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RuneScape |OT|

Never thought I'd see this thread on GAF!

Played this game for years along with a couple friends. Probably some of the most fun I have had with a game. The AWFUL updates started coming and we quit. Pretty cool to see the 2007 server come back. It was great then.

I don't think I could ever play this again though. Wouldn't be the same.
You assholes :mad:
I remember going into the wilderness for the very first time because I wanted to fight some dragons for the first time, wearing my full addy plate armor, I walk in for 2 minutes and BAM 4 guys jumped me and I was so scared to lose my stuff I alt+F4ed...... that was when I learned the hard way that my god couldn't save me now :( I lost it all....and I quit the game....

I lost all my stuff in a clan battle in lvl 50+ wilderness. Died for the clan and was proud until I realized that it didn't really mean anything. Life goes on for them and for us, except I lost some of my best shit.


My only notable achievement is getting a Halloween scythe when I first started and everyone being jealous years later when they saw this low level guy with that weapon :p


If anyone wants to come chop some ivy on the southern Falador wall... I'm here.

Nevermind, going to do something else for a bit.


I quit after I got hacked and lost my rune sword plus black set. :(

I typed my username and password in a phising site, because I wanted to try the new runescape 3D.


Good times indeed. We even played it at the computer lab in our elementary school. Stopped in like 7th grade.

4 years ago I "sold" my RS account for my friend's Pokemons. Turned out that he cloned them via GTS before giving them to me :(
Wow I remember Runescape. I was never SUPER into it, a friend of mine introduced it to me and we played it for a little bit, but nothing crazy. Had to be in middle school, early on too. By 10th grade WoW came out so there's no way I'd be playing Runescape around then, ha. All I can remember are those graphics and I think selling runes?


----- ------
535 days since last login (and probably 500 more the time after).




I wish I could get back the times I wasted on this.

I just like mining, weirdly enough.

You're not alone. Hell, even when I hit Level 50 I was still mining coal and feeling so damn rich when I sold each coal piece for 120gp.

Tried logging into my account again from my elementary school days (Runescape 1/2), but for some reason it seemed my account got deleted when I entered it in a few months ago.

Tried getting into it again...but it just doesn't feel the same. I dunno, people moved on I guess, and in a sense I have too.

I don't regret my time on RS. I wouldn't have been getting any tail even if I didn't play, so no loss there.
Runescape is freaking ancient. I'm surprised it's still going this long.

I played it a lot when I was 13-14 in Junior High, back when the graphics were still very crude sprites instead of very crude 3D models and when member content was actually a new thing. I never did manage to get Rune Armor.


I still have a Blue Party Hat and some Santa Hats floating around from years ago. I first played this in early 2002 when the characters had no knees and there were 4 servers.

My friend still plays occasionally and from what I've heard the latest update has caused a lot of people to quit.


I microwave steaks.
I remember playing this back in it's infancy, fun times with friends. Too bad, after my friends moved on, I realized there is not much reason for me to continue playing, what a shame.


Ah, memories. Haven't touched the game in years now, though I check back in on it occasionally just to see how much more different it's become. Nice to see they finally updated the nonexistent combat model.

Still does questing better than the rest of the industry.


I played this when it was 2D... the game looked completely ridiculous. When they upgraded to 3D I remember thinking it didn't look any better.

I got pissed when people would walk up to my sister's character and just give her adamantium equipment at random.


Just logged into Runescape for the first time in years, and wow, they've made some serious upgrades. There's an actual combat system, and the game isn't a horror to look at. I didn't spend a lot of time playing, but I like how they've upgraded the experience model, as well, and I could see myself occasionally playing now, especially since I don't have the money to play WoW at the moment (still need to check out Panderia at some point, though).


Played RuneScape on and off since 2005.

I still get the desire to play the game again from time to time, but lost all interest since Jagex butchered it with SoF and Item Shops. So much for my goal of earning enough GP to purchase a Party Hat.

Ha. Is this still big? I have some really good stuff in my account that I'm trying to sell lol.
What do you have in store?
I still have a Blue Party Hat and some Santa Hats floating around from years ago. I first played this in early 2002 when the characters had no knees and there were 4 servers.

My friend still plays occasionally and from what I've heard the latest update has caused a lot of people to quit.

Wanna give them to me then lol, I still play it haha.


Played RuneScape on and off since 2005.

I still get the desire to play the game again from time to time, but lost all interest since Jagex butchered it with SoF and Item Shops. So much for my goal of earning enough GP to purchase a Party Hat.

What do you have in store?

I have a Party Hat and a bunch of Halloween Masks. I heard they fetch good money nowadays.


I always get the urge to go back on and play but I can't do it.. The game isn't the same as it was back in grade 5 and 6. It was so fun back then and I have no idea what they did to it to ruin it but it isn't the same. I wish it had the old graphics.. Also, no friends playing anymore makes it kind of shitty. It was great to talk to friends from school on it and do quests with them.
I used to drive my friend nuts by calling the game Run Escape.

Then he sold his character to this 11 year old for like 250 euros. Good times.

The first (and the last) time I played it myself I was trolling around and some guy tried to fool me to this high level area so he could kill me or something. Then he glitched out and died. Dat rage.


Used to like playing this on and off. Me and a friend became members for 3 months a few years back. We played a lot during that time, had some good fun. Good way to send the game off.

I tried it recently. They've changed a lot, and I feel like it's messed up the game's identity. It seems convoluted, and I don't much like it anymore.
I like the new combat chamges. It feels a lot deeper now. Due to the community though, lots of people go bonkers when things change.

There are two things RS does really well that no other MMO really does. Its quest atructure is that the only quests to do are story quests. There are no kill 10 rat quests. Secondly, there are far more non combat skills than combat skills.


Oh man, this game....

I agree with the people that have given reasons as to why this game was so popular. For me it was a combination of low end computers running it, all my friends playing it, and being the first real exposure I had to a grindfest and video game market/economy. Those things captured me.

Played Runescape Classic and Runescape 2 fairly regularly, and have since checked in on HD and updates for the heck of it.


Neo Member
Oh wow, so many fond memories. Was in school, about 14 years old when I started playing Runescape 2, all of my friends played it too. It was also my first ever MMO, so all my friends would go online after school questing, gathering items, getting rich.

Stopped playing six years ago at level 86, but still go on every year for nostalgia reasons.

Only one of my friends still plays it and is near max level, nearly 99 in everything o_O


Honestly, Runescape does a lot of things right.

The plethora of skills (all of which are useful in some capacity) give a real definition to your character. For instance, say i have 70 fishing i now can fish for one of the best healing items in the game, shark, back in the day that sold for 1.5k uncooked a piece which was an obscene amount of money. (Conversely lobster sold for 165gp uncooked)

But cooked shark sold for 2.5k, only that takes 70 cooking which i dont have. So i sell my shark uncooked. But its bought by someone who possess the high cooking ability but not the fishing ability. He cooks it and then turns around and sells it for a 1k profit.

The fishermen makes more because not only is it the far more time consuming job, but it is also far away from most civilization so that makes it more valuable.
Conversely cooks can just blitz the the cook job. The downside being you have to first off have enough money to invest in the shark, then there is a chance he might burn some. Making it worthless.

All in all its a pretty fair trade off.

Then the fishermen and cooks need to go buy some weapons and armor so they can go kill stuff.

That brings in the smiths and the miners which have a similar trade off as the fishermen and cooks.

They mine the ore sell the ore then turn the ore to armor and weapons then sell the armor then buy themselves food so they can kill stuff.

People who kill stuff for a living fight the strongest stuff in the game and get the rarest and most expensive drops.
But those things are so strong that they always need armor and food.

Everything can be lvled up without having to have a sub character.

Its really cool imo, and other MMOs try and do stuff like it but often times crafting
Is rendered somewhat pointless by being overly complicated and the things they craft not being very expensive either.

I hope FFXIV really pumps the economy this time. And hopefully the auction house wont get destroyed.

Its downsides are the awful graphics and the awful combat and the awful quest layouts. Its to bad we can have it all ;_;


Neo Member
The economy is the reason you grind as you say. The most reward is in working hard, for hours on end for the profit you make when you sell your hard work on.

It's not all about combat, and Runescape is the only game I know to have balanced these things incredibly.

Thoughts on the Grand Exchange? I love the place but I do miss having to stand around in a bank typing "Selling 1000 cooked shark 2k each" over and over again until someone bites.


I used to play this back when there was a free area and a pay area. It was always sad when I would butt up against the pay area and realize I couldn't explore it.

It felt a lot like real life.


Used to play this like 7 years ago with friends.

Got up to level 40 or something, got hacked and never bothered to return. Best decision I ever made.


The economy is the reason you grind as you say. The most reward is in working hard, for hours on end for the profit you make when you sell your hard work on.

It's not all about combat, and Runescape is the only game I know to have balanced these things incredibly.

Thoughts on the Grand Exchange? I love the place but I do miss having to stand around in a bank typing "Selling 1000 cooked shark 2k each" over and over again until someone bites.

I love it, i must have typed "selling rune scimmy" 1million times before that haha.

The introduction of that trade mommy really messed with the economy though. Not sure if it has bounced back. Havent played in a few years.


I used to play this back when there was a free area and a pay area. It was always sad when I would butt up against the pay area and realize I couldn't explore it.

It felt a lot like real life.

Pay area wasn't that great so I can say you didn't miss much. Building a house was cool at the time but turned to shit real quick. Except I think the boxing was cool..
Logged into the old account again, my god it has changed! And I only stopped playing 3 years ago!

Used to love this game when I was 11-15 ish, became almost addicted to it, then started playing it again during the summer 3 years ago.

Fantastic little game really!

My stats now apparently:



Shit, I remember this game. Only MMO I ever really got into and actually paid for. Run Escape was awesome back in the middle school days.
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