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[Report] Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Preorders 50% behind Ghosts

There's no good shooters left. Destiny was disappointing, COD is dead, Battlefield is at least momentarily no good with this Hardline nonsense.

Guess I'll just play sunset overdrive, mcc, and GTA this season.

Wolfenstein. And Plants vs. Zombies shouldn't be ignored on the multiplayer front.
Metro Redux too and you can't dismiss it as a re-release when you're getting GTA and Master Chief Collection too.


That's funny considering in tempted to buy AW and I haven't touched a COD since black ops. Something is just pulling me to this, not exactly sure what.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
It's not good for the industry through, because it disincentivizes future investments in big IP.

Call of Duty's rampant success helped greenlight projects.

Call of Duty's crash and burn makes publishers wary, even if you can write some of it off as franchise fatigue...it raises questions about the viability of FPS games in the current market.

Time for Splatoon to rise and shine, then! /s

Seriously, I hope Splatoon does well, COD decline or not


Good. Glad to see mainstream FPSs slowly losing their market share. Hope cinematic 3rd person shooters follow suit.

Im glad that cute platormers don't have a market share to loose....

whats your point

Back on topic, getting tired of the 4 x DLC and the crazy fractured playlists players with different map maps causes. Activision is greedy.

COD is good for 4 to 6 months and then the player base is split up

Also they keep lying about dedicated servers.


Neo Member
Ghosts turned me off from the series. I just couldn't get into it and enjoy the MP. I've been most successful with MP, when Treyarch built the game (WAW, BOPS 1/2). The rest of the series to me, less MW4, never really took with me. I'm not sure why.

Im going to take a year off unless the reviews are mind blowing or something. There are plenty oft other games to pass the time.


I wonder if they will just keep churning them out until it dies or try a different tack and give it a year off. Obviously with three studios working on separate games that would still be a couple of years from now.


I expected this to happen around this time of the current generation. Wonder what that means for the studios though a couple years down the line :T
I thought MW3 was equally as terrible as Ghosts, but Ghosts gets the nod in the aint-shit factor for terrible performance on the PS4.


It's not good for the industry through, because it disincentivizes future investments in big IP.

Call of Duty's rampant success helped greenlight projects.

Call of Duty's crash and burn makes publishers wary, even if you can write some of it off as franchise fatigue...it raises questions about the viability of FPS games in the current market.

CoDs rampant success helped green light projects that were like CoD, everything else got left by the wayside. I'm all for a less homogenous and more varied AAA industry, though at this stage I don't think it's possible.
One thing worth remembering is that even though reserves are down a lot, this doesn't mean the game will "bomb" or hugely under-perform.

Many consumers I've spoken to, are still interested in the title but feel burned out / unsure after Ghosts. That game did real, quantifiable damage to the brand. It really did. Franchise fatigue was already in effect, as has been seen with each COD tracking slightly less for the last several titles.

But the drop from Ghosts, to AW reserves has been severe. Sledgehammer needs to deliver a quality product that both reviews well and and has great consumer word of mouth or there will be even larger impacts going forward. I'm sure the pressure Sledgehammer is feeling is immense and I really hope they can deliver as COD falling off isn't good for the health of the industry.


Man if AW turns out to be crap, my PS4 wouldn't get any action for a looong time.

Same with me. I only really play CoD MP - everything else is just filler. AW is supposed to get a 3rd person mode - that should be good (actually liked it in MW2). Hoping MGS TPP does something good with MP.
One thing worth remembering is that even though reserves are down a lot, this doesn't mean the game will "bomb" or hugely under-perform.

Many consumers I've spoken to, are still interested in the title but feel burned out / unsure after Ghosts. That game did real, quantifiable damage to the brand. It really did. Franchise fatigue was already in effect, as has been seen with each COD tracking slightly less for the last several titles.

But the drop from Ghosts, to AW reserves has been severe. Sledgehammer needs to deliver a quality product that both reviews well and and has great consumer word of mouth or there will be even larger impacts going forward. I'm sure the pressure Sledgehammer is feeling is immense and I really hope they can deliver as COD falling off isn't good for the health of the industry.
I have to wonder if Activision will do something in 2016 (assuming Blops3 is at least a moderate success, and the franchise rolls on) to hide Infinity Ward's involvement in the product. Ghosts burned even the COD loyal. Maybe a rebranding of the studio?
F**k this franchise, still no Demolition in AW?

Save us Treyarch! :(

Word on the street is Blops3 is current gen only but that Activision was considering a last gen port. I'm really interested based off AW sales split which way they'll go.

And let me be clear Im not saying whether it will or won't be Current Gen only. I dont have confirmation on anything.


Swat/Police theme would be cool. It fits perfectly.

IMO - they need to change what's standard:

The call out voiceovers
The gun sounds
The animations
The "here are your class slots"
The loading game splash screen (they're partially getting this right with the vr shooting range)
The "here are your four season dlc map packs"
The HUD, mini map
The fact that a sniper rifle doesn't break through glass with the first bullet but throwing a grenade can
Getting stuck in random geometry
Anything that makes the map feel alive/organic (not these cheap scripted events like in ghosts)

These are the things that make you feel/know you're playing COD. That's the formula that needs to be changed - because you are expecting it.

IMO the gun play is extremely fun/satisfying way better than BF. I feel an attachment to the weapons and I don't feel that in BF.
Still can't remember where this is from, but this was bound to happen sooner or later when you


a franchise
Kinda expected honestly, few reasons why:
- First CoD after Ghosts
- First Sledgehammer CoD
- They worked on MW3
- It's Not Black Ops 3 (although kinda Black Ops 2.5)
- People are tired of CoD

These guys did MW3? I might pass. MW3 had absolute shit spawns and godawful maps with zero flow and no choke points.


People are just waiting for Treyarch's biblical masterpiece in 2015.

I certainly am. I can't wait to see what they do with 3 years dev time. I was starting to get excited for AW after they hyped the coop reveal then they dropped Survival on us. I'm going to wait until after launch to see if I want it now.


There's a rumor that there is a fourth mode called "hellspawn". Google it. It sounds like a good take on zombies. Good if true.


One thing worth remembering is that even though reserves are down a lot, this doesn't mean the game will "bomb" or hugely under-perform.

Many consumers I've spoken to, are still interested in the title but feel burned out / unsure after Ghosts. That game did real, quantifiable damage to the brand. It really did. Franchise fatigue was already in effect, as has been seen with each COD tracking slightly less for the last several titles.

But the drop from Ghosts, to AW reserves has been severe. Sledgehammer needs to deliver a quality product that both reviews well and and has great consumer word of mouth or there will be even larger impacts going forward. I'm sure the pressure Sledgehammer is feeling is immense and I really hope they can deliver as COD falling off isn't good for the health of the industry.
That is probably the biggest problem the industry faces, in that COD failing will actually severely hurt it. The fact the industry itself relies on COD making those ridiculous sales is super scary.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Eh. Not surprising. Advanced Warfare will still probably be pretty good, but none of that matters as long as Treyarch's next game isn't out yet. Now, should THAT bomb? It's a freaking wrap.


These guys did MW3? I might pass. MW3 had absolute shit spawns and godawful maps with zero flow and no choke points.

As I understand it Sledgehammer largely worked on the campaign for MW3, and helped with the 'manpower' part of Inifinity Ward developing the multiplayer. I don't think Sledgehammer played a large part in designing the multiplayer in that game; I've seen a few interviews staying their involvement in the singleplayer, but I haven't seen one discussing the multiplayer.


Remember when Call of Duty games were all about being a random soldier in a war?

no because most people didn't jump on the bandwagon until COD4. they probably didn't even know it was a WW shooter outside of the WAW/Treyarch outlier ;)

F2P shooters have caught up to the blockbuster Shootbangs. I can do what I do in CoD and Battlefirld in Planetside 2 for free.

Still waiting for that console version. What's taking so long?
As I understand it Sledgehammer largely worked on the campaign for MW3, and helped with the 'manpower' part of Inifinity Ward developing the multiplayer. I don't think Sledgehammer played a large part in designing the multiplayer in that game; I've seen a few interviews staying their involvement in the singleplayer, but I haven't seen one discussing the multiplayer.

Raven worked on the multiplayer while Sledgehammer did the single player. It's also worth keeping in mind that both of them were brought in to basically "save" the project after Infinity Ward fell apart due to the mass exodus from the studio after Jason and Vince were fired. So I don't think it's fair to judge either of those studios on that game when the development of it was a disaster.
Classic Activision. Like Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero they run the franchises into the ground with over saturation, choking their own markets.

But why not? They are so good at what they are doing, that the short term perspective (5-10) years seems to give them more than enough revenue to buy future studios and great franchises to keep this on repeat.


Whether it was intentional or purely done because they could not actually finish the game, look at the breathing room between GTA4 and GTA5? And GTA4 had its fair share of critics and negative reception, but years of space, allowed GTA5 to come out and feel fresh rather than "here we go again.."

We know that in a couple of months from now, that same guy Eric Hirshberg with his black suit will stand on a stage and tell you how the NEXT Call of Duty will "change everything!" and the best thing ever.

The trailer will be bombastic, they will have developer interviews who this is going to rock, some music from Eminem or Kanye or whoever-the-fuck to accompany the trailer. New and even more convoluted ways to level up etc. Likely just before E3 in 2015 happens, i bet they even booked the locale and are getting ready for that already. And people know this, its like we are in a amusement park and going through the same ride again and again and again

Its not just the games that have become formulaic and predictable, its also everything around them. And does that really matter to the masses who buy or used to buy these games? Probably not, but its just another sign how everything has stagnated with them and they just riding the horse on autopilot.


Ghost was horrible and hurt the franchise tbh Activision need too gain goodwill again and 1 way would be not too hide so much of the mp behind expensive DLC.
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