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[Report] Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Preorders 50% behind Ghosts


They can still turn it around with the following COD.

Look, we got rid of all that shit, it's back to basics and new graphics!

They have to mix it up sometime but can always revert to type.

The only problem is if some new phenomenon takes over like COD did to MOH. Destiny, maybe not. Battlefield might have blown it. Battlefront? Halo is one platform, so no. Titanfall, remains to seen but multiplatform who knows. Something new entirely.

I would say this generation hasn't had the big FPS shake up yet but it could happen.
I welcome our Watch Dogs and Destiny overlords.*

*Assuming they're suitably improved.

I have no issues with Watch_dogs or Infamous for that matter.

That said, I play them as mission based games and ignore the fluff. Once ive maxed my character and completed the story, im done.


maybe the well has dried up. CoD has had its day in the sun like most franchises, people were gonna get bored eventually due to Activisons yearly practice.
There's a combination of many things that are contributing to the decline of COD and Ghosts being an absolute garbage game hasn't helped. And I also find it interesting that Black Ops 2, which is considered to be way better than MW3 by the most hardcore fans, even saw a decline year over year compared to MW3. So there's evidence, in my opinion, that a "better game" isn't going to bring back sales. The decline has started and it's only going to continue. And at what point does Activision finally pull back from 3 different studios churning out the same game year after year? Are we really going to see Ghosts 2 in 2016 from Infinity Ward? That will be a sad day and COD as a franchise will probably be in a very sad place at that point.


Lots of gaffers are already writing this game off. I find it really strange because it seems like the biggest change to the gameplay mechanics in long time. It could turn out terrible or great either way, AW has my interest.


Looks like people are finally realizing how stale the franchise has gotten. I dropped off at Blops, picked up Battlefield, and never looked back.

Although it 's sad how buggy and COD-like the newer battlefields have gotten :/


ghosts was fucking terrible......I even hooked my PS3 back up to play black ops 2.........which had WAY better multiplayer.

I think everyone is waiting on Treyarchs next offering, I sure know I am.


Good timing for Destiny to come out. I'm not sure what kinda legs Destiny has though.

not really, seems like they're cannibalizing their own customer base a bit. Activision would do better to make one of their two big shooter franchises the holiday franchise (probably CoD) and move the other to spring (probably Destiny).


There's a combination of many things that are contributing to the decline of COD and Ghosts being an absolute garbage game hasn't helped. And I also find it interesting that Black Ops 2, which is considered to be way better than MW3 by the most hardcore fans, even saw a decline year over year compared to MW3. So there's evidence, in my opinion, that a "better game" isn't going to bring back sales. The decline has started and it's only going to continue. And at what point does Activision finally pull back from 3 different studios churning out the same game year after year? Are we really going to see Ghosts 2 in 2016 from Infinity Ward? That will be a sad day and COD as a franchise will probably be in a very sad place at that point.

Somewhat with BO2 and now, and especially, with AW we have seen people talking about how the COD games have grown less attached to the modern military that we have today. People like to play soldier for some reason.

The people that I know that play COD would never play Halo, or any futuristic shooter. AW is teetering on that edge for them, possibly because of the classic playlist option. The weapons and exo suits may be a negative for those players, and I'm starting to wonder if that is a significant portion of the COD market.
The franchise was already in a slow decline, but Ghost was so awful it did serious damage to the franchise. If they do all the right things they can probably turn it around somewhat, but the peak of CoD is in the past


Got my preorder in on this one. I don't know, it looks cool, Kevin Spacey...come on! Now after the craptacular MP that Ghosts had though, I'm going disc and probably trading it off. I stopped buying these day one after Black Ops I think but have managed to hit up each release at some point. For whatever reason I'm actually excited for a new COD.


ghosts is the first cod game since cod3 I was able to stop myself from buying. mw3 and black ops 2 were games i purchased reluctantly and ended up just playing for like 2 or 3 weeks and so ghosts was not a hard choice.

for some reason i am actually interested in the single player of this new cod game so i might actually buy into the franchise again so lets see how the reviews come out before i bite the bullet.
Somewhat with BO2 and now, and especially, with AW we have seen people talking about how the COD games have grown less attached to the modern military that we have today. People like to play soldier for some reason.

The people that I know that play COD would never play Halo, or any futuristic shooter. AW is teetering on that edge for them, possibly because of the classic playlist option. The weapons and exo suits may be a negative for those players, and I'm starting to wonder if that is a significant portion of the COD market.

Lots of gaffers are already writing this game off. I find it really strange because it seems like the biggest change to the gameplay mechanics in long time. It could turn out terrible or great either way, AW has my interest.

I've never had a huge interest in CoD; the iterations I've picked up have been more because it was an mp shooter I knew I would be able to consistently jump into quick fully populated games with no waiting and because a few of my RL friends would get it. But AW does have my interest, since it kind of looks like a crossover of a futuristic arena shooter in a complex-ish urban warfare setting.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Fuck Ghosts did some damage. I still truly believe positive word of mouth will give AW legs

I'll buy after a price drop.

Anyone know if this will have bot mode?


First tragedy, then farce.
I'm almost certain the first BLOPs is the best selling COD game, but i have said crazier things before.

The biggest loser here isn't activision, as good reviews for CODAW will bring many back to it. No, EA with their double pack of shitty in the terrible release of BF4 followed by the delay for BF Hardline really cost them a chance to take a good chunk of that market from Activision.


EA had this massive giant opportunity to become the new go to FPS franchise and bungled it so horribly they could make Dabo Sweeny blush.

Titanfall didn't take up the slack, though that's more of a budget issue than quality. A Multiplat TF2 with a larger budget could be the answer.

Destiny is sort of it's own thing and is probably too hardcore for the CoD fanbase.

Or the King Returns and MCC cleans up this Xmas.

Or the FPS genre oversaturated itself on consoles finally


I disagree. COD is best when you have team firefights in choke points. The abilty to move many different directions, ala Ghost, will get you constantly kill from behind which gets boring and fustrating quickly. Add in TF movements plus larger areas to be able to use it, it will make it even worse.

Assuming that they're following in Ghosts footsteps, right? I really doubt they are based on the general consensus.

I have a feeling they took more than one cue from Tintanfall (hell some of the weapons look similar). Best thing about TF is the gameplay.

It's a brilliant move. Kinda sucks because they're not being original, but it's a brilliant business move.
The series has been annual since 2004.

Advanced Warfare will be the 12th installment. A serious decline after a fuck up should be expected.

I for one welcome the second coming of our JRPG and platformer overlords.


It's kind of a shame, I like the looks of AW, and I'm ready to love CoD again.

Well, I'll be there, hope it works out.


I'm not really feeling this one. I have Titanfall for the whoop-dee-doo wall running and double jumping. Sure, no kill streaks, but I am kind of over them anyways. The reviews really have to be great for me to get it, and I have played them all but COD 3 and the console only ones from when I was a PC guy. Liked most of them, but was indifferent to Ghosts and World at War (which are the only ones I have traded in for other games). Hopefully, this one is great and revives the franchise. If not, hopefully the studios making them are able to put out some new IP's that we can all like.
They can still turn it around with the following COD.

Look, we got rid of all that shit, it's back to basics and new graphics!

They have to mix it up sometime but can always revert to type.

The only problem is if some new phenomenon takes over like COD did to MOH. Destiny, maybe not. Battlefield might have blown it. Battlefront? Halo is one platform, so no. Titanfall, remains to seen but multiplatform who knows. Something new entirely.

I would say this generation hasn't had the big FPS shake up yet but it could happen.

Just make a COD4 Remaster, add in a few popular MW2 weapons and maps.
Bam best COD since 4.


I think it's a combination of Ghosts being terrible, some franchise fatigue (Ghosts kinda responsible here too - you get tired of things when they are mediocre), and the current generation shift to PS4/Xbone. I think the game will end up doing OK anyway as there will be a lot of new PS4/Xbone owners this holiday. I mean most people aren't pre-ordering for 360/PS3 right now I would imagine and there are still a lot of people who haven't gone next gen yet.
It's a shame because AW actually looks quite good. I will buy it anyway, but ghosts and the myriad of other FPS's available could be the reason why.
All the people I know who played COD religiously over the years lost interest completely. They don't even bother looking for the new title. It looks like Activision will have to relay on other games for their incredible profit margins. Destiny fits in perfectly, goodbye bungie.


Not surprised, Ghosts was fucking awful. I played that game for around 2 or 3 days after launch and have never put it back on - I played the latest CoD games sporadically throughout the year ever since MW2, which just goes to show you how much I disliked Ghosts.
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