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War Thunder |OT| Tanks, Planes And Automobiles

What I love most: it's so much more action, all the tanks are much much faster and standing still is not really an option. I'm enjoying the game a lot now.
That Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. C is so good, it's fast, has a good gun, some armor. That BR must be an error ;)

Now I'm curious to see what's it's like in the higher tiers.

When it comes to Panzer IV, after F2 it's all downhill (due to gun staying the same, but BR rising rapidly).

I think Tiers II and III are the sweet spots in this game. People have learned basic gameplay mechanics by then and don't do the most stupid things any longer, and tanks move quickly and reload at decent speeds.

edit: the new War in Mid Air event feels a bit unbalanced, this time the planes have a huge advantage. I think I lost about 80% of the time playing with German SPAAG...

Also has some fun in Normandy sim event playing the 76 mm Shermans. I still feel that I should get a Jumbo when playing against Tigers, and I hate it when PC players cheat with their graphics options and see through trees and bushes.


Well, at least the German tanks have some armor. I remember my russian BT5s to be paper toys :)

Maybe it was a good idea to start over with a new country, because I adapt my playstyle greatly atm. I'm much more aggressive and try to flank the enemy much more. T4 Russia was more of a slow campers dream :)
Hoho, today I won a talisman for my Pz 4 f after a match. Didn't know that this is possible. nice!

I have gotten two talismans for tier 2 T34s. It looks like you are more likely to win them for lower tiers, as I've played as much in both tiers 4 and 5 and no talismans there.
Just few more games and Maus is mine. This has taken a long long time, but soon it's happening. First time I started grinding for Maus I got sick of the 10.5cm Tiger 2, with it's crappy default ammo and wonky aim and went back playing Russian tanks. With some module updates the tank has gotten a lot better, and now I'm actually enjoying playing with it. It's not as good as IS-3/4 at close range, but mid and long ranges it can be quite lethal.

The post match roulette has given me worse rewards lately. Only silver eagles and some backup vehicles, but no more talismans or free module updates. I guess the roulette was fine tuned after it gave too good rewards...


A Maus? Cool. Watched some videos with it, that's some moving fortress I would say :D

I'm optimistic to unlock my first tiger this night. I still perform best with my 2.3 Pz IVs though.

Did you use any premium tanks/talismans for the german grind?
A Maus? Cool. Watched some videos with it, that's some moving fortress I would say :D

I'm optimistic to unlock my first tiger this night. I still perform best with my 2.3 Pz IVs though.

Did you use any premium tanks/talismans for the german grind?

Played a couple of games with my new Maus, and the default ammo types don't seem to be too good against tier 5 heavies. American M103 seems to be pretty good against Maus.. And the enemies gang up on you when you are big and slow :) Potentially this tank can be really good, but I think some module updates are needed. The grind continues...

I bought one German premium bundle, the one with Jagdpanzer IV/70, and then the German KV-1B with golden eagles. They're both okay, but nothing amazing. And I already had most of the tier IV tanks, so they didn't really help with the grind. The premium Tiger looks like the best bet if you want some help with the grind, but it's pretty expensive.


You mean the two tier 4 tanks for 6090 gold each? That's way too much

The Pz.Bfw. IV and KV-1B are way more reasonable priced. With a discount (come on roulette) I could bite.
You mean the two tier 4 tanks for 6090 gold each? That's way too much

The Pz.Bfw. IV and KV-1B are way more reasonable priced. With a discount (come on roulette) I could bite.

No, I just meant the Pz.Bfw VI (P), which looks like it's actually better than Tiger II (P). It has almost double front hull armour compared to the vanilla Tiger (same as Maus actually)I. But yeah, 6090 GE is too expensive. KV-1B is probably the better of the Tier III premium tanks, but because it's BR 5.0 it sees BR 6.0 tanks quite often. And the two other tanks seem to be quite similar to their non-premium versions.


Ok. Thanks. I'll pass than I think and use a talisman instead.

What's really annoying is that tendency of the game to put me onto the same map over and over again...


Is this the only place on NeoGAF where people don't pay attention to E3?


First, congratulate me: using my favorite Yer-2 bomber (also known as the cheatest of the cheatabombas) I've easily completed Russia day (HAIL MOTHER RUSSIA!) assignment and got meself a fine brand new Po-2. Crazy plane: as stable as PS4 and max line speed is about 100mph. Everybody just zooms by, so they can't shoot me.

Second, today's update promised to remove grass from the sniper mode for tanks on PS4. There should be setting for that now in options. Can any of you, my dear ground-crawling fellows, confirm that?


Is this the only place on NeoGAF where people don't pay attention to E3?


First, congratulate me: using my favorite Yer-2 bomber (also known as the cheatest of the cheatabombas) I've easily completed Russia day (HAIL MOTHER RUSSIA!) assignment and got meself a fine brand new Po-2. Crazy plane: as stable as PS4 and max line speed is about 100mph. Everybody just zooms by, so they can't shoot me.

Second, today's update promised to remove grass from the sniper mode for tanks on PS4. There should be setting for that now in options. Can any of you, my dear ground-crawling fellows, confirm that?

Are you a ps4 player, got any tip[ on how to aim on realistic battle casue I can boom amd zoom all day I just cant aim for shit.
Are you a ps4 player, got any tip[ on how to aim on realistic battle casue I can boom amd zoom all day I just cant aim for shit.

I feel a bit uneasy about removing grass because it's basically cheating.... but I guess everyone is doing it, so maybe I'll try it laters.

I'd suggest going for a test drive and try doing a bit of shooting. I'm not very good at hitting things in realistic and sim, but with long barrelled German guns it's not too hard. But switching between different tanks forces you to re-learn the shell drop for each, so maybe you should start with just one type of tank and go from there.

Alternatively you could start with reserve / tier I tanks, because they have such quick reload times. It doesn't matter if you miss at first, because the next shell is ready in two seconds.

edit: I don't know why I thought you asked about ground forces side...


Are you a ps4 player, got any tip[ on how to aim on realistic battle casue I can boom amd zoom all day I just cant aim for shit.

I'm not sure it'll help, and I play arcade most of the time (till Morpheus arrives), but I've noticed several things:

- never use "stealth" ammo. unless you're playing sim it most likely won't prevent you from being spotted and correcting aim with tracers is part of the job description for pilot;
- even in arcade trust you instincts and experience more (than aim assist);
- remember that there's always real person in the pilot seat, and while (s)he's way better than any bot (s)he still has favorite patterns for evasion, be it diving, "scissors" or simply going up and down.

Re:arcade marker. It seems that it doesn't take in account the actual position of controls, only current vector of movement. So, for example, if target's doing tight turn, you should aim further ahead (assuming you're tailing it) its course than the marker suggests. Similarly, when tailed target start to do short climbs and dives shooting straigt has way more chance at hitting than trying to follow jumping marker suggestion.

In realistic I've always relied on tracers/light guns for targeting. Correct the on the fly and then unleash the main course.

Actually... most of the pompous bullshit above is just bullshit: experience rules supreme. I'm sorry, I can't help you here. Just fly and think about real pilots who somehow managed to fly and win in this suicidal vehicles.


For me the game on PS4 was nearly un-managable with the DS4. With M+K things got much much better.

Since I learned that I can use my PS4 account on PC too, I don't play on PS4 anymore. It's much better, 60FPS, wayyyyyyy better mouse controls (the PS4 mouse driver sucks hard), faster loading times...

Yesterday I got my first Tiger, the H1. Haha, I have some fun with it. It's a real pain to level the higher tier tanks up though. In my 2nd battle at Normandy someone shot my engine and I had a good time sitting in this place for the rest of the match, shooting enemies :D
After Panther F was dropped to tier IV with the latest update, it has become actually useful. When it was in tier V, it always dragged you to tier V matches, even when its BR is only 6.3. Now it just throws you to BR6.7 matches, but that's okay. I'm not big fan of Panthers though, the slow reverse speed and overall sluggishness make these seem like heavy tanks with medium tank armour....
Let's see how good Leo will be. Its armor is thinner than Panther armor, but in more of an angle and made from toucher materials. In theory it should be much better than WW2 tanks.

And Russians will be getting T-10 from 1953.

And Americans M60 from 1960. We're well past WW2 now :)


Anyone else experiencing crazy lag tonight? I'm teleported, dying with shots materializing 10 seconds later.
Ping up to 200, packet loss.... unplayable. Anything I can do about it?
Anyone else experiencing crazy lag tonight? I'm teleported, dying with shots materializing 10 seconds later.
Ping up to 200, packet loss.... unplayable. Anything I can do about it?

You can try switching between servers (to battle -> select servers). I haven't had more lag than usually...


Started playing the game again and holy shit am I having fun. I just put in 4 hours. Lol.

Also, what ammo should I be using for dogfighting or does it even matter in arcade battles? I just leave it at omni.


Started playing the game again and holy shit am I having fun. I just put in 4 hours. Lol.

Also, what ammo should I be using for dogfighting or does it even matter in arcade battles? I just leave it at omni.

In arcade, unless you're sniper able to target out the pilot, explosives are preferrable over armor piercing, since they're more tolerant to precision. Most of the planes will be over after several HE shots in the wings/tail, while AP performs better on hitting engine, pilot etc. On the other hand AP can deliver oneshot instadeath more often (so it's a good choice for AI gunners - they can get lucky).

As for incendiary effect - it really depends on the opposition, so I wouldn't bet on them. Lots of planes have some way to extinguish fires, and almost everyone can pull crazy dive to put out the flames before they do enough damage.

...but that's just my opinion
Some people are using stealth ammo in arcade also, but am I correct when assuming that it does less damage than HE and/or AP? I have played the plane side only a little, but seems sometimes people don't notice even when you are doing a lot of damage with stealth ammo.


Some people are using stealth ammo in arcade also, but am I correct when assuming that it does less damage than HE and/or AP? I have played the plane side only a little, but seems sometimes people don't notice even when you are doing a lot of damage with stealth ammo.

Nope, you're wrong. The main difference is lack of tracing part of the ammo, otherwise they're perfectly good shells. HOWEVER! However, most likely due to historical reasons, usually tracer-lacking belts have mostly AP shells.

Let's use an example of almighty Mig-15 23mm options:
default belt: Armor-Piercing Incendiary - Fragmentation Incendiary (Tracer) - API - FI(T)
AP belt: FI(T) - API - API - API
AA belt: FI(T) - FI(T) - FI(T) - API
stealth belt: API - API - API - API

For dubious profit of invisible shots (Arcade has markers and minimap) you lose opportunity to tear someone's wing or tail to shreds with a couple of near misses from these babies: https://youtu.be/W2xEv6vQK_g?t=38

Problem with AP shells, as I see it, is that at lower tiers they just pass through the plane without doing much damage (unless it's direct hit to engine or pilot), and at higher tiers size of HE shells makes fighter armor pretty useless anyway (for Arcade battles).

The only use I found for AP weaponry is for IL-2 type of planes to attack pillboxes and light tanks.

IMHO and all that, of course.


Gotcha! Thanks for the help guys. I've yet to try tanks so I'll give em a spin tonight. I researched 4 planes yesterday, so roughly 1 every hour. I don't see a need to go premium or put money into the game at all.


Gotcha! Thanks for the help guys. I've yet to try tanks so I'll give em a spin tonight. I researched 4 planes yesterday, so roughly 1 every hour. I don't see a need to go premium or put money into the game at all.

Yeah, thats how it works. You will see, things will start to slow down greatly in higher tiers.

But WT does f2p really right, I think. You can buy premium tanks, but they are not op or anything. The only thing that may count as pay 2 win is the crew acing (you only get this for gold), but I don't know if it's really worth it.

All other options to pay money shorten the grind. Nothing else.

Yesterday I gave my Russian tanks a try again. I performed much better then before, maybe I slowly learn to play this game effectively ;)
Gotcha! Thanks for the help guys. I've yet to try tanks so I'll give em a spin tonight. I researched 4 planes yesterday, so roughly 1 every hour. I don't see a need to go premium or put money into the game at all.

Researching one tier 5 tank takes about as much time as researching all tier 3 and below tanks (at least it feels that way), so there's no need to put money in at first :)


Researching one tier 5 tank takes about as much time as researching all tier 3 and below tanks (at least it feels that way), so there's no need to put money in at first :)
Are those tanks worth it as far as AB? IMO one of the best planes in the game is the f2a-3 and you get that early on.
Are those tanks worth it as far as AB? IMO one of the best planes in the game is the f2a-3 and you get that early on.

Well, they are slow and reload speeds are terrible, but there's different kind of dynamic compared to earlier tiers so in a way they are more interesting. But sometimes I return to tier 2 for the fast paced fun. But when you play IS-4 in tier V and you get killed you can't blame the matchmaker for making you fight better tanks, because there are none. At least not yet.


The only thing that may count as pay 2 win is the crew acing (you only get this for gold), but I don't know if it's really worth it.

They've explained as follows: aced skill is exactly two times better than noob skill. Acing gives +20 to the skills. Let's do the math: imagine that your gun basic reload speed is 60 seconds. Ace crew (i.e. bought with gold) will reload it in 30 seconds. Expert crew (available through grind) will reload it in 36 seconds.

Is it worth the money? Will it bring you advantage? Up to you.


Ah thanks for the explanation! Not worth it. For me at least.

Btw. I hate Mosdok, what a bad map. There are maps you can play good with a noob team but this one is almost always a disaster. Hate it
Ah thanks for the explanation! Not worth it. For me at least.

Btw. I hate Mosdok, what a bad map. There are maps you can play good with a noob team but this one is almost always a disaster. Hate it

Oh yeah, Mozdok used to be pretty good, but this latest version, where they turned the map around 45 degrees basically, and made a hill to the centre sucks. From the four versions I have played, I think it has always gotten worse and worse.

My best tank crew is level 1150 by the way. Reloading is 35/50, and increasing that takes 170 crew points for the next step... I've been using crew points to other skills, even though fast reload would be nice.

edit: Got my third talisman. My third talisman for Russian tier II, this time for T-28. At least it's a good tank, but come on... I want that tier IV or V talisman.


This works only with the account you created on the PS4, not vice versa.

Today is one of these days where nothing works. All of my shots bounce or dont do any real damage an I get wrecked in no time.... time to go to sleep :)


Ah, in EU PSN I can now buy the new »Weapons of Victory« packages. Quite expensive though (70€ and 100€), I'll pass ;)


Ah, in EU PSN I can now buy the new »Weapons of Victory« packages. Quite expensive though (70€ and 100€), I'll pass ;)

Crazy price, and I don't need two third of every pack anyway. And they still don't give some models even for money.

And upcoming update doesn't (yet) add any non-premiun Soviet/Japanese planes as well. Me cry.
Ah, in EU PSN I can now buy the new »Weapons of Victory« packages. Quite expensive though (70€ and 100€), I'll pass ;)

Yeah, not to mention the tanks there are basically same as the non-premium ones. I'd rather get the shielded KV-1 pack, it's a bargain compared to this one.

Edit: plus it contains enough golden eagles that I could get the premium German multi-turret tank that's coming with the next update.


Another question: yesterday I won a sale coupon (or what it's called) for a tank (I can't even research yet). It's 50% off with it. What are the 50% for? The research costs while gaming or if I pay it with golden eagles?
Another question: yesterday I won a sale coupon (or what it's called) for a tank (I can't even research yet). It's 50% off with it. What are the 50% for? The research costs while gaming or if I pay it with golden eagles?

Is it for a premium tank? Golden eagles, I'd think.


It says »Pz.Bfw. VI (P)«

Ahhh, now I see, it's the premium tiger, not the normal Tiger II.

Is it worth the 3000 golden eagles?
lol, watched some videos of it and could not resist. It's a slow fortress. Awesome, I love it!

Great :) It's also probably rare enough, so not everyone knows how to kill one. Bit like SMK, I still get stares from friendly tanks when I pass them, even though SMK is not as rare.


I don't know if I ever saw a SMK, but I don't play the russians in this Tier that often anymore.

I played Simulator battles yesterday, and I'm having a hard time to differentiate the tanks. I'm afraid to shoot friends. To bad not even my team mates are highlighted in any way :(
How do you do that in a plane? (I did not try it)

Anyway, the Tiger Porsche has crazy front armor but not so good armor at the sides (as usual for Tigers). A SU-152 managed to kill me though :D My shot did not kill enough crew members and the rest is 152mm history ;)
I don't know if I ever saw a SMK, but I don't play the russians in this Tier that often anymore.

I played Simulator battles yesterday, and I'm having a hard time to differentiate the tanks. I'm afraid to shoot friends. To bad not even my team mates are highlighted in any way :(
How do you do that in a plane? (I did not try it)

Anyway, the Tiger Porsche has crazy front armor but not so good armor at the sides (as usual for Tigers). A SU-152 managed to kill me though :D My shot did not kill enough crew members and the rest is 152mm history ;)

I haven't played sim in planes - well, I tried, but I can't even take off with sim controls :) - but I guess it's the same as in tanks. You have to learn what the friendly and enemy tanks and planes look like, and do a fly-by if you are not sure. Too bad the sim battles are now in event mode only, I used to prefer even the old sim to realistic. Even though realistic as we have it not is more akin to old simulator mode than the old realisitc, only without map markers... I guess the spawn system in realistic is what is making it worse than arcade and sim.


I recognize most of the tanks, but it's really hard to do so if it's 1000m away with some trees and bushes blocking you line of sight...

Yeah, even a single kill is not enough to respawn in RB most of the time in higher tiers :(

I think I'll stick to AB for now, have tons of fun with it.
I recognize most of the tanks, but it's really hard to do so if it's 1000m away with some trees and bushes blocking you line of sight...

Yeah, even a single kill is not enough to respawn in RB most of the time in higher tiers :(

I think I'll stick to AB for now, have tons of fun with it.

Sometimes when I have played sim I have accidentally killed friendlies because they have been other nation than yours. Like when playing Russian tanks, I have come across a US TD and quickly shot it without thinking (other than "don't shoot Russian tanks"). I wish they didn't mix nations in sim, in real WW2 battles there weren't US and Russian forces fighting alongside in the same battlefield.
Got an T95 yesterday. Now I can enjoy being easily overtaken by Maus and getting one-shot frontally by Jagdtiger (although maybe it was a lucky shot). Also, I'm the new number 1 target for bombers.
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