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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?


How come we don't have any updated previews and impressions from the gaming media?

Game is out next week and we don't have any updated impression from the final build besides GI, I really want to use that 10% discount on PSN and put the pre-order but I'm still not sure.

I never buy a game before reviews and impressions are out but I'm afraid that they will take off that discount and I'll miss it if it turns out to be good :O


How come we don't have any updated previews and impressions from the gaming media?

Game is out next week and we don't have any updated impression from the final build besides GI, I really want to use that 10% discount on PSN and put the pre-order but I'm still not sure.

I never buy a game before reviews and impressions are out but I'm afraid that they will take off that discount and I'll miss it if it turns out to be good :O

Do you trust Mikami games? If yes, just buy the damn thing lol.



We made it.
How come we don't have any updated previews and impressions from the gaming media?

Game is out next week and we don't have any updated impression from the final build besides GI, I really want to use that 10% discount on PSN and put the pre-order but I'm still not sure.

I never buy a game before reviews and impressions are out but I'm afraid that they will take off that discount and I'll miss it if it turns out good :O

that discount will come to an end before release day. act now. I bought it twice. (digital on ps4 and retail PC for DAT reversible case) the game will be good.


I just played through RE4 for the first time since it came out on the GameCube, and it took me 18 hours. 18 fucking amazing, perfectly paced hours. I was also impressed by the length of The Last of Us, which also clocks in nicely right under 20 hours.

Damn I saw someone else say it recently took them 18 hours, wondering how I did it in 12.

Really? I beat TLoU is 13 hours I think.

Hard w/ listen mode off took me 18 hours first playthrough.


that discount will come to an end before release day. act now. I bought it twice. (digital on ps4 and retail PC for DAT reversible case) the game will be good.

Yea, Bethesda leaving me no choice here, I hate that dirty practice of release date embargoes that forces me to take a gamble and buy the game before it's out, it's cheap :(

In Mikami i trust though, first time i ever buying a game that i have no clue if it will be good besides knowing it's Mikami's game :)

And supporting survival horror is important as well, even if by any chance it wont turn out well, at least if it sells decently publishers might see there is a crowd for this genre.

Panda Rin

I'm a sissy when it comes to horror games, but I had no problems playing through Resident Evil Revelations. How would I fair here?
I dunno, since I won't be able to play the game when it comes out, I feel like I am not worthy of my avatar. I mean, I am because that's how fucking hyped I am for this game, but damn. I'm about to start doing sexual favors for people to play this when it comes out.

my last comment was purely... hype-driven insanity...
I dunno, since I won't be able to play the game when it comes out, I feel like I am not worthy of my avatar. I mean, I am because that's how fucking hyped I am for this game, but damn. I'm about to start doing sexual favors for people to play this when it comes out.

my last comment was purely... hype-driven insanity...

I'd be saying the same things man. It's ok. I understand. Can't believe you have no systems as of now. :(


I dunno, since I won't be able to play the game when it comes out, I feel like I am not worthy of my avatar. I mean, I am because that's how fucking hyped I am for this game, but damn. I'm about to start doing sexual favors for people to play this when it comes out.

my last comment was purely... hype-driven insanity...

It's a shame you won't be able to play it on launch, man, it really is.

Hope you manage to play it real soon.


Junior Member
I'm a sissy when it comes to horror games, but I had no problems playing through Resident Evil Revelations. How would I fair here?

I wouldn't really call Revelations a horror game. But this game looks like to me it's an "action horror" game. Meaning that there will probably be a few jump scares but most of its "horroriness" comes from the environment, enemies, and the constant looming threat of being attacked with no ammo available. For me at least, games like this (Dead Space being an example) are just very tense. At least that's how I'm interpreting how this game will be. Others are free to disagree with my assessment of course.

These type of games aren't super scary for me since you actually can attack your enemies as opposed to games like Outlast or Amnesia where you're just running away for the most part.
I dunno, since I won't be able to play the game when it comes out, I feel like I am not worthy of my avatar. I mean, I am because that's how fucking hyped I am for this game, but damn. I'm about to start doing sexual favors for people to play this when it comes out.

my last comment was purely... hype-driven insanity...

Sell some plasma.
No seriously how that would work? going into FP perspective sounds bad as hell and distracting.

I tested that on a Gears game I think and was garbage.

It's not first person, it's a super tight third person perspective where all you see is the gun and part of the character's arms. Even then, it's not an angle that they will use the whole time as it looks to be similar to RE4 where they will vary your aiming FoV depending on where you are and how tight they want to zoom.


I'm a sissy when it comes to horror games, but I had no problems playing through Resident Evil Revelations. How would I fair here?

I think you'll be ok. The Evil Within has more emphasis on survival and combat rather than having a pure horror focus like Outlast or Amnesia.


I think you'll be ok. The Evil Within has more emphasis on survival and combat rather than having a pure horror focus like Outlast or Amnesia.

I don't see it that way, TEW looks way scarier than Outlast or Amnesia to me, I'd be reaching trying to even call Revelations a horror game.

Honestly I think people sensitive to horror games are gonna have a rough time, this game looks legit.


It's not first person, it's a super tight third person perspective where all you see is the gun and part of the character's arms. Even then, it's not an angle that they will use the whole time as it looks to be similar to RE4 where they will vary your aiming FoV depending on where you are and how tight they want to zoom.

Thank you for the answer, that doesn't sound like FP at all to me well not like that Gears weapon where you completly went to a FPS mode while aiming.
I dunno, since I won't be able to play the game when it comes out, I feel like I am not worthy of my avatar. I mean, I am because that's how fucking hyped I am for this game, but damn. I'm about to start doing sexual favors for people to play this when it comes out.

my last comment was purely... hype-driven insanity...

I'm in the same boat as you, my friend. I don't have my PS4 with me at school, so I'll likely have to wait for winter break.


I don't see it that way, TEW looks way scarier than Outlast or Amnesia to me, I'd be reaching trying to even call Revelations a horror game.

Honestly I think people sensitive to horror games are gonna have a rough time, this game looks legit.

I guess I'm sort of projecting. Personally, I tend to get more scared when I have no way to fight back. In games like RE and The Evil Within, there is this great horrific environment and creepy storyline, but ultimately I've got a gun and know there is a way for me to just put down the sons of bitches that are trying to kill me. There are always methods for the player to act upon the enemies. The player feels more powerful. it becomes more about skill. Though I haven't played TEW yet, and maybe Mikami has found a way to have both the great player agency as well as that feeling of helplessness needed for me to feel truly scared.

In Outlast, for example, if I was spotted and running away from an enemy, there is only one option. Skill comes less into play. It's not even the scripted jump scares that make it more scary for me. For me, the feeling of helplessness is huge in how scared I am as I play through a game.
I see this is still a thing. Tons of games have release day embargo, even great ones.

True, still slightly worried if only because if you know your game is amazing wouldn't you want the early reviews to get extra preorders from people on the fence?


True, still slightly worried if only because if you know your game is amazing wouldn't you want the early reviews to get extra preorders from people on the fence?

I think they want the huge marketing push (through reviews and coverage) closer to launch day. The preorder crowd have pretty much done their preordering at this point. Now they need to get the impulse buyers who read the reviews and see the coverage and in turn are motivated to go pick it up that day.
Will I be able to preload this game on Steam?! I want to play this as soon as it is released, and with my shit internet, downloading 40+ gigs would take days for me.


why do I have the feeling like this game will raise the bar & change gaming forever the same way resident evil 4 and vanquish did.

Thanks nightwing.

All in a day's work, civ.
I know an acrobat who would say that a man's greatest fear could also be their greatest thrill.
So keep those hopes up.

While Vanquish was great, how did it change gaming forever? (Only asking in comparison to what RE4 did for/to the industry.) I'd love to see more games that took a page from Vanquish's book.

Also I might want my avatar TEW-ed up. Maybe.

Taking in a bunch of bags of bottles for recycling tomorrow to help pay for this. Miiight be getting it Monday night. Can't wait.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
starting to worry my new rig wont be ready by the time this comes out... I could deal with not having it when Mordor came out, I can deal not having it now that Alien is out, Im not sure I can deal with not playing TEW day 1 tho :/


Even with the gif on the first page, it just now hit me what the OT title is about. And Tango games. My Mikami, my mind is about to break, it's too much.


starting to worry my new rig wont be ready by the time this comes out... I could deal with not having it when Mordor came out, I can deal not having it now that Alien is out, Im not sure I can deal with not playing TEW day 1 tho :/

I don't think my 970 is gonna make it here before this comes out =(

Fucking Amazon...

You are once again entering the world of survival horror... Good luck!

I'm sure I said it before but this would've been an incredible OT title too.


Decided to go with the PS4 for this one. It's going to be difficult for me to go back to aiming without a Kb/m, but I'm terribly excited.

It's almost here! MIKAMI GENIUS.
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