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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Neo Member
I haven't even tried the game yet, and I feel so discouraged after seeing all the threads in the Gaming section. Just the negativity from seeing the threads is enough to make me feel down on the game, and it really sucks. Just from reading it you'd think Andromeda is the worst game ever.

At least this thread exists.
I haven't even tried the game yet, and I feel so discouraged after seeing all the threads in the Gaming section. Just the negativity from seeing the threads is enough to make me feel down on the game, and it really sucks. Just from reading it you'd think Andromeda is the worst game ever.

At least this thread exists.

My main concern was if MEA would look and feel like the previous games. It definitely does feel like it should (especially the combat), and in many ways, looks far better.

A lot of the hate the game is getting is bordering into the silly. It has some issues, without question, but beyond that the game itself is a lot of fun so far.
Great article.

One nod I loved in Andromeda is how
even after only one year, Milky Way history is already repeating itself with respect to krogan used as tool and then discarded by salarians in power.
History is doomed to repeat itself if the lessons aren't learned.

Also am intrigued by the potential hope for a "cure" that revealed itself due to them being in stasis. There's still hope.
Well I know who my female Ryder is going to be romancing!

Come here Vetra!

I've been vacillating on whether to play Scott or Sara, did the whole prologue as both, and I was hoping who
could romance would help swing me one way or another. Damn you bisexuals!


Need someone to pick up the next community thread in about 200 posts btw (I think) seeing as Shinobi said he wasn't up for it.

The 1080 isn't supersampled I think. Rather, it adds graphical effects.

Bummer if there's no supersampled option but I'm down with a mode that has more effects for 1080p and a stable frame rate.
In regards to your father (early access spoilers/future plot speculation):

I'm really, really intrigued at the angle of reliving some of his memories. I'm also going to guess that the reason the game makes you choose which gender Shepard is might tie into this.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but console players, are you getting the X1 or PS4 version of this? I'm worried about performance on X1, but I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer on the 360 so know a few people there. I also don't have a PS4Pro.

Reizo Ryuu

Is the multiplayer good?

I dunno, despite everyone's complaints I'm enjoying the XB1 version.

As for the community thread reaching its end soon couldn't shinobi just copy-pasta everything into a thread #2?
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but console players, are you getting the X1 or PS4 version of this? I'm worried about performance on X1, but I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer on the 360 so know a few people there. I also don't have a PS4Pro.
I'm on Xbox and I've not noticed any glaring or game breaking performance issues aside from a couple cutscenes that dropped framerates for some reason.
In terms of game openings, I actually think Andromeda's first mission is better than Eden Prime, the Cerberus Facility, or the Earth opening of the previous games. It's a beautiful location and the layout really lets you play around with the new jump jets. Also there's a surprising amount of optional objectives and I love how these come up in conversation later on if you did them or not. Plus a few times they mentioned my character's background and that was a cool touch. I was a recon specialist so there were a number of times my character specifically pointed that out as to why they were so thorough with exploration.

Also it's way harder than any of those games. Playing on Hardcore I'm having a more difficult time than Insanity on any of the others. Not in a bad way since the combat feels more rewarding and flexible as well.


Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but console players, are you getting the X1 or PS4 version of this? I'm worried about performance on X1, but I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer on the 360 so know a few people there. I also don't have a PS4Pro.

Didn't notice too many issues on xbox. A few drops on occasion with some of the lightning and also in some cutscenes as said. Also saw some pop in, particularly when in the nomad but none of it was enough to significantly affect the game for me. Obviously others may be more bothered by this sort of thing than me though.
The mass effect series is my favorite game series of all time, and possibly my favorite trilogy of all time right behind lord of the rings. I have a love and revnance for this series that goes back to early 2008 when i was given the first game as a birthday present. Honestly the reason i wanted it so bad was because at that time my dumb 15 year old brain had just played oblivion, and knowing nothing about bioware, i assumed that mass effect would be oblivion in space. I remember playing it that first night and in the first mission or two, eden prime, and the planet where you save liara, i didnt love it. I had all these questions, why were there so many bugs? I had the unpatched xbox 360 version, why is my male sheapards voice so weird, and why doesnt if feel like gears of war. So i put the game down, spent some time with another game and came back to it and well, the more i got into the story, the more i spoke to my shipmates and party, and the more i started understand the potential depths of the combat system, well the more i fell in love. Two months after a dissapointing first go and the game was quickly on its way to taking its crown as my favorite game of all time. I didnt want to leave any of these characters, i had grown a deep attatchment to mass effects version of the milky way. Other small things ive appreciated with time is the yet to be matched in the series incredible synthy soundtrack, and the rad 70's star trek inspired visuals and atmosphere. The theme that plays on the citadel comes to mind. I loved that it was an rpg ass rpg as well. Something i feel 2 and 3 lost a long the way. I enjoyed inventory management and the managerei of cool ammo types and weapon modifcations, as well as the depth of your biotic powers where bringing two biotics on the battlefield can make you a near power house against certain enemies. I felt like i was building my sheapard through traditional stats and suite of rad biotic and soldier ranged abilities. My go to party in mass effect one was always ashely and wrex, wrex for his brashness and lack of a filter, and ashely for well...shes usually my go go romantic interest in the first game. (I realize with age that liara is superior) in the 15 times ive beaten mass effect one it never gets old, i love this series with a passion but one will always be above the rest as an unmatched perfect gaming experience
I'm on Xbox and I've not noticed any glaring or game breaking performance issues aside from a couple cutscenes that dropped framerates for some reason.

Didn't notice too many issues on xbox. A few drops on occasion with some of the lightning and also in some cutscenes as said. Also saw some pop in, particularly when in the nomad but none of it was enough to significantly affect the game for me. Obviously others may be more bothered by this sort of thing than me though.

Good to hear! I'll probably get it there then.
What do you guys think this game will do from reviewers? Typically Bioware games score very highly. I'm thinking it will be split. A lot love it and a lot want to love it but don't. Lowest rated Bioware game in quite awhile? I think it will be something like around 85 on Metacritic which is still great. I don't personally put much into reviews but I still like to see what people are saying. I think it will score lower too due to how fresh Horizon is in the minds of people and that game is a technical marvel. I didn't even experience a single bug in that game and it's gorgeous. I think that game will make Mass Effect's flaws even more obvious seeing as it's so fresh.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but console players, are you getting the X1 or PS4 version of this? I'm worried about performance on X1, but I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer on the 360 so know a few people there. I also don't have a PS4Pro.

Finished my trial on x1. Single player I had one time where I got stuck loading into a cut scene, other than that no glitches bugs or anything else.

MP, ran completely smooth again no glitches, bugs or even lag. Had one host migration but that was it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
After all the negativity surrounding the game on GAF, if it even get a 9/10 from a well known website, I bet we'll have someone posting that gif about EA giving money to IGN while the score keeps going higher, while getting quoted again & again.
After all the negativity surrounding the game on GAF, if it even get a 9/10 from a well known website, I bet we'll have someone posting that gif about EA giving money to IGN while the score keeps going higher, while getting quoted again & again.
A tale as old as time itself haha
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but console players, are you getting the X1 or PS4 version of this? I'm worried about performance on X1, but I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer on the 360 so know a few people there. I also don't have a PS4Pro.

I'll be on the Xbone, so feel free to add me for some multiplayer shenanigans.
After all the negativity surrounding the game on GAF, if it even get a 9/10 from a well known website, I bet we'll have someone posting that gif about EA giving money to IGN while the score keeps going higher, while getting quoted again & again.

DAI even scored near 90 on Metacritic. I have a hard time believing this game is worse than that. If reviewers were paid off for this game EA would've gagged all the negative press coming out on it now so we can about rule that out right now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
DAI even scored near 90 on Metacritic. I have a hard time believing this game is worse than that.

Me too. I'd be a bit surprised that animation alone is worth taking 10-15 points out of a game, but you'd think it's the most important thing in the world to some people. Trust me, I really wanted to have improved facial animation compared to the trilogy, but if the rest of the game is on par or better, I'd say the game is still going to be a 9/10 for me.


not me
80-85 sounds right. Those who have played the game extensively are positive about it. Ultimately the reaction reminds me of FFXV's previews which scored in that range.

I also have trouble believing this won't be a better game than DAI. Animations aside, the combat is in another league and vague reports are indicating the side quests are much better, especially after Eos. In particular, Paul Tassi the Forbes contributor and Kyle from PlayStation Universe; the latter even said in the RPS thread that he found the side quests Witcher 3-tier in quality. Im not actually expecting that, but the claim alone makes me think they put a lot more effort into that aspect.

As for story/characters, well I haven't been disappointed in a BioWare cast yet (even my two least favorites, ME1 and Jade Empire, are still good enough for me to have a few favs to pal around with).
Me too. I'd be a bit surprised that animation alone is worth taking 10-15 points out of a game, but you'd think it's the most important thing in the world to some people.

EA wouldn't be lifting embargoes before release either if they weren't confident in the product. I really do think the animation stuff is typical toxic gaming community hyperbole. Guess I'll find out next week.


What do you guys think this game will do from reviewers? Typically Bioware games score very highly. I'm thinking it will be split. A lot love it and a lot want to love it but don't. Lowest rated Bioware game in quite awhile? I think it will be something like around 85 on Metacritic which is still great. I don't personally put much into reviews but I still like to see what people are saying. I think it will score lower too due to how fresh Horizon is in the minds of people and that game is a technical marvel. I didn't even experience a single bug in that game and it's gorgeous. I think that game will make Mass Effect's flaws even more obvious seeing as it's so fresh.

The combat is solid

The Nomad feels like its going to be fun

The story seems fine to me

The environments look wonderful

The planet to planet travel look efffing cool

Ok...Its got some janky models and animations.

It will review fine.

The people that play it will have fun.

But the jankiness gives ammo to the hater's...and haters gotta hate. Its their thing.

and you know what. Its all good.
My trial just ended. Man everything aside, i can't wait until next thursday. I'm still not sure whether or not to go with male ryder or fem ryder.

Now excuse me while i go replay mass effect 2 for the 45th time.


Neo Member
My 10hrs are almost over and I enjoyed it so far.
Though my initial impression of it was rather bad. First thing I noticed when I started it was that I noticed that the translation would end up being funky, so I went back out and had to download the eng files.
Then I spend a bit time in the option menus and well, that made me realize im not a fan of that main menu theme at all. A really generic piece of orchestral music. Other music in the game is better but ive yet to hear one that stands out.
Character Creation was also a let down, bioware made some questionable choices there.
One thing that annoys me more than it should though, those dead, dry and in certain situations cartoon-y looking eyes, I can live with janky animations but someone please fix those eyes. :/

Anyways, my character turned out alright so I got over the CC pretty quick.
I enjoy the combat, the environments are pretty, the nomad controls are good, I like most of the Characters so far which is going to make it much harder to decide who ill take into my main team.
I´m enjoying the story but I think there was one part that was pretty dumb.

tldr I´m really enjoying it so far and I hope Bioware fixes the janky animations and the dead eyes.

I got two questions btw,
First off, I get some big frame drops when looking in certain directions in some places. Its running mostly with around 35-45 frames on Mid/High settings, but when they drop they go down to like 8 frames which is kinda crazy and I assume not intentional behavior?

another thing, in case we get an extended version of the CC, did they mention anything about letting us modify our existing characters?


wait, wait

we have conspiracy theories on Devs and the game now? what the fuck

Also thanks Eat and Lime for the response to my question on the Frostbite/UE4 question.

The higher the score......the more that thread melts down......bring it on

Sad too.....because Mass Effect is effectively what? The only space Sci-Fi AAA game we get on platforms outside the giant known as star wars?
Yeah, I'd really think they'd have to put in some sort of "Black Emporium" deal for us with pre-existing characters, but who knows.

IMO there's really no excuse for this kind of game not to build in a way to remake your character. (Cosmetics only-- I get why depending on the game, being able to respec stats may not be in line with what the dev intended. But what possible skin off their nose could it be to let you change their look.)

Anyway, I'm trying to remember the specifics, but wasn't there an issue at ME3's launch with it not being able to import some ME2 characters' faces? I remember having to remake my face because keeping my import wasn't an option. I feel like they fixed whatever the bug was later, but there wasn't any way to deal with characters that had already been affected.


If inquisition is an 89 and fallout 4 is an 87, then this will review between 85-90. Greater than the sum of its parts and all that jazz.
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