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Will MS go for Sony's throat at E3 and undercut their PS4 MSRP ?


I'm surprised how quickly the Titanfall hype died post release. Given how hard MS was pushing it and it being billed as "the next big thing". Maybe the lack of news on TF sales has colored my view.


xbox is making profit for each system allowing it to update features and firmware quickly. Sony is losing money on each console.. how is that benefiting them in any way? Sales are great. Are devs being silenced? Why aren't they announcing big games for sony's ps4? was Sony expecting A LOT more sales than they had gotten? Perhaps.. who knows

Dude.. WTF??


I'm surprised how quickly the Titanfall hype died post release. Given how hard MS was pushing it and it being billed as "the next big thing". Maybe the lack of news on TF sales has colored my view.

The game is bare bones. It also doesn't have strong word of mouth which carried the likes of Gears of War and Call of Duty 4 to success.
XBox isn't doing so bad it needs such an extreme countermeasure, it the 4 million units sold data is real,it's actually doing pretty well, the Ps4 is the anomaly here, with it being the fastest selling console ever.
The only chance MS has the coincidence of a poor media reception towards Sony's games output in the next two years, combined with the next big scandal (2nd hacking, Drm-like maneuver, etc.) and an exceptionally good media reception towards Microsoft's games output. All of this is fairly unlikely, but so was the Ps3 rise from the bottom of hell, so i'm telling you there's a chance.
Too soon for $349. It will piss off pretty much every early adopter. I could see them going $449 with Kinect or $399 without Kinect, but nothing lower than that. Microsoft has never really been aggressive with price. If they drop X1 to $399, they will have to drop 360 to *at least* $199 for the best SKU, aka the 250GB version. Because holy shit. That's a console in its 9th year with a 25% price reduction from its initial offering. Like...WHAT?!?!!?!!
xbox is making profit for each system allowing it to update features and firmware quickly. Sony is losing money on each console.. how is that benefiting them in any way? Sales are great. Are devs being silenced? Why aren't they announcing big games for sony's ps4? was Sony expecting A LOT more sales than they had gotten? Perhaps.. who knows

what in the world...
You are saying Sony win no matter what. Even if MS has better games, better online better features and is cheaper. That suggests a broken market to me.

PS4 is selling more right now because it deserves to. If that changes I would hope the market adjusts accordingly.

Your idea of better games, is not the same as everybody else's. People keep saying MS have the better line-up right now, but their games just don't appeal to me right now.

And if they do go for Sony's throat at the moment, they'll probably break their own teeth.


It's dead no matter what it does? So bringing out better games at a better price with a better online infrastructure won't change anything? If that's the case the console market is broken.

The problem is that the hardware is shit. 900p gaming at 30fps - no dashboard update can fix that.
I don't think MS is in a position to go at Sony's throat right now. Too early for a big price drop, best they could do is match Sony and imo it's even too early for that.


Too soon for $349. It will piss off pretty much every early adopter. I could see them going $449 with Kinect or $399 without Kinect, but nothing lower than that. Microsoft has never really been aggressive with price. If they drop X1 to $399, they will have to drop 360 to *at least* $199 for the best SKU, aka the 250GB version. Because holy shit. That's a console in its 9th year with a 25% price reduction from its initial offering. Like...WHAT?!?!!?!!

It's already being sold with Titanfall for 399euros here in Europe, that's a pricedrop of 150 euros.
I don't think MS is in a position to go at Sony's throat right now. Too early for a big price drop, best they could do is match Sony and imo it's even too early for that.

It's never too early for a price cut. The only issues that arise when you cut the price early on is that you potentially anger early adopters and if you choose to ignore them completely as MS has done, you run the risk of poisoning your own support well...


And they will release a Xbox One without Kinect this year! Just look at all the Kinect games Microsoft has in development...none
It's already being sold with Titanfall for 399euros here in Europe, that's a pricedrop of 150 euros.

It was 549 euros at launch?

It's not being *officially* sold for that amount. Hmm...well it's $449 on their own website.
So I guess there's been a stealthy temporary price reduction. I thought retailers were just trying to get rid of stock but if Microsoft is selling at a reduced price then...that's probably not a good thing. I think they might just be trying to get rid of Kinects so they can roll out a separate, Kinect-less SKU.


No the offers since launch with free games make the price a mute point.

They may announce a small price cut and a kinectless sku is just a matter if time but it is not these things that will get ms catching up...
... It's games, I think E3 they will announce a ton of games and exclusives, I see big announcements for their loved IP and big exclusive deals for the new BF and COD entries. They need too push games big time...make it and they will come, Sony are the gamers choice and MS still come across as a company that is in the games industry rather than being it (like they used too be) this should change now @P3 is in charge!!

Price cuts are always desperate and never/rarely work, see Sega, Nintendo for proof.
I expect a lot of shooting and explosions and earplugs @ MS's event. I'm really curious to see what ninty trots out (if anything).

I'll be falling in love with Mario Kart by then, so I expect just having Iwata walking on stage with a banana and a smile will be enough for me to declare them the winners.
It's never too early for a price cut. The only issues that arise when you cut the price early on is that you potentially anger early adopters and if you choose to ignore them completely as MS has done, you run the risk of poisoning your own support well...

Of course, but i dont see them doing it yet. The console is still selling very well, so what if theyre in second. A price drop wouldnt guarantee anything anyway, PS4s been a monster sales wise.
Of course, but i dont see them doing it yet. The console is still selling very well, so what if theyre in second. A price drop wouldnt guarantee anything anyway, PS4s been a monster sales wise.

Second in a two person race?

MS will announce a price drop, the only unknown is what form the price cut will take. Will it be $50 off the current (non promo) retail price or will they opt to have a soft price cut by way of bundling more games with the console at its current (non promo) price.

I think we'll see a mix of both. $50 off the price with one game bundled in for good measure. Forza or Ryse is most likely...probably Forza.
Who goes first for conferences this year? Because if microsoft goes first sony is just going to watch and counter anything hardware wise just like last year(everyone remembers the paint style slides that looked really cheaply done when it came to drm and price.)

If microsoft goes first I think sony will win again on the consumer side this year as they will have to before their conference to counter

Maybe this year somebody at Sony will be able to make up those last-minute slides in Powerpoint instead of Paint!

Anyway, I don't know why MS don't just kick Sony in the Knacks.


extra source of jiggaflops
Maybe this year somebody at Sony will be able to make up those last-minute slides in Powerpoint instead of Paint!

Anyway, I don't know why MS don't just kick Sony in the Knacks.
LOL haha. The quality of the slide to use as evidence that Sony Too (TM) decided on the last minute to do things differently.

If you have fantasy prone personality disorder, wouldn't you think that they would have prepared several versions of the slides in advance?


Who goes first for conferences this year? Because if microsoft goes first sony is just going to watch and counter anything hardware wise just like last year(everyone remembers the paint style slides that looked really cheaply done when it came to drm and price.)

If microsoft goes first I think sony will win again on the consumer side this year as they will have to before their conference to counter

The delusion is amazing here.

edit: unless I've been trolled. Then bravo.
Any official price cut has to get rid of the Kinect for it to get any traction. Period. If it doesn't people will still simply want it gone so the console is even cheaper. So long as its in every SKU consumers will want it gone so they can get the lowest possible price on the actual console. "$399? Why not $349 without?" Pack-ins? They could offer a ton and people would still ask why they can't have it for cheaper. Regardless of how many people take advantage of its features, Kinect has a godawful image problem and it's even worse outside the US. ((I cannot understand why the new PS camera is in high demand, for what its worth))

The game [Titanfall] is bare bones. It also doesn't have strong word of mouth which carried the likes of Gears of War and Call of Duty 4 to success.
There was an announcement Saturday of a (free) add-on of more game modes while at the same time releasing a (paid) map pack. People aren't idiots and can see that means they paid full price for an incomplete game. I mean, I know there's a lot of fun to be had in the game as-is and this isn't a debate about pricing, but the timing of announcing free and paid new content at the same time is public facepalming. Would they really lose that much giving away the first paid DLC for free as a sign of good faith? It would drag interest on a bit and be good PR.


Didn't you know? MS is filthy rich.

They may have a lot of money to burn but they still have to report to their shareholders. They still have to report to these greedy suits that only care about profits and market share among whom the opinion of selling the Xbox brand is already growing more and more popular.


I'd forgotten just how bad the price slide was...
Is everyone forgetting how the PS3 was outselling the 360 WW even when it was more expensive.

Price parity or less is not going to reverse any trends. In fact it will probably hurt them more.

MS's best hope is to gain a lead in UK and US. It won't be anywhere near as significant as the 360's lead though. EU is a lost cause as is JP. Basically they are destined to be behind Sony this gen.


It was 549 euros at launch?

It's not being *officially* sold for that amount. Hmm...well it's $449 on their own website.
So I guess there's been a stealthy temporary price reduction. I thought retailers were just trying to get rid of stock but if Microsoft is selling at a reduced price then...that's probably not a good thing. I think they might just be trying to get rid of Kinects so they can roll out a separate, Kinect-less SKU.

100 euros off for the console and 50 for the game...


Its games that make the difference, the problem is its that 3rd party games are what is popular. All are more better looking on the cheaper PS4. As for exclusives, it seems both Sony and MS have a weak line up this year when it comes to exclusives.

Drive Club
Last of Us Remastered
The Order 1886

Sunset OverDrive
Forza Horizan 2
Halo 2 Anniversary

I assume both Quantum Break and Uncharted 4 won't make it for 2014. There will of course be other smaller games like Guilty Gear Xrd, Deep Down, Below, Killer Instinct Season 2.

It seems both MS and Sony have their big guns for 2015, with the likes of Uncharted 4 and Halo 5. If anything I think its 2015 with their heavy hitters is when any of the companies will decide to do a price drop.
I really prefer Xbox ONE right now, people are just blind fans, or haters. both consoles are great.

Nah, mate (linkrules). Some people just enjoy Nintendo, or Sony, or PC, or Bandai Wonderswan, or iPad, or their Defender cabinets instead of MS. Sometimes they even like MS as well as the rest. They aren't blind to anything.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Xbox One more expensive to produce than PS4, even without the Kinect. If so that means PS4 can afford another price drop, but I guess MS can afford to take a loss unlike Sony

It is. The price of DDR3 ram is going up and the die shrink will be more difficult as well.

Meanwhile, GDDR5 prices are going down.


extra source of jiggaflops
Thanks for the refreshing insight. I'm sure MS will effectively use your preference to tip the balance of console sales in their favor.
They will use their unlimited funds to build a whole media campaign around it.

"Xbone was beta tested in the future" banners are taken down and replaced with "linkrules prefers it. You people are just blind fans or haters. Buy now!"


I think the thing that most people forget about the 4 million XB1's sold (if that numbers right and it seems reasonable to me) is that the XB1 sold 3 million in 2013, so it's sold 1 million in 2014, compared to the 2.8 or so million the PS4 has sold in 2014, if the 7 million figure is right as PS4 sold 4.2m in 2013.

Looking at this the PS4 has outsold the XB1 2.8:1 Worldwide this year, that's not a close race and I don't see why the sales wouldn't continue to be like that. The sales of the XB1 since the initial launch rush have been dire.


They will use their unlimited funds to build a whole media campaign around it.

"Xbone was beta tested in the future" banners are taken down and replaced with "linkrules prefers it. You people are just blind fans or haters. Buy now!"

It isn't that far-fetched. Remember, one of their ads already quotes some random guy on twitter...


Doubt it. I think the Ps4 will be 399 for awhile. Mainly because it's the right price. They will supplement with ps+ free base games and market it as 2 free games with purchase.
With PS4 you also get to feel that no games and 3rd party lagging behind affordable PC performance from Day One. Nice piece of hardware, tho...could see myself rubbing one out if I shared your fetish.

Can't wait to see this post on the neogaf shit post twitter page, thanks.
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