makes no sense especially from a PC gaming perspective. If a mechanical hard drive is "good enough to run" XSX games then why upgrade? Why not just game on a PC build with 2013GCN parts and a dated GPU. You upgrade because you want 4K 60 and Ray tracing. You'll grab an NVME because sooner than later that SATA is going to be old news. If you already have a 2080i, and an NVME, then don't get an Xbox. Like just get gamepass for PC, it's a sweet deal. For the rest of of us who don't necessarily want to foot a +$1500 bill for a PC just to match next gen specs, there's a $500 4K/60 box that plays on ultra settings by the same company
You clearly don't play on PC. I play on PC because I have control over my game. I don't have the best hardware, but that is not what I play on PC for. Maybe one day you will understand.
That's a bit of a trick question; like I wouldn't want them to show stuff that barely past the concept stage and is either 5 years out or never going to happen.

But yeah, anything they plan to release by 2022 or before we should be getting a look at. As insanely consumer friendly as they have been (and that seems to be a continuing trend) I need exclusives, like most people, to secure my purchase.


They can't blow everything now with the console itself coming 4 months later, they should leave something for September/October, right before next-gen launch. Showing absolutely everything they got right now would be like masturbating before the actual date.
Not all dates lead to sex my friend (at least for me)
I think hardcore gamers make up their mind around this time (E3), not in the fall. They are also the majority of the people who buy consoles at launch. For casuals, knowing that there's a brand new Halo and all the multiplats running best should be a good enough incentive. But the early adopters, they will need to know that there is some serious load in the pipeline (no pun intended) before signing up, especially seeing everything Sony released this gen. You pretty much need to make Ghosts of Tsushima look like PacMan for them to have an open mind. But I know that all the other things MS has done will also help (GP, Xcloud, hardware, pro consumer etc..). People just need to know that they won't be completely outgunned software wise.
For casuals, knowing that there's a brand new Halo and all the multiplats running best should be a good enough incentive.
It isn't good enough to boost the sales of Xbox OneX though. Or PS4 Pro for that matter. Neither were able to overtake their cheaper base models in sales. Are you sure what you are saying makes sense in the real world?


It isn't good enough to boost the sales of Xbox OneX though. Or PS4 Pro for that matter. Neither were able to overtake their cheaper base models in sales. Are you sure what you are saying makes sense in the real world?
You need to be clearer about what needs elaborating in what I said. And I wouldn't take the mid-gen refreshes as a basis for the argument. Their identities were too tied to the baseline consoles for them to really establish a different pattern. Plus not much changed software wise on the Xbox side throughout the generation.


You clearly don't play on PC. I play on PC because I have control over my game. I don't have the best hardware, but that is not what I play on PC for. Maybe one day you will understand.
Then your claim that you don't need an Xbox to enjoy Xbox series X quality (specd) games because you have a PC applies to some PC gamers but not you. And that's fine game how ever you enjoy on what you enjoy. it takes pride and dedication to build your own rig, that's an awesome feat. But numbers are numbers, it's cheaper and more enjoyable for most to spend $500 instead of +$1500 on a PC with Comparable parts to play the same games at the same quality


Ok, a couple of factors here.

Let's say, hypothetically, Xbox has 6 big games to announce. (Let's say Halo Infinite, Hellblade 2, Fable(?), New Forza, and maybe a couple unannounced surprises).

They need to at the very least match Sony's latest reveal of big games (So that's Horizon 2, Ratchet and Clank, Spider-Man: MM, Returnal, Project Athia, Gran Turismo, Demon Souls Remake, Sackboy)

Mind you I'm only counting big games of AAA caliber. When I say "match" it doesn't necessarily mean quantity, but more like quality.

If Microsoft has less games, they would need a Killer App in order to hold back the reveal of other games. Killer Apps are rare by definition.

At the same time, they need to be mindful that Sony more than likely has other games they have not revealed yet and in a sense this means they cannot afford to put all their eggs in the July 23rd basket. They need something to hit back with.


They need to show the goods. Microsoft have been flopping with their exclusive content for too many years. And I don't care about quantity. It's about quality. I don't wanna see ReCore, Crackdown, Bleeding Edge.

Show us some big AAA games that are new IP. Or if it's a old IP reinvent the franchise to make me excited.

Killer Instinct 2
New IP by The Initiative or Perfect Dark reboot
Halo Infinite that isnt more of the same
Fable Reboot
Actual Gameplay trailers

I've seen Everwild and it looks cool but no gameplay, how can I be excited.

Sony have managed to make many successful new IPs last gen such as Horizon. They reinvented their IPs where things got stale like God of War. Devs that have worked in franchises for a while such as Sucker Punch with inFamous moved onto something new like Ghost of Tsushima. Of course they had so many blunders like Knack, Killzone Shadowfall, the list goes on but the amount of quality stuff they have come out with last gen in comparison to Microsoft is insane.

Microsoft definitely need to show the guns without CG trailers or a bunch of indie and lower budget games (they can show those as well but we need AAA gameplay to get us excited). I need to be able to be tempted by Microsoft with their lineup. There are games in Xbox One that in like it would be cool to play them but nothing that are damn I wish I could have that on PS4 I'm missing out other than Forza Horizon series.

I personally think the announcements won't make a difference it's when the games actually come out and do well critically is when they will have my attention. We have had Scalebound, Fable Legends that got cancelled. ReCore, Crackdown and other games getting hyped in press conferences only for the final product to be average.

Companies like inXile, Compulsion and etc are cool but they are smaller developers and only AAA game will get me wanting to switch consoles.

We have to also remember Sony developers are making their sequels to their fresh new IPs. Horizon, Spiderman and Ghost of Tsushima are already successful IPs and we can even include Days Gone even though it wasn't as critically successful. Imagine their sequels, these are new IPs not stale franchises. Remember the improvement we had from Uncharted 1 to 2. Killzone 1 to 2. God of War 1 to 2 and etc. It's gonna take a lot for Microsoft to convince me they will have a ton of nice games to show and even showing them won't be enough for me personally. They can show the guns but the bullets need to land. When their games come out I want to see them review well.
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They've talked too much and shown too little. It's put up or shut up time. I think some of the posters here over estimate the pull of Halo. It's had two crap games since Halo 3 and the MCC was a joke on launch.


Can we wait? They can. We're the addicted not them. They need our money, we need their games. Money vs. Games...I don't know who wins, lol, where am I going with this argument?
By the end of the day let's hope everyone stays healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, guys! Let's hope we're all still alive 2021! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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