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Unreal Engine 5 Deep Dive on May 26th


What a take. The engine developers should show us a real game and not the engine they are developing and how it all works! yes! Great idea!

Do you want Epic to show off Fortnite running on UE5 tomorrow?
It's all worthless fluff if nobody utilizes it. In a game.

It doesn't matter if the effects are TOTALLY AWESOME if it can't be achieved with realistic performance targets.

It's all just cock tease until it's all in a game.
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It's all worthless fluff if nobody utilizes it. In a game.

It doesn't matter if the effects are TOTALLY AWESOME if it can't be achieved with realistic performance targets.

It's all just cock tease until it's all in a game.
Cool. You're not gonna see any games using it for probably well over a year after the first public stable release. It's their job to create and sell the tools.


It is for sure a technical demonstration, and not a "game unveiling", so yes, if you are not a freak for tech deep-dives, come back for the highlights or check out the first actual games running on UE5 (which won't be shown here, unless the sample project is an actual game production, but that hasn't happened since Gears 1) to be seen in the near future, hopefully. This will be about pipelines and workflows and assets and development systems, not stuff you the gamer can play with.

Here's the description of what the livestream will contain:
Yeah it'll be boring for 99.9% of people (including me, but I'll still watch it because I have nothing better to do)


It's all worthless fluff if nobody utilizes it. In a game.

It doesn't matter if the effects are TOTALLY AWESOME if it can't be achieved with realistic performance targets.

It's all just cock tease until it's all in a game.
If a carpenter builds a shoddy house, do you blame the tools, and call their demonstration worthless masturbation? It's not Epic's fault if devs don't maximize their engines for years because PC devs are stuck catering to mid-tier rigs, and console devs have fixed power. They should demonstrate the full capabilities of their tools, because some devs might use some features, and some devs might use others. The UE5 demo will be intended to sell their engine to devs who will very much care about what its full potential is.


If a carpenter builds a shoddy house, do you blame the tools, and call their demonstration worthless masturbation? It's not Epic's fault if devs don't maximize their engines for years because PC devs are stuck catering to mid-tier rigs, and console devs have fixed power. They should demonstrate the full capabilities of their tools, because some devs might use some features, and some devs might use others. The UE5 demo will be intended to sell their engine to devs who will very much care about what its full potential is.
I don't like these clever comparisons...
Epic is selling the tools and tech. So in this stupid comparisons, if tools suck.... tools suck


The only Cerny's "deep dive" that matters:

amanda cerny shower GIF by Playboy
That avatar though 😂
Only problem with this is could make games being shown afterwards look underwhelming, still looking forward to getting another look at this engine.


Early access starts today, production release early 2022. Lot of great tools and technologies shown off. Damn. Epic kinda killin' it. Because Production release won't be until 2022, don't expect AAA UE5 games until a while lol
That Ancient scene looks awesome. Very cinematic looking. Guess they're releasing an early access build of UE5 on EGS today at some point.


Look Bo_Hazem Bo_Hazem
As we move new cells are streamed in while cells no longer needed are replaced by their lower resolution hierarchical level of detail

To be fair, they also claim (here) that they are not using traditional mesh LODs but after saying that they say it's the engine that transitions between details seamlessly so I interpret that as them talking about the authoring of mesh LODs again. If there were no LODs, the engine wouldn't need to transition between them seamlessly IMO
Virtualized geometry supports orders of magnitude more triangles without compromising speed, and replaces the traditional system of mesh LODs, handling all detail transitions seamlessly
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