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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


Go to hell Stockholm.

I just asked for the cheapest hosting opportunity in the whole metropolis and the cheapest offer cost 600 SEK + 100 SEK for the internet. That's 70$ 104$ (!!) a night for a quick sleep bunker.

What in the world. I used to pay 2500 SEK a month in Huddinge when I was a cheap ass Erasmus. By the time I leave Sweden in 7 days, I would have had paid 3000 SEK at least in accomodation. This is insane !


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
so when we meeting up örebro/closetoörebro-GAFers? LET'S DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

edit: And we have rules btw (Corky already know about these). No one mentions D3 or DkS. Ever.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Truly words to live by.

I can meet up any weekend with very short notice, 24h heads up would be great.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Go to hell Stockholm.

I just asked for the cheapest hosting opportunity in the whole metropolis and the cheapest offer cost 600 SEK + 100 SEK for the internet. That's 70$ 104$ (!!) a night for a quick sleep bunker.

What in the world. I used to pay 2500 SEK a month in Huddinge when I was a cheap ass Erasmus. By the time I leave Sweden in 7 days, I would have had paid 3000 SEK at least in accomodation. This is insane !

Tell me about it :|


Short bus special

corky, defend me over here!

edit: I'll defend myself when I'm done with work :mad:

Well, you're all, raging and shit. Of course you're scary man. ;P

I would still meet you though. I would.

We could have some myspys i Stadsparken eller CP and watch the castle... or... something. And discuss life. And Not Diablo or Dark Souls.


Go to hell Stockholm.

I just asked for the cheapest hosting opportunity in the whole metropolis and the cheapest offer cost 600 SEK + 100 SEK for the internet. That's 70$ 104$ (!!) a night for a quick sleep bunker.

What in the world. I used to pay 2500 SEK a month in Huddinge when I was a cheap ass Erasmus. By the time I leave Sweden in 7 days, I would have had paid 3000 SEK at least in accomodation. This is insane !

Yeah Stockholm is off the charts. When I went to Tokyo I was expecting outrageous prices but then I got there and was like "huh, these are just normal Stockholm prices".


Another member of Sweden-GAF, reporting in!

Currently living in Skövde (jävla skitstad)

Can't see that Keasar or Minamu posted yet, but they live here as well.

Move here if you like rain.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Tell me about it... my fixed expenses (including rent etc.) each month is around 1200€.


I'm around there as well! Sucks, and now I'm back to paying CSN after studying for 2 additional years. Stackars mig!



Ordinary Swedish summer weather.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well, you're all, raging and shit. Of course you're scary man. ;P

I would still meet you though. I would.

We could have some myspys i Stadsparken eller CP and watch the castle... or... something. And discuss life. And Not Diablo or Dark Souls.
I only rage once a day though, so if you're lucky, you might not get to experience now!

Where in Örebro do you live? I would love to have a myspys somewhere around the city... and talk about something soothing... :3


Got my first bill last week, 4000 kr to pay off in november...

30 hp left.
No job.


Thankfully, CSN seem to be pretty lenient when it comes to that. Also, the rate for that loan is absurdly good, so that's always an excuse not paying it off on short notice. :p

God I miss my studying days already...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

Thankfully, CSN seem to be pretty lenient when it comes to that. Also, the rate for that loan is absurdly good, so that's always an excuse not paying it off on short notice. :p

God I miss my studying days already...

What did you study?`


Short bus special
I only rage once a day though, so if you're lucky, you might not get to experience now!

Where in Örebro do you live? I would love to have a myspys somewhere around the city... and talk about something soothing... :3

Okey, one can hope. ;)

I'm currently living in Varberga. Looking for a new flat somewhere else though. I do like it here, but they're going to renovate here soon. And raise the rent. And 7000SEK for living in Varberga is.... NO!

Yeah, we could hang out any day. Just poke me in advance, and I'll drag my old ass uptown and chill. We could chill at Espresso House. Sooooooooo good.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okey, one can hope. ;)

I'm currently living in Varberga. Looking for a new flat somewhere else though. I do like it here, but they're going to renovate here soon. And raise the rent. And 7000SEK for living in Varberga is.... NO!

Yeah, we could hang out any day. Just poke me in advance, and I'll drag my old ass uptown and chill. We could chill at Espresso House. Sooooooooo good.
lolol I'm heading to Varberga in literally 15 minutes to pick up a girl who's been in Sweden for 2 weeks (arriving from New York).

But yeah, keep in touch in this thread and let's get a date going later on!


Short bus special
lolol I'm heading to Varberga in literally 15 minutes to pick up a girl who's been in Sweden for 2 weeks (arriving from New York).

But yeah, keep in touch in this thread and let's get a date going later on!

Hahaha, really? Wow, what the fuck is she doing in this part of town? Poor flickebit.

But yeah, nah, just poke me whenever really. I would go out and throw shit at you, like rocks and stuff, to make you feel at home here. But, I am unshowered and gross today.


Yes! That was my goto snus when I eh... snusade. :D
Ettan portion sucks though for some reason. Never liked that one. But the loose one is the best.

Portion takes all the flavor out IMO, of all the brands (maybe not Probe). I only use lös, it is messy but what the heck. :p


Short bus special
Portion takes all the flavor out IMO, of all the brands (maybe not Probe). I only use lös, it is messy but what the heck. :p

I'm a smoker, but used to snusa aswell. Both portion and lös. Ettan was my go-to-snus. Easily the best.

Though, lös is the best one to use. Simply because you can fuck with people so hard. When they ask me to roll a snus for them, I roll this huuuuuge ball (the size of a chocolateball basically) and give it to them. It's that one, or NOTHING!


Aliens ate my babysitter
Got my first bill last week, 4000 kr to pay off in november...

30 hp left.
No job.

Is that quarterly or monthly? Try running out of weeks of CSN in the middle of semester with no job, and them wanting money ASAP. At least it was only 1200 or so per month. I think I paid 3700SEK a month right when I got back from college because they were idiots


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Is that quarterly or monthly? Try running out of weeks of CSN in the middle of semester with no job, and them wanting money ASAP. At least it was only 1200 or so per month. I think I paid 3700SEK a month right when I got back from college because they were idiots

Thankfully, quarterly.


Portion takes all the flavor out IMO, of all the brands (maybe not Probe). I only use lös, it is messy but what the heck. :p

I started out with portion (have only tried lös a couple of times in my life), so I guess I'm not bothered by that since I never got used to lös. Also, portion is not nearly as bad for your gums as lös, and since snus can lead to throat/stomach cancer (not sure if this has actually been proven, but I believe it's widely believed that it increases the risk) portion is surely a safer alternative as it doesn't run down there like lös does.


I started out with portion (have only tried lös a couple of times in my life), so I guess I'm not bothered by that since I never got used to lös. Also, portion is not nearly as bad for your gums as lös, and since snus can lead to throat/stomach cancer (not sure if this has actually been proven, but I believe it's widely believed that it increases the risk) portion is surely a safer alternative as it doesn't run down there like lös does.

I'm pretty sure this is a myth. AFIK the only type of cancer they've proved you're more likely to get as a snusare (!) is pancreatic cancer, and only by a very little. And nicotine will always fuck with your blood pressure so obviously that's not good. But I agree portion is better for ones gums, even if something like Catch Licorice portion will fuck them up good too for some reason.


I started out with portion (have only tried lös a couple of times in my life), so I guess I'm not bothered by that since I never got used to lös. Also, portion is not nearly as bad for your gums as lös, and since snus can lead to throat/stomach cancer (not sure if this has actually been proven, but I believe it's widely believed that it increases the risk) portion is surely a safer alternative as it doesn't run down there like lös does.

It has not been proven.

"Swedish" snus is prepared in a different way compared to say Chewing tobacco which does lead to all sorts of cancer (mouth, throat et.c.).

But yes lös is more aggressive for your gums. Be sure to brush that bit every night and it should be alright. :p

I'm thinking of quitting anyway, its too damned expensive.


Can't wait to go back!!!! My family lives in Goteborg. I visited last summer and fucking fell in love with the country (summertime). My cousin is a club promoter in goteborg so she showed me all the night life and everything. Really was depressed when I had to come back to Phoenix.


I'm pretty sure this is a myth. But I agree portion is better for ones gums, even if something like Catch Licorice portion will fuck them up good too for some reason.

Yeah, just read up on what Wikipedia has to say about it, and you're right that nothing like that has been proven:

Wikipedia said:
The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges Swedish men have the lowest rate of lung cancer in Europe, partly due to the low tobacco smoking rate, but does not argue for substituting snus for smoking, citing the effects of snus still remain unclear. Around 2005, several reports, partially funded by the snus industry, pointed to the fact that no carcinogenic effects could be attributed to Nordic snus and this resulted in the removal of the warning label that claimed snus could cause cancer. It was replaced with the more vague label "May affect your health negatively". Research is still going on, but no conclusive reports have been made regarding the health effects of snus.

I've also heard that snus is actually good for your teeth (but not your gums, obviously), as it creates an environment bacteria don't like (or possibly even kills them, not sure), so you're less likely to get caries/cavities. Seems to be working for me, as I've never had a cavity (although I never had one before I started snusing either, so who knows if the snus has actually helped or not).

Anyway, the obvious relation between Swedish people using snus and getting less lung cancer than people in other European contries makes it baffling to me that snus is actually banned in the EU (it's only legal to sell in Sweden because we were excepted from the ban). It just makes no sense that they would rather people smoke than use snus, which is clearly less harmful (both for the user and people in the vicinity).

What scares me a bit is that there are rumblings about certain substances that are used to flavor snus being banned, which would likely mean the end of Swedish snus. That would surely just lead to more Swedish smokers, so again it would make no sense. They should go the other way, and just lift the EU ban completely. Less people would die from lung cancer as a result, I'm sure of it.


I've also heard that snus is actually good for your teeth (but not your gums, obviously), as it creates an environment bacteria don't like (or possibly even kills them, not sure), so you're less likely to get caries/cavities. Seems to be working for me, as I've never had a cavity (although I never had one before I started snusing either, so who knows if the snus has actually helped or not).

I've heard this to. Snus is supposed to have a pretty high pH, much like tooth paste, that will neutralize your mouth.
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