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The Pinball Arcade |OT| play them all from Soho to Brighton


Went digging online and Holy Hell...their website is atrocious.

Anyway, they just say PC/Mac. Possibility for Steam?

From their facebook:

Distribution...Steam, no Steam?
November 24, 2011 at 7:43am

The Pinball Arcade: It shouldn't be too long after launch. We'll just need to spend some dedicated time testing compatibility and get it on Steam (and/or other sites like Steam).

And more recently:

Will it be released through Steam?
Monday at 5:55pm

The Pinball Arcade: Still not sure yet about being available on Steam.

Sounds like definitely not at first, might have to be patient if that is a deal breaker for you. Which is understandable in this case, as the product is built around DLC, so whatever you buy it on, it's worthless to move to another platform as your purchases don't move with you. Maybe they'll find a way to get around it, but they'd have to sell their DLC through Steam directly to put it on Steam, so I'm not sure how'd they do it, unless you got free codes for having bought it directly from them. That, or maybe after a year they'll release a "gold" version which includes 20-30 tables for $20 or something, to get people who had a bunch of the tables already more likely to re-buy it on Steam again.


Well, here's hoping. I'm really just a sad little creature of habit and I'm used to Steam. That and I don't want to have to manage 4-5 digital distro services for all my content.

Also, my contract is up on my cell phone and I'm looking at an iPhone or some Android thing in the near future anyway. So regardless, I will be in for some sweet pinablly goodness.

Thanks for the info.
Oh man I already own four of these platforms:

Android to have it always with me.
3DS for that amazing stereoscopic 3D look.
PC if it is the best looking version, otherwise PS3.
And then the Vita is coming out...

Boom goes the bankaccount.
Went digging online and Holy Hell...their website is atrocious.

Anyway, they just say PC/Mac. Possibility for Steam?

Their website is indicative of the polish of their previous games' menu designs and functionality. Hopefully, that's not the case with Pinball Arcade.


Have on Xbox. Will double dip into iPad.

???...The Pinball Arcade is different from the Williams Collection. Unless you meant that you'll be getting this on 360 in March?

Oh, and I fear I'll end up triple dipping....iOS, 360, and PC.

Also, if anyone really can't wait a day to try it:
Yup. There does appear to be a bug in iTunes to let you get the game from the NZ store now. On your computer, sign out of iTunes. Then click on the link below. It will tell you it's in the NZ store, affirmative when it asks you if you want to switch stores. Click download and it will ask you to login. After you login it will tell you that you have a US account and ask you if you want to switch and download the app from the US store. Don't say yes, but close that box. Click download again, the app will download. I only tried it with the free version but it appears to work: http://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/pinball-arcade-free/id497189134?mt=8


Pinball is one of those things that, for me, loses 100% of its inherent magic and appeal once it's converted to a digital format. All the pleasure I derive from it comes from the physical nature of the machine, hitting the buttons on the side for the flippers, and viewing a real table in front of me inside the cabinet.

Every time I try and play a digital version of pinball, I'm bored to tears in seconds.


Any impressions?

It's quite good. I only purchased TOTAN and I'm not sure if I'll purchase more or just wait for the PC version. The texture quality on the iPad 2 is worse than I was expecting, so I'm pretty disappointed with that. There are a few bugs here and there, but those will be fixed with patches. The physics are great and even better than The Williams Collection.


Is Funhouse the one with the dummy head that talks? I loved that thing back in the 90's when I would see it at every campground our family would go to.


Yes...that's Rudy and I hate the fucker...
I want to play that game so much without having to pump quarters into a machine.

Bring it on!

Would be neat if they got some of the more licensed versions which probably won't ever happen like Simpsons (Older one), South Park and, my god, Super Mario Bros. (Damn you, Nintendo! It would never happen.)


Would be neat if they got some of the more licensed versions which probably won't ever happen like Simpsons (Older one), South Park and, my god, Super Mario Bros. (Damn you, Nintendo! It would never happen.)

Mario I don't see happening, but I do know that they have about a dozen Stern tables, and Simpsons Pinball Party is one of the most well-liked of Stern's stable, so I could see them trying to work that out. Also, cartoon licenses are easier to get than live-action movies, since you don't have to get the actor's likenesses.

I'm surprised they were able to get Monster Bash, since I think they still needed to get Karloff and Lugosi. Though perhaps they only needed to get Universal to sign off.

For licensed tables I'd love to see them get Shadow, but then you have to get Baldwin, Curry, McKellen, and Jonathan Winters. Addams Family is tough because of McHammer.

edit: Just realized you said the older Simpsons...see that as much less likely, especially since it's a Data East game, and they haven't announced any contract with DE.


I'm still holding out hope somebody makes something like this:


It would also be seriously neat to build an even bigger monitor into a custom design. Hopefully this game leads to stuff like that.

If you're saying what I think you are, that exists with pin mame.

I really hope they can land the hard to get licenses such as addam's family and twilight zone, would be amazing.

Agent X

I loved Farsight's Pinball Hall of Fame games--got both of them on PSP, and also got PHoF: The Williams Collection on Wii as well.

Between Android, PS3, and PS Vita, I'll probably get it on at least two of these. I know Android comes out first, but I'd prefer to play with buttons. I'm also wondering if the Android version has any lofty system requirements--I was somewhat disappointed that Zen Pinball doesn't work on my (rather new) Android phone.


My initial impressions (iOS) have not been so good:

- Facebook integration doesn't appear to work, at all, which is the only way to do leaderboards - no Game Center, which seems criminal.
- No landscape mode that I can find.
- There are just three camera angles and you can choose to track the ball or lock the camera...this doesn't quite feel like enough.
- When you're shooting the ball (at least on TotAN), you can't see into the playfield at all (you're stuck looking at the plunger), so I'm not quite clear on how I'm supposed to hit the skill shot.
- Not sure if their download server is getting pounded or what, but trying to download another table is taking forever. I have to keep tapping the screen so it doesn't fall asleep, as it did once already and that aborted the download.

I realize it's day 1, so I'll give it some time, but the Zen Pinball launch was a lot more polished.


It's up in the US. Downloading now.

EDIT: Facebook logins are indeed jacked up right now. Game plays great. They need to add a free look mode so you can examine the table.


Spent some time today playing my pins (focusing on Theater and Arabian) to get myself set in the feeling of the actual tables, and now spent the past hour playing them on my ipad1.

First the bad...
-Visually, it's not as strong as I would have liked on the ipad, with models being a bit low-poly and textures not as sharp as they could have been.
-I HATE the DMD...looks nothing like a DMD, and instead looks like a Gameboy screen. This is something Farsight should really address soon (but can see it being an easy change).
-Audio is still a bit lacking when it comes to mechanics (the ball itself doesn't make enough contact noise when dropping from one rail to another, or when hitting the table).
-Finally, with extras...if you're going to put a 240x320 image of the flyer in there, why even bother?

Now the good...
The tables play perfectly. This, above all, is why I know I'll keep coming back to the game. I really haven't played a digital pinball game with physics this good. Ripley's seems to play a bit fast, but I haven't had much experience with the actual table, so I can't be sure.

Oh, and Black Hole is awesome. The underfield looks beautiful, and lights nicely when you get there.

Had some trouble with the Facebook login/leaderboards earlier, but seems to be sorted out now.
Yeah, the physics are really really good, noticeably better than Williams Collection (in Tales of The Arabian Nights for example), and that is insane, Williams Collection is awesome in that regard.

Can´t wait to try Pinbot or Funhouse, and will sell a kidney for Gorgar/Firepower/Victory :p


can't wait for this. i don't have an iphone or tablet so i will have to wait for the console release. but the idea that the physics are better on this than williams hof blows my mind. also, pinbot can suck my dick. give me some ole TAXI! TAXI!.


Playing on an iphone 4 and game seems perfect but iphone 4 doesn't seem quite perfect for playing it ;)

Black Hole and Theater of Magic run great, Arabian Nights is great but I had a few weird framerate stutters when effects were going off but Ripley's is broken on mine. It runs at like 20-25fps. Maybe iphone 4 just can't handle that one.

And regardless of table I find it really tough playing on the iphone 4 because the screen is just so tiny it's hard to track the ball with my eyes. Not the games fault and will be double dipping when the console versions are out.

Overall fairly pleased. Very glad the standard and wizard goals are back as well as the detailed instructions.


My initial impressions (iOS) have not been so good:

- Facebook integration doesn't appear to work, at all, which is the only way to do leaderboards - no Game Center, which seems criminal.
- No landscape mode that I can find.
- There are just three camera angles and you can choose to track the ball or lock the camera...this doesn't quite feel like enough.
- When you're shooting the ball (at least on TotAN), you can't see into the playfield at all (you're stuck looking at the plunger), so I'm not quite clear on how I'm supposed to hit the skill shot.
- Not sure if their download server is getting pounded or what, but trying to download another table is taking forever. I have to keep tapping the screen so it doesn't fall asleep, as it did once already and that aborted the download.

I realize it's day 1, so I'll give it some time, but the Zen Pinball launch was a lot more polished.

- I couldn't get Facebook login to work until I deleted the Facebook app off my iPad.
- Landscape mode is definitely there. You need to rotate the display when you're in the menus. For some reason it doesn't rotate in game.
- For hitting the skill shot in Totan, you don't need to see the playfield. The DMD tells you which basket is the skill shot, and then you alter the length of your plunger pull depending on that.


Been playing for the past 90 minutes.

the Good: The tables play wonderfully. Arabian Nights plays even better than it did in the Hall of Fame collection and the table looks beautiful. iPad 1 here btw.
The physics do indeed seem to be improved (hard to believe that was possible!)
Black Hole plays nicely. Not my favorite table but i enjoyed playing it more than in the previous collection.
Theatre of Magic is fabulous! Love this table...

the Bad: The framerate on Ripley's is terrible. I tried different table views and landscape vs. portrait for the ipad but nothing helped. This needs to be fixed Farsight. It is basically unplayable.


Played a couple quick games on my iPhone 4. Frame rate feels great, pans across the table feel like a smooth 60 fps. Visually it also looks great on the smaller screen, and the audio just from the phone's speakers shocked me, maybe it's the nature of the games themselves, but it sounded way better than I expected.

Physics seemed great too, no problems there. So I'm very impressed considering in many ways, this is almost like a beta launch, as it is out only on iOS, and I don't think that's a coincidence given the leniency Apple has with updates (completely free).

I have read other complaints about the poor framerates on Ripley's, even on an iPad 2. I believe they will patch it, they seem very dedicated to improve and fix any problems of previous tables they release. Hopefully for the March launches all these bugs are ironed out for the other platforms.

The complaints about texture quality on larger screen will probably be addressed at some point too I am guessing, since obviously the other versions (console/PC) use higher quality textures than what they released, and the iPad/iPhone is capable of outputting them. I read the only difference between the iPad 1 & 2 is the 2 has AA added, so there's probably a decent amount of room left for optimizations.

But I really enjoyed what I played, had no trouble keeping up with everything on the small screen, even during a multi-ball. After Farsight Studios puts out a few more updates, they'll have what is probably one of the most impressive pinball collections made. Even the tables that existed previously and have been re-released again here I read have been improved further.
My only big problem so far is that the ball seems really dark and especially in the middle of the table seems to get lost. I don't think its my eyes.


Can't get over how great these tables play. Even though I've played Arabian Nights and Black Hole before, these versions on the Ipad 1 are even better. And Theatre of Magic is a revelation -- what a great table, and it plays so smoothly!!

Kudos to Farsight for their quality work here!
I can't decide if I'm gonna buy this for Windows or xbox. I guess I'll probably do xbox since I barely ever hook my laptop to my tv.
Either way, this is a confirmed purchase.
So far the physics seem really good and the tables are great, but Facebook only on the leaderboards, come the fuck on...they can't be serious.


My only big problem so far is that the ball seems really dark and especially in the middle of the table seems to get lost. I don't think its my eyes.

I feel like I lose track of the ball a little too often too, especially when it's shooting fast through the middle sections of Arabian Nights (playing on an iPad). I guess the ball could/should be a little shinier to compensate for the small screen size (compared to playing on a table or HDTV)?

Sho Nuff

The problem is the ball is TOO shiny and when it passes over large areas of uniform color on the board, only the middle 1/3rd of the ball is visible.

This is an awesome start for this game though, I hope their sales are great because I WANT MOAR


can't wait for this. i don't have an iphone or tablet so i will have to wait for the console release. but the idea that the physics are better on this than williams hof blows my mind. also, pinbot can suck my dick. give me some ole TAXI! TAXI!.

Reading my mind.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Oh man, I love pinball, and I've been looking for a good pinball game for iOS. I'm all over this.


So far the physics seem really good and the tables are great, but Facebook only on the leaderboards, come the fuck on...they can't be serious.

I'm sure they'll expand to appropriate platform specific leaderboards eventually. But what other solutions are there for keeping one set of leaderboards across all the platforms this is on though? That was why they went with facebook I read, to be able to mix the leaderboards from everywhere together.
I'm sure they'll expand to appropriate platform specific leaderboards eventually. But what other solutions are there for keeping one set of leaderboards across all the platforms this is on though? That was why they went with facebook I read, to be able to mix the leaderboards from everywhere together.
I guess it's just a matter of preference really, cross-platform leaderboards hold little to no interest to me, if I get the game on iOS and XBLA I'd prefer to just look at the different leaderboards on Game Center or Xbox Live rather than need to login to Facebook. But the explanation makes sense I guess (although I think requiring a Facebook login is limiting). I'm sure they will patch in Game Center or whatever eventually, not really sure why it couldn't be there day 1 though.


Game Center confirmed for April. Kinda disappointing, but understandable since they're trying to prep launches for a bazillion platforms.


Was considering double dipping, but I think I'll wait for XBLA. Not sure I want to jump into iOS if they're still working on things.

Can't wait for Monster Bash.


So, I just got the $1 version and Arabian Nights does seem more pleasant to play than the version on Williams Collection. I thought maybe it was the improved physics that people are mentioning, but after a little while it just seemed like there were many more camera angles that worked for me. I usually like a little scrolling, but it seemed almost necessary on the PS3 version just because of how much wasted screen space there was in fixed camera mode on a widescreen TV. Now, playing this one my phone, I really think the aspect ratio is the key improvement over their previous offerings of these tables.

Double and perhaps triple dipping confirmed on my end.


Just a small bump to add the Android release date to the OP.....that date being today.

Also, I can't stop playing Black Hole. Keeping the re-entry gate open is so difficult, I'm finding I don't care about the score anymore, as long as I have a successful re-entry.

And learning to play Ripley's a bit. I've only played the real table once or twice, so it's interesting to learn a pin completely digitally. Just hope they get a patch out to make it run a bit more smoothly, because if Ripley's like this, I fear for something like Cirqus Voltaire.
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