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STEAM | August 2017 - Toot toot, Cold Steel Warrior, shaka brah

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It'll probably be gone in about a week-and-a-half, so enjoy it while it lasts. ;)

Depends on how the package is set up. A game not being available on certain stores doesn't necessarily mean keys can't be activated in those territories. In the case of FF6, as long as the key isn't intended for Eastern Europe, India or Brazil, it'll be region-free.

Thanks much! So this is how I check games' redeemability!


and the map is a kind of an indescrifrable maze which makes it really hard to actually get some momentum going since you'll quickly find half a day lost just trying not to walk in circles heh

The map is actually
not Euclidean
. Click and read if you don't care about spoilers.




diaries of a spaceport janitor is a weird game. you walk around doing menial labor and get paid pennies for it and you have to spend it all on basic survival stuff. you need to buy food and genderchange every few minutes, which means saving money is pretty difficult

there's also a sort of main quest thing but it looks like it's gonna be a grind to get proper progress on it

and the map is a kind of an indescrifrable maze which makes it really hard to actually get some momentum going since you'll quickly find half a day lost just trying not to walk in circles heh

it's kind of weird cos if the game gave you like a minute to breathe without asking you to get some food or go to x place or whatever and just let you take in the really beautiful pixely world that'd be kind of great

the bazaar and all these wacky alien races and the fun writing is all really enjoyable, and it's not like you'll die if you don't eat or whatever, i just wish the game pushed you to just focus on that

Hah. I don't remember seeing that gender when I played Diaries.

Regarding the map, there is a crude map included in the game's manual (and in the
), and the colored arrows direct you to different districts. That said, I agree that it is a maze, and I still managed to find big areas I had overlooked after several hours.

Securing food and gender-shift is only a big issue early in the game, when you are still feeling lost. Moreover, I would argue that these two mechanics are an important part of the feel that the game is going for. This is not a rags-to-riches kind of game. If not for those mechanics (and one you might not have run into yet), the game would need something else to put pressure on the player day-to-day, or the entire feel of the game would be different. You will have more time to take in the city once you've gotten your bearings, and know how to get what you need. The festivals are especially nice days to skip a work-day and just explore.

Familiarity with the city and shops will help reduce amount of time you have to spend grinding for the main quests, but they are mostly just a repeat of the usual day-to-day cycle until you find what you need.

The map is actually
not Euclidean
. Click and read if you don't care about spoilers.

That's really cool.
I never realized they were doing funny things like that.

A flight of stairs allows access to a small park on the first level of the Ziggurat, open only at nighttime. It is the one place in the game where the curse does not follow you, where you can find peace and quiet. But it is also, by nature, the place where the wraparound is most obvious; in other words, it's the place where it becomes most apparent exactly how trapped you are.

On the Ziggurat you can actually see yourself walking away (left and right edges) if you walk in circles around the structure and keep to the edge of the path. I thought it was just meant to be a quirk of the Ziggurat, I never realized it was because of their map building:



I have strange issue with GPU Driver install lately. So whenever i go and try to install drivers everything goes as it should be until my GPU disconnects (that is normal during GPU Driver install) and i hear that windows hardware unplug sound. Before i did fresh install of my Win 10 i would hear few seconds later Windows hardware plug sound and everything would go back to normal and display would work. But now when that happens my displays stays black and there is no hardware plug sound at all. Then often i need to go to BIOS, switch to my iGPU, use DDU to remove all drivers, install GPU drivers, switch to Auto/PCIE as video source and then everything would go back to normal.

I really don't know what is the issue. Nvidia drivers are probably not an issue because i can't find other people who had same issue recently. So only thing that i can think about is that iGPU and GPU are in conflict somehow. Did anybody else had same issue recently or ever?


So, I completed Batman TT, 7.9 hours clocked.
Well, the game honestly felt like a more of the same: if you are used to Arkham games, comic books or even Nolan's movies, there's really nothing new here, except for the fact
Vicky Vale was the bad girl and Bruce's parents were bad guys too.

I think it was worth the 6€ I paid for it, but like every TT game, it's only worth when 75% off or bundled.

Also their new engine sucks a lot. Horrible performances during the whole season with a 970 and 16 gb of ram, while I never had problems with old TT game. The fact is, the boost offered by the new engine...I can't see it. The game looks like old TT games to me, nothing different.


So, I completed Batman TT, 7.9 hours clocked.
Well, the game honestly felt like a more of the same: if you are used to Arkham games, comic books or even Nolan's movies, there's really nothing new here, except for the fact
Vicky Vale was the bad girl and Bruce's parents were bad guys too.

I think it was worth the 6€ I paid for it, but like every TT game, it's only worth when 75% off or bundled.

Also their new engine sucks a lot. Horrible performances during the whole season with a 970 and 16 gb of ram, while I never had problems with old TT game. The fact is, the boost offered by the new engine...I can't see it. The game looks like old TT games to me, nothing different.

Did you suffer stuttering? It seems that the game always stutters when changing scenes


Did you suffer stuttering? It seems that the game always stutters when changing scenes

Yes, but the funny thing is, before they release the 20gb patch, the game didn't stutter to me.
After that, it was a COSTANT stutter, even if I defragmented my hdd. It was just terrible.
So, I completed Batman TT, 7.9 hours clocked.
Well, the game honestly felt like a more of the same: if you are used to Arkham games, comic books or even Nolan's movies, there's really nothing new here, except for the fact
Vicky Vale was the bad girl and Bruce's parents were bad guys too.

I think it was worth the 6€ I paid for it, but like every TT game, it's only worth when 75% off or bundled.

Also their new engine sucks a lot. Horrible performances during the whole season with a 970 and 16 gb of ram, while I never had problems with old TT game. The fact is, the boost offered by the new engine...I can't see it. The game looks like old TT games to me, nothing different.

I finished S1 earlier today as well, and had the same performance problems as you. On top of that the game stopped recognizing the right analog stick on my ds4 after working fine for the first three episodes.

Totally agree with you on the pricepoint thing, as long as TT keeps putting out games with bullshit technical problems they're relegated to sale buys at best for me no matter how much I may be into the setting.


I've been playing the Prey demo for the first time this morning, and I am very surprised at how much content and gameplay you get here. I'm already 2 hours in (without noticing) and I love everything about it. I'm reading all of the files and books, and listening to all audio files too. Will my progress carry over to the full game though?


So, I completed Batman TT, 7.9 hours clocked.
Well, the game honestly felt like a more of the same: if you are used to Arkham games, comic books or even Nolan's movies, there's really nothing new here, except for the fact
Vicky Vale was the bad girl and Bruce's parents were bad guys too.

I think it was worth the 6€ I paid for it, but like every TT game, it's only worth when 75% off or bundled.

Also their new engine sucks a lot. Horrible performances during the whole season with a 970 and 16 gb of ram, while I never had problems with old TT game. The fact is, the boost offered by the new engine...I can't see it. The game looks like old TT games to me, nothing different.
Performance was mostly fine for me and I adored the game as such but the broken trigger controls (not sure if that problem still exists) almost killed it for me. Had to get up from the TV, run to the PC, move over the game to the window and complete the sequence there. Yuck.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I've been playing the Prey demo for the first time this morning, and I am very surprised at how much content and gameplay you get here. I'm already 2 hours in (without noticing) and I love everything about it. I'm reading all of the files and books, and listening to all audio files too. Will my progress carry over to the full game though?




on the opposite end of the spectrum, playing la noire on recommendation from a friend

tried playing it a bit on color but i think the game looks really dated so i'm gonna play it on black and white, looks more interesting this way i think

my impressions so far is that it's kind of a lovable mess. really really like the music and playing detective is pretty fun, but most of your interacting with it feels really awkward. driving around from place to place has really long stretches of silence, or gets interrupted by a side mission that consists on gunning down criminals, and the face tech is impressive but i don't really get a real feeling from it as far as whether these people are telling the truth or lying? and those three options are pretty confusing, you never know when phelps is gonna yell at someone or where he's gonna take your choice, so i mostly feel like i'm trying to guess what the designers want me to do. and yeah, phelps is kind of a monster, not even when you're playing him, but also just like wtf what an unlikeable fucking douchebag lol, he can't even introduce himself to someone without being a jerk, jeez

but at the very least i appreciate it tries to make you part of it, it's not a murdered soul suspect thing in which you don't really feel like a detective, this one has you scanning for evidence and choosing where to go and actually being able to screw up quite a bit, so that's pretty commendable, even if it's wonky as hell

and the writing isn't terrible which is like unexpected from a rockstar game

anyways, i dig the la confidential style, and i feel it's kind of refreshing coming from some of the other games i've been playing recently, so so far so good

The map is actually
not Euclidean
. Click and read if you don't care about spoilers.



that's very cool, i had a suspicion something like that was going on but it's cool to know for sure

Ucchedavāda;247091150 said:
Hah. I don't remember seeing that gender when I played Diaries.

Regarding the map, there is a crude map included in the game's manual (and in the
), and the colored arrows direct you to different districts. That said, I agree that it is a maze, and I still managed to find big areas I had overlooked after several hours.

Securing food and gender-shift is only a big issue early in the game, when you are still feeling lost. Moreover, I would argue that these two mechanics are an important part of the feel that the game is going for. This is not a rags-to-riches kind of game. If not for those mechanics (and one you might not have run into yet), the game would need something else to put pressure on the player day-to-day, or the entire feel of the game would be different. You will have more time to take in the city once you've gotten your bearings, and know how to get what you need. The festivals are especially nice days to skip a work-day and just explore.

Familiarity with the city and shops will help reduce amount of time you have to spend grinding for the main quests, but they are mostly just a repeat of the usual day-to-day cycle until you find what you need.
yeah that's good insight, i'll take it to heart

It'll probably be gone in about a week-and-a-half, so enjoy it while it lasts. ;)
i wouldn't say i enjoy it, i just appreciate class


Tried out the Danganronpa V3 demo, and was surprised I could control it as if it was a first person shooter. I quite like it so far, everything from the artstyle to gameplay.

Also started up Planet Coaster for the first time, and it seems to be everything I wanted it to be. Camera is damn tricky and takes time getting used to.



on the opposite end of the spectrum, playing la noire on recommendation from a friend

tried playing it a bit on color but i think the game looks really dated so i'm gonna play it on black and white, looks more interesting this way i think

my impressions so far is that it's kind of a lovable mess. really really like the music and playing detective is pretty fun, but most of your interacting with it feels really awkward. driving around from place to place has really long stretches of silence, or gets interrupted by a side mission that consists on gunning down criminals, and the face tech is impressive but i don't really get a real feeling from it as far as whether these people are telling the truth or lying? and those three options are pretty confusing, you never know when phelps is gonna yell at someone or where he's gonna take your choice, so i mostly feel like i'm trying to guess what the designers want me to do. and yeah, phelps is kind of a monster, not even when you're playing him, but also just like wtf what an unlikeable fucking douchebag lol, he can't even introduce himself to someone without being a jerk, jeez

but at the very least i appreciate it tries to make you part of it, it's not a murdered soul suspect thing in which you don't really feel like a detective, this one has you scanning for evidence and choosing where to go and actually being able to screw up quite a bit, so that's pretty commendable, even if it's wonky as hell

and the writing isn't terrible which is like unexpected from a rockstar game

anyways, i dig the la confidential style, and i feel it's kind of refreshing coming from some of the other games i've been playing recently, so so far so good

that's very cool, i had a suspicion something like that was going on but it's cool to know for sure

yeah that's good insight, i'll take it to heart

i wouldn't say i enjoy it, i just appreciate class

The interrogation system was one of my main gripes - you're pretty much guessing what option to pick based on what you know about the character, which often is next to nothing.

I feel like the main story and writing picked up as the game went along. The first set of cases were kind of disjointed, while the latter become interconnected and more interesting. The Phelps character has a reason for being the way he is, wait till you finish the game to judge him. I won't spoil it, but I really liked that part of the story actually.


Prey is so good. I spent 2 and a half hours just going around Lobby area. And i am not done yet. I really, really like this game.
So, I completed Batman TT, 7.9 hours clocked.
Well, the game honestly felt like a more of the same: if you are used to Arkham games, comic books or even Nolan's movies, there's really nothing new here, except for the fact
Vicky Vale was the bad girl and Bruce's parents were bad guys too.

I think it was worth the 6€ I paid for it, but like every TT game, it's only worth when 75% off or bundled.

Also their new engine sucks a lot. Horrible performances during the whole season with a 970 and 16 gb of ram, while I never had problems with old TT game. The fact is, the boost offered by the new engine...I can't see it. The game looks like old TT games to me, nothing different.

The new Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy perform much, much better.


Man I really remember liking LA Noire. I've wanted serious games set in the real world without anything supernatural or magical for the longest time and LA Noire came a bit on the way. Was super hyped for their next game.:/

What are the chances of a refresh on the Steam controller? I feel like I'm getting real close to getting it, come next sale and I probably will.


For those curious about the IDW Comics bundle on Humble right now
Get it for the G I Joe comics at least, the Transformers comics in it are...an interesting mix.
The IDW TF Collection Vol. 1 is a collection of the original early/mid 2000s IDW Transformers comics which Simon Furman wrote.

Phase 2 is when More than meets the eye starts so grab Vol. 1 and the proceeding volumes as well if you're interested.

For USD 25 it is a rather decent bundle of comics.


Do you think Halo Masterchief Collection will ever come to Steam? We got Halo Wars, and from what I remember a Steam release for Halo Wars 2 is sure too, so what about the real Halo games?
Do you think Halo Masterchief Collection will ever come to Steam? We got Halo Wars, and from what I remember a Steam release for Halo Wars 2 is sure too, so what about the real Halo games?

It's not even on the W10 store and Microsoft pretty much want to forget it ever happened on Xbox One so I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
How is Guardians of the Galaxy? I only watched the two movies, the first one was good, the second kinda ok, but I don't know so much on that universe, is the game entertaining?

It's pretty good so far, it exists in a parallel universe to the movies, all the same characters are there but their relationships are different such as
even though the game is not an origin story, they have already saved the galaxy but only Peter has met Yondu.
. The main characters also feel a little different, Gamorra is quite nice and friendly, Draxx is insecure and Peter is a little lame and probably the weakest character. Rocket is also a bit of a dick.


I just loaded up The Evil Within and it keeps opening up on my monitor #3, is there a way for me to move the game to my monitor #2?


I just loaded up The Evil Within and it keeps opening up on my monitor #3, is there a way for me to move the game to my monitor #2?

Hmm one fix I read was to Windowed the game and movei t to the monitor you want then alt+enter to fullscreen.


For anybody unaware and is into Spintires the preorder for Spintires: MudRunner has been up and existing owners get 55%.

Existing owners can also gift the game.

So if you don't own the original a friend who does can gift you and you can save 55%.

Some people salty about it not being free for existing owners. That sucks but knowing the history with the game it is understandable.

Plus the new publisher does farming simulator.


Don't forget to PM to MrOrange and Uzzy you recommendations for the next OT people.
You can also do a 'You may have missed' list of late August games to remind others of late releases they may have missed


Don't forget to PM to MrOrange and Uzzy you recommendations for the next OT people.
You can also do a 'You may have missed' list of late August games to remind others of late releases they may have missed

Why do I have to send them both a message
Don't forget to PM to MrOrange and Uzzy you recommendations for the next OT people.
You can also do a 'You may have missed' list of late August games to remind others of late releases they may have missed

September seems packed. How many games would be highlighted in a Steam thread at most?


Hmm one fix I read was to Windowed the game and movei t to the monitor you want then alt+enter to fullscreen.
Wait, I just found out you can actually change the monitor in settings>resolution, you just have to scrolls a lot.

Btw, I started up Stardew Valley for the first time just now, and I can see myself get incredibly hooked on this. Right up my alley. But, will I get roller blades or a bike at some point? I already feel like I am sprinting too slow to get around the map.


Neo Member
Btw, I started up Stardew Valley for the first time just now, and I can see myself get incredibly hooked on this. Right up my alley. But, will I get roller blades or a bike at some point? I already feel like I am sprinting too slow to get around the map.

first time played stardew valley i lost track of time, played from 8 in the morning and ended at 4am the next day, game is really fun, can't wait for multiplayer to come out. and yeah, sprinting is really slow in the game but you can install mods from their forums to actually run faster, just don't install too much or it'll take the fun out of your playthrough.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Wait, I just found out you can actually change the monitor in settings>resolution, you just have to scrolls a lot.

Btw, I started up Stardew Valley for the first time just now, and I can see myself get incredibly hooked on this. Right up my alley. But, will I get roller blades or a bike at some point? I already feel like I am sprinting too slow to get around the map.

There are ways to go faster, yes. Shortcuts, a certain building you can get, and some items you can craft that give you a +1 to movement.


Ah yeah I hammered the button a bunch and now the problem is gone.:D I should clean it but didn't find any screws so guess they are under the "feet". Think the problem is I've started to eat granny smith apples and they are very sugery and I always eat them watching youtube.XD

When my mouse started doing that, I opened it up and dabbed the clicker box with some WD40 and clicked it a lot which apparently helps clean out whatever is causing the doubled clicking.

I had a similar problem after cleaning my mouse.

It is time to replace it before it infuriates you.

It isn't that hard to fix if you're comfortable opening it up.


Do you think Halo Masterchief Collection will ever come to Steam? We got Halo Wars, and from what I remember a Steam release for Halo Wars 2 is sure too, so what about the real Halo games?

Not even on Windows store for Win 10.

Very super low chance.
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