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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Official Thread |OT|


I've been hearing a lot about this game. Just a couple of questions:

How long is the game? I unfortunately don't really have that much time to invest in a game lately, so I currently prefere filler-free shorter games

Hm ... I wouldn't say it's all that short. I think my first playthrough was closer to the 50 hour mark, though I could've cut it down to upper 30s/lower 40s with some less "I wonder what everyone says!" running around.

Also, how's the music?

I've seen some people claim it on the weaker side of Falcom's stuff but, personally, I think it has some great tracks.


Unconfirmed Member
I've been hearing a lot about this game. Just a couple of questions:

How long is the game? I unfortunately don't really have that much time to invest in a game lately, so I currently prefere filler-free shorter games

Also, how's the music?

If you just beeline to the end, probably 40 hours? Probably also depends on the difficulty since not doing the guild quests will make the game quite a bit harder, you won't get much money without those and upgrading equipment might be a problem.

And the music is pretty weak for a Falcom game, there were only a few standout tracks, the rest was pretty mediocre (IMO).

In general if you're looking for something short and filler-free, Trails is probably not for you. Unfortunately.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Love this game so far, aside from there being lots of pauses during battle and spots where the music suddenly stops, due to my PSP not being able to keep up with the loading... Not a fan of the music though, Falcom's 80's synthpop/buttrock/house stuff getting replaced with accordian music and generic RPG music so far :p
How much begging needs to be done so we can get the sequel to the States? Should I prostitute myself out? Ending it like this in North America is kind of like shipping Mass Effect 1 or 2 to Japan and not releasing Mass Effect 3.


Unconfirmed Member
Patience more than begging at this point, unless you adamantly want it on PSP and not PC/Steam. XSEED is working on it, but it's got a ridiculous amount of text and it's still a ways off. Next year at the earliest based on the comments they've made.


They could release on Vita for all I care, I would buy a vita for it. You hear me, XSeed?! I don't care where, if it can be bought I will get it!
I really didn't pay attention to what orbments I put into my characters. I put the standard stat increasing ones. Until today, I started fooling around with what spells I can get with which orbment connected to what line. White Gehenna is actually pretty cool on Joshua. Estelle got Diamond Dust and Lightning. Only if I had known about this earlier. It would have made my battles so much easier. T_T


I didn't really bother with the orb stuff, I found the interface hard to see past the first 7 spells when you swap out orbs so I found it cumbersome enough not to experiment.

I just ended up with basic spells and brute forcing my way through the whole game. Game isn't difficult until the last town and onward anyway. Even then, I just abused the shit out of s-break and the two items I got that increase the rate it grows.
I just ended up with basic spells and brute forcing my way through the whole game. Game isn't difficult until the last town and onward anyway. Even then, I just abused the shit out of s-break and the two items I got that increase the rate it grows.
I did the same thing on my first playthrough.
Patience more than begging at this point, unless you adamantly want it on PSP and not PC/Steam. XSEED is working on it, but it's got a ridiculous amount of text and it's still a ways off. Next year at the earliest based on the comments they've made.
I don't care if it comes to Vita or PC/Steam, as long as a well translated version comes here to the States. Then of course, the third and Zero no Kiseki. This is the best JRPG this gen along with Tales of Vesperia. Lots of love!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This game is awesome but I think I really need to rip it to a memory card, since the load times can be extremely killer. I just made it to chapter 2
where Estelle saw the ocean for the first time
, then had to stop playing. Really love the ridiculous amounts of NPC dialogue, that evolves as you progress through the game. Even if it means I have to go around town and talk to everybody anytime something big happens. Probably why I'm moving so slowly with the game.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Is this game basically TitS 2 or something else? Sorry for asking. The whole naming thing is confusing.


If it gets a Vita release, an american release shouldn't be too unlikely, right? Guess Sony wouldnt mind having more RPGs on the system.
Is this game basically TitS 2 or something else? Sorry for asking. The whole naming thing is confusing.


If it gets a Vita release, an american release shouldn't be too unlikely, right? Guess Sony wouldnt mind having more RPGs on the system.

No, that's the fourth game, and the first one which starts a proper "new" story which is linked to the one told in Trails in the Sky.


Unconfirmed Member
About to buy this "gem", any advice or tips!?
Remember that it's pretty slow paced game, but if you don't mind all the character and world building, what it leads up to is completely worth it.

The in game guide is useful, so make sure to make use of it. It shows the recipes for all the magic in the game for example. And like most games with cooking, its better to cook than buy healing items from shops.

And I guess don't try to complete it all in one playthrough, because you're bound to end up disappointed when you miss something. On that note, don't ignore guild quests since those are your primary source of income, because enemies don't drop money.


Remember that it's pretty slow paced game, but if you don't mind all the character and world building, what it leads up to is completely worth it.

The in game guide is useful, so make sure to make use of it. It shows the recipes for all the magic in the game for example. And like most games with cooking, its better to cook than buy healing items from shops.

And I guess don't try to complete it all in one playthrough, because you're bound to end up disappointed when you miss something. On that note, don't ignore guild quests since those are your primary source of income, because enemies don't drop money.

Thanks for the tips!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I think I'm finally nearing the end of the game, but I just got hit with a
stealth section
... ugh! Was enjoying the final chapter up till this point too! How much longer is the game?


umm... The section you mention sets you up for the chain of events that get you to the final dungeon, if I recall correctly.

After that point, you are in a straight shot of events/dungeons that open the final dungeon and the final battle from that.

Don't expect it to be quick- it's still a number of events, but it's pretty much all-action at that point.


Can anyone give me a slight hint for the stolen candelabrum quest in Ruan? I got the second clue about
"the waltz between black and red"
, but after running around for half an hour, I still haven't found anything.

Duh, found it by accident. For the record: It is
in the first floor of the restaurant
the roulette thing


Falcom twitter says Falcom is making DL version of second chapter. (It has not been verified, but falcom twitter says so....)

Let's see how it goes.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, this is more of a PR person overhearing it than official confirmation, same as the Zero PC version a while back.

Wouldn't surprise me though, since its the only one not on PSN in Japan and they have commented on it before.


Yeah, this is more of a PR person overhearing it than official confirmation, same as the Zero PC version a while back.

Wouldn't surprise me though, since its the only one not on PSN in Japan and they have commented on it before.

Now would Xseed translate it on PSN, if they are indeed making it?
Around when does this game pick up? I was really excited to revisit this, but I'm finding the pace of the battles to be pretty off-putting. They're almost never difficult and often needlessly long.

edit: I just grabbed a crystal from the mines for the mayor in the first town. I've done all of the Bracer quests so far.


Around when does this game pick up? I was really excited to revisit this, but I'm finding the pace of the battles to be pretty off-putting. They're almost never difficult and often needlessly long.

edit: I just grabbed a crystal from the mines for the mayor in the first town. I've done all of the Bracer quests so far.

First game generally does a lot of world-building with each town. I'd just soak in the characters and stuff. I'd say it generally picks up around the 3rd town or so but it's been awhile since I played it.
First game generally does a lot of world-building with each town. I'd just soak in the characters and stuff. I'd say it generally picks up around the 3rd town or so but it's been awhile since I played it.

It isn't really the story I dislike, really, it's the speed of everything else. But I'll stick with it!

edit: and it's a HUGE bummer that your weapon sprites don't ever change!


So what price can I expect the sequel to be when it comes out?

Also want to say,
I hate that bird boss, to me an hour to beat the damn thing because it kept regenerating health and sending out those painful destructive waves. Trying to keep everyone's health up and trying to slowly eat away his health was a pain.


Just starting out and having some trouble wrapping my head around how to effectively use the battle system, anyone got any good tips for beginners?


Just starting out and having some trouble wrapping my head around how to effectively use the battle system, anyone got any good tips for beginners?

  • Treat it as a turn based battle system with a grid.
  • Pay attention to turn order and move/art speed.
  • S craft can be used regardless whose turns it is, try to time it right. Also while s craft takes 100 cp to activate, using it when your cp is at max (200) will have more potent effect depending the craft i.e. more damage or an extra effect.
  • Try to remember elemental resistance of monster.
  • Don't be afraid to mix up your party's orbment.

For the most part I would worry too much about it, especially on normal. Just have fun and enjoy the story.
  • Treat it as a turn based battle system with a grid.
  • Pay attention to turn order and move/art speed.
    [*]S craft can be used regardless whose turns it is, try to time it right. Also while s craft takes 100 cp to activate, using it when your cp is at max (200) will have more potent effect depending the craft i.e. more damage or an extra effect.
  • Try to remember elemental resistance of monster.
  • Don't be afraid to mix up your party's orbment.

For the most part I would worry too much about it, especially on normal. Just have fun and enjoy the story.

Higher tactics:
These also can be used defensively instead of offensively whenever they're up to combat enemies sniping bonuses that can wreck your shit in their hands.
Man, how much longer until Trails in the Sky comes out on Steam? I really want to support them and buy it again (already own the PSP version). I will probably even replay it again before the sequel comes out. It was announced as a late 2013 release for Steam, but then postponed to "early 2014". I hope it's soon. D: And I hope we get a release date for SC soon. I also hope the new PC version has all the PSP additions like character portraits changing depending on what the character is saying and stuff like that.


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like next month right now, but nothing official. Was never really "2013" since it said "Winter 2013" which is really only like 10 days. Early 2014 was always more realistic.
Next month sounds great~ Are we expecting SC to be out by the summer? or... more like last half of the year? Or we really have no idea, do we? xD


To be fair, though, it is delayed a bit due to minor technical issues with the Steam programming. But any progress we make on that now will also apply to SC, so the same issues that are delaying FC definitely won't also delay SC.

...Doesn't mean SC won't be delayed for other reasons, though. It is the most massive project we've ever had any involvement with in our entirely history as a company, so there's a lot that can potentially hold it up. That's why we gave only the vaguest indication as to when it would be released... and since it's not a specific date, the possibility always exists that it could get kicked back to fall or even winter.

Though of course, we're not planning on any such occurrence! We'd like to get it out to you guys a.s.a.p. The problem is the "p" there. ;)


From XSEED forums, he posts on neogaf often though could try asking him directly :p.


So I'm about to get this, looks right up my street, but god, someone please tell me that the other 2 games will be released on the Vita?!


Unconfirmed Member
So I'm about to get this, looks right up my street, but god, someone please tell me that the other 2 games will be released on the Vita?!

SC will be playable on the Vita. The rest of the series probably isn't, maybe the 3rd chapter if SC happens to do really well on PSP/Vita.

And even though only the first three games are "Trails in the Sky"(/Sora no Kiseki) it's really a six game series and still going at this point. From the sounds of it you probably wouldn't be satisfied if you stopped with the third game (if anything, it sounds like the second games makes for a better stopping point than any other in the series).


So it took 2 and a half hours just to get to the Prologue!? And 5 hours later I'm still in the Prologue!? I think I'm going to like this! I'm getting a mix of Grandia and Skies of Arcadia so far, two of my favorites so that's excellent! Now, impressions on the actual game! I heard a lot about the large amount of text, and people weren't wrong! The script is pretty good though so it doesn't bother me, there's a lot to be found out from talking to NPC's and the like which is nice, and there's a few laughs as well (Especially in the chests!). The battle system is pretty fun, if a little basic at the moment, and the ability to interrupt enemy turns is very useful sometimes as well. The difficulty hasn't been too hard, although there was one of two battles which gave me a little trouble at first. Finally got a third party member so I look forward to seeing if it develops over the course of the game.

Story is low key but unoffensive so far, but that's what I expected being the beginning of a trilogy, especially one with so much text as this appears to have, and the characters seems really good so far and I'm sure they'll only get better once they get more development. There seems to be a lot to do, lots of quests (Even if I've already missed one, which was annoying) so I can tell I'm going to be putting a lot of time into this over the next few weeks! I must be near to starting Chapter 1 soon
Looking for Josette, apparently she's a thief!
so I better get back to it!

Edit: Ahhh, what an end to the Prologue! I didn't expect
that airship outta nowhere to pick Josette up, nor Caissus's disappearance nor that of the ship!
Off to Bose I assume now! 8 hours 40 minutes in, didn't expect a 6 and a half hour prologue that's for sure!


15 and a half hours in, still in Bose, but I expected that! Only just finally got on the second 'tab' of the chapter because I apparently spent 7 hours exploring all of Bose from Valleria Shore to Nebel Valley (Getting lost in there for a good hour or two trying to find my way to the place above on the map, thankfully wiki told me I couldn't, least not yet!) and all the way through Krone Trail! Of course I was doing all the sidequests I could along the way, even if I did have to do a little backtracking (Or a lot!) when more unlocked.

First place I needed to go was Haken Gate for the Mayor (As well as ourselves) to meet some General Morgan. He was a douche once he found out we were Bracers and threw us out. Least we found out that the Capua family demanded a ransom! We went back to Bose with some weird funny guy called Oliver (I think?) and it was nice to have 4 party members for a while haha.

Then I had to find the reporter guy we met in Rolent... FUCK THIS GUY!! I must have went to every single building and spoke to everyone I could see in town about 4 god damned times! Then I went to everywhere around I could just in case he went somewhere else (Although I couldn't see why he would have after being seen outside the Mayor's house). Eventually I caved in and asked Google for help... Stupid drunk asshole slouching in the stupid corner of the damn Cafe!

Now time to go back to Ravennue Village near an abandoned mine!
Glad to see you are enjoying the game. :) Trails in the Sky is one of my favorite JRPGs from last gen. The characters are awesome and the dialogue/localization is some of the best in the genre. The characters can be really hilarious sometimes - just get Estelle, Joshua, and Olivier in a room and have a few laughs. xD


Glad to see you are enjoying the game. :) Trails in the Sky is one of my favorite JRPGs from last gen. The characters are awesome and the dialogue/localization is some of the best in the genre. The characters can be really hilarious sometimes - just get Estelle, Joshua, and Olivier in a room and have a few laughs. xD
Yea I noticed this during the brief spell I've had him, I look forward to more!

So yea, a lot's happened since I finally found that douche Nial, I spoke to the elder at Ravennue Village and found the kid. I went straight to the mine after as I had already explored this part, got the key and found the airliner! Already? I kinda thought it would take a little longer, haha. But now I'm in jail, great...

Been released, Bose is in an uproar because of a burglary, bet it was the damn Sky Bandits! Not that we were allowed to 'investigate', although that quickly changed! This Richard (?) guy seems interesting, what's his story i wonder? We find nothing anything and come up with a plan to go to the lake!

We find out that Josette and that other guy are coming tonight. Cue drinking time with Oliver and Scherazard! Amazing, hilarious, I want more! Oliver couldn't hack it unfortunately. So after a little heart to heart between our main two the bandits arrive! Meeting with some pretty weird guys, the hell are they? After they arrive we sneak on their ship and off to their hideout! And of course it's the place in Nebel Valley I spent over an hour trying to get into to! So we beat up some guys, find the hostages (No dad, apparently he got off or something, I'm shocked).

Time for the final fight with the Don, Josette and the dude, beat them up and get smoke screened again! Maybe learn how to defend against that guys? Not that it matters since they get arrested soon anyway, no lose ends! Sorta... Chapter 1 finished! Just over 20 hours in so each Chapter's about 10 hours or so maybe.

So after Oliver and Scherazard fly away (Now I'm left with 2 characters again!? Awww man...) it's off to Ruan! And Oliver's from Erebonian? I wonder who's on that phone thingy of his, the guys at the lake? Don' think so, so someone else then... Although I never did explore Amberil Tower! So I do that, before heading off to Bose and then on to finally begin the Second Chapter!


I love reading this; and especially will later on.
Can't wait until things fall into place and kick on, should be amazing. I'm perfectly happy just exploring the world at the moment anyway haha.

So I left Bose and was sneak attacked by a bunch of wolves, who were easily taken care of by us and Agate! But he didn't stay, why oh why!? So I traveled to Ruan with a girl called Kloe (Who I can't use! Least she heals me...), liberating a tower and visiting an Orphanage on the way. Explored Ruan, got some nice new Quartz (More on that later) before meeting some thugs and the Mayor at the locked warehouses!

After getting kicked out of our hotel room by some dick cousin of the Queen, we stayed with Nial. Unfortunately the cute little Orphanage gets burnt down! Hopefully everyone's okay, didn't look like it. Thankfully when we get there in the morning we find out everyone's okay! Thank god. We investigate a little and discovered it was no accident (Well I kinda assumed that anyway), but some Silver Haired man saved them... Wonder who that was?

So apparently it's a gang which did the fire, which one of the kids Clem finds out about and goes running off! So we chase! And that damn bridge goes up, so we get a boat over and get there just in time! And I find out Kloe has a fucking sword!? She can fight? And been standing there doing fuck all the whole time!? Bitch...

Then Agate pops up again, apparently it's his ex gang which did it? Idiots! And then he kicks us off the investigation? Prick. Why can't we just work together as a 4 damn it!? So now we're going to help with a festival? Nice break a guess, is this the 'school' part I've heard about? Time to finish all these new quests first though!

Thanks to the Bracer's Notebook, which is an invaluable tool, and more Level 2 quartz, I finally have a lot more AoE attacks and more elemental variety.

Joshua: Cast 2, EP 1, Action 2, Blind, Eagle Vision and Attack 2, which gives me...

Clock Up
Clock Up EX
Fire Bolt
Flare Arrow
Shadow Spear
Hell Gate
White Gehenna
Soul Blur

Estelle (Holy Shit): EP2, Heal, HP2, Petrify, Evade 2 and Shield 1...

La Tear
La Teara
Earth Guard
Sylphen Guard
Clock Up
Stone Hammer
Petrify Breath
Stone Impact
Aqua Bleed
Blue Impact
Air Strike
Hell Gate
Soul Blur

And Kloe is about the same as Estelle just with no wind.


The end of Chapter 2/Start of Chapter 3... Wooooow, that was a crazy sequence of events! I feel things are starting to peel back just a little now.

So next was he Royal Academy to help with the festival with Kloe. After exploring we meet with the Dean and then student body president Jill. Boys are playing girls and girls playing boys? Haha, it's Cloud all over again! But before the play it's time to do some helping out! We decorated the campus, found some books and some monster exterminating! And an appearence from the Silver Haired Man! Seems like Joshua knows something and he's not telling... Time for the play! One of the Orphanage kids was a little too enamored with Joshua lol. The play was nice (So that's where the chapter title came from!), the sword fight was really cool, I wasn't expecting that!

The money gained from the festival will be put towards rebuilding the orphanage, nice one! But on the way back Matron and the kids get mugged, god damn it!! Thankfully trusty eagle Sieg saw the whole thing, let's follow him! We end up at the old man's lighthouse, time to ascend, however we're challenged by brainwashed Raven gang (Men in black (MiB) are back?). Agate helps us out though, 4 party members yeah!!

It looks like the Mayor set everything up in order to get out of debt!? What a bastard! After the Lieutenant of the MiB turns up they manage to escape and Agate follows. We're to take Gilbert, the Mayor's aide back and went to inform the army about everything at the guild. However it looks like Kloe beats us to it? So she's connected to them? After we ambush the Mayor he tried to use his pet monsters to kill us. We wipe those out and go for him. However he freeze us with some sort of old ass artifact and goes to shot Joshua in the head!

Thankfully that black stone we got for Cassius and Professor K snaps us out of it and the Mayor tries to escape on the water. We give chase (Leaving Nial behind us haha) and after a pretty cool chase scene he's finally stopped by Kloe's reinforcements (But why is she keeping quiet?), nicely done! End of Chapter 2, 33 hours in, so that was 13 hours for that chapter, now, on to the next one!

And so we start with Agate (Who's apparently following Cassius's orders or something?), still chasing the MiB. He catches some but is interrupted by that pesky Lieutenant again! After a really cool fight Agate is outsmarted and they manage to escape, sneaky bastards!

So, back to our main duo! Off to Zeiss to continue our training and to try and find out more about the Black Orbment. We leave Kloe behind at the gate (Back to 2 members...) who has a nice little chat with the army. We travel through the Kaldia Tunnel, stopping off at the Limestone Cave along the way for a little exp/septium/Quartz, and now onto Zeiss!


While going through Tunnel we meet and save a little girl called Tita from some monsters and she joins the party, sweet! She's pretty awesome as well, a nice AoE melee attack. So we get through the tunnel, get some new Quartz and explore the factory before going outside and exploring the town, meeting Killika at the Guild and doing a few quests as well as finding out that Professor Russell is Tita's Grandfather! Next I decide to explore a lot of the surrounding area's, had to make the most of having 3 party members!

Our first stop is to see Chief Murdock, who refers us to Professor Russell. We get there and attempt to open the black orbment, but during the experiments there's a citywide blackout! Next we go back to the Factory, but we need a combustion engine to go any further... We managed to find one by going to meet Gustav, the maintenance chief.

While the Professor's doing what he does best, we have a job to do! We need to head to Elmo Village with Tita and repair the pump for the hot springs there! We get there, get the key for the pump shed, and find out the job's going to take awhile. So we head to the inn, where we find out somebody needs help, they've headed out to the plains alone, fools!! And surprise surprise, the fool is Dorothy! We get her back and the repairs are done, so we report back and are invited to stay at the inn for free, score haha! And cue the hot springs scene! Silly Estelle.

Once we get back to Zeiss, we find out that the factory's been attacked! And Agate comes back to help as well! He's still a dick, but a very useful dick, and I can't hate a 4 person party! So everyone's evacuated... Apart from Russell, of course! So we head up via the stairs, disabling the smoke bombs on the way (Extra BP or something maybe?), and he isn't in his workshop. But just around the corner, he's being kidnapped! What a surprise! We get so close and yet so far... God damn MiB. They manage to escape by changing their uniforms in the elevator, so we head to the guild. Apparently a Professor Alba saw them at Carnelia Tower, so off we go! We manage to find them but they shoot Agate and manage to escape thanks to Tita getting in the way. I knew we should have just taken her with us!

Unfortunately we're back to 3, Agate's been poisoned, and normal medicine's not working! The Chapel and Father Vixen might be able to help so we head there! We need to get some Zemuria Moss for him to create the antidote. We head to the guild before we go and some BIG dude we met on the road who helped carry Agate back when he was poisoned helps us out. He's big and quick and punches shit, I like this dude. We get the Moss from the Limestone Cave, kill a giant (And kinda cute according to Tita) penguin. We get, give Agate the medicine and he thankfully stabilizes.

Dorothy manages to take a picture at Leiston Fortress gets the ship in the frame (So she does have some sort of us!), so we head there to investigate. We get there, meet with a shifty Major Cid, maybe he's being controlled or something? The gate doesn't work, the black orbment must be here! In order to get in there we'll have to sneak on a ship in a container, and to do so we need Russell's Detector Jammer, which was in his study. Off to Leiston Fortress with Agate who's recovered and Tita! We manage to avoid detection, with a little help from the cat. I decide to explore the whole base first, I had a feeling we'd never come back here and won't be here long and find the Capula sky bandits in jail in the basement! But back to work, we find the Professor, take some guards out (After Colonel Richard left, I didn't think he was pulling the strings!) and reunite! But we've been discovered, and our escape route is cut off! But thankfully Major Cid of all people helps us escape and we get out nice and quickly on a boat. Unfortunately Agate needs to take Russell and Tita into hiding, so we have to part, which was sad! Professor Russell tells us to deliver a message to Queen Alicia herself in Grancel!

And so chapter 3 ends, it was probably the best one yet! A lot happened, and quite quickly as well. Currently played 44 hours and 44 minutes, so that chapter was only 11 hours or so but it sure as hell didn't feel like it!

Sooooo, final chapter time! We start with Kloe and her friend trying to escape from what looks to be the MiB? Her friend stays behind to buy some time while Kloe escapes in to Grancel, I guess we'll be meting her then? And sweet, Oliver!! Hilarious as always, and thinks we're up to playing the main role in this opera!
^I really enjoyed reading your progress, lol.

Sigh, can't believe the Steam version is STILL not out yet. :( I wonder if they are still having problems with technical issues.
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