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VgTech's Gears 5 Analysis XBONEX vs XBONES


I go to reset and why I always see Dark1x always fucking crying? Dude there's fans on all sides and fanboys and another video actually showed things yours didn't. This dude has soft skin foh don't get on social media then. I'm not defending trolls but I see this dude always crying when ppl don't take his shit at face value and criticize. That's always going to happen.


I go to reset and why I always see Dark1x always fucking crying? Dude there's fans on all sides and fanboys and another video actually showed things yours didn't. This dude has soft skin foh don't get on social media then. I'm not defending trolls but I see this dude always crying when ppl don't take his shit at face value and criticize. That's always going to happen.

He likes to pull the victim card. I’m glad someone called DF out on their bs with a video they’ve been doing this whole gen.
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Poor man's Digital Foundry.


Do you play teaser trailer footage at launch?

Here you are getting tangled up with the mob mentality. No one is saying that you should dedicate your life to VG Tech, DF or even Gears for that matter. All this thread is about are some stats on the technicals. People are acting like their grandmothers were cursed in the OP. Surely, Gears falling to 1080p or degradations to physics and shadows should not affect your enjoyment of the game. Yet this is what a tech thread presents... You shouldn't take tech threads as a slight against you, don't make it diminish your enjoyment of your XBONEX, your preferred platform or your box.

The OT should provide lots of enjoyment for those splooging on the fun that Gears provide, even for those not having as much fun, well as it turns out moreso the former. In any event.... Hopefully, people realize its fair game for all and that someone else's take should not affect their experience. Even OT's should not only encourage echo chambers, unless persons are straight out lying.... As has been seen with some reviewers who don't know basic things about the games.

Tech threads on the other hand should foster facts, not feelings. If a game per-se runs sub 30fps with tearing, it's not your fault. Persons would like to know. I personally would like to know the real facts as opposed to being comforted in a favorable tech opinion of a game. Give me the real, hard core breakdown every time.......
Don't try to butter sub 30fps to teens as smooth or go on apologetic stances like "for the hardware" , we all know what hardware we have and if we were honest with ourselves in the first place we would know their capabilities.....

Wait...is this muhfucca tryna sound reasonable? Who are you and what have you done with TLW?


I raise you.........Uhmmm…(16:58)

Lol just really watched the video and it's priceless, he's right on about alot of this shit. "walk to the light and it's on my back, walk to the next light thts the same but no fucking light on my back nigga" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

The homie went in. No mud trails, contradiction on dynamic shadows, etc lol Uncharted does so much more and better 😂😂😂 this shit is funny.
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Lol just really watched the video and it's priceless, he's right on about alot of this shit. "walk to the light and it's on my back, walk to the next light thts the same but no fucking light on my back nigga" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

The homie went in. No mud trails contradiction on dynamic shadows, etc lol Uncharted does so much more and better 😂😂😂 this shit is funny.

There is basically no physics in this game in that video. The water and plants don't even move naturally, how on earth did they even compare this to Uncharted 4 is beyond me. DF shilled so hard with this game and it shows.


There is basically no physics in this game in that video. The water and plants don't even move naturally, how on earth did they even compare this to Uncharted 4 is beyond me. DF shilled so hard with this game and it shows.

I'm glad they aren't the only ones doing these breakdowns. Any monopoly isn't good bcus thy get to sway info the way thy want too. Damn I remember when we had "the lens of truth" not just DF.


Prior to the X's release, Sony zealots (not the regular fans) had no issues with the numerous Digital Foundry comparison videos for years. Now when DF appreciates an HDR masterpiece like Gears 5, they are "MS shills" or "Nintendo shills" whenever a Switch video comes up. They resort to no-name sources to prove.....well basically nothing because it ain't changing anybody's mind.

I've never seen a more miserable group. Maybe they are mad at their newest exclusive that may top Life of Black Tiger:



Holyshit, he ripped DF a new one.
Absolutely, a new piehole was formed…….

I'm glad they aren't the only ones doing these breakdowns. Any monopoly isn't good bcus thy get to sway info the way thy want too. Damn I remember when we had "the lens of truth" not just DF.

I swore on lens of truth back then, a great bunch of guys, very friendly and tech savvy too...……..Very thorough analyses.....They analyzed so many clips in any one game.....Didn't just do early levels in action games and call it quits, they tested heavy sections later in the game too......They gave breakdowns on every clip, average framerate, tearing and overall verdict with stats across multiple sample clips......Remember, that was over a decade ago, well packed and presented youtube videos with all the info you would want.....I think their site had even more info later on too....Who was giving such detailed info back then, no opinions, just stats, long gameplay segments? Nobody else.....I swear, Lens of Truth was ahead of their time by a long-shot, absolute tech geniuses.....

Too bad their demise....I'm willing to support their return.....Still like their format best, even now,,,,



Likes moldy games
Lol just really watched the video and it's priceless, he's right on about alot of this shit. "walk to the light and it's on my back, walk to the next light thts the same but no fucking light on my back nigga" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

The homie went in. No mud trails, contradiction on dynamic shadows, etc lol Uncharted does so much more and better 😂😂😂 this shit is funny.
Decisions have to be made tho, Could you imagine Gears running at a pedestrian pace like U4, There's never that much going on in U4, maybe a few little men in the distance a few come in close, a shoot out in the market place where yes things get shot and move and break. But Gears 5 has big characters and a lot more action at anyone time and 60 fps on X.
It all developers choice, and sure he makes some valid points but you can tell he's a plonker how he comes across in the video.
The argument could also be made Gears 5 is more of a multiplayer game....... I don't know i'm not the biggest Gears fan but quite enjoying this one.
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i got the game because of the 2 dollar game pass 2 month promo.

biggest issue i have is with single player - save issues where i'm back at the beginning of a chapter - very disheartening. i hate having to replay something again when it should have saved.


Prior to the X's release, Sony zealots (not the regular fans) had no issues with the numerous Digital Foundry comparison videos for years. Now when DF appreciates an HDR masterpiece like Gears 5, they are "MS shills" or "Nintendo shills" whenever a Switch video comes up. They resort to no-name sources to prove.....well basically nothing because it ain't changing anybody's mind.

I've never seen a more miserable group. Maybe they are mad at their newest exclusive that may top Life of Black Tiger:

Think about it Urmie…….PS3 fans knew 360 had the better multiplats by and large, but even then, Sony had the better exclusives, just as they have now......The few multiplats that were better on PS3, guess what?...DF wanted to have a temper tantrum about it (like some posters here really).......Lots of talk of how they're disappointed in the devs…...The biggest culprit being FFXIII, I mean they said many strange and biased things before that, their wording was always laced in certain faceoffs.....A 1fps difference was a world away, 40p more pixels was the difference between vaseline and having your retina attached to the sun for that crispy sharpness only the 360 could provide...…..And we got it, Leadbetter was a Sega Man, most Sega guys translated to XBOX as most of Sega games went to OG XBOX...….MS and Sega were tight, you remember windows CE on dreamcast, then the Sega deal with MS for OG XBOX and then Peter Moore joining XBOX...…...Leadbetter was from that same vine, sipping on that nectar, it's his bloodline, so nothing strange that he has maintained his commitment to them of his love for them over the years......Hell, MS has sponsored them and Eurogamer several times over.....MS gave them dibs on Scorpio and who knows they may unveil Scarlett, they're certainly putting in the effort......

The thing is I have no problem with biases, but not when it comes to faceoffs or technical details, don't muddy the waters...…..360 was not more powerful than PS3, not like in 2013 where PS4 was clearly ahead of XBONE......PS3 was just a different architecture altogether...….Square used the PS3 as lead and the ground up console for their game because it suited FF13 much more than the tech in the 360...….They needed to utilize bluray for better FMV's, higher quality audio and streaming tech...….DF basically lost a gasket that the game was better on PS3...…..DF bashed the devs to all hell, you should hear their tone, absolutely pissed off I tell you......Square really effed up and should take this code back to the drawing board was the impression you got, these guys were absolutely fruity pebbles, just go read that faceoff and come and weep......When in fact, there was no way FF13 was ever going to be as good on 360 because of some of the 360's constraints...….That was what broke the camel's back for many......It's like folk pretending to be level headed and "poof" somethings become bottled up and is now too much to sustain the pretense...….We've seen many examples of that in the last few days and within the last few hours, people will eventually reveal themselves...…..

I have always been the same, why should I lose my gasket when all I discuss is the tech, if you make tech personal that's on you, but i'm as calm as a cucumber.....You think if a game drops frames on a PRO I'm losing sleep over it when it's clearly shown in stats? The same way, if the PRO wins over XBONEX I'd venture to say people should not lose their composure either......The discrepancies people have with PRO winning over XBONEX in quite a few titles is not hard to explain.....XBONEX tries to push higher rez, pro goes lower resolution and wins in framerate, most times without tearing ontop, so in many cases, it's rez over frames, you make that decision and justify what suits you better or if the difference warrants buying a more expensive console for the differences presented...…...There's no rocket science involved here......There's no advantage that XBONEX gives you in the CPU department with a heavier OS....

The problem with DF this gen is that they went from having a field day last gen, with 360 winning most faceoffs and some nicely worded pieces like; "world away", "massive difference", "superior image vs vaseline filter" to a weaker system being the "most balanced console", "does rez matter" in 2013. Most faceoffs which had a much superior framerate difference from last gen's 1-3fps divide, I'm talking 10-15fps differences with much larger rez divides favoring PS4, 720p vs 1080p with better effects and 900p vs 1080p......were all negligible at best...…The phrase."like for like" was the most used term to describe these faceoffs. till Scorpio arrived in late 2017 and everything was a "world away again", 4k native trumps everything including 1800p, posters who used to be framerate fiends were now saying they prefer higher rez with lower dips in framerate, we had come full circle...…..Early in gen, when Capcom gave us RER2, when we got Witcher 3 on PS4, all those early Ubi games (no rez differeces), Xenoverse etc... which all performed worse on PS4....I expected DF to blow a gasket like they did for FF13, clearly, PS4 was actually more powerful in that instance.....Uhmmmm! .Nothing...….Instead we only registered DF's disappointments in devs again (lazy developers) when PRO performed better than the XBONEX versions in faceoffs......Of course, the better hardware should do better, but not when you're trying to do native 4k thinking that the XBONEX is double the performance of PRO......

What DF is facing right now is simply that bias and not enough attention to detail in their analyses and plain lies...…...It's as if the people who support them are oblivious to everything and believe them regardless, so EFF the truth...…...To clearly show a picture with no SSS and say it's SSS is really when you know the majority of your followers are drones, defending you to no end, saying lighting and reflections are great when even Stevie Wonder would say "hell no"...…..That's like saying 1+1=3, winking in front of the class and saying to your mate 'these guys are loons, they will believe it"..... I've seen people defend clear cases where DF said there was no teen drops when there was, where people justified worse framerates in one title and then flipped over to justifying worse framerate in another..... or people defend countless mistakes by DF and the more DF proves how vindictive and how much they insult people's intelligence, in broad daylight the more you have people doubling down and calling other tech media "no name", "poor man's DF" and all that malarkey, because they were the ones actually getting things right and non-biased instead...…..People would rather support and advocate for lies and a con job because their favourite box was the box being conned for...…….


Likes moldy games
Think about it Urmie…….PS3 fans knew 360 had the better multiplats by and large, but even then, Sony had the better exclusives, just as they have now......The few multiplats that were better on PS3, guess what?...DF wanted to have a temper tantrum about it (like some posters here really).......Lots of talk of how they're disappointed in the devs…...The biggest culprit being FFXIII, I mean they said many strange and biased things before that, their wording was always laced in certain faceoffs.....A 1fps difference was a world away, 40p more pixels was the difference between vaseline and having your retina attached to the sun for that crispy sharpness only the 360 could provide...…..And we got it, Leadbetter was a Sega Man, most Sega guys translated to XBOX as most of Sega games went to OG XBOX...….MS and Sega were tight, you remember windows CE on dreamcast, then the Sega deal with MS for OG XBOX and then Peter Moore joining XBOX...…...Leadbetter was from that same vine, sipping on that nectar, it's his bloodline, so nothing strange that he has maintained his commitment to them of his love for them over the years......Hell, MS has sponsored them and Eurogamer several times over.....MS gave them dibs on Scorpio and who knows they may unveil Scarlett, they're certainly putting in the effort......

The thing is I have no problem with biases, but not when it comes to faceoffs or technical details, don't muddy the waters...…..360 was not more powerful than PS3, not like in 2013 where PS4 was clearly ahead of XBONE......PS3 was just a different architecture altogether...….Square used the PS3 as lead and the ground up console for their game because it suited FF13 much more than the tech in the 360...….They needed to utilize bluray for better FMV's, higher quality audio and streaming tech...….DF basically lost a gasket that the game was better on PS3...…..DF bashed the devs to all hell, you should hear their tone, absolutely pissed off I tell you......Square really effed up and should take this code back to the drawing board was the impression you got, these guys were absolutely fruity pebbles, just go read that faceoff and come and weep......When in fact, there was no way FF13 was ever going to be as good on 360 because of some of the 360's constraints...….That was what broke the camel's back for many......It's like folk pretending to be level headed and "poof" somethings become bottled up and is now too much to sustain the pretense...….We've seen many examples of that in the last few days and within the last few hours, people will eventually reveal themselves...…..

I have always been the same, why should I lose my gasket when all I discuss is the tech, if you make tech personal that's on you, but i'm as calm as a cucumber.....You think if a game drops frames on a PRO I'm losing sleep over it when it's clearly shown in stats? The same way, if the PRO wins over XBONEX I'd venture to say people should not lose their composure either......The discrepancies people have with PRO winning over XBONEX in quite a few titles is not hard to explain.....XBONEX tries to push higher rez, pro goes lower resolution and wins in framerate, most times without tearing ontop, so in many cases, it's rez over frames, you make that decision and justify what suits you better or if the difference warrants buying a more expensive console for the differences presented...…...There's no rocket science involved here......There's no advantage that XBONEX gives you in the CPU department with a heavier OS....

The problem with DF this gen is that they went from having a field day last gen, with 360 winning most faceoffs and some nicely worded pieces like; "world away", "massive difference", "superior image vs vaseline filter" to a weaker system being the "most balanced console", "does rez matter" in 2013. Most faceoffs which had a much superior framerate difference from last gen's 1-3fps divide, I'm talking 10-15fps differences with much larger rez divides favoring PS4, 720p vs 1080p with better effects and 900p vs 1080p......were all negligible at best...…The phrase."like for like" was the most used term to describe these faceoffs. till Scorpio arrived in late 2017 and everything was a "world away again", 4k native trumps everything including 1800p, posters who used to be framerate fiends were now saying they prefer higher rez with lower dips in framerate, we had come full circle...…..Early in gen, when Capcom gave us RER2, when we got Witcher 3 on PS4, all those early Ubi games (no rez differeces), Xenoverse etc... which all performed worse on PS4....I expected DF to blow a gasket like they did for FF13, clearly, PS4 was actually more powerful in that instance.....Uhmmmm! .Nothing...….Instead we only registered DF's disappointments in devs again (lazy developers) when PRO performed better than the XBONEX versions in faceoffs......Of course, the better hardware should do better, but not when you're trying to do native 4k thinking that the XBONEX is double the performance of PRO......

What DF is facing right now is simply that bias and not enough attention to detail in their analyses and plain lies...…...It's as if the people who support them are oblivious to everything and believe them regardless, so EFF the truth...…...To clearly show a picture with no SSS and say it's SSS is really when you know the majority of your followers are drones, defending you to no end, saying lighting and reflections are great when even Stevie Wonder would say "hell no"...…..That's like saying 1+1=3, winking in front of the class and saying to your mate 'these guys are loons, they will believe it"..... I've seen people defend clear cases where DF said there was no teen drops when there was, where people justified worse framerates in one title and then flipped over to justifying worse framerate in another..... or people defend countless mistakes by DF and the more DF proves how vindictive and how much they insult people's intelligence, in broad daylight the more you have people doubling down and calling other tech media "no name", "poor man's DF" and all that malarkey, because they were the ones actually getting things right and non-biased instead...…..People would rather support and advocate for lies and a con job because their favourite box was the box being conned for...…….
But but but but why don't you post all your analysis when Xbox comes out on top, wher's your Dirt Rally 2 and RDR2 etc analysis.


But but but but why don't you post all your analysis when Xbox comes out on top, wher's your Dirt Rally 2 and RDR2 etc analysis.
I remember reading his comments in regards to RDR2, but his conclusion was X version wasnt the best despite big resolution difference 😉. I dont know if he has changed his opinion since then... but probably not😅.
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Likes moldy games
I remember reading his comments in regards to RDR2, but his conclusion was X version wasnt the best despite big resolution difference 😉. I dont know if he has changed his opinion since then... but probably not😅.
After i typed RDRD2 i did think he may have done one on that, but it came out a while after when it came out the Pro held 30fps solid @1080p v 4k with the odd minor drop. But before that as usual nowhere to be seen.
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I remember reading his comments in regards to RDR2, but his conclusion was X version wasnt the best despite big resolution difference 😉. I dont know if he has changed his opinion since then... but probably not😅.

If I remember correctly, in his opinion the ps4 pro version was better, because in one cutscene it had better framerates (~1-2fps) than the x. That was the only point DF found were the performance did go down on the x.

The logic is clear:
- if DF has something good to say about xbox: DF is bad (bought by MS)
- if DF finds one scene that runs better on ps4 pro: ps4 pro is the better version
- If DF say the versions are equal: ps4 pro is the better version

just don't give to much about this fanboy behavior.

Btw, I really hope MS adds a 30fps option with maxed out visuals (as far as it can go on x) into the game. As much as I like 60fps, I can life with 30fps. Gears is not a really fast game (at least in single player mode) were 60 is really needed (in my opinion).


Decisions have to be made tho, Could you imagine Gears running at a pedestrian pace like U4, There's never that much going on in U4, maybe a few little men in the distance a few come in close, a shoot out in the market place where yes things get shot and move and break. But Gears 5 has big characters and a lot more action at anyone time and 60 fps on X.
It all developers choice, and sure he makes some valid points but you can tell he's a plonker how he comes across in the video.
The argument could also be made Gears 5 is more of a multiplayer game....... I don't know i'm not the biggest Gears fan but quite enjoying this one.

Nah Thts uncharted has alot of shit going on with even transversal movement tht Gears is not doing even during mp which is why imo Uncharted trumps Gears. Gears is very static in gameplay with its hunchback running, cover and kill thts it. In uncharted you do tht and more while flying around the map zip lining and alot of traversal.

Again don't get me wrong I'm enjoying Gears 5 mp but it's very generic and straight forward.

Kagey K

Nah Thts uncharted has alot of shit going on with even transversal movement tht Gears is not doing even during mp which is why imo Uncharted trumps Gears. Gears is very static in gameplay with its hunchback running, cover and kill thts it. In uncharted you do tht and more while flying around the map zip lining and alot of traversal.

Again don't get me wrong I'm enjoying Gears 5 mp but it's very generic and straight forward.
The fact that you are enjoying it shows how much Gears has changed. Previously it was a stress fest of who can wall bounce with a shotgun.

So did it change or did it not?
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If I remember correctly, in his opinion the ps4 pro version was better, because in one cutscene it had better framerates (~1-2fps) than the x. That was the only point DF found were the performance did go down on the x.

The logic is clear:
- if DF has something good to say about xbox: DF is bad (bought by MS)
- if DF finds one scene that runs better on ps4 pro: ps4 pro is the better version
- If DF say the versions are equal: ps4 pro is the better version

just don't give to much about this fanboy behavior.

Btw, I really hope MS adds a 30fps option with maxed out visuals (as far as it can go on x) into the game. As much as I like 60fps, I can life with 30fps. Gears is not a really fast game (at least in single player mode) were 60 is really needed (in my opinion).
Here's the thread that I'm talking about, but as you can see when more and more people started attacking him for his biased conclusion he then edited his thread and changed everything. However if you will read what other posters have said you will know what he wrote in the first place.

I also remember exact post you are talking about, but now he also edited it. TLW say he just want to share his totally unbiased opinions, but I can clearly see he has an agenda here on neogaf, so I just cant take his posts seriously.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
You know, on some forums you can actually see all posts and all edits made to that post, the same way on Facebook you can view all edits made. I think that's very, very needed for cases like this.

Kagey K

You know, on some forums you can actually see all posts and all edits made to that post, the same way on Facebook you can view all edits made. I think that's very, very needed for cases like this.
The mods can see all edits and revert the post back to the original if they like.

Same if you Quote a person the quotes will hold the old text even if they edit it later.
I’m assuming you are a paid employee for marketing. Otherwise your dedication to Xbox analysis is at this point a mental illness.

As soon I saw word "Xbonex" I knew it was..."him" ...the hate of this dude is incredible 🤢

Are you ok? TLW? The obsession of anything good Xbox you can't deal with it. This shit will eat you alive, and will waste your life.. while it's not too late change your hobbies and get outside out of the darkness u sit day in and out, get some fresh air and be productive...old man.
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The fact that you are enjoying it shows how much Gears has changed. Previously it was a stress fest of who can wall bounce with a shotgun.

So did it change or did it not?

OH if u saw my other comments I hated Gears 4 mp it was a fucking shotgun fest but in Gears 5 they balanced the weapons more and I hardly see anyone with the shottys, thts why I'm enjoying it alot. Any weapon is viable so in tht thy made a great change. Kudos to them.


I can see where the narrative that DF is "overly positive" is coming from. It's not really their nature to nitpick stuff like we do. However, you can do this with basically every sony first party title and it's unsurprising that TLW latches on to the video above


..but cry so much I wish I had some


Xbox One X uses a dynamic resolution with the lowest native resolution found being 1920x1080 and the highest native resolution found being approximately 3200x1800. A form of temporal reconstruction is used that can increase the pixel count to 3840x2160 and pixel counts at 3840x2160 are common due to this temporal reconstruction. The native resolution is higher for the 30fps real time cutscenes on Xbox One X with the lowest and highest native resolutions found during them being approximately 2773x1560 and 3840x2160 respectively.


Xbox One uses a dynamic resolution with the lowest native resolution found being 1280x720 and the highest native resolution found being 1920x1080. A form of temporal reconstruction is used that can increase the pixel count to 1920x1080 when the native resolution is below this figure. Pixel counts at 1920x1080 are common on the Xbox One. The lowest and highest native resolutions on Xbox One during the high quality real time cutscenes are the same as during gameplay, but the native resolution seems to be lower on average.



XBONEX with Cutscenes, XBONEX gameplay, XBONES gameplay.

Always knew this was touching 1080p native during gameplay. I noted this in the DF thread. The game got really blurry during certain firefights on XBONEX. It never touches native 4k during gameplay, only in cutscenes.....It maxes out at 3200 x 1800 with dynamic resolution falling to 1920 x 1080 under load......Everything is then reprojected to 4K, but that does not detract from the rez drops, it can be seen easily.

Seems like the CPU is still under some stress, anytime there's a lot of enemies on screen in outdoor sections framerate takes a downswing to the low 50's with lots of tearing. Even traversing with the sled sees framerate drops when you approach a camp...….Red desert sections see frequent framerate drops to the 40's...…….

All in all, I'm always a proponent of unlocked framerates, that does not change here......I think the game is more fluid this way, but perhaps without the pesky tearing...……..though with vsync on, framerate would be even lower......

I'd like to see those frames where you can ''easily see'' that its is 1080p, as I and many others have been playing the game and don't see that same blurry image you seem to be so focused on. Also, if VG tech really did see a 1080p frame unlike DF, maybe they could actually say how many times they have encountered this low of a resolution while doing their analysis, because as it stands, DF reported a much higher base resolution before reconstruction, so if that was only one occurrence at one single point in hours of analysis it becomes pointless as 1 frame doesn't represent a whole game. I find it funny you are focusing on that and that you apparently so easily see that 1080p drop everywhere without and kind of proof except that we are supposed to pretend you are an expert in that field and that we have to take your word for it.

Framerate is also mostly stable, it will go down once in a while depending on the fight you're in, but let's not generalize as some sections stay super smooth, and it is much better than a locked 30fps, especially in a shooter. You say Red desert sections see frequent framerate drops to the 40's, yet in the video from what I saw it's only when they approach a camp, so not really a big issue there and doesn't affect the gameplay at all.

It's like if I'd take VG Tech's God of War video and stats and said: Seems like the CPU is still under some stress, anytime there's a lot of enemies on screen in indoor sections framerate takes a downswing to the mid 30's while barely running 1080p in performance mode. Even the resolution mode using a less demanding checkerboard rendering solution that gives a very noticeable blurry image at 4k, sees framerate drops when you approach enemies and makes for a very stuttery experience.

That paragraph is exactly what you are doing, except just like what you wrote, it's completely false as again game does go down to 50s and 40s sometimes, but if you look at the video and try to find that mid 30s you'll have a hard time finding it even though it is in the framerate analysis. Yet I can just write whatever the hell I want and just focus on that one number and try to pretend it's true as it's only a forum, not like it's any less true than the shit you are writing.

I'd like to see you be this objective on a Sony game for fun, seems all you like to do is praise anything they do yet try to latch on to any small thing you can nitpick on a title you don't like (especially MS games) and pretend like the results are bad and people are just blind as can be seen in this thread. Just like those AMD threads you create where you praise them so much and pretend their cards are godly yet can't seem to say a single nice thing about Nvidia even though they clearly dominate right now; you do the same thing and pick what you want to try to prove your point.

That's also why it's pointless to try to argue in these threads: he cherry picks to try to prove his point, and then mods say we have to refute, yet all we get after that is some stupid ass video of a guy saying the word nigger non stop and yelling in his mic as if it was proving anything and yet we don't see anything being done about those posts. GG mods, way to let assholes like him just derail any threads he wants...
If I remember correctly, in his opinion the ps4 pro version was better, because in one cutscene it had better framerates (~1-2fps) than the x. That was the only point DF found were the performance did go down on the x.

The logic is clear:
- if DF has something good to say about xbox: DF is bad (bought by MS)
- if DF finds one scene that runs better on ps4 pro: ps4 pro is the better version
- If DF say the versions are equal: ps4 pro is the better version

just don't give to much about this fanboy behavior.

Btw, I really hope MS adds a 30fps option with maxed out visuals (as far as it can go on x) into the game. As much as I like 60fps, I can life with 30fps. Gears is not a really fast game (at least in single player mode) were 60 is really needed (in my opinion).
Bear in mind that it's not fanboyism, it's just trolling. He only posts it for the reactions (and because he can get away with it, whereas anyone calling it out gets told off). My advice is either troll back with something equally silly, or ignore.
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Think about it Urmie…….PS3 fans knew 360 had the better multiplats by and large, but even then, Sony had the better exclusives, just as they have now......The few multiplats that were better on PS3, guess what?...DF wanted to have a temper tantrum about it (like some posters here really).......Lots of talk of how they're disappointed in the devs…...The biggest culprit being FFXIII, I mean they said many strange and biased things before that, their wording was always laced in certain faceoffs.....A 1fps difference was a world away, 40p more pixels was the difference between vaseline and having your retina attached to the sun for that crispy sharpness only the 360 could provide...…..And we got it, Leadbetter was a Sega Man, most Sega guys translated to XBOX as most of Sega games went to OG XBOX...….MS and Sega were tight, you remember windows CE on dreamcast, then the Sega deal with MS for OG XBOX and then Peter Moore joining XBOX...…...Leadbetter was from that same vine, sipping on that nectar, it's his bloodline, so nothing strange that he has maintained his commitment to them of his love for them over the years......Hell, MS has sponsored them and Eurogamer several times over.....MS gave them dibs on Scorpio and who knows they may unveil Scarlett, they're certainly putting in the effort......

Okay, so, nothing there relating to Gears 5.

The thing is I have no problem with biases, but not when it comes to faceoffs or technical details, don't muddy the waters...…..360 was not more powerful than PS3, not like in 2013 where PS4 was clearly ahead of XBONE......PS3 was just a different architecture altogether...….Square used the PS3 as lead and the ground up console for their game because it suited FF13 much more than the tech in the 360...….They needed to utilize bluray for better FMV's, higher quality audio and streaming tech...….DF basically lost a gasket that the game was better on PS3...…..DF bashed the devs to all hell, you should hear their tone, absolutely pissed off I tell you......Square really effed up and should take this code back to the drawing board was the impression you got, these guys were absolutely fruity pebbles, just go read that faceoff and come and weep......When in fact, there was no way FF13 was ever going to be as good on 360 because of some of the 360's constraints...….That was what broke the camel's back for many......It's like folk pretending to be level headed and "poof" somethings become bottled up and is now too much to sustain the pretense...….We've seen many examples of that in the last few days and within the last few hours, people will eventually reveal themselves...…..

Okay, so, nothing there relating to Gears 5.

I have always been the same, why should I lose my gasket when all I discuss is the tech, if you make tech personal that's on you, but i'm as calm as a cucumber.....You think if a game drops frames on a PRO I'm losing sleep over it when it's clearly shown in stats? The same way, if the PRO wins over XBONEX I'd venture to say people should not lose their composure either......The discrepancies people have with PRO winning over XBONEX in quite a few titles is not hard to explain.....XBONEX tries to push higher rez, pro goes lower resolution and wins in framerate, most times without tearing ontop, so in many cases, it's rez over frames, you make that decision and justify what suits you better or if the difference warrants buying a more expensive console for the differences presented...…...There's no rocket science involved here......There's no advantage that XBONEX gives you in the CPU department with a heavier OS....

Okay, so ... I'm actually reading this ... nothing there relating to Gears 5.

The problem with DF this gen is that they went from having a field day last gen, with 360 winning most faceoffs and some nicely worded pieces like; "world away", "massive difference", "superior image vs vaseline filter" to a weaker system being the "most balanced console", "does rez matter" in 2013. Most faceoffs which had a much superior framerate difference from last gen's 1-3fps divide, I'm talking 10-15fps differences with much larger rez divides favoring PS4, 720p vs 1080p with better effects and 900p vs 1080p......were all negligible at best...…The phrase."like for like" was the most used term to describe these faceoffs. till Scorpio arrived in late 2017 and everything was a "world away again", 4k native trumps everything including 1800p, posters who used to be framerate fiends were now saying they prefer higher rez with lower dips in framerate, we had come full circle...…..Early in gen, when Capcom gave us RER2, when we got Witcher 3 on PS4, all those early Ubi games (no rez differeces), Xenoverse etc... which all performed worse on PS4....I expected DF to blow a gasket like they did for FF13, clearly, PS4 was actually more powerful in that instance.....Uhmmmm! .Nothing...….Instead we only registered DF's disappointments in devs again (lazy developers) when PRO performed better than the XBONEX versions in faceoffs......Of course, the better hardware should do better, but not when you're trying to do native 4k thinking that the XBONEX is double the performance of PRO......

You really need to work on structure. You type a lot, so you'll have plenty of opportunity for practice!

Also, something about Gears 5 would be cool at this point.

What DF is facing right now is simply that bias and not enough attention to detail in their analyses and plain lies...…...It's as if the people who support them are oblivious to everything and believe them regardless, so EFF the truth...…...To clearly show a picture with no SSS and say it's SSS is really when you know the majority of your followers are drones, defending you to no end, saying lighting and reflections are great when even Stevie Wonder would say "hell no"...…..That's like saying 1+1=3, winking in front of the class and saying to your mate 'these guys are loons, they will believe it"..... I've seen people defend clear cases where DF said there was no teen drops when there was, where people justified worse framerates in one title and then flipped over to justifying worse framerate in another..... or people defend countless mistakes by DF and the more DF proves how vindictive and how much they insult people's intelligence, in broad daylight the more you have people doubling down and calling other tech media "no name", "poor man's DF" and all that malarkey, because they were the ones actually getting things right and non-biased instead...…..People would rather support and advocate for lies and a con job because their favourite box was the box being conned for...…….

Finally something about Gears 5, I think! Maybe two or three things. But incredibly vague and loaded.

SSS meaning subsurface scattering?

And lighting and reflections in the game are great. I'm playing it. Doesn't mean that there are unlimited light sources or buffers for drawing shadows into, or that there aren't bugs, or that the engine or map compiling tools don't manage active light sources in a scene. What we need here is detail on when and where, with some comparison to the PC where possible to see if this is settings related. Criticising reflection maps for not being accurate - as a stand in for SSR when it breaks down - is shitpost tier analysis. Virtual Stevie Wonders is not a metric I am familiar with.

The game is pretty damn good, even on a GTX 680 that's 7+ years old, and no longer optimised for. The scalability is also very impressive. It's not just hand tuned around one hardware configuration.


I also remember exact post you are talking about, but now he also edited it. TLW say he just want to share his totally unbiased opinions, but I can clearly see he has an agenda here on neogaf, so I just cant take his posts seriously.
You know, on some forums you can actually see all posts and all edits made to that post, the same way on Facebook you can view all edits made. I think that's very, very needed for cases like this.
The mods can see all edits and revert the post back to the original if they like.

Same if you Quote a person the quotes will hold the old text even if they edit it later.

I'd love for everyone to see the edit I made, I edited the bits in (parenthesis) mostly for emphasis like (I'm speaking framerate here) as an e.g.... I did that so folk would not get confused as to my meaning or mis-interpret what I was saying, but they twisted it to say I said something entirely different.....The thread is still there. go look at it...…..I originally had the XBOX vs PS4 video up and then I posted the XBONEX vs PRO video......So some edits were made to fit those in too + summary..…...Some of you guys and your accusations run wild in the absence of evidence......Accuse away....Hell, Foxbat was eventually seen for what he was, who is the poster who accused me of this and launched the lynch mob. I guess the mob gets their way sometimes, I got banned and my editing privileges taken..…..Yet Foxbat's agenda and lies after that thread was clear and he went at it without abandon, because he felt he got a hall pass.....

So tell me, what exactly did I lie about and misrepresent according to the videos posted in the RDR2 thread? I did say RDR2 was the best place to play at 4k mode on XBONEX, I said between PS4 and XBONES, PS4 was the best version and I said that for the best framerate overall.....PS4 at 1080p was the smoothest way to play...….None of these statements are false...…..Would you rather I lie and show SSS where there is none? Some of you guys are making noise for all the wrong reasons, lets be a bit more honest about things.....I never shy away from evidence or stats or what I post and I'm not running away from what happened in that thread, I stand by my word and innocence there......but plug on...…..
I'd love for everyone to see the edit I made, I edited the bits in (parenthesis) mostly for emphasis like (I'm speaking framerate here) as an e.g.... I did that so folk would not get confused as to my meaning or mis-interpret what I was saying, but they twisted it to say I said something entirely different.....The thread is still there. go look at it...…..I originally had the XBOX vs PS4 video up and then I posted the XBONEX vs PRO video......So some edits were made to fit those in too + summary..…...Some of you guys and your accusations run wild in the absence of evidence......Accuse away....Hell, Foxbat was eventually seen for what he was, who is the poster who accused me of this and launched the lynch mob. I guess the mob gets their way sometimes, I got banned and my editing privileges taken..…..Yet Foxbat's agenda and lies after that thread was clear and he went at it without abandon, because he felt he got a hall pass.....

So tell me, what exactly did I lie about and misrepresent according to the videos posted in the RDR2 thread? I did say RDR2 was the best place to play at 4k mode on XBONEX, I said between PS4 and XBONES, PS4 was the best version and I said that for the best framerate overall.....PS4 at 1080p was the smoothest way to play...….None of these statements are false...…..Would you rather I lie and show SSS where there is none? Some of you guys are making noise for all the wrong reasons, lets be a bit more honest about things.....I never shy away from evidence or stats or what I post and I'm not running away from what happened in that thread, I stand by my word and innocence there......but plug on...…..

I thought some part of this - any part of this - might be about Gears 5.


I thought some part of this - any part of this - might be about Gears 5.
You can see the accustaions I'm responding to right? by many in a Gears 5 thread right? about another game that was analyzed quite some time ago right?

Anyways here's something about Gears 5...….

-Dialed back physics, shadows and ATD from prior entries
-It's not 4k 60fps as it was first pitched on XBONEX
-It's actually 1800p-1080p dynamic resolution
-It's not a locked 60fps as gamingbolt implied in their video
-It tears and drops frames quite a bit in the open hub, usually to 40ish fps with tearing with a few enemies on screen and gunfire....

There are other tidbits you may pick up from the other two videos I posted in this thread...…..Go at it...….are we good?

Disclaimer: These objective bits does not detract from the potential fun you may or may not have in Gears 5 on XBONEX or PC......If you play Gears and enjoy it on whatever platform that you may have or play on, kudos to you and your purchase.....
You can see the accustaions I'm responding to right? by many in a Gears 5 thread right? about another game that was analyzed quite some time ago right?

Anyways here's something about Gears 5...….

-Dialed back physics, shadows and ATD from prior entries
-It's not 4k 60fps as it was first pitched on XBONEX
-It's actually 1800p-1080p dynamic resolution
-It's not a locked 60fps as gamingbolt implied in their video
-It tears and drops frames quite a bit in the open hub, usually to 40ish fps with tearing with a few enemies on screen and gunfire....

There are other tidbits you may pick up from the other two videos I posted in this thread...…..Go at it...….are we good?

Disclaimer: These objective bits does not detract from the potential fun you may or may not have in Gears 5 on XBONEX or PC......If you play Gears and enjoy it on whatever platform that you may have or play on, kudos to you and your purchase.....

We're good. (y)

There are some costs that come with providing increased frame rate and detail in some areas.

Not sure that some physics details are down to capability though, may be down to the new physics, new level tools and making deadlines. I dropped a mag from my lancer and it landed on a wall. As I kept running I shunted it along and then off a wall.

Never assume a locked frame rate! On the in-game bench I hit 99.4% GPU limited at 60 fps target. My 4.5 gHz 4790K was the bottleneck for .6% of the time, during what seems to relate to heavy streaming and enemy activity times.

That Gears 5 is getting mostly 60 fps out of 2.3 gHz Jaguar is pretty damn impressive.


I'd love for everyone to see the edit I made, I edited the bits in (parenthesis) mostly for emphasis like (I'm speaking framerate here) as an e.g.... I did that so folk would not get confused as to my meaning or mis-interpret what I was saying, but they twisted it to say I said something entirely different.....The thread is still there. go look at it...…..I originally had the XBOX vs PS4 video up and then I posted the XBONEX vs PRO video......So some edits were made to fit those in too + summary..…...Some of you guys and your accusations run wild in the absence of evidence......Accuse away....Hell, Foxbat was eventually seen for what he was, who is the poster who accused me of this and launched the lynch mob. I guess the mob gets their way sometimes, I got banned and my editing privileges taken..…..Yet Foxbat's agenda and lies after that thread was clear and he went at it without abandon, because he felt he got a hall pass.....

So tell me, what exactly did I lie about and misrepresent according to the videos posted in the RDR2 thread? I did say RDR2 was the best place to play at 4k mode on XBONEX, I said between PS4 and XBONES, PS4 was the best version and I said that for the best framerate overall.....PS4 at 1080p was the smoothest way to play...….None of these statements are false...…..Would you rather I lie and show SSS where there is none? Some of you guys are making noise for all the wrong reasons, lets be a bit more honest about things.....I never shy away from evidence or stats or what I post and I'm not running away from what happened in that thread, I stand by my word and innocence there......but plug on...…..
Stop BS people. If you want to make yourself look unbiased now you should answer points F FacelessSamurai have made first.

-Dialed back physics, shadows and ATD from prior entries
Since when dynamic shadows are worse compared to baked shadows?
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King Thrash apologizes to DF ( :lollipop_Mr_Smith: ). Never knew things got so heated after he posted his analysis, which I posted earlier in this thread. Not surprised that people would attack him though for bringing many things to light, as it relates to the tech in Gears.....It seems that twitter is now the playground to hit back, cry and go through temper tantrums instead of accepting perfectly valid criticism...



King Thrash apologizes to DF ( :lollipop_Mr_Smith: ). Never knew things got so heated after he posted his analysis, which I posted earlier in this thread. Not surprised that people would attack him though for bringing many things to light, as it relates to the tech in Gears.....It seems that twitter is now the playground to hit back, cry and go through temper tantrums instead of accepting perfectly valid criticism...

Haha i love this dude. Dark10x playing victim again, tell me something I don’t know.
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