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Tearaway Unfolded |OT|


Put this together real quick, couldn't even think of a title. But this game deserves an OT just as much as any other game does!
Tearaway Unfolded |OT| And so, the Vita is DEAD.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Iota buy this game.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Do you ever feel like a paper bag, drifting through the wind?

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Presented by BatistaGAF


Tearaway Unfolded |OT| And so, the Vita is DEAD.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Iota buy this game.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Do you ever feel like a paper bag, drifting through the wind?

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Presented by BatistaGAF
Tearaway Unfolded |OT| RIP in paper Vita


My last minute pre-order messed up again so I probably don't have the bonuses. Still look forward to playing through the game again.


Tearaway Unfolded |OT| And so, the Vita is DEAD.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Iota buy this game.

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Do you ever feel like a paper bag, drifting through the wind?

Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Presented by BatistaGAF

I love the bolded one XD! This would be a great name for the OT :').


I love the bolded one XD! This would be a great name for the OT :').
Do you ever feel like a paper bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep six feet under?
Screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

Seems like this song is speaking to Tearaway.
Do you ever feel like a paper bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep six feet under?
Screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

Seems like this song is speaking to Tearaway.

feels more like it's speaking to kim jong un



Just ran into my first gif camera.


Do you ever feel like a paper bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep six feet under?
Screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

Seems like this song is speaking to Tearaway.

Loved your post so much, I shared it on my Twitter XD!


Great work man :').


Loving the game as expected. Fun new stages, super clean IQ, glorious 60fps and
paper plane
is awesome.

But those misplaced gopher quests... Aaaaargh. WHY.


Despite the fact I'm playing Batman Arkham Knight and MGS5 already, I may start this this weekend. Can't wait. Game is beautiful.


Oh come on. It's already not full retail, there's a demo, and it's an awesome fucking game to boot.

Posts like this on the RELEASE DATE of the game make me sad.

Just ignore posts like that :l.

If you get the game, have fun with it and enjoy yourself man :D!

Fantastic game that seemed to translate nicely to PS4.


That's a song from a movie called The Interview.

I have that sitting on my Netflix lists, so I will watch it after college tomorrow XD!

Thanks for the heads up Verendus :).


Picked up the superior AU (some parts of PAL territory) version which includes the plush doll this morning before work...

Loved the Vita version of the game and whilst the better half doesn't play alot of games, I'm gonna get her to play this as I think she will love it. Hoping our almost 3yr twins also get a kick out of it (colours, cuteness and all that).
So I couldn't find any copies at bestbuy. Turns out they hadn't put them out. An hour before close I must have been the first person to ask for it. Unfolded is gonna sell less then the vita version. :(


Will be grabbing this (double dipping) as soon as I have time to play it. Or possibly just now to show my support.


Dreams in Digital
I kind of like this but maybe "folding at home" instead.

I'm suggesting that Tearaway is finally on the console it should have been on: Folding Home, but Folding at Home is good too. I forgot the PS3 had an '@' sign in the middle:




It HAS to be one of those two and I'm leaning towards Unfolding@Home. It has a nice twist to it.


Thought gaf was racist. Now knows better, honorary gaffer 2022
Will pick this up when it hits PS+.

Why do people post these kinds of messages? I don't understand it. "I'll buy it when there's zero financial commitment whatsoever." Uhm. Ok.


So I couldn't find any copies at bestbuy. Turns out they hadn't put them out. An hour before close I must have been the first person to ask for it. Unfolded is gonna sell less then the vita version. :(

I didn't see any at my GameStop either (but I saw them opening boxes, so they could of been putting them on the shelf soon; went to the store two hours after it opened).

Will ask them to see if the game is selling when my first class ends tomorrow (my college is close to my local GameStop).

....Really hope it does well; do NOT want the poor game to bomb yet again....


Was still downloading when I left for work this morning, but I reckon this'll be the game that gets my PS4 camera out of the draw under the TV.


This game is rekindling my love for games quite a bit. It's all about fun...I'm trying to make the most if it. I love artsy stuff like this. The paper world looks so nice on ps4 and I can't wait to make some papercraft myself.



I could spend hours just in the camera mode.

leng jai

The game is gorgeous on PS4 but I have to say the demo was awful. The whole thing is just a tutorial and you barely even get control for more than 40 seconds at a time.


So I couldn't find any copies at bestbuy. Turns out they hadn't put them out. An hour before close I must have been the first person to ask for it. Unfolded is gonna sell less then the vita version. :(

Worth noting that Sony put Tearaway against a Mario game AGAIN.

I just can't sometimes.

Anyway, played the first two zones. Haven't played the Vita version since 2013 so I'm enjoying going through the old stuff again. It's still Tearaway- charming as all hell and guaranteed to kill any disillusionment you may have regarding the video game industry. I was Atoi my first time around so I figured I'd go with Iota, especially since the limited marketing I've seen has been pushing her. Camera seems fine- only had one or two issues with it. The touchpad drawing stuff is garbage and needs a patch if possible. Vita's touchscreen wasn't great but I was certainly able to somewhat draw what I was trying to.

Two quibbles, neither having to do with the game itself. I cannot get the second screen stuff to work. Really wish they had gone with a separate companion app as the PS App is not playing nice with my PS4. Have a couple ideas on how to fix it but that's better left for tomorrow. Also, apparently the preorder codes did not include the soundtrack despite saying so on the insert. Fortunately I have the Vita soundtrack but would love to get the new tracks. Fix this shit.


Worth noting that Sony put Tearaway against a Mario game AGAIN.

I just can't sometimes.

Anyway, played the first two zones. Haven't played the Vita version since 2013 so I'm enjoying going through the old stuff again. It's still Tearaway- charming as all hell and guaranteed to kill any disillusionment you may have regarding the video game industry. I was Atoi my first time around so I figured I'd go with Iota, especially since the limited marketing I've seen has been pushing her. Camera seems fine- only had one or two issues with it. The touchpad drawing stuff is garbage and needs a patch if possible. Vita's touchscreen wasn't great but I was certainly able to somewhat draw what I was trying to.

Two quibbles, neither having to do with the game itself. I cannot get the second screen stuff to work. Really wish they had gone with a separate companion app as the PS App is not playing nice with my PS4. Have a couple ideas on how to fix it but that's better left for tomorrow. Also, apparently the preorder codes did not include the soundtrack despite saying so on the insert. Fortunately I have the Vita soundtrack but would love to get the new tracks. Fix this shit.

You mean Mario Maker is coming out this week O_O!

Ugh, Sony could of pushed the game back a few weeks but NOPE! Take the Vita game that you barely advertised in NA, also launched with the PS4 launch, the release of a big 3D Mario AND a 3DS Zelda game......and bombed hard on Vita, and port it to PS4. AND pull the same damn mistake again :'(.


:'(. I'm sorry, its really sad thinking about this games success level, when it really is a fantastic game.

Its messed up that a shining gem has to fail :'(.


Tearaway Unfolded |OT| On paper, this title sounded good
Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Place your memories, here
Tearaway Unfolded |OT| Hidden somewhere between a rock and a flat piece
Man this game may have the cleanest IQ I've ever seen in a console game. Not a single shimmer or shake anywhere on the screen. Everything in the background is just there and the straight lines are just straight and don't move or you can't see them being redrawn. It's just absolutely perfect IQ.

Makes this glorious looking game look that much better in motion. A true beauty to behold in motion

I wonder if people who don't know about this game or ignore it even realize it is like Okami and Super Mario 3D World in a very tight and beautiful package with outstanding music and visuals?
6-8 hours.

Is that including the new content?

I played an hour or so last night, the intro was a little bizarre with the channel surfing stuff, kind of feels like they struggled to capture the "looking into another world" idea from the Vita version. Still having a ton of fun with it though.


So why is this game flying under the radar of so many people? Everything I have seen of it marks it out as a classic title but it seems to be getting largely ignored. I dont get the gaming public sometimes, its really frustrating because it sends the wrong message to big game publishers.
Bought this as the Vita game is one of my all time favorites and the most effective use of player interaction in a game. Was really excited to see that the prologue was completely unique, looking forward to playing more later in the week.


Man this game may have the cleanest IQ I've ever seen in a console game. Not a single shimmer or shake anywhere on the screen. Everything in the background is just there and the straight lines are just straight and don't move or you can't see them being redrawn. It's just absolutely perfect IQ.

Makes this glorious looking game look that much better in motion. A true beauty to behold in motion

I wonder if people who don't know about this game or ignore it even realize it is like Okami and Super Mario 3D World in a very tight and beautiful package with outstanding music and visuals?

ya i played like an hour of the demo and indeed the graphics are god tier.


So why is this game flying under the radar of so many people? Everything I have seen of it marks it out as a classic title but it seems to be getting largely ignored. I dont get the gaming public sometimes, its really frustrating because it sends the wrong message to big game publishers.

People are ignoring it due to feeling pissed that the game moved form Vita to PS4.
People are ignoring it due to being to 'kid-friendly'.
People are ignoring it due to it launching next to a new Mario game (AGAIN X().
People are ignoring it due to be ignorant.
People are ignoring it due to hating great original games.

Lots of reasons people are ignoring it, and its a damn shame :'(. I'm still sour on it jumping from Vita to PS4 but its still a great game and I hope it gets success on PS4 it never had on Vita :').

....But that seems to sadly not be the case X(.
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