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Ryse: Son of Rome |OT| Are You Not Entertained?!


New achievements are up on the achievements app.

LOL, there is an achievement for having 1000 executions in multiplayer, which is already at 100% for me. =p

A new achievement for reaching level 200 too. I stopped at level 147, the moment I hit 1500/1500gs (I was lucky and had the level 150 achievement pop a little early). Should be easy to reach level 200 within a couple of hours. Once you're a high level and you have the right gear, it becomes AMAZINGLY satisfying and fun running up combos on Survival Dockyard.

are any dlc related? or are they just challenges?


Those two are not DLC releated though. You could get them without playing the DLC.

Just checked; there are 3 DLC achievements: "Complete False Gods", "Complete Beacon", "Perform 30 Environmental Executions in Forbidden Forest"


Guess we'll get the DLC within next 2 days. This map looks like Ascension 2.0


DLC related. There are 5 for 250 GS, including the 200 rank and 1,000 execution mentioned by Montresor.

Those two are not DLC releated though. You could get them without playing the DLC.

Just checked; there are 3 DLC achievements: "Complete False Gods", "Complete Beacon", "Perform 30 Environmental Executions in Forbidden Forest"


Guess we'll get the DLC within next 2 days. This map looks like Ascension 2.0

very nice. thank you. look forward to getting back into the multiplayer.
i assume there will be no new weapon/armor tier? would be cool if there was. i enjoy grinding for gold to see what new pieces i can get.


dlc imminent? oh shi! :D gotta digitally download the game to external! hopefully by tomorrow I'll be ready :D

Morituri = latin for "those who are about to die"

oh, and king fuckin' OSWALD


very nice. thank you. look forward to getting back into the multiplayer.
i assume there will be no new weapon/armor tier? would be cool if there was. i enjoy grinding for gold to see what new pieces i can get.

I think they would have added a Tier 7 achievement if that were the case. We don't know until the update hits though.


Ahh. TrueAchievements had all the new achievements listed under the new DLC, but it's neat that Crysis (or whoever decides) doesn't require the DLC unless it's essential.


Ahh. TrueAchievements had all the new achievements listed under the new DLC, but it's neat that Crysis (or whoever decides) doesn't require the DLC unless it's essential.

The way they handle it is pretty good. People like to bitch about the large updates but they give people all content so you can play it even without owning it as long as your partner does. If you are solely interested in getting the achievements you wouldn't even need to buy the DLC if someone that owns it is willing to help you out.


new maps are good. oswald skin looks a bit funny. not a fan. wouldve preferred bearded oswald. i just think that after the introduction of survival and the 6th tier something equally as awesome was needed. all in all though the packs have been fun and have served their purpose of drawing me back into the game from time to time.

sangreal, could you get some pics for the screenshot thread? i think the environments are very nice looking in this pack


Anyone know where I can read up on what all the scrolls and chronicles say? I'm not interested in finding their locations (especially after two playthroughs and still missing some). Just interested in reading what the ones I missed say


re-downloaded it. some games get a flag that they are downloading something, and cannot be moved until this bogus operation is finished.


Rebought this game yesterday on Gamefly for $20 haha, disappointed I traded it in!

Can't wait to romp through it agin and play some co-op with my friend. Is any of the DLC worth it?


I made it to 31 minutes on Sulfur with a random... That felt incredible. Came close to death so many times.

Rokker, I found lately that I really don't care about the Arena maps (aka Beacon, etc...). Survivor is absolutely the most fun way to play, and the new Sulfur map is pretty nice.

Forbidden Forest is not so good... Too many silly arrow volleys breaking my combo. Sulfur has arrow volleys too but they felt less frequent and much easier to dodge.

Dockyard is still king I guess (zero arrows) but damn Sulfur was sure satisfying...


So I've been just wandering around in the game studying and looking at things...this game is just downright incredible tech and graphics wise. It still makes me just stare despite being a PC gamer. Crytek did some incredible work.

I've been looking at the character model too.

These are crappy gifs...and I zoomed in on the image to record it....but still...just look at that hair with the ocean air blowing through it..lol

Warning HUGE Gifs



Here's the non-zoomed scene



I have some more gifs I'm working on...may make some WebMs of some full screen stuff....just walking around..scenery and such. I'd like to do a massive post for each and every level...but that may be too much.


I made it to 31 minutes on Sulfur with a random... That felt incredible. Came close to death so many times.

Rokker, I found lately that I really don't care about the Arena maps (aka Beacon, etc...). Survivor is absolutely the most fun way to play, and the new Sulfur map is pretty nice.

Forbidden Forest is not so good... Too many silly arrow volleys breaking my combo. Sulfur has arrow volleys too but they felt less frequent and much easier to dodge.

Dockyard is still king I guess (zero arrows) but damn Sulfur was sure satisfying...

You realize that you can destroy the arrow launchers on Sulfur though right? Either with the ballista or you can throw a pike at the barrel to blow it up. Makes the map super easy. 30 minutes was cake compared to Island.


You realize that you can destroy the arrow launchers on Sulfur though right? Either with the ballista or you can throw a pike at the barrel to blow it up. Makes the map super easy. 30 minutes was cake compared to Island.

I didn't realize that - you know what, I don't think I've ever seen what the arrow launchers even look like. I've always stayed at the beginning of the map, focusing on nothing except building a combo, lol.



I bought a One last week and got Forza with it. Yop. Im really enjoying it. But now its time i decide to try one game that bugged me trying because of the reviews it got. Calling it repetitive, that you could just press a button by not looking and finish the game like that. Add to that a 6.8 from IGN and a 4/10 out of gamespot, and you tell yourself, well * that .

But after reading this thread you people seem to rally enjoy it, telling its we could say underrated.And i decide to give it a try.Trade in BF4 that i got with the system but was really having no interest in, cash in 30$ for this one, getting Ryse on special at 49$, yop, im happy. I will play that damn game tonight.

One word.


I dont remember whos the stupid reviewer who claim that this game can be easily played without looking at the screen, but this dude was seriously paid out by Sony to say such a thing. Seriously, when there are 3 people around you and your out of overpower to knock your enemy, jesus, this is difficult.

Second, the feeling and story ( well so far im only at the second act lol ) atm really blow me away. What does it look like when you were in roman time when your city got attacked. Its very cool to see that, how its evolving. Its really well done. I dont want to get spoil here please *****minor spoiler between act 1 and 2 here. When you see the dude guy coming from the other world, i am just thinking this side of the other world could be like Ryse 2, to make it feel more fantastic like God of War******. Its what im thinking. Maybe later in the other chapter i will see more of that, but dont tell me please eh. Cant wait to discover the rest of the game.

Seriously people. Thank you. It is for me so far the best game i played in 2014.

9.5/10 so far for me.


If anybody in the US is looking for the "30 minutes on Sulfur" challenge, I'll be chasing it tomorrow (Sunday) morning around 11am PST assuming it's still up. Level 165-ish, working with randoms isn't going so well for that specific task.


If anybody in the US is looking for the "30 minutes on Sulfur" challenge, I'll be chasing it tomorrow (Sunday) morning around 11am PST assuming it's still up. Level 165-ish, working with randoms isn't going so well for that specific task.

I already got the challenge the first day but will be glad as always to help others with it. I will be on. Already followed you.


BioWare Dev
So I've been just wandering around in the game studying and looking at things...this game is just downright incredible tech and graphics wise. It still makes me just stare despite being a PC gamer. Crytek did some incredible work.

I've been looking at the character model too.

These are crappy gifs...and I zoomed in on the image to record it....but still...just look at that hair with the ocean air blowing through it..lol

Warning HUGE Gifs



Here's the non-zoomed scene



I have some more gifs I'm working on...may make some WebMs of some full screen stuff....just walking around..scenery and such. I'd like to do a massive post for each and every level...but that may be too much.

Amen! The visuals are stunning. Like many, I am still in awe of the attention to detail across all of the presentation. I noticed they updated the latest DLC with the audience cue clapping and cheering for the gladiator. I really love the game; so sad it got such unwarranted low scores.


So i bought my son an Xbox One almost two months ago and since the whole family went on vacation i rented this.

Man talk about wasted potential, after almost 50% of the game done i think i've faced three different type of enemies in hand to hand combat, it's like an army of clones, and the gameplay is so unispired and repetitive my god.

If it wasn't for the amazing graphics and scenarios this would be back at the rental place.

Also, why is Marius british?

The production values of the game are so high but it falls flat on the area that matters most. Not only is the combat incredibly dull and simple, but the enemy variety is even worse, i'm tired of fighting fat guy with shield, athletic guy with sword, athletic guy with axe and archers. Oh wait, they just introduced athletic guy with TWO swords, genious.

I'm still gonna beat the game cause i'm a graphics whore and the story is interesting as well as the world but man this game could've been the new Gears Of War fo MS.

Also, if they were going to have some suoernatural stuff they should've gone all the way and go the God of War route with some monsters and shit, i know this is not greek mithology but they could've thought of something besides three different guys with sword, axe and shield.
We've heard you had the option to do Ryse 2 with Microsoft, but they wanted ownership of the IP, but you didn't want to let it go. The collapse of that deal seems to be one of the things that sparked the financial problems Crytek has had.

Cevat Yerli: No. We have a good relationship with Microsoft. We are constantly looking at what we can do together. We are not 100 per cent happy with Xbox One sales right now. So we want to wait till the current gen and next gen catches up. For Ryse 2, we aren't saying it's cancelled. It's our IP. It just has to wait for the right timing. And the right timing means higher installed base across next-gen.

Does it have to be an Xbox exclusive, or can you release it on PlayStation? Can you find another publisher, or does Microsoft have to publish it?

Cevat Yerli: No. We can do whatever we want with it with whoever we want.

So what's stopping you from trying to find a publisher for a sequel?

Cevat Yerli: Focus and attention. I'm not saying it's not going to happen. Look, Ryse was maybe not the best rated game, but what we achieved for launch was a great foundation for us to build up. I know there are a lot of gamers who are contacting me through different channels who want to see Ryse 2. There is a lot of positive feedback. We're considering it. But at this point there is nothing official I can talk about.

I'd love a Ryse 2. More on the link on Crytek in general - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-08-the-transformation-was-painful-we-paid-the-price


Bought an xbone and got this game today for super cheap. Mother of God i did not expect the graphics to be this good.


Hey guys, are there any console commands (and how do I activate the console?) to disable the HUD and enable a free camera. I've never seen such a beautiful ancient Rome and I want to do some screenshots :)


I would like to play this but I want to skip the first chapter. I tried savegames from the internet but it's not working.

Is there even a way to skip the first chapter?
Bought this game against my better judgement in the Gamestop $10 sale. I seriously didn't expect it to be this terrible. If the gameplay doesn't completely morph into another game after the first level then it is unredeemable. It's not fun at all, it feel like a really crappy Batman Arkham clone with almost zero depth. The general sword swings don't even feel good and the combat executions are still just as terrible as they were when the game got revealed. I wish I spent the money on Taco Bell instead.
I just started playing the game, I don't understand what the D pad commands do. When I press right on the d pad some XP icon appears, up is some damage bonus.

I'm lost

Also, I have no clue what these focus upgrades are for


I just started playing the game, I don't understand what the D pad commands do. When I press right on the d pad some XP icon appears, up is some damage bonus.

I'm lost

Also, I have no clue what these focus upgrades are for
Iirc, if you set it to health, your executions give you back health. XP gives you more XP per execution, focus gives you more focus etc etc
Iirc, if you set it to health, your executions give you back health. XP gives you more XP per execution, focus gives you more focus etc etc

Thanks, what are the best things to upgrade first? I'm on chapter 4 and I haven't used focus once except when it forced you to in chapter 1


Buddy and I revisited this tonight, and the co-op is so much fun. And still such a beautiful looking game.

Anyways, I am rank 15. I have gear from tier 2. Tier 6 seems light years away. Is it difficult to rank up in Ryse? Does it just take a lot of grinding?


So, I picked up this game the other day. Having read most of the criticism here on Gaf, and after seeing a ton of pictures, I said "Why not? At least I'll get a lot of beatifull vistas".

So I fire up the game and went straight up to Centurion Difficulty. The learning curve isn't steep, but the game does require you to learn the rythm of combat. I finished it yesterday. Haven't got time to mess around with the multiplayer just yet, and will probably delay that until I've finished the Campaign in the Highest Difficulty.

Story: It's fairly surprising and you see it coming from a mile away. But, I really liked Marius. He felt believable, even if some of the characters are cookie-cutters, Marius is really likeable. He often shows fear, remorse, and even helplessness. And, it's actually believable. He's become one of my favourite characters in a long time. Even if he doesn't star the in the best story driven game ever.

Gameplay: Mother of god. So, yeah, I basically slayed the same seven character models (except for boss fights) through the whole game. But, it was awsome. The sheer number of characters in the battles (legionaries as well as barbarians) and the flow of the combat. Whowever played this game on lower difficulties is surely missing out. I enjoyed Ryse simple but greatly crafted combat more than God of War's. I think it all boils down to two remarkably exceptional things. Weigth. Every blow I delivered, every shield bashing felt like it had weight, and it affected both my character and the enemies. Rythm. Once you "get" the flow of combat, by the gods, you feel so mighty and powerfull, even if every now and then you get hit. It just becomes more natural, and makes it so much fun
even in the game's final QTE Marius fails to dodge a couple of blows making it even more in tune with the game

It's been so long since I've been so hooked by the gameplay aspects of a game (it's been a while since Ground Zeroes and Max the Curse of Brotherhood). The flow of combat is addictive.

There are mandatory slow walk sections, but they are far and between. And the ballista sections weren't bad and didn't overstay their welcome, thoug I must admit I would have prefered to on the ground fighting.

Being a Legionare and having to mind about your men was a nice touch too. I really enjoyed it, even if sometimes the rest of the Legionaries are a litle brain dead (but as for a "scroting mission" type, it was very good).

Graphics: Loved the art direction in the game. Armors, enemies and places were all beatifully crafted. Nothing much to add to the general disscusion.

I'm really loving the game so far, and count me as one of the people who would love a Ryse 2 to come out.


Buddy and I revisited this tonight, and the co-op is so much fun. And still such a beautiful looking game.

Anyways, I am rank 15. I have gear from tier 2. Tier 6 seems light years away. Is it difficult to rank up in Ryse? Does it just take a lot of grinding?

It is pretty easy if you do survival matches using jupiter -- its all about getting high combos


So I finally beated the campaign in the highest difficulty. I can't say it enough, great gameplay and weight. Had to use focus for the first time to quickly take out some enemies. The throwing mechanic isn't as polished as it should be and it shows on the hardest difficulty, since you struggle more with the control than with the actual throwing.

I started Multiplayer yesterday, but could only do the Solo Arenas, after spending more than fifteen minutes (3 tries which were all ended by the game itself). So I wonder, is the DLC worth it at this point?

Is anyone playing this on Xbox One? And I just made a mistake playing multiplayer on a sunday morning?


I haven't tried in awhile, but the best MP (Survival) is in the DLC

Really, the only MP mode worth playing IMO

Hopefully it will be free on GwG soon to reinvigorate the player numbers


I haven't tried in awhile, but the best MP (Survival) is in the DLC

Really, the only MP mode worth playing IMO

Hopefully it will be free on GwG soon to reinvigorate the player numbers

So yeah, I've been trying all week at different times. No luck. Don't really have that much time to game anymore, so I'm not going to buy the DLC "just to see if I can play with someone else". So, after a many few rounds of Solo, I'm letting it sleep for a while.

It's a shame. It is a good game (not the best) and really enjoyed it. Hope it's on GwG soon, so that the MP lights up again. Until then, it'll be a solo round every now and then.
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