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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


So is the ps3 version of this game still buggy as all hell? I haven't played it since july. I searched on neogaf and can't find anything about the ps3 version except that we prob won't get any of the expansions. I feel cheated for buying the damn thing since i do enjoy it a lot but it has crashed on me so many times (and i hardly played the damn thing). I need to build a better pc but have been so busy.

The newest patch actually makes the game perform worse.


Permanent Junior Member
I just came back to the game on PC after a long hiatus. I noticed when looking diagonally the game would stutter like crazy. Luckily, a borderless windowed mod has fixed it. I'm guessing this is a common problem for some?


I just came back to the game on PC after a long hiatus. I noticed when looking diagonally the game would stutter like crazy. Luckily, a borderless windowed mod has fixed it. I'm guessing this is a common problem for some?

Yeah, I had to do the same. Haven't booted it up in a bit though so I was wondering what borderless window mod you're using. I had trouble getting one to work earlier in the year when I tried.

Danny 117

Any tips for the first (late game spoilers?)

I use dragonrend to make him land and then me, shadowmere and my spectral assassin hack away at him and his health doesn't budge at all. I haven't acquired Dragonbane yet. Am I able to go back to the sky temple(forgot the name) to get it or am I stuck fighting him?

Thanks in advance fellow Dragonborn!


Any tips for the first (late game spoilers?)

I use dragonrend to make him land and then me, shadowmere and my spectral assassin hack away at him and his health doesn't budge at all. I haven't acquired Dragonbane yet. Am I able to go back to the sky temple(forgot the name) to get it or am I stuck fighting him?

Thanks in advance fellow Dragonborn!
Go behind the word wall to regen your health. He can't attack you there. You have to fight him, but I guess you could run down the mountain and do some other quests, and see if he follows or stays there.


Any tips for the first (late game spoilers?)

I use dragonrend to make him land and then me, shadowmere and my spectral assassin hack away at him and his health doesn't budge at all. I haven't acquired Dragonbane yet. Am I able to go back to the sky temple(forgot the name) to get it or am I stuck fighting him?

Thanks in advance fellow Dragonborn!

Strafe around him. He can't turn fast. So it becomes merely a matter of patience and avoiding mistakes... Keep him landed with Dragonrend.
Oh, BTW, you do have visited that hall? And gotten some help from there? If not, you're fighting him too early.


Starting my 2nd play through here soon

Going to try to go pure magic if that's viable.

I'm thinking Breton for max conjuration or Dunmer for Destruction

I want to go Dunmer but I like the added bonus in speech that the Breton's receive

How big of a deal are the initial stats?
I'm working through my back log and am finishing up Oblivion before diving into Skyrim (again).

I have one character about level 15 or so but I figure I'll start over.

My question: I'm playing on the 360 and haven't played since before the Kinect patch. I've downloaded Dawnguard and the house building DLC (I forget the name).

Are the any bugs or things I should worry about or be aware of going into a new playthrough?
Told myself I wasn't going to play again until some sort of GOTY edition came out, but it's dragging me back in.

All that time playing Dishonored made me want to return to Skyrim as a stealthy, magical assassin, subtly manipulating my foes and planting my dagger in their necks when they're caught off guard. Female Dunmer, specializing in one-handed (dual wielding), archery, sneak, and illusion.

Mounted combat is fun, especially with a bow. It's cool mounting hit-and-run raids on bandit camps like Ghengis Khan.

Anyone else on the PS3 notice that patch 1.7 sort of made the game perform worse? Fuck it, I'm used to it by now.

Will keep everyone updated with my character - may post an in-depth character bio.
I also got a 200MB patch with no patch notes and came here looking for information. Does anyone know what it changed?

Via bethblog:

  • General memory and stability improvements
  • Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip
  • Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked
  • Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs
  • Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly


I'm working through my back log and am finishing up Oblivion before diving into Skyrim (again).

I have one character about level 15 or so but I figure I'll start over.

My question: I'm playing on the 360 and haven't played since before the Kinect patch. I've downloaded Dawnguard and the house building DLC (I forget the name).

Are the any bugs or things I should worry about or be aware of going into a new playthrough?

When building a house, save before starting. You cannot remove parts of the house that you build (though there are three possible plots, so you really mess up, you can just build another). Also, collect any iron you find... and butter.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
Just finished the main quest for the first time.
Sovngarde was realy awesome! I felt like i was going to Valhalla :D

Same here. Just finished the main quest for the first time with my second character the other day. I actually though it was pretty good. A big improvement over Oblivion's story. Sovngarde was beautiful, especially the sky. Seeing the warrior, mage, and thief constellations from the skills menu there was a neat touch.

I also got married for the first time, to Aela the Huntress. The priest of Mara told me to arrive between sunrise and sunset sometime the next day for my wedding. I get there right as the sun is rising and started waiting a few hours, but nothing seemed to be happening, so I went out exploring some and figured I'd come back soon. When I got back Aela was there and she was pissed. Apparently I missed the wedding and stood her up! Luckily I was able to apologize to her and the priest and rescheduled the wedding. The ceremony was very sweet. I appreciated that some of my friends from previous quests were able to attend. Now me and Aela travel everywhere together, her ranged archery skills perfectly compliment my axe.


Any tips for the first (late game spoilers?)

I use dragonrend to make him land and then me, shadowmere and my spectral assassin hack away at him and his health doesn't budge at all. I haven't acquired Dragonbane yet. Am I able to go back to the sky temple(forgot the name) to get it or am I stuck fighting him?

Thanks in advance fellow Dragonborn!

Soften him up with Marked for Death level 1 over and over when he gets close. This is a great game-wide tactic to soften up every tough enemy. Especially if you are illusion based and can harmony the enemy after application. You can basically make any boss one-shottable.
What might this be?


Full trailer coming November 5.


Aww man, there's no way I'm going to get money for more msp by the time this comes out. Every penny going to give my nephew a good Christmas.
Aww man, there's no way I'm going to get money for more msp by the time this comes out. Every penny going to give my nephew a good Christmas.

At least it's for a good cause, man. I'd say I'd chip in for you, but I'll probably be scratching for MSP myself. :lol


At least it's for a good cause, man. I'd say I'd chip in for you, but I'll probably be scratching for MSP myself. :lol

Thanks for the sentiment. The funny thing is, what he wants most is Minecraft, so I'll be aching for my lack of DLC while I get MSP for him lol.


Played this again for the first time in a while the other day. Just wandered around, walked into some random cave and stumbled onto a Daedric quest. Loved it. Reward for finishing was crap, though. Something they need to fix for future games.


Played this again for the first time in a while the other day. Just wandered around, walked into some random cave and stumbled onto a Daedric quest. Loved it. Reward for finishing was crap, though. Something they need to fix for future games.

I'd love more high end unique loot and some crushingly difficult enemies at high levels.
I'd love more high end unique loot and some crushingly difficult enemies at high levels.

Those two Revered Dragons you encounter in Dawnguard's 'Lost to the Ages' were a real challenge for my level 50 character during my last playthrough. They were both level 60 or something, going by their scaling. Toughest fight in the game (apart from Legendary Dragons), played on Master difficulty of course.

Definitely. Fallout 3 got it right with that one DLC that raised the level cap and introduced some tough enemies. Skyrim could use that sort of expansiveness.

Those tough enemies were abominations, though. There is such a thing as being 'too tough'. You could've dropped two fat men on those things and they still weren't dead. Bit overkill to me.

I still have nightmares of Albino Radscorpions.


I can't believe how much I still enjoy this game. I put near 300 hours in, and I certainly don't play it every day; but every now and then I get a strong urge to just go back into the world and explore. I'd say I boot it up a least once a month or so to simply just walk around the world. What an awesome game.


Not sure if this a Windows 8 problem, or a recent patch has done it, but i recently re-installed Skyrim (with the high res textures), and while its running at 60+ FPS, it chugs quite badly, stuttering alot when turning around etc. Anyone know if its W8 or a patch thats done this ? Nvidia drivers ?

Specs -

i5 2500K (Stock)
560Ti 1GB
Windows 8

I tried lowering from Ultra High to High but it didnt really make any difference. I play at 1920x1080.


Spent waaay to much time grinding, but i finally managed to kill a legendary dragon.
(you need to be level 78 for those to show up)
Time to take a break again.
I see Ghal already brought news of the trailer.
It mentions
The First Dragonborn, wasn't that Tiber Septim? Are we going to end up fighting Talos?

Also, do you really have to be level 78 to fight Legendary Dragons? That's insane.


If this god forsaken addon does not make its way to the PS3, I am going to be severly upset, honestly.

Bethesda, get you stuff together!


Also, do you really have to be level 78 to fight Legendary Dragons? That's insane.

Yeah, kind of insane, if you play the regular way that will take you ages.
I was 60 when i finished Dawnguard so i thought i would never manage it to 78. Then a friend showed me a couple of tricks to level faster. Luckily all my low skills were fairly easy to boost, so what i did, i played the game like i would normally would, and every now and then i spend an half hour to an hour boosting a skill.
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