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When a Console is mentioned, What Boxart Immediatly pops into your head?


They really could have tried harder to make that completely unreadable, they almost succeeded.
Pokemon Gold and Silver boxes were my favourite as a kid


i think i liked them because i saw them in gaming magazines. the games came out in japan/usa before europe so i spent months reading about the games in the magazines. the games looked like a big improvement over red/blue/yellow so i was super hyped for them. my dad bought me both copies because i begged and begged him. even after i got the games i would still sit and stare at the boxes and even go into my local game stores to look at them. i know it might sound weird but the games just fascinated me and i was in love with them lol.


Pokemon Gold and Silver boxes were my favourite as a kid


i think i liked them because i saw them in gaming magazines. the games came out in japan/usa before europe so i spent months reading about the games in the magazines. the games looked like a big improvement over red/blue/yellow so i was super hyped for them. my dad bought me both copies because i begged and begged him. even after i got the games i would still sit and stare at the boxes and even go into my local game stores to look at them. i know it might sound weird but the games just fascinated me and i was in love with them lol.

yeah these are the quintessential GBC games, so it's only natural to think of them when thinking about the GBC.
but more so than the covers I'm thinking of the carts themselves. the glittery gold and silver plastic with the shimmering foil print
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Pokemon Gold and Silver boxes were my favourite as a kid


i think i liked them because i saw them in gaming magazines. the games came out in japan/usa before europe so i spent months reading about the games in the magazines. the games looked like a big improvement over red/blue/yellow so i was super hyped for them. my dad bought me both copies because i begged and begged him. even after i got the games i would still sit and stare at the boxes and even go into my local game stores to look at them. i know it might sound weird but the games just fascinated me and i was in love with them lol.

More or less the same happened to me. I finally got a GBC with pokemon silver for my birthday and it promptly got stolen like 2 weeks later. My birthday is at the end of november and it got stolen mid december, I cried and cried and was legitimitately devastated, "santa" ended up getting me another one for xmas.


More or less the same happened to me. I finally got a GBC with pokemon silver for my birthday

I got my GBC with the launch of Yellow, yet I more strongly associat the system with Gold and Silver.

shows what branding can do I guess lol.
because even tho it's not officially branded as one, Yellow is indeed a GameBoy Color game (at least in the west, in Japan it's not GBC enhanced because it launched too early there)
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Apparently..."The word "Rock" in Rockman is a reference to the music genre rock and roll, and is meant to work in tandem with his sister robot, Roll. However, Capcom Consumer Products Division president Joe Morici changed the name from Rockman to Mega Man because he felt "The title was horrible."[9] In addition, the original Mega Man titles intentionally incorporated a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" gameplay mechanic into defeating certain enemies"

Mega Man is roughly 100 times a better title in English, so good job Joe.


I got my GBC with the launch of Yellow, yet I more strongly associat the system with Gold and Silver.

shows what branding can do I guess lol.
because even tho it's not officially branded as one, Yellow is indeed a GameBoy Color game (at least in the west, in Japan it's not GBC enhanced because it launched too early there)
I remember! I had yellow as well, pretty much ended up getting all 5 (never owned crystal) but yeah there just was something special about silver/gold. I still have vivid memories of going through the manuals and looking at the art over and over.


I remember! I had yellow as well, pretty much ended up getting all 5 (never owned crystal) but yeah there just was something special about silver/gold. I still have vivid memories of going through the manuals and looking at the art over and over.

my most vivid memory about playing Gold was the first time I played it in the evening and it was nighttime in the game as well.

it was mind-blowing back then that the game had the same time of say as the real world. it was also super cozy, I loved the color pallet of the forest area at night... and you could find different Pokémon as well.

my first nighttime catch was a Hoothoot.


Boxart in the early 2600 & Intellivision days was the best and had great style. Beat the hell out of all this generic bs that came after.

Wouldn't expect most of the tasteless younger crowd on a place like this being able to get it though.
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Back in the day, us old folk (~30+) had to either wait a fortnight/Month for your Local Newsagent to get their gaming magazines in OR you just went to town and decided how to part with your hard earned cash by aimlessly looking at the boxes. Naturally, the first thing your eyes were drawn to in the 80's/90's was the front boxart.

Seemingly, after over 30 years of gaming, SOME games are synonymous with the console for my own personal reasons. Not so much the game at times, but the memories associated with the case.


First game I remember Opening for Xmas. Finally, My own Gameboy!

Master System

The first Master System game I personally remember having full colour box art, not just a clip art figure standing in front of graph paper (As iconic as it is)


First game I played at a friends house. I remember staring at it, waiting for him to finish Sonic wso I could be Papa Shango :(

Nintendo 64

Had a Blast (No pun Intended) on this. Inexplicably one of my favourite N64 Games


Feburary 1998, I was laid up in bed with Glandular Fever and could only really muster the energy to pay curling on this for 2 weeks solid.


Bloody Awful game, but I played the hell out of it. Kinda scratched the "Streets of Rage itch". Kinda.
Was there supposed to be boxart? No boxart or titles here on my end.







These are just among games I either remember personally buying and/or spending A LOT of time on. But if talking box arts that define the consoles in particular, I'd have to do a completely separate posting with all Japanese box arts, because those are usually 99% better than the American and even European versions, and look way cooler.


I don't see box art when people mention consoles. I've never really thought much about box art. I see the console logos instead.
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