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Will Jim Ryan Get Sacked?

Does Jim Ryan Deserve To Be Sacked?

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Is it so hard to just keep your mouth shut about these types of topics?
Stay silent but let Bungie, which is soon to be under the PlayStation umbrella, continue to attack fans and pro-life accounts on social media?

Besides, didn't you get the memo? According to the left, staying silent is the same as being against them. Unless you fall 100% in lock step and support their position to the letter, you're a far-right ultra bigot. Even if you say nothing.


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Even the suggestion is ridiculous.
This is an internal mail that was leaked, not a public statement.
The topic is really complex and it touches different sensibilities, religion beliefs, completely different situations (a victim of a rape vs the person who just sees a potential child as a nuisance).
While I believe that women should decide what happens to their bodies and this right should be respected (even if in certain situations this can be morally questionable) I don't think that the CEO of a company with hundreds of employees should take a side internally enforcing divisions and discrimination of those who are suspected not to be in line.
He probably could have stayed silent and he put himself in dangerous waters but it's crazy that some people think like "either you totally side with what I think or you're evil".


You said it. People are complex. Ryan apparently pissed off a ton of Sony employees with this email. Are you saying their feelings are not valid? Who are you to determine whose feelings are valid or not? Let people feel the way they want and you feel the way you want. Cool?

Their feelings are valid in that they feel them, but they are ridiculous feelings to have in the first place. "Respect one another regardless of personal opinions" is a pretty standard ideal, especially when it's a boss speaking to their employees. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that statement, and anyone who is upset by it is simply mad that the person who said it didn't immediately have their back (even though they didn't say which side they were on in the first place).
Have you read the email? I dont think is public, right?
For me It sounds like a very usual CEO email for employees. I have seen tons of CEO emails that include statements like this, and then more personal stuff like: "oh, btw going to be on SF next week, lets organize something".
Of course, if someone is as dumb as that Schererir boy you can omit context and make it sound bad.
Yea this email really needs context, people in corporate leadership positions love sending out little updates to staff with a ton of bullet points and none of them have anything to do with each other. They will have a massive KPI breakdown then next bullet they are talking about the TV show they binged last weekend. It's just standard fluff to show that they are relatable and human too.

This sounds silly and tone-deaf but if you took any of these emails out of context they would seem equally silly.
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Personally I don't think most common arguments in favor of abortions are compelling. Womans body, womens choice is not good because after fertilization its no longer your body you are aborting. Mass of cells is not good either because neither you or me are nothing but bigger masses of cells. That mass of cells would have become "complete" human if not aborted, therefore supporting fact that fertilized egg is when life begins. In my opinion most compelling argument in favor of abortion, is the fact that most childs probably don't want to be unwanted. But its slippery slope as well. Some even say that 3 year olds should be aborted since they have no memory of being under 3, and they say nobody wants to be unwanted kid, if parent has remorse about having kid.
There is another counter argument for that. Most kids when they are born, nobody cares about them.
There are tons of kids in orphanage, or without parents. Simply because, there is no adequate support for them.

You can make a point where life begins. But you will also have to be responsible for taking care of that life.

The hardest thing about kids, is raising them until they are able bodied adults.

No one wants to accept that responsibility.

So both side are really not helping that child.

One side is fighting for them to live in this harsh world, and may have to live in a place where they are subject to abuse or malnutrition.
The other side wants to terminate them, while they aren't sential.


But this wasn't PR. It was an internal company email some activist employee leaked to a clout chasing "journalist" to try to influence public opinion and bully Jim Ryan into their mindset using an angry mob.

Ok... It's still a communication blunder though. He has the right to think what he wants. But in his position, you must be very careful with the kind of messages you send, especially when you send it to everybody. A lot of Sony employees seem unhappy with him and it made waves on the net. Sony won't like this.


It's so damn concerning to me that there are actual "adults" that exist that think it's not okay for human beings to have different opinions. Opinions on things all across the spectrum. Then you add insane kneejerk reactions to it, and it's even worse. How can it get THAT bad? The future just continues to concern me.

Hopefully he doesn't go anywhere, but man, he'd really be better off saying nothing in his position of power. Or have someone else review what he's saying for good measure. Anyone will make a fuss about anything these days. Example A.
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Ok... It's still a communication blunder though. He has the right to think what he wants. But in his position, you must be very careful with the kind of messages you send, especially when you send it to everybody. A lot of Sony employees seem unhappy with him and it made waves on the net. Sony won't like this.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a boss telling their employees to respect their co-workers regardless of their opinions. This isn't a communication blunder. This is saying, "Hey: you have an opinion, and someone you work with has a differing opinion. Get along."


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a boss telling their employees to respect their co-workers regardless of their opinions. This isn't a communication blunder. This is saying, "Hey: you have an opinion, and someone you work with has a differing opinion. Get along."

Thing is the result is bad, that's where the communication blunder is. It's true whatever the message content is or whatever you think about it. The result was a lot of employees are unhappy and it made waves on the net. Those are things you try to avoid when you're the boss.
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He just really needs to look over his own work first or ask someone to be his editor before publishing anything. You can't save him from what he says in the moment but something like this could have been avoided if he would have just asked someone to look it over.
Nah I'm sure people would still come after him just for taking a neutral stance, regardless of how well worded his statement was.
Even though that's exactly what a business like PlayStation should do is remain neutral in issues like this.
They're here to make and sell video game software and hardware, I don't need a perspective on Roe V. Wade from PlayStation, or any other company in the industry for that matter.
Unfortunately, many things have become overly politicized.
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Even the suggestion is ridiculous.
This is an internal mail that was leaked, not a public statement.
The topic is really complex and it touches different sensibilities, religion beliefs, completely different situations (a victim of a rape vs the person who just sees a potential child as a nuisance).
While I believe that women should decide what happens to their bodies and this right should be respected (even if in certain situations this can be morally questionable) I don't think that the CEO of a company with hundreds of employees should take a side internally enforcing divisions and discrimination of those who are suspected not to be in line.
He probably could have stayed silent and he put himself in dangerous waters but it's crazy that some people think like "either you totally side with what I think or you're evil".
I agree, but what if things started getting heat up inside the studios, so Jim Ryan actually have to make this statement? In that case there was no other way to do it better imo.
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I think the argument is that some things aren't up for debate. Like saying you should respect differences of opinion on slavery, Russia / Ukraine or interracial marriage.

First time the Supreme Court has lessened peoples rights instead of expand it. The Handmaid Tale, turning women into forced incubators.

I think its "civil," but I can understand why people are not thrilled about his ststatements. To comment on an issue this divisive with stories of his pets just kind of comes across as totally callous and moronic.
Have you actually read or watched Handmaid's Tale? Where women are getting raped until they're pregnant? How is this a comparable situation?


It's just the result that's bad, that's where the blunder is. The message content itself isn't the problem. But the result was a lot of employees are unhappy and it made waves on the net. Those are things you try to avoid when you're the boss.

When you have employees on both sides complaining about employees on the other side then you literally have two choices:
  1. Tell everyone to be respectful regardless of others' opinions.
  2. Do nothing and risk someone trying to sue over allowing a hostile working environment.
Again, there was nothing wrong with what he did, and the repercussions are people who are too childish to understand that you can disagree with someone while still engaging with them in a civil manner.


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a boss telling their employees to respect their co-workers regardless of their opinions. This isn't a communication blunder. This is saying, "Hey: you have an opinion, and someone you work with has a differing opinion. Get along."
While I agree with this in principle, I can’t help but think that sometimes not saying anything at all is the best thing to do in most cases when it comes to this type of thing.


There is another counter argument for that. Most kids when they are born, nobody cares about them.
There are tons of kids in orphanage, or without parents. Simply because, there is no adequate support for them.

You can make a point where life begins. But you will also have to be responsible for taking care of that life.

The hardest thing about kids, is raising them until they are able bodied adults.

No one wants to accept that responsibility.

So both side are really not helping that child.

One side is fighting for them to live in this harsh world, and may have to live in a place where they are subject to abuse or malnutrition.
The other side wants to terminate them, while they aren't sential.
Responsibility should fall to biological parents, if they don't want the kid they can place the baby in foster care or orphanage. They should pay for that and it's not small expense to pay for neither foster or orphanage, but they should pay for it or go to prison.


While I agree with this in principle, I can’t help but think that sometimes not saying anything at all is the best thing to do in most cases when it comes to this type of thing.

You're welcome to your opinion, but opinions aren't facts. Jim Ryan would tell us to get along even though we disagree. And I think that's a great suggestion. ;)
Wokeystan, aka Reee, is engulfed in flames. What a cesspool of human rejects, and what a psychopatic lot! Good on Jim for what he did. I should be able to hold any view I wish on social and societal issues, without having to engage in verbal fights with blue-haired smurfs who embrace tolerance while being intolerant towards everybody else.
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Thing is the result is bad, that's where the communication blunder is. It's true whatever the message content is or whatever you think about it. The result was a lot of employees are unhappy and it made waves on the net. Those are things you try to avoid when you're the boss.
So the message is never say anything to upset SJWs because they throw hissy fits when people aren't passionately fighting for their political beliefs?


Wokeystan, aka Reee, is engulfed in flames. What a cesspool of human rejects, and what a psychopatic lot! Good on Jim for what he did. I should be able to hold any view I wish on social and societal issues, without having to engage in verbal fights with blue-haired smurfs who embrace tolerance while being intolerant towards everybody else.

Well that was a bit extreme.
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