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Project CARS | OT | Made by 80.000 slightly mad developers

It was a huge PDF document, maybe 200 pages long, with development notes for all the cars right back from day one, with all the feedback from Nick and thingy.

I can't find it anymore.

Edit : found it!
http://www.wmdcars.ru/docs/Project CARS - Handling Consultants Feedback.pdf

thanks. I bet the "tread and contact patch"-model of the 3 models that seta consists of is still based on the brush model. Would be interesting to know more about the "carcass" model.

edit: Wait, this is an old doc and they claim to have flatspotting and hydroplaning in the "heat transfer simulation" subchapter? Never felt any of that in pCARS to be honest.


Have not picked up the last two DLC packs yet..wondering if I should wait on more info about the "GoTY edition" and how they are going to handle getting that DLC to us peasant beta testers..ahem...early adopters...

Just wondering if we'll see some sort of "upgrade" that includes all previous DLC or if the old stuff will get discounted


No matter how good GT Sport, GT7 or Assetto Corsa end up being on PS4 I'm going to struggle to enjoy them without companion apps like Crew Chief and pCARS Dash. I just tried racing without them and it felt like there was a gaping chasm where they used to be. Apart from the increased immersion and authenticity it's incredible how I now absolutely rely on the constant information streams, and I'm really not sure how I managed before without access to a lot of the race data that I now take for granted.

I really hope GTS/7 and Assetto Corsa provide the framework for similar companion apps to be developed or they might end up feeling a little lacking by comparison.
Good luck getting Crew Chief for edit: Assetto Corsa!

mr_belowski said:
I contacted Kunos directly to ask if they had any plans to implement a UDP data broadcast system like the one SMS created for PCars, as this would allow console players to enjoy some 3rd party tools too. I even offered to help. But they didn't respond at all. Not even getting an acknowledgement from them doesn't really help with the enthusiasm for the project...

Reference: https://forum.sector3studios.com/index.php?threads/the-assetto-corsa-thread.2562/page-23#post-53159

Never say never but based on the lack of support and documentation - unlike Sector 3 and SMS - I doubt Crew Chief will be released for Assetto Corsa.


How does it compare to the other open wheelers there? Is it easy to drive?
I feel it more grounded, while having to deal more with tyres. I'm no expert and I can't really define my impression on the car in a technical way, less so in English. I should also play more of it.

And yes, it's easy to drive.


Good luck getting Crew Chief for pCARS!

I was very confused until I realised you meant Assetto Corsa :p

On a separate subject (and this might prove controversial) but in Helmet Cam (with helmet turned off) I prefer 'Camera Leaning' set to the absolute maximum. This tilts the whole screen as you steer and is fantastic (I think) for helping with feeling fake lateral g-forces and of being pressed sideways in your car seat. It also gives a feeling of the appropriate-sides suspension compressing (even though your car, along with everything else, also tilts with the horizon, and the suspension isn't compressing any more than normal). Couple this with some look-to-apex and I thinks it makes for a really visceral drive.

I played around with 'World Movement' as well last night, and this would more accurately be called 'Nodding' or 'Vertical Eyeball Shake' as you go over bumps. For a laugh jack it up to the max and take a fast car around Silverstone Classic. You can actually feel your teeth rattling.


On a separate subject (and this might prove controversial) but in Helmet Cam (with helmet turned off) I prefer 'Camera Leaning' set to the absolute maximum. This tilts the whole screen as you steer and is fantastic (I think) for helping with feeling fake lateral g-forces and of being pressed sideways in your car seat. It also gives a feeling of the appropriate-sides suspension compressing (even though your car, along with everything else, also tilts with the horizon, and the suspension isn't compressing any more than normal). Couple this with some look-to-apex and I thinks it makes for a really visceral drive.

I get what you're saying, and i've tried it but it's just a bit too 'gamey' looking, your head just doesn't move that much IRL


I get what you're saying, and i've tried it but it's just a bit too 'gamey' looking, your head just doesn't move that much IRL

But by the same token, neither does your head stay rigidly facing forward and perfectly horizontal like it does in 'normal' cockpit cam. And even on maximum, the camera lean is pretty slight - maybe 10 degrees from horizontal..?

Like all these things, it's very odd when changing from something you've been used to over an extended period. When I changed to cockpit cam (from hood cam) fairly recently it felt incredibly claustrophobic and limiting at first. Then when I started fiddling with helmet cam, look-to-apex, different FoVs and camera lean it felt disorientating at first and took a good chunk of experimenting before it felt natural. Now I've dialled in the settings and got used to the changes I really wouldn't have it any other way. Even going back to hood cam feels so... rigid now. And cockpit cam feels like I'm wearing a neck brace.

I really would implore anyone to spend some time playing with these settings for long enough to get over the shock of the new. My immersion and enjoyment have gone through the roof recently. A lot of settings that I've previously dismissed as gimmicks are pretty essential to my experience now.


Oh yeah, definitely worth trying out all the options and seeing what works for you.

I wish you could set it up on a per car basis, some cars really benefit from a bit of look to apex as they have a huge b pillar that can restrict your view of the apex, but others just don't need it.
My problem with the look-into-corner is that the speed at which it looks back straight after corner messes with the speed at which I turn the wheel back around. Decisions, decisions...

Track IR or a VR helmet would solve that, but I don't trust the resolution of VR yet to help me guessing distances in a racing game and not having to adjust my eyes when looking down on the dash or shifter might be weid... and then there is the framerate drops issue and playing around with tons of configuration files and and and....
Probably better to wait for a Rift#2 and also get a better PC then.


I feel it more grounded, while having to deal more with tyres. I'm no expert and I can't really define my impression on the car in a technical way, less so in English. I should also play more of it.

And yes, it's easy to drive.

Thanks, fresquito! I'm thinking about getting it.


My problem with the look-into-corner is that the speed at which it looks back straight after corner messes with the speed at which I turn the wheel back around. Decisions, decisions...

I can't emphasise enough the need to give these changes a decent chance. They all feel weird because change feels weird. You'll soon adapt if you put the laps in, then there's no going back to this:


Patrick S.

Amiga Forever
When I use that look to the apex feature, I usually end up crashing all the time, because it feels so weird to see the hood pointing in a different direction than towards where you are looking at, and it doesn't feel right until the hood and the viewpoint are aligned again, if that makes sense.
When I use that look to the apex feature, I usually end up crashing all the time, because it feels so weird to see the hood pointing in a different direction than towards where you are looking at, and it doesn't feel right until the hood and the viewpoint are aligned again, if that makes sense.

I think we have the same problem, but I also think Mascot might be right, you'll get used to it and profit from it later on; it does help with immersion. It kinda helps me going INTO the corner already, it just messes up going out of it. I'll try to keep using it for now.


I think we have the same problem, but I also think Mascot might be right, you'll get used to it and profit from it later on; it does help with immersion. It kinda helps me going INTO the corner already, it just messes up going out of it. I'll try to keep using it for now.

You soon get used to subconsciously using cockpit references to know where the car is pointing, rather than the centre of the TV or monitor screen.

I realise that look-to-apex might not be for everyone, but all I'm saying is it could be in your best interests to get over the initial weirdness and stick with it for a little while before making your mind up. I know I dismissed it in Shift, Shift 2 and Project CARS before trying again recently and I'm bloody glad I did.

Horses for courses, YMMV and all that.
You soon get used to subconsciously using cockpit references to know where the car is pointing, rather than the centre of the TV or monitor screen.

I realise that look-to-apex might not be for everyone, but all I'm saying is it could be in your best interests to get over the initial weirdness and stick with it for a little while before making your mind up. I know I dismissed it in Shift, Shift 2 and Project CARS before trying again recently and I'm bloody glad I did.

Horses for courses, YMMV and all that.
How far your seat is away from the tv and your in-game seat from the dash is also important, you want the in-game rotating axis for the look-into-corner to be where you're sitting IRL. Bigger Monitors/TVs are at an advantage.


thanks. I bet the "tread and contact patch"-model of the 3 models that seta consists of is still based on the brush model. Would be interesting to know more about the "carcass" model.

edit: Wait, this is an old doc and they claim to have flatspotting and hydroplaning in the "heat transfer simulation" subchapter? Never felt any of that in pCARS to be honest.
The document is about the model Andrew created, some stuff of it ended up not being used or toned down in the game, for that dreadful word, game-play reasons :(

flat-spotting: contact patch in mode is made up out of 3(rows) x 11 (blocks) each "block" own thread thickness. If you lock wheel, friction/heat/wear, resulted in some of those "blocks"being thinner than the rest of the tire --> flatspot. Problem was people started complaining about their wheel (too heavily) shaking off their desk/rig, so I think they turned the effect down (FFB) in game.

hydroplaning: never made it in the game, because the graphical presentation of the wet track is just random, created by (graphic)artist not by real data. So even though you see pools of water, they might not be there. They talked about limiting the max amount of water/rain (layer thickness) in the model so you would always be able to dispose that while driving. If they ended up doing it this way, not sure


The "look to apex" feature feels really unnatural to me. I go off the track every time I try it. In real life or even with a triple monitor setup you can see so much more in your peripheral vision so you don't lose track of where your pointed like you do with a single monitor setup and the look to apex feature on.
The document is about the model Andrew created, some stuff of it ended up not being used or toned down in the game, for that dreadful word, game-play reasons :(

flat-spotting: contact patch in mode is made up out of 3(rows) x 11 (blocks) each "block" own thread thickness. If you lock wheel, friction/heat/wear, resulted in some of those "blocks"being thinner than the rest of the tire --> flatspot. Problem was people started complaining about their wheel (too heavily) shaking off their desk/rig, so I think they turned the effect down (FFB) in game.

hydroplaning: never made it in the game, because the graphical presentation of the wet track is just random, created by (graphic)artist not by real data. So even though you see pools of water, they might not be there. They talked about limiting the max amount of water/rain (layer thickness) in the model so you would always be able to dispose that while driving. If they ended up doing it this way, not sure

Awesome to have someone with such insight here, taking the time to chime in. Thanks a lot.
You won't see me weep for miss of hydroplaning. And I'm gonna do a test for flat-spotting now. Wonder if I can feel it when i really overdo it.


Awesome to have someone with such insight here, taking the time to chime in. Thanks a lot.
You won't see me weep for miss of hydroplaning. And I'm gonna do a test for flat-spotting now. Wonder if I can feel it when i really overdo it.
It was massive in the Formula B in early testing, before the complaints:(, so maybe some of it is still there (Formula + slicks). Have not had the opportunity to drive in the full game as my doctor still hasn't fixed my shoulder and I'm not a huge fan of driving games/sims and controllers ;). Would love to have a go at the latest update in iRacing :(
It was massive in the Formula B in early testing, before the complaints:(, so maybe some of it is still there (Formula + slicks). Have not had the opportunity to drive in the full game as my doctor still hasn't fixed my shoulder and I'm not a huge fan of driving games/sims and controllers ;). Would love to have a go at the latest update in iRacing :(

Aston Martin Rapide S Hydrogen Hybrid, deceleration diff to zero, rain tyres in the front, hard slicks in the back, brake bias to 100% front. 1 lap @Monza (summer, noon, clear sky) on the finishing straight 100% decel input and my front left tyre was 50% gone.
I then could feel a rumble in the wheel, frequency increased with higher speed. So, that totally works. But I couldn't feel that it steered my wheel or that my precision was off in a corner, also the rumble is a lot weaker at lower speeds instead of slower but stronger. They probably dialed it down at lower speeds because of the mentioned outcry.

Edit: I tried Formula Rookie first, but it wasn't visible and I had almost no tyre damage shown in the display after braking, that's why I went to the heavy Aston.
PS: Get well soon!


Look to apex is masively less disorienting with lower FOVs. At the default setup, the turn is just too early and heavy. With lower FOVs it feels far more natural.


Look to apex is masively less disorienting with lower FOVs. At the default setup, the turn is just too early and heavy. With lower FOVs it feels far more natural.

Funny, I'm using 85 or so for FOV for helmet cam. But I only have the LtA set at 20-25, so more subtle. Plus I'm using a pad so that's different than the effects with a wheel I'd bet.

I loved the feature in Shift 2, got used to it right away. Certain cars would be tricky to straighten out of corners though. I like it even better in pCARS, not only is the back end slide of cars ironed physics wise, but you can adjust LtA down a bit as a whole. I felt it was a bit too much % wise in Shift 2. Nice to turn off the blur as well.

I really love the helmet/camera lean though, that's what pulls me in even more.


Funny, I'm using 85 or so for FOV for helmet cam. But I only have the LtA set at 20-25, so more subtle. Plus I'm using a pad so that's different than the effects with a wheel I'd bet.

I loved the feature in Shift 2, got used to it right away. Certain cars would be tricky to straighten out of corners though. I like it even better in pCARS, not only is the back end slide of cars ironed physics wise, but you can adjust LtA down a bit as a whole. I felt it was a bit too much % wise in Shift 2. Nice to turn off the blur as well.

I really love the helmet/camera lean though, that's what pulls me in even more.

I don't know whether these are exactly the settings I use nowadays, this video is pretty old. But I don't think there's much of a difference.



I don't know whether these are exactly the settings I use nowadays, this video is pretty old. But I don't think there's much of a difference.

This is a quick night/day GT3 race at Silverstone Classic with full damage/mech failures using my current settings of:

FoV: 65%

Ignore the shitty driving, I was doing some testing for SMS, trying to replicate a bug so wasn't trying too hard :p

Remember, Silverstone Classic is one of the bumpier tracks but I do like the 'lively' nature of the cockpit. With good FFB settings, a strong wheel, loud surround sound and a Buttkicker punching the seat of pants with every gear change (and Crew Chief yapping through my headset) it makes for a pretty visceral experience.



After years and years of being an X360 player, I bought PS4 few years ago. I miss Forza and GT seems to take forever to come. Now it seems Project Cars is the most similar game currently available on PS4 to feed my Forza appetite.

I remember there was some talk about nasty performance and visual issues (tearing and sub 60fps, strange ghosting) I see there's been pretty substantial post launch support though, so the question is, has the situation improved markedly? Is the game locked 60 or close to that on PS4? How about tearing?

Also, does the game satisfy my Forza appetite? Regarding the gameplay, are physics, AI and overall feeling (especially with gamepad only!) similar?

Pros/cons compared to last gen Forzas?

Thanks everyone.
If you play with a controller, I think someone who plays pCARS with a controller should answer your question, but the PS4 AA-solution ghosting issue was overblown by a vocal minority of gamers.

If you prefer road-legal cars, maybe wait for Assetto Corsa. pCARS has a few, but it really is more of a motorsport sim than a "driving" and track day sim.
You can expect performance to be better in AC too (then again pCARS looks a little better than AC and the performance is ok).


After years and years of being an X360 player, I bought PS4 few years ago. I miss Forza and GT seems to take forever to come. Now it seems Project Cars is the most similar game currently available on PS4 to feed my Forza appetite.

I remember there was some talk about nasty performance and visual issues (tearing and sub 60fps, strange ghosting) I see there's been pretty substantial post launch support though, so the question is, has the situation improved markedly? Is the game locked 60 or close to that on PS4? How about tearing?

Also, does the game satisfy my Forza appetite? Regarding the gameplay, are physics, AI and overall feeling (especially with gamepad only!) similar?

Pros/cons compared to last gen Forzas?

Thanks everyone.

Tearing is still minor on certain tracks (common to me on Azure circuit), but performance is much better. It's locked to 60fps for the most part. Do a heavy storm race at night with 40 cars and you'll see some drops.

Comparison to Forza, well that's a loaded question. What did you like most about Forza? If you like the locked progression, grinding a grid of career races and saving to buy the best cars, customizing with crazy rims and custom liveries, perusing the auction house/storefronts, then this isn't close.

If you wished there was more a focus on motorsport, than this is right up your alley. If you enjoy race weekends with practice and qualifying sessions in dynamic weather then you're in for a treat. I got disqualified my very first race for jumping the start. :p So that was an adjustment.

Personally, I prefer the physics to Forza (especially with the GT and LMP cars), I think the AI is good, and the gameplay gives experiences on console that are really remarkable sometimes, like racing at LeMans as the sun rises while a passing rain shower rumbles through.

It's not without it's faults though. The physics of the street cars still feel a bit off to me, way too twitchy and create snap oversteer/countersteer too easily, especially with a pad. The terms of the settings take some investigation, pad defaults are really rough. There are still odd glitches occasionally.

When you get everything dialed in with a pad and learn your way around the UI and what terms mean, then the game shines IMO. There are settings to customize darn near everything, it's amazing in that regard. More sims should have options like this. There are some great settings in this thread, and people are happy to share if you can't find them. Takes a while to tweak them to find what works best for you. And some car classes you may need to adjust differently.

And this'll probably get me some grief, but I'm honestly glad I don't have to deal with Forza anymore. I enjoyed them, but always had a love/hate relationship with the series if I'm honest.
To me, Forza had a lot of "just pretend" that I didn't care for. The lack of motorsport/real racing features bothered me. Proper rules, flags, pit-strategy, all that. You know the arguments.
They have great licenses that they don't follow through with. American LeMans, FIA GT, Super GT, Aussie V8 all thrown together in a class, racing against each other on tracks they would never race on. Hyper street cars have no business racing in R class races either. Never in real life does an Indy car or F1 car race against LMPs at LeMans or anywhere else. These are great for hypotheticals but impossible to mimic real racing series or do a proper championship.
I never got on with boosting a street car into R class, getting a racing livery, and just pretending it's the racing version. I was never into drifting. My racing fantasy is not to take a limo or van on a track day. It's to be a GT3 driver.

And pCARS offers this perfectly. The career is just that, you're a driver for a team doing race weekends, only concerned about driving. Not running a team, managing the money or sponsorships, just driving. I know some think the career is bland and boring, but it's what I've been wanting from a race game for years.

On the LtA topic,
fresquito, way too close to the window!

Mascot, nice video, I run with these-
FoV: 85% (with seat position the 4 d-pad buttons to fine tune per car)

Like I said, I love that you can customize this stuff. Shift 2 was on the right path for immersion IMO, but it's great to finally tweak each aspect of it.


Tearing is still minor on certain tracks (common to me on Azure circuit), but performance is much better. It's locked to 60fps for the most part. Do a heavy storm race at night with 40 cars and you'll see some drops.

Comparison to Forza, well that's a loaded question. What did you like most about Forza? If you like the locked progression, grinding a grid of career races and saving to buy the best cars, customizing with crazy rims and custom liveries, perusing the auction house/storefronts, then this isn't close.

If you wished there was more a focus on motorsport, than this is right up your alley. If you enjoy race weekends with practice and qualifying sessions in dynamic weather then you're in for a treat. I got disqualified my very first race for jumping the start. :p So that was an adjustment.

Personally, I prefer the physics to Forza (especially with the GT and LMP cars), I think the AI is good, and the gameplay gives experiences on console that are really remarkable sometimes, like racing at LeMans as the sun rises while a passing rain shower rumbles through.

It's not without it's faults though. The physics of the street cars still feel a bit off to me, way too twitchy and create snap oversteer/countersteer too easily, especially with a pad. The terms of the settings take some investigation, pad defaults are really rough. There are still odd glitches occasionally.

When you get everything dialed in with a pad and learn your way around the UI and what terms mean, then the game shines IMO. There are settings to customize darn near everything, it's amazing in that regard. More sims should have options like this. There are some great settings in this thread, and people are happy to share if you can't find them. Takes a while to tweak them to find what works best for you. And some car classes you may need to adjust differently.

And this'll probably get me some grief, but I'm honestly glad I don't have to deal with Forza anymore.
To me, Forza had a lot of "just pretend" that I didn't care for. The lack of motorsport/real racing features bothered me. Proper rules, flags, pit-strategy, all that. You know the arguments.
They have great licenses that they don't follow through with. American LeMans, FIA GT, Super GT, Aussie V8 all thrown together in a class, racing against each other on tracks they would never race on. Hyper street cars have no business racing in R class races either. Never in real life does an Indy car or F1 car race against LMPs at LeMans or anywhere else. These are great for hypotheticals but impossible to mimic real racing series or do a proper championship.
I never got on with boosting a street car into R class, getting a racing livery, and just pretending it's the racing version. I was never into drifting. My racing fantasy is not to take a limo or van on a track day. It's to be a GT3 driver.

And pCARS offers this perfectly. The career is just that, you're a driver for a team doing race weekends, only concerned about driving. Not running a team, managing the money or sponsorships, just driving. I know some think the career is bland and boring, but it's what I've been wanting from a race game for years.

My man.


After years and years of being an X360 player, I bought PS4 few years ago. I miss Forza and GT seems to take forever to come. Now it seems Project Cars is the most similar game currently available on PS4 to feed my Forza appetite.

I remember there was some talk about nasty performance and visual issues (tearing and sub 60fps, strange ghosting) I see there's been pretty substantial post launch support though, so the question is, has the situation improved markedly? Is the game locked 60 or close to that on PS4? How about tearing?

Also, does the game satisfy my Forza appetite? Regarding the gameplay, are physics, AI and overall feeling (especially with gamepad only!) similar?

Pros/cons compared to last gen Forzas?

Thanks everyone.

I've played Forza 1 on the Xbox, 3 and 4, and Horizon 1 and 2 on the X360. For the first time I decided to buy a Playstation after Microsoft's recent fuck up, and here's the thing: no, PCars isn't 60 FPS locked on the PS4 like Forza Motorsport usually is. It's not awful, but not butter-smooth neither. Yes, there's some screen tearing and framedips depending on what's happening on screen. Pcars is a very different game compared to Forza, more exciting, I'd say, although it has many many flaws. I fuckin' hate it sometimes, and I really love it too. It's annoying seeing something so good being so bad, and vice versa. When things work well, oh my God, it's bloody amazing! The problem is that it usually don't.

The first thing you'll have to do is to adjust the controller settings. The default settings are awful, really.

You'll also notice that some cars are more "driveable" than others. Some you fell like crap, while others work fine. Probably some heritage from NFS Shift working here. And, let's get Formula B (GP2) cars for example, when the cars are nice to drive, sometimes you'll feel frustrated with the suicidal AI.

This game has more than 10 patches til now. I don't know how it is now, but after the patch 7.0 I was still frustrated with some really annoying bugs. It's fuckin' messy. But when things work, it's unbelievable. I have a love-hate relationship. It really lacks some finesse.


And this'll probably get me some grief, but I'm honestly glad I don't have to deal with Forza anymore. I enjoyed them, but always had a love/hate relationship with the series if I'm honest.
To me, Forza had a lot of "just pretend" that I didn't care for. The lack of motorsport/real racing features bothered me. Proper rules, flags, pit-strategy, all that. You know the arguments.
They have great licenses that they don't follow through with. American LeMans, FIA GT, Super GT, Aussie V8 all thrown together in a class, racing against each other on tracks they would never race on. Hyper street cars have no business racing in R class races either. Never in real life does an Indy car or F1 car race against LMPs at LeMans or anywhere else. These are great for hypotheticals but impossible to mimic real racing series or do a proper championship.
I never got on with boosting a street car into R class, getting a racing livery, and just pretending it's the racing version. I was never into drifting. My racing fantasy is not to take a limo or van on a track day. It's to be a GT3 driver.


My only problem with the career in Pcars is that if you decide to do another year in a series (I love GT3 too) you'll have to do the same races (same tracks) in the same order and under the exact same weather patterns.


Thanks TylerDurden, DD and especially Jamesways for your replies. I guess I could take it for a spin after all... The sterile, soulless and empty non race sport feel has always bugged me a bit in Forza games,

The first thing you'll have to do is to adjust the controller settings. The default settings are awful, really.

Are there any good settings for this floating around?


Thanks TylerDurden, DD and especially Jamesways for your replies. I guess I could take it for a spin after all... The sterile, soulless and empty non race sport feel has always bugged me a bit in Forza games,

Are there any good settings for this floating around?

I can share my settings when I get home tonight.

And ah, don't go thinking that Pcars has the same numbers of cars as Forza. It has more tracks, tho.


Thanks TylerDurden, DD and especially Jamesways for your replies. I guess I could take it for a spin after all... The sterile, soulless and empty non race sport feel has always bugged me a bit in Forza games,

Are there any good settings for this floating around?
Forza 5 and 6 are just total borefests, the racing just isn't exciting enough, every race plays out the same way, it's just a mad rush to the front to get dem monies.
Plus the AI is terrible too, it's just not a very good racing game any more.

Try these settings for a start.

Steering deadzone 6
Steering sensitivity 10
Throttle deadzone 20
Throttle sensitivity 50
Brake deadzone 10
Brake sensitivity 30
Speed sensitivity 70
Controller filtering 30
Controller input mode 2
Advanced on
steering dampening on
Visual wheel filtering off
opposite lock help off
They have great licenses that they don't follow through with. American LeMans, FIA GT, Super GT, Aussie V8 all thrown together in a class, racing against each other on tracks they would never race on. Hyper street cars have no business racing in R class races either. Never in real life does an Indy car or F1 car race against LMPs at LeMans or anywhere else. These are great for hypotheticals but impossible to mimic real racing series or do a proper championship.
I never got on with boosting a street car into R class, getting a racing livery, and just pretending it's the racing version. I was never into drifting. My racing fantasy is not to take a limo or van on a track day. It's to be a GT3 driver.

Just to be fair, they have "Divisions" now in Forza 6. All the career races are within the same division ("sport compact", "hyper cars", "touring", "GT3", "Endurance Prototypes" etc.) and since the december patch you can set up division races in free play too, even use a playlist with tracks. You're right with everything else though, no Qualifying is a big one IMO.
I mean most of the time I just wanna do a practice lap and then do a race, but not even having the option for Qualifying in games as big as Forza and GT is very disappointing and pCARS does shine there. Weather changes and sunsets are a fantastic experience as well.


James, did you get pCARS Dash working on your Joblet yet..?
No! I have ye olde iPad, and it can't update to the new iOS patches. But, I have a new iPad coming from work. That should work nicely. I'm excited to get these apps going.

My only problem with the career in Pcars is that if you decide to do another year in a series (I love GT3 too) you'll have to do the same races (same tracks) in the same order and under the exact same weather patterns.
I'm running multiple careers. GT3 and Endurance currently. Love the endurance for the multi-class racing. I hear custom championships are coming soon, so that could cure the same patterns for the next season.

And ah, don't go thinking that Pcars has the same numbers of cars as Forza. It has more tracks, tho.
Yes, the car list is a lot less, but depending on what you like, it may have your favorites.
The track list is glorious. Racing games need huge track lists. If you've read our past posts many of us have been banging this drum for years in Forza threads...

Forza 5 and 6 are just total borefests, the racing just isn't exciting enough, every race plays out the same way, it's just a mad rush to the front to get dem monies.
And as Mascot has talked about, this game is great for the thrill of the racing in the pack. Sometimes you start in the 20s and work up to the teens by the end, and it's a great fight. You race for the racing, it's not always about cramming just to get to the front for the cash in a few laps.

My settings are similar to danowats, I used his as a template.
I think they're

Steering deadzone 8
Steering sensitivity 2
Throttle deadzone 10
Throttle sensitivity 30
Brake deadzone 10
Brake sensitivity 30
Speed sensitivity 65
Controller filtering 40

Steering deadzone, Steering sensitivity, and Speed sensitivity are the ones you'll really have to play with for your liking.

Just to be fair, they have "Divisions" now in Forza 6. All the career races are within the same division ("sport compact", "hyper cars", "touring", "GT3", "Endurance Prototypes" etc.) and since the december patch you can set up division races in free play too, even use a playlist with tracks. You're right with everything else though, no Qualifying is a big one IMO.
I mean most of the time I just wanna do a practice lap and then do a race, but not even having the option for Qualifying in games as big as Forza and GT is very disappointing and pCARS does shine there. Weather changes and sunsets are a fantastic experience as well.
That's awesome! About time. I've always wanted a way to set up custom class championship races in Forza.
Does Forza 6 have that multiplayer option to use in SP like 4 had, where you can set the AI grid car by car? That was a great feature. That's one that's lacking in pCARS big time. I used to try to set a few cars per class for a American LeMans race. Tough with the limited grid, but at least you could pick each car.


Weather changes and sunsets are a fantastic experience as well.

This cannot be overemphasised. Even something as simple (!) as having procedurally-generated clouds keeps the game feeling fresh, as every single sky you encounter will be unique. Driving from sun, to shadow, to sun in light cloud never gets old, and knowing the next lap will be different again is just terrific. Hell, even sunrise and sunset will look different as clouds pass in front of the sun, and you can be blinded by the sun yet the guy 20 seconds behind you might not be because the clouds have shifted. It's fucking awesome, it really is. Mix in some accelerated ToD and you can go from night to dawn to morning to noon to afternoon to evening and back to night over the course of a short race. And then there's the precipitation...

Yet, looking at youTube, most people play with one weather slot consisting of cloudless blue skies at noon.



This cannot be overemphasised. Even something as simple (!) as having procedurally-generated clouds keeps the game feeling fresh, as every single sky you encounter will be unique. Driving from sun, to shadow, to sun in light cloud never gets old, and knowing the next lap will be different again is just terrific. Hell, even sunrise and sunset will look different as clouds pass in front of the sun, and you can be blinded by the sun yet the guy 20 seconds behind you might not be because the clouds have shifted. It's fucking awesome, it really is. Mix in some accelerated ToD and you can go from night to dawn to morning to noon to afternoon to evening and back to night over the course of a short race. And then there's the precipitation...

Yet, looking at youTube, most people play with one weather slot consisting of cloudless blue skies at noon.


And I love how you were advising people to do the full race weekends too. It's so cool to start an a Friday morning in the early morning or fog, do your last qualifying session and race#2 as it's getting dark. It's a hell of an experience for sure.

Also, you're cracking me up in the GT Sport thread Mascot!


And I love how you were advising people to do the full race weekends too. It's so cool to start an a Friday morning in the early morning or fog, do your last qualifying session and race#2 as it's getting dark. It's a hell of an experience for sure.

Also, you're cracking me up in the GT Sport thread Mascot!

Amen to that, it's a great way to play if you have the time and the patience. And you've got a whole week to stew in your juices if you stuff it up on the last lap and turn good points into goose eggs.
Does Forza 6 have that multiplayer option to use in SP like 4 had, where you can set the AI grid car by car? That was a great feature. That's one that's lacking in pCARS big time. I used to try to set a few cars per class for a American LeMans race. Tough with the limited grid, but at least you could pick each car.
No, sorry, you can't. And no multi-class races for free play, you can only choose one division.

And I love how you were advising people to do the full race weekends too.
I tried that, but in GT4 doing the sprint and right after that the real race on sunday turned me off. Maybe I'll give it another try in another career and class.


I tried that, but in GT4 doing the sprint and right after that the real race on sunday turned me off. Maybe I'll give it another try in another career and class.

How so? It's how these GT race weekends work in real life. Maybe take a break between the races, grab a coffee or something?

It does take time and patience to do the weekends in real time, but the sense you get of competing in something authentic is very immersive. And immersion is good in sim racing, yes?
How so? It's how these GT race weekends work in real life. Maybe take a break between the races, grab a coffee or something?

It does take time and patience to do the weekends in real time, but the sense you get of competing in something authentic is very immersive. And immersion is good in sim racing, yes?

Guess I'm too casual?!?? I don't know.
Doing 10 laps (80%), getting a pat on the back for finishing 2nd, being exhausted and then being told "hey let's do that again, but this time 20 laps" isn't for me. I would have more fun racing in another car on another track. Do 3-4 practice laps, then race 8-12 laps, that's more my thing.


Guess I'm too casual?!?? I don't know.
Doing 10 laps (80%), getting a pat on the back for finishing 2nd, being exhausted and then being told "hey let's do that again, but this time 20 laps" isn't for me. I would have more fun racing in another car on another track. Do 3-4 practice laps, then race 8-12 laps, that's more my thing.

But... you can exit the career mode and go and drive whatever you want, wherever you want, for as long as you want in solo mode or online or time trial. You aren't forced to do the next race there and then.
I think I might have misunderstood?


Anyone else have a strong dislike for the Aston Martin Rapide S Hydrogen Hybrid in this game? I was running it in a GT4 championship and it was so unfair lol. That thing is not competitive.
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