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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wi-Fi


he's Virgin Tight™
Holy shit SuperAndroid, awesome games back there =P. Ended up 4-0 on Final Destination though :D . Won 5, lost 2 to him. That fucking Wolf blaster had me goddamned crazy the whole matches. Input lag was affecting me a bit. Anyway, had to leave... my sister wanted to play, couldn't say no to her. She says no item fights are boring haha. We can play later or whenever you want =D, especially in GAf's tournament haha
Relix said:
Holy shit SuperAndroid, awesome games back there =P. Ended up 4-0 on Final Destination though :D . Won 5, lost 2 to him. That fucking Wolf blaster had me goddamned crazy the whole matches. Input lag was affecting me a bit. Anyway, had to leave... my sister wanted to play, couldn't say no to her. She says no item fights are boring haha. We can play later or whenever you want =D, especially in GAf's tournament haha
I know, droid, ysia, and nishi spam that too much. It's so frustrating :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
OliveJuice said:
I know, droid, ysia, and nishi spam that too much. It's so frustrating :lol

Yeah its incredibily annoying. Even worst... Lugi's Tornado Spin can't deflect it like most attacks, totally fucking up my strategy :lol . Figured that by jumping over him, doing the spin mid air, and crashing down was the best option. But yeah, it can get a bit tad annoying. Haha,... shit I wanna play again, but my sister WANTS to unlock Sonic doing the 10 Classic Characters thing, not through SSE. Don't ask me =P. I'll let her have her fun.

BTW Android, how was thew lag? I had input lag, some frame drops here and there, but I am learning to get around those.
wolf blaster is a great harrasser btw, makes you fellas come to me :lol

I only started playing wolf for like.. 3 days now. You should play my wario , you'll love his motorcycle :D .

Looking to play a 4 player brawl items no restriction etc etc in like 30-40 mins. I guess you can say a party brawl rather than a 1v1 match.

The lag was as you said , small holes here and there. Nothing too bad worth mentioning, not that I remembered anyways. Luigi's tornado is annoying as well , always fucking up my down smash opportunites!


he's Virgin Tight™
SuperAndroid17 said:
wolf blaster is a great harrasser btw, makes you fellas come to me :lol

I only started playing wolf for like.. 3 days now. You should play my wario , you'll love his motorcycle :D .

Looking to play a 4 player brawl items no restriction etc etc in like 30-40 mins. I guess you can say a party brawl rather than a 1v1 match.

Good let's arrange that then. Its 9:10 here... what ya think if we wait till the clock hits :50 fo anyone wanting to join and someone opens a room? I am all for it :D


he's Virgin Tight™
SuperAndroid17 said:
I'll be hosting it with my brother , so 2 spots will be open. first come first served :D :D

its 8:14 atm , around 8:50-9:00 is a good time.

I'll be there :D . Sis also wanna play haha, we could do a Team Brawl


he's Virgin Tight™
Room up =P. Team Brawl, 5 stock, High items, random stages haha. Will be a nice party. I am with my sister so...


he's Virgin Tight™
So I just got my ass royally kicked. Actually I wasn't taking i THAT seriously, but nevevertheless ya beat me (I forgot the name again =( ). Was feeling kinda worn off haha, Playing with Droid now but man.... I am suddenly not playing good.
Relix for some reason every time you play against me you forget who you were playing with, anyways that luigi's spin move can get really annoying. Looking forward to play you again.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I forget who it was, but someone kept kicking my ass as Toon Link again, and again, and again, and again, and again, etc.

Oh well, you lose some...you don't always win some.


he's Virgin Tight™
biggkidd32 said:
Relix for some reason every time you play against me you forget who you were playing with, anyways that luigi's spin move can get really annoying. Looking forward to play you again.

It's just the name doesn't get into my memory :lol :lol . BKGD or something like that lol. Anyway sorry, that was a very disappointing match right there, I promise by tomorrow we will have better games :D . Just feeling kinda worn out, getting my ass kicked my Dan and Droid right now =(.


WOO finally done with my shit for the week! *Nevermind finals next week* Whose up for some games? Kinda in the mood for some 1v1's...anyone?


he's Virgin Tight™
Tendo said:
Relix are you guys getting any input lag on your end? I'm at least a second behind you. It's frustrating as hell.

Actually not THAT bad. there is some lag yeah, but not half a second =O


he's Virgin Tight™
Tendo said:
Dammit :( I want to stick around for a bit more but I can't do anything. It sucks lol.

Shit that sucks =P. I was having a ton of fun back there though :lol . Really NICE games.


he's Virgin Tight™
SuperAndroid17 said:
relix want to continue some 1v1s?

Na not tonight. Feeling very tired and worn out =P. That's why I am spectating haha.

Yeah Tendo, it was still good... but maybe its just peak time or something. We will definitely play later on =D


Relix said:
Na not tonight. Feeling very tired and worn out =P. That's why I am spectating haha.

Yeah Tendo, it was still good... but maybe its just peak time or something. We will definitely play later on =D

I've noticed when we play earlier in the day its fine. I'm lagging in every match I've joined tonight so I'm calling it quits. Nintendo can afford to buy bigger servers, or tubes, or internet, or whatever the hell they need :lol


OliveJuice said:
I know, droid, ysia, and nishi spam that too much. It's so frustrating :lol
Huh? The only thing I spam with Wolf is his side smash. I only really use the blaster if I happen to find myself on the opposite side of the level from everyone else :p


Just added you kidd. Waiting in a room now if anyone wants to play a 1v1.
And wanna add me Relix? I added you a while back but I'm still awaiting registration and I might delete some names pretty soon.

My number is 2148-7776-5580
I'm out, Droids and Dan. Great games. I embarrassed the hell out of myself there at first, but I seemed to turn in at least some respectable rounds near the end.

Dan, I thought you had me for a bit in that last one, going on a 90 - 0 damage run there. But it was good fight with me running all over the place.
crowphoenix said:
I'm out, Droids and Dan. Great games. I embarrassed the hell out of myself there at first, but I seemed to turn in at least some respectable rounds near the end.

Dan, I thought you had me for a bit in that last one, going on a 90 - 0 damage run there. But it was good fight with me running all over the place.

Bah! :) Great games!


Great matches before I went to bed tonight OSG. We have to 1v1 again sometime. I had almost no lag. Thanks for leaving items on though. Lately people have been turning them off :( Your lucario is not to be messed with.


insert blank space here
SuperAndroid17 said:
fun night TQO, lets do it again tommorow in the evening or so

Yeah, that was great! Thanks to you and whoever else was on your end!
My cousin says sorry for ending that one match "No contest".
I'd love to play tomorrow evening but I have two papers and a midterm on Monday... I'll probably need a study break though ;) :D!


Junior Member
this is cool and all, but I can't unlock any characters because I'm bored of SSE and my friends and I get too drunk to play more than 3-4 games /week of smash.

any websites with save-states or some way to unlock all the cool stuff without quitting my day job?


Awesome games ysiadmihi. Wasn't expecting to be winning so many of those...espescially with bowser and luigi.
Was kinda disappointed in my falcon though, always was a bit too reckless with him since melee. Gotta get used to his movement before going for glory kills now.
Jigglypuff was just a bad idea, Your wolf destroyed the little puff ball.
I think you still do better in multiplayer brawls though.
How do you think I fare against the top smashers of gaf? I haven't really played that many people yet.

And who do you think I played best with? Still not really sure who to main.


Nabster92 said:
Awesome games ysiadmihi. Wasn't expecting to be winning so many of those...espescially with bowser and luigi.
Was kinda disappointed in my falcon though, always was a bit too reckless with him since melee. Gotta get used to his movement before going for glory kills now.
Jigglypuff was just a bad idea, Your wolf destroyed the little puff ball.
I think you still do better in multiplayer brawls though.
How do you think I fare against the top smashers of gaf? I haven't really played that many people yet.

And who do you think I played best with? Still not really sure who to main.

I'd say your among the best of everyone here I've played, really good in the air too (which is annoying when trying to recover as Ike D:).

I think you did really good with Snake. He's scary good when used right.

Edit: By the way, sorry for not letting some people into my game a bit ago. Was playing with a friend who just got Brawl.


Awesome, thanks for the input...though I think I'm still not quite as comfortable with Snake as I am with Ike, and Marth especially. I just feel like I have so much more control with them. Might have to go with Ike for the gaf tourney unless I manage to get a better feel for Snake, though I probably shouldn't play that much for this week with finals coming up and all...


Did not ask for this tag
Ysiadmihi said:
Edit: By the way, sorry for not letting some people into my game a bit ago. Was playing with a friend who just got Brawl.

Ysiad, would you be interested to play some 1v1 now? Not that I was trying to get into your game or anything, but still!


I got a game hosted, should work fine at least for east coast people (as I'm European).
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