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[Variety] Evan Rachel Wood Alleges Marilyn Manson Abused Her


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Some autist saved this video which was the intro to Manson's website 10 years ago and now people are using it as 'proof' that he was abusing Wood

Seems fake to me, but the internet mob has already rendered it's judgment

Dude was always a tryhard poser and a drugged out rockstar stealing from those greater than him.

Lol at all the people in here defending an old bloated has been, who has been known to be a total piece of shit for decades, simply because you "don't understand why she didn't come forward earlier" or "what did she expect?" I wonder if you'd say the same thing if this happened to your mother or sister.
Dude was always a tryhard poser and a drugged out rockstar stealing from those greater than him.

Lol at all the people in here defending an old bloated has been, who has been known to be a total piece of shit for decades, simply because you "don't understand why she didn't come forward earlier" or "what did she expect?" I wonder if you'd say the same thing if this happened to your mother or sister.
I don’t see anyone defending him.


Isn't this that dumb bitch that called Kobe a rapist hours after his death for an empty virtue signal?

That said Manson has always struck me as capable of all kinds of a fucked up shit but idk, I don't believe in taking anyone at face value on these things. Especially when celebrities are involved. People stand to gain too much from situations like this.


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Dude was always a tryhard poser and a drugged out rockstar stealing from those greater than him.

Lol at all the people in here defending an old bloated has been, who has been known to be a total piece of shit for decades, simply because you "don't understand why she didn't come forward earlier" or "what did she expect?" I wonder if you'd say the same thing if this happened to your mother or sister.
Small men sure are Kings behind their keyboards.


Manson had spoken back now. Saying every relationship was consensual etc.

I don't doubt that. Who Manson is and what he's probably into shouldn't come as a surprise. He wrote about fucking a deaf gir covered in meat, or whatever it was, in his book after all.

This reeks of young girls growing up to regret their past.

Manson has most likely done his fair share of vile shit, and if he routinely pursues young, impressionable girls, that is probably the biggest issue. They could have been too young to know what they were getting into.

But is it a crime? Not unless they said no.

But what the fuck do I know. This is just the latest public outing that completely slips by due process, and he'll be tried in the court of public opinion.

If these girls had filed against him, that would be different, but I actively distrust anyone doing this.


Gonna need some kind of actual proof.

Believing accusations just because you've judged the accused of "looking" or "seeming" the type just gives vengeful/bitter and/or opportunistic exes unchecked power to absolutely ruin someone for their own benefit.
people might not like to hear this but it's the only standard to abide

facts not feelings are what matter, if you have none then you got nothing


Dude was always a tryhard poser and a drugged out rockstar stealing from those greater than him.

Lol at all the people in here defending an old bloated has been, who has been known to be a total piece of shit for decades, simply because you "don't understand why she didn't come forward earlier" or "what did she expect?" I wonder if you'd say the same thing if this happened to your mother or sister.
tryhard poser perhaps, drugged out and vile seems clear, uncertain about what's been stolen since i've not listened to much of his work over the years

hearsay about a man's personality (he's a known piece of shit, do you have a single fact to back that up) or wayward appearance is entirely useless info

maybe he's an abuser who hates women or maybe she is a resentful psycho like amber heard


Modern Christianity is pretty much corrupted beyond saving. They worship the trinity which goes against the basic tenets of monotheism and Jesus (as) himself warned about worshipping anything other than God. That they play loud music in their churches only shows that they lost the plot long ago.

At first I thought you had ... let's say challenges by clutching your pearls at heavy metal music, but then I saw you were a fundamentalist Muslim.

It's really not good for your mental health to be involved in this kind of cult like mentality. God doesn't exist, but if he did, he wouldn't be so weak to be defeated by some music tracks, that'd be an incredibly wimpy god.


ERW said basically every relationship she had was abusive. Tells you more about her then her ex-boyfriends. She sounds like a girl that still can't cope with the fact she got dumped. As my brother has said to one of my ex-girlfriends who accused me of abuse after I broke uip with her; If he did anything of the shit you accuse him of you're fucking dumb to stay with him for two years and still begging him 24/7 to take you back! Marilyn Manson should've known whatever you do don't stick your dick in crazy, oh wait...


ERW said basically every relationship she had was abusive. Tells you more about her then her ex-boyfriends. She sounds like a girl that still can't cope with the fact she got dumped. As my brother has said to one of my ex-girlfriends who accused me of abuse after I broke uip with her; If he did anything of the shit you accuse him of you're fucking dumb to stay with him for two years and still begging him 24/7 to take you back! Marilyn Manson should've known whatever you do don't stick your dick in crazy, oh wait...
You think me telling about my sisters sexual abuse and near death is worthy of an LOL emoji?

Nice work you scumbag. I've never posted about it before. You should be ashamed.
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Isn't this that dumb bitch that called Kobe a rapist hours after his death for an empty virtue signal?

That said Manson has always struck me as capable of all kinds of a fucked up shit but idk, I don't believe in taking anyone at face value on these things. Especially when celebrities are involved. People stand to gain too much from situations like this.
Yeah she did what a horrible take
There's always been a clear difference between him and someone like Rob Zombie (even though they toured together). Zombie is a big fan of old horror films and wanted to bring a horror-inspired persona to a band. Everyone says in real life, he's a very friendly guy. What he does is a character, and it's fun even though he looks scary.

Marilyn Manson on the other hand has always been about real life anti-God principles. There's no movie fantasy involved here. He is a demented, evil man who put ideas into his music wanting to take people away from the church, wanting to make them feel depressed, wanting them to hate this world.

You know, I remember the Columbine shooters were fans of his so the media blamed him for the shooting for a while before saying it wasn't his fault. It's sad that the possible negative things he's caused in our world never really mattered before... It's just sexual assault that finally made people care.


There's always been a clear difference between him and someone like Rob Zombie (even though they toured together). Zombie is a big fan of old horror films and wanted to bring a horror-inspired persona to a band. Everyone says in real life, he's a very friendly guy. What he does is a character, and it's fun even though he looks scary.

Marilyn Manson on the other hand has always been about real life anti-God principles. There's no movie fantasy involved here. He is a demented, evil man who put ideas into his music wanting to take people away from the church, wanting to make them feel depressed, wanting them to hate this world.

You know, I remember the Columbine shooters were fans of his so the media blamed him for the shooting for a while before saying it wasn't his fault. It's sad that the possible negative things he's caused in our world never really mattered before... It's just sexual assault that finally made people care.
Yay, Rob Zombie :messenger_horns:


Satanism is just edgelord Christianity. Its kind of a joke
Yay, Rob Zombie :messenger_horns:
Rob was hilarious on Rogan, most laid back rock star I've ever heard. So likeable almost made me forgive him for squandering the promise shown by House Of A Thousand Corpses and Devil's Rejects...

Not that he'd care, his utter indifference to people's reactions to his stuff was what was most endearing about him!

Manson... I dunno about. Mr formerly Warner (ho-ho) just seemed like he was updating Alice Cooper's schtick for the grunge era, so with all due respect Wood really ought to have known what she was getting into.
Each new season of Westworld become more and more preachy. Especially the last one.

I'm sure what she's saying is true, but she's also probably ashamed of letting these ugly ass lips get near her


Wes Borland and a former guitar tech have spoken out against him. The guitar tech did so already last autumn. Both say they've seen him being horrible to women, making them cry, break them, etc.

Now, things looks worse and worse for manson's case, but what I'm left with is... If this was so easy to see for anyone around him, everyone around him is complicit. If you see someone being continuously abusive, violent, horrible, and you still choose to work for/with said individual, or don't do anything to help his victims, you're complicit.

I don't care how much power manson might have. I wouldn't be able to just watch something like that and do nothing. Talk to others, anonymous tips to police, whatever. Just something.


Wes Borland and a former guitar tech have spoken out against him. The guitar tech did so already last autumn. Both say they've seen him being horrible to women, making them cry, break them, etc.

Now, things looks worse and worse for manson's case, but what I'm left with is... If this was so easy to see for anyone around him, everyone around him is complicit. If you see someone being continuously abusive, violent, horrible, and you still choose to work for/with said individual, or don't do anything to help his victims, you're complicit.

I don't care how much power manson might have. I wouldn't be able to just watch something like that and do nothing. Talk to others, anonymous tips to police, whatever. Just something.
Well, I would never have guessed that Manson - or anyone being that long in that kind of business - is a nice guy with high morals.
I believe that a lot of people in the entertainment business are narcissitic assholes, or at least become one after great success.

Did you follow the whole R. Kelly thing? Everyone knew about his behaviour but they kept working with him anyway.


Mechanical Animals. But his latest album We Are Chaos is the best he's done in years, save for a couple of forgettable tracks.
I stopped listening to his albums after Mechanical Animals, they were so boring...
Is We Are Chaos in line with Antichrist Superstar / Mechanical Animals?
I heard he was anti-satan now so I expected the new album to still be boring...
(not that he was ever Satanic as some people seem to think here, most of Antichrist Superstar is more political than satanic).

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

Trent Reznor has issued a statement denouncing his former friend and collaborator Marilyn Manson, as Pitchfork reports. His statement comes in the wake of Manson’s former partner Evan Rachel Wood’s allegations that Manson groomed her and abused her during the course of their relationship. Following Wood’s statement on Monday morning, at least four other women made similar accusations.

After news of the accusations came to light, a story involving Reznor that appears in Manson’s 1998 autobiography, The Long Hard Road Out of Hell, resurfaced. In it, Manson claims he and Reznor sexually and physically assaulted an inebriated woman in the Nineties. The passage was allegedly part of an unpublished interview with Empyrean Magazine.

“I have been vocal over the years about my dislike of Manson as a person and cut ties with him nearly 25 years ago,” Reznor said in a statement via Pitchfork. “As I said at the time, the passage from Manson’s memoir is a complete fabrication. I was infuriated and offended back when it came out and remain so today.”

In a 2009 interview with Mojo, Reznor called his former protégé Manson “a dopey clown.” “He is a malicious guy and will step on anybody’s face to succeed and cross any line of decency,” Reznor said. “Seeing him now, drugs and alcohol now rule his life and he’s become a dopey clown.”

Following the abuse allegations, Manson was dropped by his record label and booking agent. On Monday evening, Manson denied the accusations, writing on Instagram, “My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how — and why — others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth.”
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Well, I would never have guessed that Manson - or anyone being that long in that kind of business - is a nice guy with high morals.
I believe that a lot of people in the entertainment business are narcissitic assholes, or at least become one after great success.

Did you follow the whole R. Kelly thing? Everyone knew about his behaviour but they kept working with him anyway.

I was never under the illusion he's a nice guy. But there's a difference between being a vulgar asshole and systematically abusing young girls.

Of course, I'm not the jury, so it's all a bunch of ifs right now, but it looks bad.

I didn't follow R Kelly since I never had an interest, but I got the gist he got away with being into underage girls.

I stopped listening to his albums after Mechanical Animals, they were so boring...
Is We Are Chaos in line with Antichrist Superstar / Mechanical Animals?
I heard he was anti-satan now so I expected the new album to still be boring...
(not that he was ever Satanic as some people seem to think here, most of Antichrist Superstar is more political than satanic).

I'm kinda in the same boat. We are chaos was a return to form, save a couple of forgettable songs. But there's a lot of good stuff on there, more mature than a lot of the pretty stupid stuff he's done over the years.
I wouldn't doubt that he would do something like this but I will still wait for more information, sad if true. Despite the dude's outward appearance I thought he was a pretty nice person when you watch his interviews.


I wouldn't doubt that he would do something like this but I will still wait for more information, sad if true. Despite the dude's outward appearance I thought he was a pretty nice person when you watch his interviews.
He is all show for cameras, outside of the cameras he is completely normal and with more sense than most people.
He performed here for antichrist superstar tour and stayed at the hotel where a friend of mine works. They had bands staying there that trashed the rooms and acted like divas, they were expecting the worse and in the end they barely noticed them. No mess, no weird demands and no noise. All he ordered was salads
Look at his album names and song titles, that alone should be enough. I'm not posting it here because I don't want to spread his filth.
This is how metal is in general. It will always be associated with satanic imagery because it fits that rebel edgy attitude. Even bands like Alice Copper and Slayer all admit its just an act and part of the image for publicity. Other dudes like Dio and Dave Mustaine from Megadeth became religious but still love metal. There are sub-cultures within metal that are legit satanic but they are in the minority.

You seem pretty religious so I understand where you are coming from but metal music and its fans are not inherently evil boogeymen
Older than you. Well maybe because you were listening from 13 you think it isn't a big deal, because you don't know any better. But bring that music to any pious religious establishment or even a (religious or non-religious ) standard family and you're thrown out quicker than you can blink, because they actually recognize it for what it is. Filth that has no place in a healthy mind.
Listening to metal music was a great way to air out my emotions during my depression. I could relate to the pain and suffering in the music. Megadeth really got me through some tough times and probably helped save my life from suicide. I admire the hardships he went through in life but despite all of it, he never stopped fighting. The music he created was a great outlet for him too, without his guitar he had no one to connect to in his youth.


Older than you. Well maybe because you were listening from 13 you think it isn't a big deal, because you don't know any better. But bring that music to any pious religious establishment or even a (religious or non-religious ) standard family and you're thrown out quicker than you can blink, because they actually recognize it for what it is. Filth that has no place in a healthy mind.

Imagine being such a pussy because of an imaginary friend. fucking lol.
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