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Spelunky |OT| With Fate Guiding My Every Move


oh no. that sucks. you should contact Fangamer about that. the caveman is one of the coolest looking ones.
I contacted them three days ago. The reply was that they're at PAX, but that should be over by now, right? Will wait a little while longer before contacting them again. I gotta say though, I'm not happy with their service so far... :/


I contacted them three days ago. The reply was that they're at PAX, but that should be over by now, right? Will wait a little while longer before contacting them again. I gotta say though, I'm not happy with their service so far... :/

yeah they are slow as hell to respond and it takes them forever to even begin to process an order. well over a week to even think about shipping out a single mini to me is excessive. my last order was Aug. 24 and i havent heard a peep from them. the one before i tried to contact them about 3 times and it took them several days to get back to me.

im sure they'll make things right for you though. just make sure to keep on them about it.


finally killed Olmec the quick way using the shortcut. got a little lucky at the end with a little room off to the side i was able to duck into, but i was seriously due a bit of luck.

got that monkey off my back anyways.

still trying to get to the City of Gold. this game continually comes up with outrageous ways to screw me.

spelunker is a completely different game?

yeah totally different.


I swear this game could be great with just a little less randomness.

How many times do I have to trigger an arrow trap only for it to ricochet off a hundred different things to hit me?

Or I have the jetpack, shotgun, a ton of money and then I get a dark level.

Today, I threw a rock and somehow hit myself without a bounce (I turned around quickly or something).

Or I'm checking a chest and whip it and quick jump down the ladder only to have the chest fall on my head.

Or I'm on the ice caves level and me and a rock land on the same trampoline ending up in my losing 10 health on my way to a death.

Or I throw I drop an item jump down and it lands on my head.

Or something else, completely separate from me aggros a shopkeep and I die (especially irksome in the black market).

Or take my last game, it was a dark, undead level, I had all the great kit, the ghost was behind me, but I knew the exit was just ahead, I was free and clear. Two vampires drop down in front of me. Death behind and ahead. I shotgun one, the other bounces me into the ghost.

How about you go through the entire game without a good shop? I was on the final level with 0 bombs and a ton of gold, but a bad shop roll, never got anything good, but I had two kissing booths and two slaves to buy!

There are a million ways to die in this game as it is, having it happen in a unpredictable and random way is pretty frustrating.

I did realize that whipping bats coming at you from above is easier if you turn around and hit them with the wind up.

Sorry, had to vent. Trying to get the speedrun achievement in this game is tough with all that working against you.


yes Spelunky has many ways of busting your balls. so many ways to die horribly. so many promising runs just crumble before your eyes. it can be SUPER frustrating. i feel your pain keenly.

still, a brilliant game.

got my second mini in the mail today (took foreverrrrrr). i was disappointed to see that it was a man trap at first because it was one of the ones i wanted least, but its actually pretty cool. way better than the Maiden.

might try another one or two random picks and see how i fair. hopefully i get lucky and get one of the ones i really want.


Finally got a reply about my missing minis; they're going to send them soon :) I guess I'll have to wait a couple weeks for them to arrive, but that's fine as long as they arrive eventually. I just hope I won't have to visit the customs office again.


thats good news. it will be nice to have the complete collection im sure.

i want the caveman! maybe ill get lucky if i place another order for a few of em.
thats good news. it will be nice to have the complete collection im sure.

i want the caveman! maybe ill get lucky if i place another order for a few of em.

I got a another Spelunky guy in my last order. I did specify in the notes of said order that if they could not include him, that would be swell. Obviously, they didn't read it. I sent them an e-mail a few days ago to see about an exchange, but no response yet. If they say no, would you be interested in a trade? Which ones do you have?


sorry missed your post until now. i have the maiden and the man trap so far. id be willing to trade the maiden for anything really. would trade the man trap for the right mini as well.

might place another order soon, so ill let you know if i have any doubles or others for trade.
sorry missed your post until now. i have the maiden and the man trap so far. id be willing to trade the maiden for anything really. would trade the man trap for the right mini as well.

might place another order soon, so ill let you know if i have any doubles or others for trade.

Cool, cool. Turns out they are sending me a Yeti to make up for the error. I didn't get the impression in the e-mail that they wanted me to return the dup, so I might have an extra Spelunky for trade. I already have the Maiden and the Plant, though. Let me know if you get more eventually and want Spelunky instead of what they send you.


Unconfirmed Member
Multiplayer is seriously brilliant in this game. Can't remember having as much fun with deathmatch as with this game in the longest time. So many moments that have you laughing out aloud at.
It doesn't quite work as well when the bombs are way overbearing or on the spiked maps but when you try and balance out the bomb amounts and health and choose a fairly balanced map which allows the players to decide how each person dies then it's heaps fun.


I'm still playing this, fantastic longevity. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the eventual Steam release.

Multiplayer is seriously brilliant in this game. Can't remember having as much fun with deathmatch as with this game in the longest time. So many moments that have you laughing out aloud at.
It doesn't quite work as well when the bombs are way overbearing or on the spiked maps but when you try and balance out the bomb amounts and health and choose a fairly balanced map which allows the players to decide how each person dies then it's heaps fun.
What's your sweet spot? I haven't had time to experiment.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm still playing this, fantastic longevity. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the eventual Steam release.

What's your sweet spot? I haven't had time to experiment.

We tend to stick with 40 health and 4 bombs. I believe 1 bomb = 10 damage?
I think having too many bombs ruins things a little with the stuns being so punishing. People tend to just spam the hell out of them so having lower bomb amounts makes people play smarter with them imo. It takes a bit of skill to get an effective kill using your 4 bombs in a burst. You'd end up relying more heavily on the drop boxes that spawn in the map too.

You could try doubling it but I think it can feel a little jarring being able to come out alive of an attack you'd think would kill you. I don't know how many times someone has swamped me with bombs and me letting go of the controller in defeat only to see I'm still alive.

I don't think it's perfect but it works for what we want.


Really love this game. Probably top 5 all time. Started messing around with shopkeeper kill runs, and had a pretty good one. Beat the game the hard way and finished with 835,075. 4th for the week! I could have gotten a mil if I hadn't wussed out in the city of gold when the ghost came. Beat the game and still had 30 bombs left or so.

Will probably do another day or two of runs like that, and then seriously start on the 8 minute achievement. The no treasure one almost seems like the hardest!


May contain jokes =>
Anybody happen to have some of those Spelunky miniatures they want to part with? I'd like to buy one or two for my girlfriend but I don't want the whole set nor do I really want to buy random ones. PM me or reply if so.


I just need to get to the end one last time and I'll beat the game the hard way. It's taken me two times to realize with a couple ropes, baseball glove, and sticky bombs you can kill the boss without putting yourself in danger just by hanging under a ledge and throwing bombs from safety.

I would have beaten it already, I stuck the floating head, but he speed dropped right beside me, killing both of us. Frustrating.

Great game though. Crazy how long I've been playing this $10 game.
Got this in the XBL sale a couple weeks ago and I've been playing ever since. Boy do I suck though. Took me about 75-80 deaths just to reach the jungle three times and get my tunnel. It's way more brutal than the mines. Can't imagine what the rest is like...

At first I didn't know what to think. I enjoy a challenge but I am not an expert gamer. It's why I could never much get into Trials. The skill needed on that seems super human to me. You might as well ask me to hit a 95 mph fastball. I do enjoy Super Meat Boy and Splosion Man, though.

Initially I thought the random aspect sucked because great platformers are about design, ya know? But as I got going and learned what to look for and what NOT to do, I realized the design beauty lies in the items and and deciding what to use and how to use it as you go along. Still, I feel like some things can be cheap. Overall it makes me feel like playing Super Mario Bros back in 1987 - how many times did I play those first few levels? Hundreds.

My question is whether or not its even doable for me. I read in this thread where someone got to 4-1 in about 40 deaths. I can't believe that. Guess ill just keep playing until I hit my skill wall...


I DID IT! Finally. The shop in 1-2 had a jet pack and a pick axe. It was a pretty smooth sailing but I never got a lot of bombs, but I got lucky in the temple and got a shop with 4 bomb boxes.

I found getting to the exit harder than killing Yuma with all the vamp bats flying around me.

I've never loved and hated a game as much as this. But he did something right, because I've been playing this game non-stop since launch.


nice. congrats!

Got this in the XBL sale a couple weeks ago and I've been playing ever since. Boy do I suck though. Took me about 75-80 deaths just to reach the jungle three times and get my tunnel. It's way more brutal than the mines. Can't imagine what the rest is like...

At first I didn't know what to think. I enjoy a challenge but I am not an expert gamer. It's why I could never much get into Trials. The skill needed on that seems super human to me. You might as well ask me to hit a 95 mph fastball. I do enjoy Super Meat Boy and Splosion Man, though.

Initially I thought the random aspect sucked because great platformers are about design, ya know? But as I got going and learned what to look for and what NOT to do, I realized the design beauty lies in the items and and deciding what to use and how to use it as you go along. Still, I feel like some things can be cheap. Overall it makes me feel like playing Super Mario Bros back in 1987 - how many times did I play those first few levels? Hundreds.

My question is whether or not its even doable for me. I read in this thread where someone got to 4-1 in about 40 deaths. I can't believe that. Guess ill just keep playing until I hit my skill wall...

yeah just keep playing. you've got a ways to go. look back a page or two. i didnt even beat the game the easy way the first time until i had like 7-800 deaths or something?

yeah. its hard, but fun and rewarding. dont worry about how many deaths you have, just keep playing and learning. good luck.
After being on the fence about buying this game for months, I finally pulled the trigger over the weekend.

Wow, this game feels so deep. I keep getting better at it, pulling off things that seemed impossible at first. Got to the temple for the first time last night. Also gave the bombs and ropes to Tunnel Man for the temple shortcut, but apparently I need to bring him the key from the first world now. Yikes. This is going to be soooo hard. It's going to be brutal enough trying to beat the first 3 worlds without dying, but carrying a fucking key around the whole time? I might need to take up cocaine for this.

In any case, I fucking love Spelunky. GOTY contender for sure.
Ugh, damn. Color me jealous of you getting to the temple in a few days. Been playing for over a week and can't get past the jungle. I suuuuck at this. I keep playing though.
Ugh, damn. Color me jealous of you getting to the temple in a few days. Been playing for over a week and can't get past the jungle. I suuuuck at this. I keep playing though.

The best advice I could give you is to head toward the bottom of the level as quickly as possible. Don't like the obstacles you see in front of you? Use a bomb to skip to the floor underneath. Don't waste time trying to explore the entire level, and don't go too far out of your way to pick up damsels, chances are you'll lose one or more hearts just to rescue her.

In other words, focus on the exit more than loot and items. Things can go very wrong very fast, so the less time you spend on a level the more chances of success you have, at least that's how I see it.


The best advice I could give you is to head toward the bottom of the level as quickly as possible. Don't like the obstacles you see in front of you? Use a bomb to skip to the floor underneath. Don't waste time trying to explore the entire level, and don't go too far out of your way to pick up damsels, chances are you'll lose one or more hearts just to rescue her.

In other words, focus on the exit more than loot and items. Things can go very wrong very fast, so the less time you spend on a level the more chances of success you have, at least that's how I see it.

its good advice. bomb bomb bomb. whenever you see bombs in a shop buy them and use them. especially in temple. dont be caught dead with a crapload of bombs.

good luck with they key run. its a fun challenge.
I won't be able to play this game for at least one more week (landlord is redoing my apartment floor due to a flood), so the next best thing is plan out my strategies in advance.

So yeah, I need some advice. Considering I have unlocked the ice world shortcut, should I attempt to beat the game by starting from that point, or should I focus my energies on getting
the world 1 key to Tunnel Man
in order to unlock the Temple shortcut?


I won't be able to play this game for at least one more week (landlord is redoing my apartment floor due to a flood), so the next best thing is plan out my strategies in advance.

So yeah, I need some advice. Considering I have unlocked the ice world shortcut, should I attempt to beat the game by starting from that point, or should I focus my energies on getting
the world 1 key to Tunnel Man
in order to unlock the Temple shortcut?

id say work on the key. its good practice. its much harder to beat the game from a shortcut because you dont have the money or time to amass loot. its way easier to beat the game with 30-50 bombs, ropes and other goods than it is to beat the game with the starting equipment.

its also harder to beat the ice stages without some stuff like gloves, or hetpack, and without a compass.

work on the key run!
Thanks Daigoro, can't argue with that logic. I'll get started on that whenever I get to return home. I'm actually kinda excited to return to world 1 and kick some ass, now that I've developed new skills via the hardships I faced in the jungle and ice caves.
Just made it to 3-2 with the key and five hearts, I'm so nervoooooouuuuuuuuus

edit: Aaaaand I'm dead. FFFFFUUUUUUUUU green energy trampoline thingie!!!
Congrats man! Must have had sweaty palms by the end of that run.

I gave up on the world 4 shortcut for now, I feel like I don't have enough experience in the ice caves. Will focus on playing that for now. And for all I know going through that world first might actually give me a better chance to beat the game as opposed to starting at 4-1 with nothing.


I just ironman'd for the first time. My heart was beating. What a run. Love this game.

nice. congrats!

Congrats man! Must have had sweaty palms by the end of that run.

I gave up on the world 4 shortcut for now, I feel like I don't have enough experience in the ice caves. Will focus on playing that for now. And for all I know going through that world first might actually give me a better chance to beat the game as opposed to starting at 4-1 with nothing.

yeah those trampolines have killed me plenty of times. they are a bitch.

it really helps to have a compass for ice caves so you dont get stuck going down the wrong side. a cape or a jetpack is really useful too so you can control your descent. its possible to clear the level without these things, but caves is so much easier if you have some good gear.

practicing through the shortcuts isnt a bad idea though. getting familiar with the different stages helps take some of the anxiety of reaching a place you dont have a good handle on.


title update went live. indestructible pickaxe glitch is definitely gone, I'm sorry to report. Anybody know what other changes have been made?
I played a bit to see if I noticed anything with the patch and made it to Olmec. And he killed me. :( I didn't have a lot of rope so I didn't think I could bomb a hole.


Neo Member
Bump, but something weird just happened during an attempt at the 500k cheevo:

I was doing my third or so ghost run for that run, and I was in the Ice Caves. A UFO shot at the ghost, and it immediately sped up to about 3x speed and ate me. Was this due to doing too many ghost runs, a glitch, or does it happen when the lasers hit the ghost?'

EDIT: Just tested, and it was indeed from the lazer... it hits and makes the ghost bleed, too. I wonder if you could kill one this way? I only got about 4-5 hits in.
Last week I finally managed to get the key to tunnel digging man. Took many, many, many tries so that felt pretty good.

Since then though the temple has been beating my ass a lot. I got to Olmec a few times, but I still haven't figured out a good technique to "beat" him. I mean letting him smash his way to the bottom seems like a sound strategy, but so far I always mess up way before I get to the bottom. Someone above mentioned using ropes, didn't even think of that. Perhaps that could give me an edge, will give it a shot.


Sketchbook Picasso
Spelunky Has DLC now!

2 new sets, one of 8 new playable characters, and the other 24 new Arena DLC maps. 160 points (2 Dollars) each set.

Explorers DLC:


8 adventurous new souls have entered the caves seeking excitement and treasure! The Explorers DLC adds the Eskimo, the Robot, the Viking, the Round Girl, the Round Boy, the Cyclops, the Ninja, and the Golden Monk to Spelunky's lovable cast. These characters can be selected in both Adventure Mode and Deathmatch Mode.

Arenas DLC:


Can't get enough of Spelunky's fast-paced Deathmatch Mode? The Arenas DLC reveals 24 new arenas to battle your friends in! These chaotic death traps offer up all kinds of devious ways to kill or be killed, from sacrificial altars to perilous bee hives. Will anyone survive?


Junior Member
Spelunky Has DLC now!

2 new sets, one of 8 new playable characters, and the other 24 new Arena DLC maps. 160 points (2 Dollars) each set.

Explorers DLC:


[B][URL="http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Spelunky-Arenas-DLC/9cbc608b-a438-4772-8bbf-4339365cd2e0"]Arenas DLC:[/URL][/B]


Wow, I can't believe I haven't heard of the DLC until now. My brother told me about it, I had no clue. Thanks for posting this! I'll add it to the OP.

I'm not sure if I'll buy these. If a PC release ever comes out, I'll likely buy all of the DLC on there instead. I don't want to be tied to my 360 more than I have to be. That said, both pieces of DLC still look like a lot of fun.
Been playing this game for months and months off and on, but I still haven't gotten to hell. Closest I've gotten was to the door to hell, but I had misjudged where to have Olmec fall into the lava to get into the door. I fell into the freaking lava and died trying to get into the door >:|

I can never shake the feeling that my run is ruined if I don't end up with a jetpack by the end of the jungle levels.
So after about 200 deaths I've finally figured out that starting from the beginning each time is the way to go. Using the tunnel to get familiar with new areas is great, but you'll never truly advance your game that way. I've still only made it to the ice caves a couple times after 200 games. I just unlocked the tunnel, so ill be getting familiar for a bit, then going back to 1-1 again...

This game is nuts.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Funny how this thread was bumped in my subscription list - I loved Spelunky from the instant I played the demo, but never got around to buying it, then I won the game last week, and instantly got reminded about how hard this game is.

Watched a ton (and I mean, a ton) of videos and looked up everything else on the Spelunky XBLA Wiki so that I could know about the ins, outs and secrets of Spelunky, and it still doesn't make it that easier until you got the game down - and I've only played it on Friday, and then just stopped a few minutes ago for my second time. Things can be going fine until you get wrecked because you got hasty or wasn't paying attention.

Finally unlocked the first shortcut, and unlocked a certain special character - here's to learning this game.

About the DLC - I can only hope that they're working on online multiplayer for the co-op and MP - if they ever did that, the game would be perfect.


Junior Member
Funny how this thread was bumped in my subscription list - I loved Spelunky from the instant I played the demo, but never got around to buying it, then I won the game last week, and instantly got reminded about how hard this game is.

Watched a ton (and I mean, a ton) of videos and looked up everything else on the Spelunky XBLA Wiki so that I could know about the ins, outs and secrets of Spelunky, and it still doesn't make it that easier until you got the game down - and I've only played it on Friday, and then just stopped a few minutes ago for my second time. Things can be going fine until you get wrecked because you got hasty or wasn't paying attention.

Finally unlocked the first shortcut, and unlocked a certain special character - here's to learning this game.

It'll click eventually. I played the PC version a lot before the 360 version came out so I was already good at it. After a few days of playing it, I beat it and I think I was 38th worldwide. I just checked the other day after not playing for a long time and I think I'm somewhere in the top 1300 or so. Competition has gotten fierce!

Skilotonn said:
About the DLC - I can only hope that they're working on online multiplayer for the co-op and MP - if they ever did that, the game would be perfect.

I think I read somewhere that it wasn't technically feasible for them to add that in. That really would be great though. Local co-op is a blast, and I'm sure online co-op would be too.
Funny how this thread was bumped in my subscription list - I loved Spelunky from the instant I played the demo, but never got around to buying it, then I won the game last week, and instantly got reminded about how hard this game is.

Watched a ton (and I mean, a ton) of videos and looked up everything else on the Spelunky XBLA Wiki so that I could know about the ins, outs and secrets of Spelunky, and it still doesn't make it that easier until you got the game down - and I've only played it on Friday, and then just stopped a few minutes ago for my second time. Things can be going fine until you get wrecked because you got hasty or wasn't paying attention.

Finally unlocked the first shortcut, and unlocked a certain special character - here's to learning this game.

About the DLC - I can only hope that they're working on online multiplayer for the co-op and MP - if they ever did that, the game would be perfect.
Even if you have all the knowledge, this is a game that's all about skill. Still, I've refrained from wikis and videos for the most part. I like that there's so much hidden away in a seemingly simple game. But I would probably save myself some frustration by doing more research, lol.
Game is just so god damn hard. I'm back to playing near daily. Up to 225 deaths. Today I cleared the mines only once in about 15 tries. I've been playing this for months. It's been a long time since I've loved a game this much but I just. can. not. improve. my game!

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