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I felt some fps drops playing the demo on the ps5, had some good little shock moments. That lady got some milk jugs.


RE:verse looks garbage and another tacked on MP game no one wanted. Why do they keep doing it? :/ Surely they look at the internet and see people wanting Outbreak style game, not this trash.

I don't get it either.

They could have done something "fun" with a budget-oriented multiplayer side-product like ReVerse, something visually interesting but not complex (they call the art-style as "striking comic-style visuals", which would have been cool ala HotD Overkill, but this ain't that or really anything striking IMO) and engaging to play without trying to last forever.

The idea of small-scale multiplayer battles in ReVerse is fine, I guess, it didn't look good in the trailer but I was mostly put off by the look and clumsy-looking interactivity, didn't really think much about the play. It'd be nice if an actually enjoyable game was built into what looks like a mess at first glance. There's nothing hero-shootery about RE though, and not much reason to want to kill other icons of the series, so it's straight fan service that no fan seems to want.

That said, a RE Outbreak type of game would I figure need to be a complete production and would require top talent to make happen. (Even a remaster would be something of an effort.) I don't think it would fit with these shove-in-multiplayer products Capcom has been making recently to get MP into its games. (Whereas flops like Umbrella Corps and Operation Raccoon City - are those not the same game?! - were intended to be full products that just never had full faith behind them.) Resident Evil Resistance was the best compromise I could have seen that as a success if Capcom had cared more (and if RE3make hadn't seemed like a truncated production that could have used more time on it and less time on the multiplayer addon,) but that was not to be.
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As a ps5 user, you didn't notice the fps drop when the "lady" appeared...?
Yes, I just encountered her, but it appears to happen when while the bugs are swarming around her. But I still don't consider this struggling to run at 60fps. I believe they would lower the resolution a lot if it was in fact a major problem.


Walked through the demo.
Lady Krueger. I initially thought I was a midget, but then I realized I was playing a small young maiden


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So they didn't show RE4VR after all (RE4R was a given to be missing)? :(

When will they get people couldn't care less about c tier pvp crap, it's not what RE is about and that's why you have to bundle it with a big release every time even though it's wholly different to the main game (unlike the various fun mercenaries/raid type extra modes), because even you know it's shit that would not sell on its own...
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I can't wait to see how bad the servers of RE:Verse will be. The online mode of RE3R is almost unplayable these days.

I guess Umbrella Corps was just the beginning of shitty pvp RE games...

Anyway, cool Father Gasgoine cosplay from Ardyn.... Hopefully he will kill Ethan.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Yeah, looks like the max difficulty is locked behind a paywall. wtf?
It's that a fucking Craig?


Anyone know where I can download a higher quality stream of the showcase today?
I usually go to Gamersyde, but its not up there.
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ready for this , but neogaf went offline for an hour atleast WTF
I had heavy withdrawal symptoms furiously mashing F5.
I may even have leaked a little pee and I was definitely prairie dogging it.
Are the GAF mods going to clean my crotch? Will they be wiping my ass?
I certainly won't be doing it. I didn't cause an almost 1 hour GAF outtage.
Can the mods please get in touch with me? This is unacceptable.


RE8 looks great despite the footage being kinda crap. Like, the combat snippet wasn't even played well at all. Terrible showing.

The game itself looks and surely will be great but yeah they just showed it off pretty badly.

And what the fuck at those reveals.

I wanted to at least see confirmation of Classic REs being released on all the current consoles but no they decide to show us yet another seemingly half hearted attempt at RE Multiplayer and fucking costumes for another multiplayer game.

Like, come on. This is RE's 25th Anniversary, at least let us play the old fucking games again. I haven't played em in years cuz they're not really available on more modern consoles.
RE8 looks great despite the footage being kinda crap. Like, the combat snippet wasn't even played well at all. Terrible showing.

The game itself looks and surely will be great but yeah they just showed it off pretty badly.

And what the fuck at those reveals.

I wanted to at least see confirmation of Classic REs being released on all the current consoles but no they decide to show us yet another seemingly half hearted attempt at RE Multiplayer and fucking costumes for another multiplayer game.

Like, come on. This is RE's 25th Anniversary, at least let us play the old fucking games again. I haven't played em in years cuz they're not really available on more modern consoles.

I thought the old games were mostly on last gen consoles.


RE8 looks great despite the footage being kinda crap. Like, the combat snippet wasn't even played well at all. Terrible showing.

The game itself looks and surely will be great but yeah they just showed it off pretty badly.

And what the fuck at those reveals.

I wanted to at least see confirmation of Classic REs being released on all the current consoles but no they decide to show us yet another seemingly half hearted attempt at RE Multiplayer and fucking costumes for another multiplayer game.

Like, come on. This is RE's 25th Anniversary, at least let us play the old fucking games again. I haven't played em in years cuz they're not really available on more modern consoles.
Who even said this? Lol


The Japanese really do not understand PvP at all do they?

Either the higher ups at Capcom HQ are stubborn and don't to want to stop making these ridiculous MP games until they have a hit or they have a policy of no more AAA MP games, only cheap mobile quality spin offs.

The last game that had some effort was Operation Raccoon City.
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It's unfortunate that Village (and especially re:verse) look like they are two generations behind when it comes to gameplay, animation, interactivity etc. It just looks clunky. The scene with the big dude with the hammer thing and other enemies I'm certain was supposed to look epic but all the clipping and the enemies jumbling amongst one another just looked goofy.
Village looks awesome, pretty much exactly what I wanted from a follow up to RE7 (one of my favorite games of last gen).

But what's up with Capcom continuing to make these RE Online experiences that are obviously made by some B team in the basement hanging out with Milton from Office Space? Either go all out or don't do it at all. Capcom has been making these half assed online RE modes and games for about 20 years and have yet to nail it.

The fact that it looks like dog shit and comes with RE8 sends home that this is going to be mediocre at best.


I'm disappointed. That maiden demo looked like some boring RE7 DLC, right down to the menu sound effects. I expected more from this but I might still give the game a try.


I hate to say it, but the demo doesn't look good. Coming off Demon's Souls, this is a massive step down in textures, lighting, physics.

As for Re:Verse, well it is taking the franchise backwards, so the name is apt.
I'm disappointed. That maiden demo looked like some boring RE7 DLC, right down to the menu sound effects. I expected more from this but I might still give the game a try.
I think that feeling is similar to what RE7 had. You won’t feel good, but holy crap it’ll feel much different once you finally play it. RE7 felt so addicting after playing Beginning Hour. It’s like starving a person and then putting a pizza in front of their face. I can’t say everyone gets my point, but that was my experience.


Its exactly what I wanted from a new Resi. The first person view and gameplay of 7 but bigger and more ambitious in terms of environment and enemies, and with an overall feel thats closer to traditional Resi.


That gameplay snippet was really annoying with this Fabiano guy talking shit in the background. I'm a new Resident Evil fan and I was expecting some moody Japanese dude with laconic delivery narrating.
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Another DuskGolem strikeout.

Looks silky smooth 60 to me.

Framerate tanks in certain areas. The room with the chandelier has spots where it feels like mid 50s for example and when you walk up the stairs with the bug lady encounter it feels like it's falling even lower. The frame rate is a far cry from a stable 60 during that sequence.

It only runs locked when nothing's happening. If anything this demo proves DuskGolem was right. Let's hope that this is being optimized further for the full launch.


I'm a RE fan and I will play this game for sure, but something doesn't feel right. Vampires? Werewolves? What's next? ghosts and mummies? I'm missing a distinct creative vision, it feels like they just threw some spooky stereotypes together and slapped the RE name on it. I'd love to be wrong though.


At this point Capcom hopes to please long-time fans with remakes of games they have played a million times until now (although of course prettier and with new elements) while also attract new,younger people into the franchise people who are fans of Twitch "horror" streams and games like Outlast,Amnesia etc. Like it or not this is what is "hot" and "trendy" today.

As someone who got in the series back in 1998 i feel the series has done its circle for me and now they are trying to cater to other target groups. Which is fine i'm not complaining. I had my share of good time with the series and now it's someone else's turn. It happened with Tomb Raider as well so i'm used to it.

And before some idiot gives me the usual stupid "argument" (with whiny voice) : "oh but you know games have to evolve maaan!!" No, it's one thing to evolve and another to change completely "maaan".
But like i said it's ok.I understand Capcom's perspective even if i don't like it.
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Another DuskGolem strikeout.

Looks silky smooth 60 to me.

Ya man. I mean what the hell.... I don't get it why people want to defend a charlatan/mountebank all the time. I see that people feel like they have to be Dusk Golem's lawyer or something and act to his defence.
He claimed that PS5 was giving the dev team problems and was not running smoothly.


Apart from the art and graphics.....this did not look good. This resi evil may be a miss from me. I was hoping to see something more inspired by the resident evil 2 remake...you know, the best resident evil game. The moment I saw that group of werewolf creatures awkwardly clumped together next to an out of place explosive barrel I did the Seinfeld walkout gif.
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