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Xbox Games Showcase July 23 - Ready to get back to work Chief?

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


What struck me on the Halo demo was the fog popping in and out in the distance, looked really bad to me. I was hoping 12TF and SSDs would get rid of this shit.


Reposting this from the Next gen thread.
I mean...how the f?

Been saying it for ages. An engine built for a fixed platform can be fully optimised. Halo infinite is on an engine that's meant to scale from lockhart and above and they can't gain any efficiency from having to cater for so many configs.

The 12 flops have gone entirely for frames and visual fidelity is sacrificed. It really looks so bad. Where the fuck is all that power going? It's not being used efficiently thats for sure.

As for the SSD. They cannot use it fully because this game has to run on PCs that don't have it. It's a disaster. They want your average gamepasser to be able to access every game, that includes their flagship which has been completely compromised so Joe no SSD can play it.

Everyone who's onboard with gamepass....this is your reward... Mediocrity. The lowest common denominator is gamepass and its...wow...i can't believe what I'm seeing here.
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Been saying it for ages. An engine built for a fixed platform can be fully optimised. Halo infinite is on an engine that's meant to scale from lockhart and above and they can't gain any efficiency from having to cater for so many configs.

The 12 flops have gone entirely for frames and visual fidelity is sacrificed. It really looks so bad. Where the fuck is all that power going? It's not being used efficiently thats for sure.

As for the SSD. They cannot use it fully because this game has to run on PCs that don't have it. It's a disaster. They want your average gamepasser to be able to access every game, that includes their flagship which has been completely compromised so Joe no SSD can play it.

Everyone who's onboard with gamepass....this is your reward... Mediocrity. The lowest common denominator is gamepass and its...wow...i can't believe what I'm seeing here.

You haven't even played the game yet lol


What a lame show.....only interested on STALKER 2 because 1 was great and nostalgia.

But the way they presented Halo was cruel. Also did not see any next gen graphics ...12 Teraflops wasted....honestly better get a cheap X bone X if you can instead of Xbox Series at this moment...maybe by 2022 they will have good exusives and games that use the power of Xseries.


As a PlayStation-primary gamer, having this show out of the way makes me feel a lot more comfortable about what PS5 showed since there kept being this impending impact of some "true next-gen power" that Microsoft's more spec-heavy box might powerbomb on the world at some point. Never mind the teraflops, it's just going to be a fun battle between two worthy competitors.

As just a general fan of games, though, these Halo memes are bumming me out. I was disappointed to not have something begrudgingly awesome in Halo Infinite to make me buy a second new console right away, but I liked the play depth of Halo Infinite a lot (and I think some areas will be more visually stimulating,) and look forward to playing it on One X or Series X.
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So DQXI S is coming to Steam/PS4/XB1? Nice.

Stalker 2 trailer was gud. I was going to get that thing regardless, though. I really liked Halo Infinite and The Medium. Halo Infinite face looking bad are par the course for the series. The gameplay looked tight so I'm in there. Avowed(Queens and Kings, :messenger_grinning_smiling: ) looked interesting. I can't speak for the event itself, since I just watched the trailers, but I like what MS has on display here.
Boring show and very underwhelming. Destiny 2 was the highlight and Crossfire might be a decent play through on campaign, possibly. I cannot remember any other games but I can remember that I can play them all with Game Pass.

What's the point of a new console? They look like they can play on my Scorpio fine. If they're trying to abstract the hardware to the point where it is no longer relevant, then they've definitely succeeded as I am less interested now in Series X than I was before the show.

I think they've gone balls deep into the technicalities of the nerdy shit and lost some focus.


Boring show and very underwhelming. Destiny 2 was the highlight and Crossfire might be a decent play through on campaign, possibly. I cannot remember any other games but I can remember that I can play them all with Game Pass.

What's the point of a new console? They look like they can play on my Scorpio fine. If they're trying to abstract the hardware to the point where it is no longer relevant, then they've definitely succeeded as I am less interested now in Series X than I was before the show.

I think they've gone balls deep into the technicalities of the nerdy shit and lost some focus.
Bigdaddy honestly it has more to do with the culture at Microsoft and just wanting to fill gamepass with games. They aren't trying to splurge on AAA games (although funnily enough thy said Halo had an immense budget, where lol?) and want to keep generations in gamepass eco system. This philosophy won't change the more thy morph console gaming into pc gaming.


I'm blown away there's no Forza for launch... real bummer.

I'm not interested in any launch title for either console now.... which is a first in my long history of console gaming.

Guess I'll buy Cyberpunk with one of them and call it a day. Since Horizon is coming in 2021 it may as well be a PlayStation.

I really hope there's a surprise launch exclusive somewhere though.


That really sums it up. It'll look worst if you compare and contrast Horizon, Spiderman, Ratchet, etc in there
Look, i'm disappointed as anyone with Microsoft conference.
But we still haven't seen what Fable, Avowed or Hellblade will look like.
I'm not into Horizon or Ratchet, the first Spiderman was fun to play but this one is being forced out with not enough development time so i'm not optimistic even though i think it will be a great game in the end.
Still to say Horizon, Spiderman and Ratchet will be better than Fable, Avowed and Hellblade at this point in time is premature.


When Ms said 12tf did they mean 1.2tf? I was all set on buying a series x but I honestly have lost all hype for the machine. The only games that interested me were fable, halo, sod 3 and stalker 2 but I bet all of them won't be released for at least a few more years(except halo) I didn't see anything that looked like it couldn't run on my one x.
Far too many PS fanboys trying to control the narrative. Sony's conference was really awful, didn't hold a candle to what was shown here 1st party wise. The mental gymnastics by the Sony crowd is quite frankly embarrassing.
Dafuck? Think what you want of MS's stuff but Sony's conference had the most reveals of games I'm gonna buy at any one conference. Compare that to either E3 last next gen launch and it blew it out of the water. Like wtf it had horizon, ratchet, GT, Spiderman, and so many more that I'm definitely buying and are part of popular franchises that were all new game reveals and the vast majority were either at launch or 2021 which is gonna be crazy for the first year of a console.
Where was the game play, where was the 12tf commanding presence and graphics? Where are all the Raytracing games and games taking advantage of vrs and velocity arch?

This was even worse than I imagined, because I knew why Greenberg and others were saying to temper expectations. Showing Ori again and Destiny. Where were the games from MS studios to blow us away. All I saw were CG trailers and cutscenes and even bad cg at that.

There's no forza or fable at launch and Halo looks very underwhelming, not withstanding its now open world.
You went in believing the MS PR machine.

As i said before, MS Is a whole lot of talk and very little walk. It's been like that for years.


Dial back the juvenile console warrior antagonism.
^^^ sony boys trying to wipe their tears after their mediocre conference :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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sonygaf in full force to negate their shitty showcase lol
It's been a trainwreck all year. Lou 2 leak, Cerny presentation, terrible June show. You can tell it's been a bad year when most of the pro-Sony gamers on this board have disappeared since Cerny's show. When Volcano High is the most talk about gag game, you got issues.
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That Crossfire game looked fucking sweet. Halo looked terrible. Almost everything else was your typical shitty trailer for something that is years away and won't even actually reflect what the game will look like or be by the time it finally releases.

This was a pretty awful showcase.


Unconfirmed Member
Worst event in recent times.

Even Nintendo's Direct about Shin Megami Tensei was better.

Even the FIFA 21 trailer today was better.

What a disappointment.
Even SMT? lmao that game is most likely going to be the best thing coming out in 2021.


As an xbox fan I thought the show was meh. Didnt think it was any better or any worse than what Sony showed, but MS really needed a big showing and I wasnt too impressed. Most exciting things for me were Fable confirmation, The Medium, Obsidian RPG, and Crossfire X. Disapointed there wasnt any more Hellblade 2 or a tease at what the Initiative is working on (even though we knew they wouldnt be there).

Now, onto the biggest disapointment. Speaking as a big Halo fan (not Halo 5), man was I disapointed by that Infinite showing. Yikes. Thought 343 would actually step up to the plate this time, but man... that showing looked downright terrible. That better be an old build of the game or else they're in trouble. Textures and lighting looked Xbox 360 era. I'd honestly rather they delay the game by an entire year than release with that quality. No raytracing and not even a full campaign at launch? Just fucking delay it.

All in all, it was Meh. Some things to be excited about, others were downright disapointing.


Just done watching it in 4k60.

I'm interested in Avowed, Stalker, the Gunk, the Medium, PSO (if it has single player mode), and...

FABLE!! At least we know it's alive. I wish they showed us something though.


Halo really deserves all the memes and shitposting. It was supposed to show the superior 12 tflops over the meme ssd remember? And people shitting on the ps5 spiderman game, bacause its looks current gen :messenger_grinning_sweat: Im interested in stalker, I wonder if they can replicate the original slav feel
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