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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Yeah, so the chapter 20 fight turned out to be too hard for me and my nerves on Crushing. ;) I got to the point where I dealt with the nearest enemies, the snipers and the grenade launcher mercenary, but when the armored guys showed up it all turned to shit. :) The game seems to be missing another difficulty level between Hard and Crushing, because I've completed that first battle on Hard on first attempt (I knew what to do and where to go, but still...).

i think that is what crushing was designed for, to be completely separate from the normal difficulty levels


I completed the game on normal, I'm thinking of going through it again on a harder level.
Is the A.I too aggressive on higher levels?

I want to unlock some more stuff, so I might as well.

The AI is more aggressive. But if you're having trouble you can always turn on gameplay modifications to make it easier. I didn't want to get frustrated on Crushing and just turned on bullet-time, unlimited ammo and auto-aim :p. I believe you unlock gameplay mods when you complete the game on any difficulty.


i think that is what crushing was designed for, to be completely separate from the normal difficulty levels

Well I've finished Uncharted 1-3 on Crushing difficulty and I didn't have to repeat any battles more than 10 times. This feels like something between Crushing and Brutal. :) Also doesn't help that Nate can't throw back grenades... makes it really hard to stay alive in smaller areas or when you're defending in a certain area of the map.


Finally found some time to beat the game last night. Overall it is my second favorite game in the series. The second half of the game was much stronger than the first. Best gunplay in the series but it does suffer from some weird pacing issues.


i got the artbook yesterday, and it´s great.
cool thing i found among the auction mobster concepts, paulie walnuts from the sopranos:
Anyone know how long the last two chapters take? On normal. I should probably go to bed... Just got to Chapter 21....

By the way, how dumb is it that when
they're going after Sam at the end of Ch 20, Nate is standing 5 feet above Sully and Elena with a rope on his back and he's like 'Well, there's no way to get you guys up here!'

Really dumb. That scene was so silly, but it makes sense that they
wouldn't come along because Elena wouldn't be making those kind of jumps and Sully is too old.
Taking all the parts of the game together as one experience was part of the problem I had with the game. Even during my first playthrough and even while enjoying every part of the game more or less, each those extended moments of traversal and climbing started to drag by the time they were done — every play session I had was full of those segments, and I was itching for some kind of development to occur, be it story-related, action-oriented, whatever. They were flat sight-seeing sequences they left me unengaged, and once the spectacle of the given environment wore off or the novelty of the banter waned, I was just ... bored. The denouement from the action had moved beyond its pleasurable state and had gone on for too long.

And that's coming from someone who loved the entirety of Firewatch, liked what I've played of Gemini Rue, Proteus, NaissanceE, Grow Home, Mirror's Edge, etc. Those games consist entirely of what's present in the climbing segments (focus on dialogue, scenery, sense of place, sometimes leisurely traversal), but they're also consistent experiences. I wasn't bored with those games because not only did they better and more accurately convey what kind of experience they would be offering (which isn't something necessarily positive), they showed a much more cohesive focus. The deepest gameplay systems in those games are not frequently put on the back burner for extended periods in order to give the player a break they never needed or wanted. Uncharted 4 has incredible moments of action with gameplay head-and-shoulders above its predecessors, doing things during normal gameplay that other devs only dream of accomplishing — then the game spends a considerable chunk of its time being really, really slow with almost no imbetween. (And yes, I'd totally say a good fourth of the time I spent playing the main game was doing some kind of simple traversal, just trying to get to the next ... something, anything — if it wasn't actually a fourth or even an eighth, that it even feels that way for so many people is disconcerting, and more than worthy of note.)

And unlike a movie, video games that are dozens of hours long aren't going to be completed in one sitting, so the amount of downtime needed is considerably different. The notion that every moment focusing on the core gameplay needs to be followed up with even longer moments of secondary/tertiary gameplay (downtime) doesn't reflect that people can and will play a game an hour or two or three at a time. If I genuinely need a break from the core gameplay that is (reasonably) the reason I'm playing the game (i.e. action, in this game's case), then I can just put the controller down.

If I got tired of the combat in Uncharted 1, it was because the level design for those fights took place in the same kind of static, flat arenas throughout (similar to what you've said is possibly the problem with the climbing segments) — though the aspects of the game directly tied to combat were considerably unpolished in 1, too. If I had fun in every shootout of Uncharted 2, it's because the layout of each shootout in that game was always different from shootout to shootout in some key way. 2 didn't need a chapter (or two, or three, or four) or downtime after every action sequence because the devs knew then that people were coming to the game for excitement, and it could crank out that excitement in diverse ways so as to not feel like a drag.

Uncharted 4 never builds exciting momentum in that way because of its frequent stops, and all those breaks stop being refreshing at some point and in some way — since I replay the games I pay money for, during a replay is when I really felt that unsatisfying hitching in the action, even though I noticed it the first time through. Taking the banter, scenery, sense of place, visuals, music and animations all together during those pure-traversal segments made them enjoyable to a degree. However, taking the concept of taking in all elements of a game as one qhole experience rather than dissecting and assessing individual parts: I took all those pure-traversal segments together throughout whole chapters or clusters of chapters as one whole experience too, and that experience felt too full of that lax, low-impact downtime gameplay. When looking at the traversal mechanics themselves, on their own, it's a problem, and when looking at the game as a whole, it's still a problem.

And I don't get how the hypothetical branching paths with different encounters/weapons (which kind of happens in chapter 10) are "Illusions of choice," or how are they any more illusions of choice compared to those paths that are already in the game. The game managed to push the player forward at a decent clip during those open segments, so there's no real reason to expect that'd ruin the pacing compared to what we've gotten with 4.

And there's no pressure to reply — I don't have enough time to feel comfortable making a satisfactory reply outside of a couple hours each night. I just wanted to see where the disconnect was between how we see this game, and how we view criticism of it. I can't accept that there isn't something this game/its devs could've done much, much better, even when taking into consideration what the developers were going for, particularly with the amounts of downtime, the climbing itself and the focus on pure climbing/traversal segments. It's something that seems merely adequate on a base level as well as a macro one.

Nailed it. I like your point about putting the controller down if you need a break from the combat. That makes more sense than having cool down sections for cool down sections.

Sometimes with the new Doom, I'd put the controller down after a mission or two because I felt like I had my fill for that day. It had downtime to find secrets and upgrades, but it didn't shove endless amounts of rudimentary traversal down the player's throat. It knew what it did well and it didn't take the player out of it for unnecessary amounts of time. It was a focused experience.

Sure, I felt that the last firefight in mission 8 went on for a bit too long, but that's about it. I was never bored when playing it and I can't say the same for Uncharted 4. The level design was not good enough for those segments to be anything more than a change of pace, but it's presented as one of, if not the main pillar of the game.

It's like ND completely missed the point of why people didn't like the ending of UC3. It's because those encounters weren't well designed not because players wanted more downtime. If the combat was as fun as it was in UC4, not many would've took issue with it.


Just beat the game for the first time last night, started on hard, clocked in around 25 hours or so (I messed around in Photo Mode a LOT, final count is 588 photos taken). I can't say I'll miss the gameplay too much, but the story was pretty good and the acting was top-notch.

Had enough points to buy every costume except for
Rafe and Nadine, only missing two of theirs
, every render, and every modifier. Not certain if I want to go through Crushing or not to get more points, or just go Explorer and collect everything/mess around with filters.

Chitown B

Beat it last night. Amazing game. Great story, great voice acting, great graphics, decent gamplay (huge ambushes are not fun). Perfect way to end the series. Loved the Epilogue.
Playing on Crushing the first time through was a very big mistake on my part, lol. I've enjoyed the previous entries and TLOU on harder difficulties, but this one is just not clicking with me. I got stuck on the jungle battle in chapter 13 a couple weeks back - like, stuck, more stuck than I've been in a game due to difficulty in a long while - and it led to me just entirely drifting away from the game. I had been reluctant to bump it down as I'm halfway through and I may as well go for the trophy, but I'm tempted to just say screw it and take it down a notch.


Beat it yesterday, maybe I'll change my mind on the third playtrough, but at the moment i think that Uc4 is a masterpiece, at leat on par with the remastered edition of Tlou.

I feel sorry ( honestly. not joking) for the people that did not enjoy this game.


Some of these set-pieces are a pain in the ars. on "Hard" Especially at the beginning of chp. 20. I literally has to trial and error between about 20 deaths before I could find the right pattern to complete the battle.... Actually, there were about 3 separate set-pieces in that chapter that kicked my ars....

Chitown B

Finished my second play through yesterday god i'm gonna miss Elena and Nate's banter.

that, and Elena's ass. because yeah.

Seriously though I'm really happy with the way all the characters were used, and that you got to end the game with Elena out in the wild, just like UC1 started. Full circle.

Playing on Crushing the first time through was a very big mistake on my part, lol. I've enjoyed the previous entries and TLOU on harder difficulties, but this one is just not clicking with me. I got stuck on the jungle battle in chapter 13 a couple weeks back - like, stuck, more stuck than I've been in a game due to difficulty in a long while - and it led to me just entirely drifting away from the game. I had been reluctant to bump it down as I'm halfway through and I may as well go for the trophy, but I'm tempted to just say screw it and take it down a notch.

That's because as great as the game is, I only give it a 9.5 due to the stupid ambush fights. I got really tired of either spending an hour stealth killing an area or just getting murdered due to almost no dodge mechanics with no radar (guys spawned behind me a lot). Only way to know they were there was that you are getting shot. From all angles. Constantly.


Finished it earlier this week. Fantastic game. I rank U2 a little bit higher due to the fact that you spent more time with Elena/Sully/Chloe, which I vastly preferred to Sam. I didn't dislike his character and I understand that no other character could be used so effectively as a type of mirror for Nate, but just from a moment-to-moment perspective I enjoyed the game the most when you were paired up with Elena.

Gameplay wise it felt much better that previous games, which were already fun enough. Having more time to explore and more places to explore really augmented the feel of a grand adventure, though I guess the slower parts aren't as nice on a replay. But I admire ND for prioritizing a first playthrough completely. In the end, that's what's going to stick with you.
I'm on chapter 12, second playthrough on crushing and loving it. More so than my first playthrough. The modifiers make it so fun. Bought all the guns and turned on infinite ammo and bullet time. That bike, truck chase part I just passed was excellent with bullet time. So much chaos.
Ok, doing crushing now, and I'm at
the mummies. How am I supposed to fight this? Because on normal, I simply let them blow and works most of the time.
Just finished the game. I basically played it the entire day and only stopped for eating and to go for a run.

I have to say that this was legitimately one of the best games I have ever played.

The only thing I would or could criticize is the somehow award start. The intro boat sequence was imo not the best way to start the game. It also took me a little bit to get into it because I honestly didn't expect it to start this slow. Looking back however I love the fact on how much the toned down the action.

What also took me a little bit to get into where the open areas because this game has a lot of optional dialog and diary notes. If there is something I hate, then there is missing out bits and pieces of the story. Luckily I was able to shrug this feeling of midway through Madagascar and just enjoy the game with what I find myself and not spend too much time looking for everything. Will do that now in my 2nd playthough and a guide.

The setpieces of this game are really something. The Madagasar chase sequence was the most impressive thing ever but all the other stuff was amazing. Often I found myself just laughing out loudly at what ND pulled off here. I mean, that stuff is really crazy.
Like that one car chasing you through Libertalia...
That shit was just insane. I feel sorry for people not playing games and enjoying this. There is no way you get more bombastic entertainment.

I really, really loved how grounded the story was this time around.
No more supernatural bullshit.
I always disliked this in the old game to be honest.

Loved the characters, the dialog, the story progression.

Ah man, this game was just amazing. How far this series has come since the shitty Uncharted 1.

Absolute perfect set-off for the series.

Druckman & Straley, I love you guys and I can't wait to see what they do next.


Is there any paid DLC planned? More campaign levels or anything? I saw this article on cnet that says a co-op mode is coming, but that's bullshit, right?

I don't care about multiplayer, so I think I'll trade this in now while I can get $30 from Best Buy. BB has Doom 4 next week for $40 (32 after GCU) so it winds up being almost an even swap, and I can pick this up again in a couple years on the cheap when I'm ready to play it again.
Is there any paid DLC planned? More campaign levels or anything? I saw this article on cnet that says a co-op mode is coming, but that's bullshit, right?

I don't care about multiplayer, so I think I'll trade this in now while I can get $30 from Best Buy. BB has Doom 4 next week for $40 (32 after GCU) so it winds up being almost an even swap, and I can pick this up again in a couple years on the cheap when I'm ready to play it again.

It's getting a single player DLC ala Left Behind from Last of Us and all multiplayer DLC is free including co-op which they are adding some time in the fall


Managed to see and play it yesterday at a friend's place and I wasn't impressed graphically, it looked more video-gamey than I expected. From the reveal trailer, I was expecting more movie filters like The Order 1886 to make it look more cinematic (TM). It isn't that ahead of Uncharted 3 for me except in 1080p obviously. I guess I'm not impressed by graphics anymore unless they have a cool artstyle.
That said, the openness and vertically of the combat situations was really good!


He touched the black heart of a mod
Managed to see and play it yesterday at a friend's place and I wasn't impressed graphically, it looked more video-gamey than I expected. From the reveal trailer, I was expecting more movie filters like The Order 1886 to make it look more cinematic (TM). It isn't that ahead of Uncharted 3 for me except in 1080p obviously. I guess I'm not impressed by graphics anymore unless they have a cool artstyle.
That said, the openness and vertically of the combat situations was really good!

When was the last time you played Uncharted 3?
I just finished this game last night. I loved it to a hideous and embarrassing degree. I finished it in two sittings at around 13h44m but I DID accidentally leave Nate standing for around 45 minutes while I took a nap in the other room, so we'll just call it 13 hours flat.

Agree with the sentiment that people who say "there are no setpieces" didn't pay attention. This game's action sequences might not have been as "out there" but I would argue they're the best ones in the series.

The gunplay is definitely much improved and feels like less of a chore -- although the enemies feel a bit overpowered and maybe a bit too smart sometimes, even on moderate. I dread Crushing.

The platforming (Naughty Dog still low key making platformers) is also very much the best in the series. There's a bit on the way to
the graveyard in chapter 8(?) where you go up and down the same rock-slides to get to different ledges at different heights and it's amazing fun.
The rope and the pitons also add another degree to it that's a lot of fun. The
final stretch of exploration when Sam decides to go after the Treasure and you have to go after him
is also very memorable. I love how they
hide Avery's ship from you until you take the leap of faith off the ledge with your rope.

Rafe and Nadine
are not the letdown duo of villains that I've seen some people say they are.
The boss fight with Rafe is cool and memorable, and the boss fight(s) with Nadine along the way are cool too, but I wish there would have been more of a satisfying payoff to your rivalry with her than her just fucking off. She felt very overpowered throughout her boss fights and you never really get the upper hand on her once throughout the story. The babyface always needs to eventually get the comeback on the heel to make the heel a truly great villain. Although I guess she's more of a tweener anyways.

As for where Uncharted goes, I think it still has potential stories to explore, the most obvious being
's story after the epilogue. I'm also calling it, I think the DLC is
Sully and Sam's "business deal".
. As far as future sequels that could be done and done well --

I'd like to see a 'trilogy' of sorts that explores Nate's friends and family.

Do a Sully game, maybe with parts as Young Sully and then maybe some parts after he meets Drake -- possibly exploring where he knows Nadine from.

Do a Sam game, where perhaps his reluctance to give up the adventuring gets the better of him.

And obviously, do a Cassie game, where she's grown up a bit and Nate and Elena are reluctant to let her go out on her own and have this grand adventure, but end up getting sucked along for the ride and play a Sully-esque role.

The third one legit looks like Vince McMahon. lmao

edit: and I just noticed the last one looks like fucking matt leblanc ha

Why does rafe look so much like that million dollar listing guy? Was he based on him?


I personally think he looks like The Miz with slicked back hair, but ONLY when his eyes are squinting some.

Chitown B

I really, really loved how grounded the story was this time around.
No more supernatural bullshit.
I always disliked this in the old game to be honest.

I assume you're talking about 3. Yeah, me too.

Spolier about chapter 4
Can be you beat Elena's score the first time? If yes how? It seem not possible

You cannot. You need to get a free life box which isn't there the first time.
Just got to Chapter
on Crushing.

So far, so good. The most annoying section that caused endless issues? This piece of shit section. I am still surprised it didn't get adjusted as I think its ridiculous.

Getting past the room full of exploding mummies

Fuck that area!

Anyway, all treasure found, need 1 more note and 1 conversation that I missed, then off to do the MP Trophies. I'll leave the speed run for a while I think.
I feel the same. This was the first game I purchased since GT5 and was looking forward to it simply because the last game these directors made was TLOU. It's not a good game, unlike TLOU I will never play the SP again and unless co-op delivers, I'll just delete it off my hard drive.

It's only been a few weeks but can already tell this ain't going to be the kind of game that people have very fond memories of in a few years time, which TLOU and UC2 have enjoyed. It's a fuck up from Straley and particularly Druckmann, who should go write a book if he's serious about storytelling rather then forcing that down the throat of someone playing a game. Let's see where they go next, Druckmann was also writing that film but from the sounds of it, things don't look to be going brilliantly so hopefully he can put all his attention to fixing that. whilst Straley makes another game without such distractions.

It's such a shame that with this generation 3 years in, there's been no great game released. Mirrors Edge impressions are killing me, nipples going hard from Overwatch shows that standards are really really low at the moment. What a shit generation. :(

Wait, did you just buy a PS4 for Uncharted 4? You said you haven't bought a game since GT5. How long have you had your PS4 and didn't buy a single game for it?

And if so, why would you buy a PS4 to play Uncharted 4 only on it, when you absolutely hate the Uncharted Series? I know you went on the record saying Uncharted 1-3 were terrible, but you were excited for U4 because of TLOU. I mean, if you didn't like games 1-3 and thought they were "terrible" I dont know what you were expecting with the 4th title in the series.
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