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The gaming community is an abomination.


Gold Member


The nicest person on this forum
They hate the story, which was revealed a long time ago. Its that simple.

You sound upset by the explanations as to why they believe the story got so bad. But that's ancillary stuff - just people trying to rationalize why the game they waited years for ended up with a crappy story. I'll agree that some people are probably being disingenuous or a little rash in their user reviews, but ultimately the overall negativity is caused by the story line.
I'm not saying people are not allowed to dislike or even criticize it but outrage for this game is getting waaay over the top and silly at this point

And once again I will use the this quote.
Yoko Taro: “You’re all free to expect whatever you want. And we’re also free to betray those expectations, however we want. Everything is free… long live freedom…”

Developers are free to make whatever they want and people are free not to like it and even criticize it but it doesn't mean devs not allowed to do it just because angry fan on internet.
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I'm not saying people are not allowed to dislike or even criticize it but outrage for this game is getting waaay over top and silly at this point

And once again I will use the this quote.

Developers are free to make whatever they want and people are free not to like it and even criticize it but it doesn't mean devs not allowed to do it just because angry fan on internet.

I don't think anyone is saying they can't do it, they are saying "we don't like it in this particular case, we reject your creative vision", that doesn't make his vision "wrong" or them "right".

People saying its 0/10 or trash and the like are just submental morons, can't do much about them except fire up the sterilisation machines (THIS IS A JOKE).


I'm not saying people are not allowed to dislike or even criticize it but outrage for this game is getting waaay over top and silly at this point

And once again I will use the this quote.

Developers are free to make whatever they want and people are free not to like it and even criticize it but it doesn't mean devs not allowed to do it just because angry fan on internet.
I don't see any differing arguments or opinions in our posts. I fully support ND's right to make any game they choose.


I’ll say this, if you enjoyed the first game and insist that the last of us 2 is “trash,” you are being completely disingenuous.

I think there is a difference between the game between "trash" overall and their experience being trash, the former is stupid, but the latter makes sense to me even if I don't feel that way. I am not invested in the characters so the stuff I don't like doesn't ruin it for me completely. I don't know if any game has ever done that for me, I can usually still see what I like in something.


How does the following biologically factual statement make you feel?

“Women aren’t men.”

Do let us know.

That was one weird deflection. How I feel about objective facts is as interesting as whether I like gravity or not.

I can list hundreds of differences between men and women. We do not share the exact genome. That is a biological fact.

Why you mix that with gender equality is a more interesting question. Gender equality is about equal opportunity and equal respect.


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Wow, I clicked this thread thinking it's a general think piece about the recent accusation bs from the left fascists, but no, it's because some people don't like your game.

*That* is an abomination.

The thread is not about ND, is about how we as a community should respect the hard work of any studio out there. TLOU 2 is just the most recent example where things got out of end.

If we keep going like that no game will ever get a honest review.


RSI Employee of the Year
I'm not saying people are not allowed to dislike or even criticize it but outrage for this game is getting waaay over the top and silly at this point

And once again I will use the this quote.

Developers are free to make whatever they want and people are free not to like it and even criticize it but it doesn't mean devs not allowed to do it just because angry fan on internet.

Personally, I make a point to always be very respectful of developers, and about TLOU2, I'm very neutral. I noticed long ago it wouldn't be a game for me (not interested in zombies, most pandemic-focused post-apocalyptic topics, and nowadays I'd rather play games that make me happy) and moved on. Many will love it for very good reasons. Many will hate it for equally valid reasons.

That being said, Naughty Dog made a game they knew would be divisive and polarizing, likely on purpose. Can't exactly be shocked at it getting a divided and polarized reactions.
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The thread is not about ND, is about how we as a community should respect the hard work of any studio out there. TLOU 2 is just the most recent example where things got out of end.

If we keep going like that no game will ever get a honest review.

"Honest review" is a flawed assumption to begin with. All good reviews are subjective, but they explain all criticism and praise in a way that, even if you disagree with something, you understand why the reviewer thought the way he/she did and you can conclude for yourself "okay, that's actually a good/bad thing imo."

If you're talking about user reviews: lol


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
"Honest review" is a flawed assumption to begin with. All good reviews are subjective, but they explain all criticism and praise in a way that, even if you disagree with something, you understand why the reviewer thought the way he/she did and you can conclude for yourself "okay, that's actually a good/bad thing imo."

If you're talking about user reviews: lol

Honest review is people that actually played the game. Not some review bombing.

No game in the world can get a "0".
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The nicest person on this forum
That being said, Naughty Dog made a game they knew would be divisive and polarizing, likely on purpose. Can't exactly be shocked at it getting a divided and polarized reaction.
Im sure ND knew the story going to be divisive but it doesn’t people in gaming community need to act childish about it. There should be room for proper and fun discussion about it.

I don’t know these crazy outrage is just little too weird for me.


RSI Employee of the Year
Honest review is people that actually played the game. Not some review bombing.

No game in the world can get a "0".

Assuming someone who has a different opinion of a game (even radically different) didn't play the game and is just "review bombing" is a fallacy of the insecure.

Incidentally, weren't you out? 🤔

Im sure ND knew the story going to be divisive but it doesn’t people in gaming community need to act childish about it. There should be room for proper and fun discussion about it.

I don’t know these crazy outrage is just little too weird for me.

People react to extreme things in different ways, often in extreme ways themselves, and we can objectively say that TLOU is pretty extreme in many ways. The backlash was entirely predictable and pretty natural, even if I personally don't agree. It's human nature and has to do with the "gaming community" only tangentially because gamers are human.

Let's not pretend that there aren't just as extreme "Naughty Dog can do no wrong" positions on the other side as well. If you want proper and fun discussion, find someone that wants the same and have it, instead of complaining that people are posting stuff you don't like on the internets.
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The thread is not about ND, is about how we as a community should respect the hard work of any studio out there. TLOU 2 is just the most recent example where things got out of end.

If we keep going like that no game will ever get a honest review.

Why should I respect ideological vomiting when they clearly don't respect other people's views of the world, beliefs and cultures?

Respect only works if it's going both ways. When they make ideological statements in the game regarding politics and religion they are the ones attacking... but you know, that's fine too, that's free speech.

They have the right to manifest what they think, I have the right to manifest what I think. I think they're trash, fuck them, that's it.
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Honest review is people that actually played the game. Not some review bombing.

No game in the world can get a "0".

I once had to review "The Settlers 2" for NDS, was actually really nice, but it had a game-breaking bug in mission 4, so I gave it no score. Lowest scores are for barely functional games.


I think there is a difference between the game between "trash" overall and their experience being trash, the former is stupid, but the latter makes sense to me even if I don't feel that way. I am not invested in the characters so the stuff I don't like doesn't ruin it for me completely. I don't know if any game has ever done that for me, I can usually still see what I like in something.

Right. Personally I can understand the frustration with the story but it was the gameplay and environment of the last of us that made it what it was. The story has always been generic zombie dystopia bullshit.

Aside from the brick/bottle dynamic, the combat and gameplay of TLoU2 is an improvement on all fronts, and the graphics are exceptional for a late gen console title. The people with exaggerated negative opinions on the game and the people who defend them are clowns. You can not like the game but scores like 0, and calling it complete trash is total unequivocal bullshit.
Has nothing to do with it, I Just don't like how we portray ourselves like "idiots" these days.

You reply is a proof of what im talking about, you don't use your brain enough. Quick to answer slow to thing.

Where I live there is a saying that goes like: "Il faut tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de parler."

Hope you can at least translate that.


There's a saying where I come from too: "If you can turn your tongue in your mouth seven times, you have a great future in porn"

Ok kids, im out.


Way to perpetuate the French stereotype.

Right. Personally I can understand the frustration with the story but it was the gameplay and environment of the last of us that made it what it was. The story has always been generic zombie dystopia bullshit.

Aside from the brick/bottle dynamic, the combat and gameplay of TLoU2 is an improvement on all fronts, and the graphics are exceptional for a late gen console title. The people with exaggerated negative opinions on the game and the people who defend them are clowns. You can not like the game but scores like 0, and calling it complete trash is total unequivocal bullshit.

I completely disagree and I'd bet most would too. One of the pillars of the first Last of Us was it's storytelling, the game-play at best was serviceable, and the world was no better or worse than similar games in the genre. It was the story that stood out to people. It's why most people in the discussion of the first game constantly talked about Joel's decision at the end and whether people though Ellie believed him or not and the morality of it all. Not how cool was it to throw a bottle at a runner and "stealth" kill it. It's probably the biggest complaint about Part 2. The gameplay is fine, I enjoy it, it's kind of a shittier Metal Gear Solid 5 in terms of gameplay. I like it. The story though....just bad.


As soon as they did that E3 trailer where the trailer started, zoomed in, on Ellie and Dena snogging, this was always on the cards. I mean it was sooo edgy. I wouldnt be surprised if they had camera's set up recording the gaming medias responce to that trailer, just to blackmail them later lol (kidding).
As for the gameplay, its not a coincedence that even the people who didnt like the game, all loved the 2 or 3 Ellie/Joel backflash segments. Thats what people wanted, not the 'big twist', then being forced to play a character for half the game that was probably public enemy no.1 after the 'big twist'.
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Kids that are gaming now have no respect for gaming as an hobby in general.

The last of Us 2 is a prime example. Naughty Dog have given us so many great games in the past, and still do. You can tell that they put their heart into each games they released.

But, for whatever reason, kids these days will try their best to trash it, and disrespect the hard work of so many people involve in the creations of these games.

Giving the Last of Us 2 a score of "0" is unfair. There is a least something good in this game.

Been playing the game since release, and the attention to details from the environment to the combat is beyond any other studio have tried before.

Some may not like the story, that's fair, but at the same time bias because as humans we come in many different shades. I bet some of the young brains who complain are either gay themselves or at least have a parents who is. Nothing wrong with that is just part of our human life story.

Diversity is always good, and if we truly respect gaming, we should stop bringing our personal opinions into every games that is releasing today.

Also, nowadays everybody is acting like an expert. these young brains act has if they can create better stories or games Than Naughty Dog etc...

My advice to the youngsters coming in is:

Be respectful, and don't bash something that you yourself cannot do. We as a community needs to change...until its too late and we end up destroy it.

Its always better to give constructive criticism instead of always acting mighty and bashing the hard work of some of these devs and gaming studios out there.

I don't know if some here will understand my message, but I hope that as a community we respect and cherish what we have....
I don't think generalizing the gaming community as an abomination is an accurate thread title. When it comes to reviews -- the rating is really in the eye of the gamer. I would have given TLoU2 a fair 3/10 (3 points for incredible graphics; -7 for a generic Hollywood written story). Nothing wrong with Naughty Dog either...I'm looking forward to Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. No offense, but part of your rhetoric against people who have it 0/10 sounds like some of the griping from over on RetardEra...er...ResetEra.


Let me just say that as someone who has been playing videogames avidly since the 1970's and involved in their production since the early 80's, its very apparent. and disheartening to say the least, how jaded people are with the wonders of art and technology that are routinely set before them these days.

I understand how familiarity breeds contempt, and how the open-nature of the internet as a platform allows (and frequently encourages) the lowest minded and most ill-informed of opinions to drown out their betters, but still it does grate something fierce at times.

Some people just need to start showing more appreciation for the labor and artistry of others, and try and move their own petty wants,. likes and dislikes from the center of their opinions/arguments.


Let me just say that as someone who has been playing videogames avidly since the 1970's and involved in their production since the early 80's, its very apparent. and disheartening to say the least, how jaded people are with the wonders of art and technology that are routinely set before them these days.

I understand how familiarity breeds contempt, and how the open-nature of the internet as a platform allows (and frequently encourages) the lowest minded and most ill-informed of opinions to drown out their betters, but still it does grate something fierce at times.

Some people just need to start showing more appreciation for the labor and artistry of others, and try and move their own petty wants,. likes and dislikes from the center of their opinions/arguments.

fuck u boomer

Nah but for real I’m not gonna thank Naughty Dog for something I don’t like.


You sit here and spew this nonsense, claiming all to be "youngsters" and "young brains", yet this post reads like you are 12 years old yourself.

I bet some of the young brains who complain are either gay themselves or at least have a parents who is.
Interesting analysis and conclusion you came to.

Diversity is always good
Like clockwork...


Let me just say that as someone who has been playing videogames avidly since the 1970's and involved in their production since the early 80's, its very apparent. and disheartening to say the least, how jaded people are with the wonders of art and technology that are routinely set before them these days.

I understand how familiarity breeds contempt, and how the open-nature of the internet as a platform allows (and frequently encourages) the lowest minded and most ill-informed of opinions to drown out their betters, but still it does grate something fierce at times.

Some people just need to start showing more appreciation for the labor and artistry of others, and try and move their own petty wants,. likes and dislikes from the center of their opinions/arguments.
Is this a rather long winded version of 'if you cant make a game yourself, you cant criticize'?.


1) Nerds overreact to things. This time they've overreacted to some social and political issues of the story of TLOU2.
2) It doesn't matter.
3) You can still like and enjoy a game someone else didn't like.
4) Focusing on stories in games is stupid. It ends up in creators focusing on stupid non-game things that makes players ending up hating a game for stupid non-game things.

And as a bonus:
5) I don't care about The Last of Us 1 either. Deal with it.


I can understand the sentiment although I think calling people kids isn't the way to go about it and is counter to your point lol.

People giving this game a 0/10 or 5/10 or calling it the worst game they've played are of course just using superlatives. I don't think it reflects poorly on gamers as a whole, it just comes with the territory of online communities.

Enjoy what you enjoy, don't worry too much about it.
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