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Xing Interactive: Our sources say next Xbox will block used games, require online


I know EA has been pretty snuggly with Microsoft lately so thats probably where the "promised exclusives" thing may become a reality. Maybe not the sports franchises but BF4 and maybe something new on the side just to show support or maybe a timed launch exclusivity to help sweeten the pot along with whatever Kinect bs gets pushed to make some people flip and give in to whatever Microsoft has cooking in case the rumors do prove true.

Problem is CoD still holds weight when it comes to console shooters and as long as both consoles get the game I hope the promise of exclusive map dlc isn't enough for some people here to sign their rights as gamers away. I don't want the rumors to be true, but I Microsoft isn't helping not turning the heat down on these stories. Every week of bad publicity vs. Sony getting more favorable in the media, gamers, and devs eyes is not helping them out besides the one or two guys you see on a forum saying fuck it they'll go nextbox regardless. Maybe this is all a ruse just to make what they show all the more special but atm they are leaving a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths and driving discussion in a very negative space.
Oh for fuck sake.

I don't even know what to try to believe anymore. Hurry up and either vindicate yourself or kill yourself, Microsoft. Your ignorance and arrogance in not alleviating concerns is getting beyond annoying.


There's like zero proof that EA and Activision are going to go all in with Microsoft. Why do so many people in this thread believe it?

Microsoft going with this strategy when Sony isn't seems so patently insane that for it to be true they'd have to have some huge ace in the hole.


The fact that Microsoft hasn't debunked these rumors, is saying things. I can't even understand why they want to do this. Specially used game blocking, that is very stupid. And always on is even stupider. Not everyone has a reliable connection. So people with spotty connections are going to have trouble, even playing a "single player" game?

My connection went out for two nights in a row recently due to a fault in my area. Nothing to do on a weekday night, I don't watch TV and no internet / online gaming / netflix meant that I could play games which was nice. Now, Microsoft seeks to take that away from me? Fuck them.
Microsoft will partner with EA, Activision, or Bethesda (or a combination of the three). Wait and see. The writing has been on the wall for some time. I hope that whoever gets involved with them receives a ton of scorn.

I don't see what the point would be?

Don't these companies have their own online ecosystems? EA has online passes which they sell on Live/PSN. Why would they give up the cash cow of having control of their own content over to MS?

If always-online happens it's to help MS's online ecosystem, to provide them with an always-connected userbase they can (exploit) enhance the experience for.


There's like zero proof that EA and Activision are going to go all in with Microsoft. Why do so many people in this thread believe it?

It's kind of funny you'd ask that in a thread about another thing with zero proof other than rumours.

Rat Salad

Gaf eats this shit up, hoping its true. Have a feeling dat Microsoft conference is gonna break allot of Sony faithful hearts next month. :)

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
if this happens sony will suffer too and anyone who buys a ps4, do you really think EA and UBI and many other third party will do always on for durango then completey change that for PS4.


Fifa 14 £70 at launch. Calling it.
COD £65 at launch.



Gaf eats this shit up, hoping its true. Have a feeling dat Microsoft conference is gonna break allot of Sony faithful hearts next month. :)

Oy vey. So I can't prefer gaming on Xbox and dislike a console that blocks used games and requires an internet connection?


Gaf eats this shit up, hoping its true. Have a feeling dat Microsoft conference is gonna break allot of Sony faithful hearts next month. :)

Or maybe it will just prove to them Microsoft hasn't gone batshit and all this was just an elaborate ruse. If it is true though I can't wait for the justification of this abomination to be just as :)
They are not going to announce until they are good and ready. It seems it does't matter to Microsoft that Sony are gaining the initiative and advantage.

Stupid MS.

I don't think that would be smart for MS. If they have set up their time line and strategy, they shouldn't respond to rumors that just try and get something out of them.

Yes Sony are gaining the advantage but it doesn't matter whatever they do, the PS4 won't come out tomorrow, they don't need to respond yet if they don't have to.

So when we have all the facts straight from MS, it'll be either worse/same as now (if all bad rumors are true) or everything before will be completely forgoten.


Someone correct me, because I'm sure I'm wrong, but wouldn't publishers/developers focus on putting the biggest and best games on the Xbox, knowing they'll sell more new copies?
Someone correct me, because I'm sure I'm wrong, but wouldn't publishers/developers focus on putting the biggest and best games on the Xbox, knowing they'll sell more new copies?

Comes down to if they think they'll get more money from these sales compared to the loss of a whole install base.
At this point I just want MS or Sony to try and pull this. I'm so sick of the industries suicidal obsession with creating the super anti-consumerbox, that I'd like them just to do it and fall flat on their faces killing the idea once and for all. Fucking shit or get off the pot!


At this point I have no idea what the fuck to believe. All I know is that MS better not fuck up or else a lot of Xbox gamers this gen are gonna fucking jump ship to the PS4.


Someone correct me, because I'm sure I'm wrong, but wouldn't publishers/developers focus on putting the biggest and best games on the Xbox, knowing they'll sell more new copies?

That would be their mentality but if the console that doesn't block used games turns out to sell more, they will put their focus on that console instead.

Such is the way of business. Publishers can't want anti-used games measures but it doesn't mean people will go to the console with these measures. If more people go to the one that allows used games then the publishers will go towards them.

Then there is also the fact that their sales may be a little lower than they planned because the people who trade in games to buy new ones won't have the money to buy every new 'big' game they want on this console with anti-used game measures.

Of course that is just me speculating but I think it isn't hard to see how that can happen. (and thus games on Xbox won't necessarily sell more new copies even if the publishers think they will)
I'm thinking sources close to Microsoft are confused.

Now, if the 'Mini' 360 ships (the rumored one that's like Apple TV), and has no DVD drive, yeah, it will be online-only and certainly doesn't have the ability to play 'secondhand' games.

MS isn't going to walk away from SO much money, and that's what they would be doing if the rumors are accurate. Not happening.


Someone correct me, because I'm sure I'm wrong, but wouldn't publishers/developers focus on putting the biggest and best games on the Xbox, knowing they'll sell more new copies?

If fewer people buy the Xbox (due to it not allowing used games, or requiring internet), or if people buy fewer new games because they don't have extra money from selling their old ones, then the publishers wouldn't come out ahead. And if publishers have to drop their prices on new games to account for lack of used game income for consumers then they're still not coming out ahead.


Another day another rumor;Gamestops Ceo or whatever he was came out and said they were excited about the next Xbox, for some reason if it blocked used games I don't think he would have said that.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Someone correct me, because I'm sure I'm wrong, but wouldn't publishers/developers focus on putting the biggest and best games on the Xbox, knowing they'll sell more new copies?

720: Buys game for $60, doesn't play it much, rots in collection.

PS4: Buy at $60, doesn't play it, resells it, new buyer buys online code and/or DLC.

How much the publisher makes is far more complicated than just thinking about second hand sales. If MS pulls this (I don't think they will) it will be more about MS and control and less about 3rd party second hand sales.


oh boy oh boy
I am almost certain that E3/console reveal will provide ultimate laughing material

one way or another
What day of the week is it?

Ah yes, Tuesday's are always online leak.

Wednesday there will be the leak denying it.

On Thursday there is free pot roast.

21st can't come fast enough.


Neo Member
If the Xbox was always online and doesn't allow second hand games, at the minute it's a no brainer for us as to which console to choose. Hypothetically. if a developer is making a game and MS tell them that every single copy sold they would be paid, whether it be first week of release or 6 months after release, I think every developer would jump at the chance.

I know this isn't something I want to happen but as it stands developers only receive payment for the initial purchase and gets completely cut out of the used market for every subsequent sale. With this in mind, what if every single developer joined Xbox as exclusives as it guaranteed them revenue for every copy sold and a reduction in piracy.

From a business standpoint, I think this is what MS is going for as they know pubs/devs don't get a share of the used market, of which there will be none on the Xbox.

The day I give up console gaming if this is the future. I'll stick with my trusty PC.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I just can't even imagine the level of hubris required to block out the internet's universally negative reaction to such concepts.

This is so far beyond the "599 US DOLLARS!!" outcry because that was a limitation brought on by sheer cost of Blu Ray and Cell, while Always Online and No Used Games is stuff they could abort right the fuck now or maybe even as little as 2 months before console launch.

The sheer fucking anti-reality blinkers you'd have to have on the development team to go through with both is so staggering I just can't believe these rumours to be true at this point.


Even if this rumor was true, I could see them not wanting to talk about these "features" until closer to launch.

I agree with this. Reveal event next month (allegedly) and E3 should be spent hyping the console. Show games, functionality, controller, maybe even form factor. Give a launch window (Q4).

Don't talk about possible negatives like price points, always online, or used game lockouts/limitations. Save that stuff for after the hype train has departed and you've got interest. Don't give in to press "demanding" information. Reveal, market, and release the platform at your pace.


Another day another rumor;Gamestops Ceo or whatever he was came out and said they were excited about the next Xbox, for some reason if it blocked used games I don't think he would have said that.

Not to mention the rumor from The Verge recently that pretty much contradicts this one.( and that many were thinking was a controlled leak from MS themselves). Think i will just wait until the 21st for real info, rather than "sources".


God, I'm so sick of this

Microsoft is doing themselves such a huge disservice by letting any blowhard with a fruit crate to stand on talk about their console.
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