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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

That's a great point. Plus with mention of Fyke Isle I would be willing to bet that Geralt's decisions in A Towerful Of Mice may have had more realized ramifications.

As for the PS5/Scorpio/whatever EE I too believe this game has run its course in terms of content. Still I'd be ecstatic if that happened. If any dev were to pull a fast one like that CDPR would make my short list of likely suspects though.

And hey, if fans can restore KOTOR 2 cut content you never know!

As far as I'm aware, the plague was orchestrated by Martin Kraft Ebbing and some other rogue Nilf scientists. I don't think the Fyke Isle stuff would have led into it.

Apparently the plague was meant to be ravaging all the South. According to the leaked docs, it was one of the things that would have determined the outcome of the war. Emhyr would have personally contacted Geralt to get him to assist. It would have also made sense narratively that Radovid was only able to repel Nilfgaard because they were getting rekted by the Catriona, which from the books hit Nilfgaard the hardest. Thanks,

In TW2, on Iorveth's path, there was a quest involving the plague that wiped out the Vrans. You can let Cynthia take it back to the Emperor, so I wonder if they would have used that as a starting point.

With KOTOR II, Obisidian left the cut content in the game files, unfinished. There's nothing like that for W3 unfortunately.


You're probably right and it's cool that the plague thread could have started back in the previous game. I'm probably just hopeful that releasing the Plague Maiden had at one point been given consequences.

And you're certainly right about KOTOR, but I can dream.
KOTOR 2's restoration also took... like... a decade.

I can wait.

It's been 6 years since W2, so 6 years of waiting for a conclusion to Iorveth's story.

If you're a Siegfried or Yaevinn fan, it's been 10 years.

Actually, it's crazy that W1 is 10 years old.


Another reason why
Reason of State
was a terrible quest.

Dijkstra aside

Geralt punches him twice, and then breaks his other leg.

Nailed it, translation team. :p
The dialogue prompt reads: "
Shove Dijkstra aside. Forcefully.

This threatening tone actually does a slightly better job of hinting at what's going to happen than the Polish script's plain "
Forcefully push Dijkstra out of the way.
The translation team either made it clearer that the wording was supposed to be a bit misleading, or they've turned a bad text prompt into a joke. Yep, they did nail it.


On my first playthrough. Took a boat to Skellige, but snuck away from Yennefer to go to a masquerade with Triss. I think I'm on team triss now.
Is there any PDF or other resource where I can download all of the in-game books in Witcher 3 for offline reading? Similar to the version of the Elder Scrolls in-game books.I don't think there are quite so many in Witcher 3 and they are not as detailed. But I'm sure I've missed some of them and it beats digging through inventory screens all of the time!
I think I'm near the end now. Will hopefully finish by next weekend (I'm working a lot right now so game time is small).

This game is just something else. I wish I could go in a hyperbolic time chamber with it. Unfortunately those don't exist and there are other games I want/need to play.


On my third playthrough right now, but the first one using any mods. Or "mod" since I'm only
using one.

Anyone on PC who hasn't tried out FriendlyHUD I can't recommend it enough. It's totally reinvigorated me for this game.

I'm about 60 hours in and just got to Skellige and the mod has made that time fly by. Anyone who was annoyed by the minimap and generally cluttered HUD, try this out!


Not sure if there is a central Witcher universr OT, but holy shit I just found out the official translation of Lady of the Lake releases where I live tomorrow! I'm so pumped for this, I might re-read the entire saga again. Eh, might as well replay the trilogy too while I'm at it ;)


Not sure if there is a central Witcher universr OT, but holy shit I just found out the official translation of Lady of the Lake releases where I live tomorrow! I'm so pumped for this, I might re-read the entire saga again. Eh, might as well replay the trilogy too while I'm at it ;)

Yep, I pre-ordered the audiobook so I'll be listening to that as soon as I can. Can't wait!
Not sure if there is a central Witcher universr OT, but holy shit I just found out the official translation of Lady of the Lake releases where I live tomorrow! I'm so pumped for this, I might re-read the entire saga again. Eh, might as well replay the trilogy too while I'm at it ;)

English paperback?


Anyone found the dead
Tyrion Lannister

I'm sure this has been around the internet but I was unaware of it and it made me chuckle.
Just started playing the game again. I thought I was done with Velen for now because all the secondary quests are higher leveled.

I went to Skellige for the first time and did some exploring. Then I realized I had a several contracts for my level in Velen so I'm gonna head back. I checked my game time and it said I already had 75 hours into the game?? Am I playing too slow?

Can I still get the trophy for B&BB if I switch to Death March? The game is ridiculously easy now. I had a quest about killing an old leshen. Everyone including Geralt made it sound super strong. I went to the fight and casted Igni maybe thrice. My health did not go lower than 90%. I already miss the struggles I had at the beginning. I miss spamming Quen. I remember spending like 10 minutes fighting a bandit camp because it was pretty difficult. I had to draw them out in small groups while keeping out of sight of their crossbows.


Just started playing the game again. I thought I was done with Velen for now because all the secondary quests are higher leveled.

I went to Skellige for the first time and did some exploring. Then I realized I had a several contracts for my level in Velen so I'm gonna head back. I checked my game time and it said I already had 75 hours into the game?? Am I playing too slow?

Can I still get the trophy for B&BB if I switch to Death March? The game is ridiculously easy now. I had a question about killing an old leshen. Everyone including Geralt made it sound super strong. I went to the fight and casted Igni maybe thrice. My health did not go lower than 90%. I already miss the struggles I had at the beginning. I miss spamming Quen. I remember spending like 10 minutes fighting a bandit camp because it was pretty difficult. I had to draw them out in small groups while keeping out of sight of their crossbows.

Yes you can still get the achievement. Also, you may want to turn on level scaling.
Oh yeah forgot that option. Thanks. I will upgrade and turn that on.

Game seems to have a bug on the latest patch now. Any quest that involves "read the letter" will not update if you failed to read it using the prompt when you pick it up. Happened to two different quests in one sitting.
I know this has been said by folks dozens of times, but the Bloody Baron quest is one of the most heart-wrenching, painful experiences I've ever had to go through on a video game. I didn't really appreciate it on my first playthrough, but going through NG+ now and I can't stop fucking crying.

As someone who has experienced that kind of loss, I can't help but feel a profound sympathy for him. Honestly ,
if I had been responsible for the death of my unborn child, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I just couldn't do it.

The writing in this game is truly something else. Sorry for the bump, but playing it as I write this and it just had a huge impact in me.


I had the game on ps4 and I played it a bit (took a year just to pass the tutorial area).

I remember liking a lot of what I had seen in it but I gave it up eventually.

I bought the GOTY edition on PC yesterday, I was gonna buy ME:A then realized "well I might as well buy the good game instead...".

Liking it a lot. I have modded it, to make my progression easier and faster, as I care about story more than the combat. It's more of a Zelda approach now where I can do what I want when I want. It benefits the game IMO as 1) I am believably strong as implied by the story 2) the world feels more organic and living as I'm not stuck behind level walls and stuff.

I also modded Geralt. I had some issues with his face. I know you guys are gonna hate it, but I feel like it fits the universe a bit better, on top of him not looking old for no reason (compared to similarly aged characters).

Now I can believe he gets all the ladies and stuff :p He's a bit like Snake.

Anyway, can't wait to pass where I left off a few years ago on ps4.



I finally hit a battle that is pissing me off!

This damn Caregiver! Ugh. I can never kill those damn people he summons before he gets enough to heal to 100%! It is driving me nuts.


That fight is a bit of a difficulty spike although personally I had a little trouble with the
Toad Prince

Light armor can go a long way in helping you eliminate the summons. Just pretend you're fighting a wraith and roll at them as fast as you can.

Good luck!


Just to make sure I'm not missing something, there's no way to make Roach canter/gallop on his own without continuing to hold Shift on PC, right? I like that he'll follow the path on his own but holding the button down on long rides is a tad bit annoying.


Anyone have a list of "must have" mods for the game? I just bought the goty edition on PC.

i5 6600k oc
970 oc

Game runs smooth right now on ultra settings (1080p), not sure if some mods require a little more beef than what I have above.

Let me know!


Just to make sure I'm not missing something, there's no way to make Roach canter/gallop on his own without continuing to hold Shift on PC, right? I like that he'll follow the path on his own but holding the button down on long rides is a tad bit annoying.

Haven't seen any mods for this, so nope. You could look into making an Autohotkey script that toggled the key instead perhaps.
Finished the main quest last night.

Whew, what a game. I was in @ 60 hours. Wish I had more time the past 2 months to give this but work has been a pain. How long are the expansions? I only have two weeks until Persona comes out and that will get my full attention.


Finished the main quest last night.

Whew, what a game. I was in @ 60 hours. Wish I had more time the past 2 months to give this but work has been a pain. How long are the expansions? I only have two weeks until Persona comes out and that will get my full attention.

DId you finish it at 60 hours? That seems fast or do you mean you really liked it at 60 hours?

Anyway Hearts Of Stone (play that first) is about 15-20 hour range. Blood & Wine can run up to 25-30 hours.
DId you finish it at 60 hours? That seems fast or do you mean you really liked it at 60 hours?

Anyway Hearts Of Stone (play that first) is about 15-20 hour range. Blood & Wine can run up to 25-30 hours.

Yes. Main quest at 60 hours. I loved the game. Would have spent double that probably but persona is getting probably 100 hours starting April 4 and I don't like to mix big games like this. I'll probably go for hears of stone before persona then.

I have a save file mid game that I'll probably go back to eventually. This game I went with yen and
ciri as a witcher


Have enjoyed Blood & Wine immensely and done all the sidequests trying to avoid the main quest because I don't want this to end but I guess it's time to finish this.

One question though. Did they really not add any Ekimmaras in any of the expansions? I need one hide for superior cursed oil (which is the only oil not at superior).

Playing on PS4 so I guess I'm SoL if not


There are two Ekimmaras hiding in the Novigrad sewers. One is about a minute's walk from the hatch in the Gildorf market.
Damn, just finished Hearts of Stone after having that on hold since I finished the main game over a year ago.

Man, this game is so good! I still have Blood and Wine to get into but the writing and characters are just so great. Shani, Olgierd, Vlodomir, Iris, and Gaunter O'Dimm are just all such great characters. I mean, I knew CDPR had great writers since the main game is fantastic but I guess after watching so many streams and videos of something like Mass Effect: Andromeda and the young adult novel levels of writing there, CDPR has just completely lapped BioWare in the writing department multiple times over.

Such a beautiful DLC with so many great moments like Iris' memories and the wedding and the realization of who/what O'Dimm is...

It really makes me wish that CDPR would even just keep making little self contained DLC's like this for Geralt. Hearts of Stone really does feel like a Witcher short story and it totally works.

Off to play Blood and Wine!
Damn, just finished Hearts of Stone after having that on hold since I finished the main game over a year ago.

Man, this game is so good! I still have Blood and Wine to get into but the writing and characters are just so great. Shani, Olgierd, Vlodomir, Iris, and Gaunter O'Dimm are just all such great characters. I mean, I knew CDPR had great writers since the main game is fantastic but I guess after watching so many streams and videos of something like Mass Effect: Andromeda and the young adult novel levels of writing there, CDPR has just completely lapped BioWare in the writing department multiple times over.

Such a beautiful DLC with so many great moments like Iris' memories and the wedding and the realization of who/what O'Dimm is...

It really makes me wish that CDPR would even just keep making little self contained DLC's like this for Geralt. Hearts of Stone really does feel like a Witcher short story and it totally works.

Off to play Blood and Wine!

Started Hearts of Stone last night and the wedding was GREAT.


DId you finish it at 60 hours? That seems fast or do you mean you really liked it at 60 hours?

Anyway Hearts Of Stone (play that first) is about 15-20 hour range. Blood & Wine can run up to 25-30 hours.

I don't think 60 hours is particularly fast for doing all the main stuff unless you're a completionist. 60 hours is about where I landed after doing most of the major side stuff but not that many Witcher quests. Anyways, that's a bunch of game right there. You're doing something right if you can hold my attention for that long.
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