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Ys Origin (PC/Steam) |OT|


WOW. So I finally reached Rado's Annex on Nightmare with Hugo. The Ys I references/tributes are THROUGH THE ROOF with this game! I'm so glad I got to experience the original Ys before touching this game because I don't think I would have appreciated half the shit I've seen and done otherwise. Ys I & Origin spoilers incoming!

First of all, am I right in thinking that this tower HAS to be Darm Tower or AT LEAST a re-imagining of the final Darm Tower dungeon from the first game? Seriously, as soon as I walked into the "Demonic Noise" path of the Guilty Fire section I immediately said, "No way...".

At this point in the game they really expect you to be thorough in your searches because it's not quite clear on how you are supposed to proceed. I INSTANTLY remembered this section from Ys I and I went back outside to the balcony section and I found a pillar, just like in the first game, that was supplying the "Demonic Noise" through its organ-like pipes. My mind was officially blown! I instantly pulled out the hammer I obtained from the Flooded Prison thinking it would clear the way, but it didn't. I eventually found the Roda Fruit I was missing and got my Official Ys I Hammer and silenced the evil room! So fucking cool! That was one of the coolest things about the final dungeon in the original game. I was ecstatic to see them bring it back.

Then I get to Rado's Annex and the whole scenario/imagery painted a very familiar picture. I COULD NOT BELIEVE THEY RECREATED THE FIRST BOSS FROM YS I! As soon as I saw the flame throwers I nearly applauded the game. Origin is one of the best fan service/prequel games I've ever played. Everything is just so well implemented, retold, referenced, etc. I can't praise it enough.

Also, tell me if I'm reading into the game too much, but am I right in thinking that Hugo Fact turns into Dark Fact, the final boss/antagonist from the original Ys? They seem to REALLY be pushing this, "You're evil just like us" angle. That would be so fucking cool if Hugo turns out to be Dark Fact.

Heh. Don't forget to the game with "claw" as well.

Hugo and Yunica play out largely the same, but the "claw" playthrough is the canon one and he's the only one that gets to fight the true final boss. Which is an awesome boss fight by the way. Very much worth it and I'd go so far as to say you haven't really beaten the game until you're beaten it with him.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Yeah, and you won't actually learn how everything connects to Ys I & II until you beat the game as The Claw. That's when it alllll comes together. ;)



Finished the game with Yunica (on normal). I really love this game, it feels like they improved on OiF in every way possible. This is already my favorite Ys game now and I haven't even touched the other two characters. I liked how they described the game as an "arcade-like" experience in the RPGFan reviews. That description fits very well. It took me a bit less than 10 hours, which is half the time I needed for OiF, but Origin doesn't really feel shorter in any way.
It felt a bit easier than say OiF and Seven, but that's probably because I played both of them on Nightmare, actually on the same difficulty level I can see Origin being the hardest game.
And the music! Wonderful! I also recognized a few remixes from Ys I (and maybe II? I still have to play that), I guess they wanted to give you a hint about your location with some of them.
I had to laugh when I got five achievements when I finished the game, even though I only got one during the whole game before that.

A big thank you to XSeed for releasing this gem outside Japan, you really found a gold mine when you partnered with Falcom (well, qualitywise).


Just finished it with Yunica on normal. Loved it. This and Oath feel like the comfort food of gaming, straight-up no-bullshit action rpg goodness. While Origin may have the tighter mechanics and level design, I liked Oath a bit better, it just feels like a more grand adventure than it all being localized inside a single dungeon. I did enjoy not having a mute for my character though, Yunica was quite endearing. Now to do the other characters and on harder difficulties, normal was cake. :p


The configuration is still messed up. I just loaded up the game after a week or two and it forgot my resolution setting until I loaded the config utility. It feels like the cloud saving just really hates this game, but who knows.

Or maybe just the recent update.
Let it be known that Ys: Origin is 40% off on the steam summer sale. It's running $11.99 so if you wanted it. Now is the time.

Kinda funny I've owned it since launch but haven't played it, mainly because I had JUST beat the game with everyone a couple of months ago. Glad XSEED was able to get in on the sale though, get the word out guys!


Ah what the fuck the final boss in
Toal's game
is impossible. I'm playing on hard mode, what exactly do I need to do to make it expose the core? Seems random, sometimes it never happens. :|

I was having such a fantastic time with this character, and now I'm just pretty peeved.


Unconfirmed Member
Ah what the fuck the final boss in
Toal's game
is impossible. I'm playing on hard mode, what exactly do I need to do to make it expose the core? Seems random, sometimes it never happens. :|

I was having such a fantastic time with this character, and now I'm just pretty peeved.

Which part of the fight?

It has multiple body parts that you can damage and the pearl seems to randomly be in one of them. I found the jump attack to be the most effective way to fight since you can hit all the body sections at the same time.

For the last form, make heavy use of boost and use the beam attack. It will almost instantly break the barrier so you can attack the pearl.

Not going to claim my play is particularly good or anything, but I recorded that boss here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcb7yWm3dpY


Which part of the fight?

It has multiple body parts that you can damage and the pearl seems to randomly be in one of them. I found the jump attack to be the most effective way to fight since you can hit all the body sections at the same time.

For the last form, make heavy use of boost and use the beam attack. It will almost instantly break the barrier so you can attack the pearl.

Not going to claim my play is particularly good or anything, but I recorded that boss here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcb7yWm3dpY

The first part I just figured out you had to hit multiple body parts after my post :p...the second well I forgot about the beam attack.


Anyway I finished the game yesterday with The Claw, even more awesome than the Yunica playthrough. I think Falcom inadvertently designed the best Wolverine game ever made, lolz. Such a great feeling when you slice enemies in this game. Hard mode wasn't very hard at all, last boss aside. I only wish the difficulty modes added new enemies/patterns instead of just making it more of a grind.

AWESOME game all around. This and OaF are my favorite games that I've played this year.
How's the story in this? It's 8 bucks on Steam right now with a flash sale. Is it at least somewhat interesting? Story and characters mean a lot to me, even if it's just decent. I need some kind of hook to keep going these days otherwise the game will be half-finished forever. 4 hours 30 mins left on the sale by the way for those interested


How's the story in this? It's 8 bucks on Steam right now with a flash sale. Is it at least somewhat interesting? Story and characters mean a lot to me, even if it's just decent. I need some kind of hook to keep going these days otherwise the game will be half-finished forever. 4 hours 30 mins left on the sale by the way for those interested

I wouldn't buy it for the story, but it's all right. It has likeable characters. One of the character paths is actually fairly interesting.
I wouldn't buy it for the story, but it's all right. It has likeable characters. One of the character paths is actually fairly interesting.

Would I get enough enjoyment for 8 bucks by playing it through with that character once and that's it? Which character btw...


Unconfirmed Member
Would I get enough enjoyment for 8 bucks by playing it through with that character once and that's it? Which character btw...

You're probably the only one that could really answer that question.

And honestly, I think all the characters are worth playing as. Only one really has an uninteresting story, in my opinion, but Yunica is still worth a go since she's basically a female Adol gameplay-wise.

This is definitely a gameplay-game and not a story-game though. Hacking and slashing enemies and fighting the bosses is the real star of the show, with the story only picking up here and there.


Would I get enough enjoyment for 8 bucks by playing it through with that character once and that's it? Which character btw...

Well no because it's a character that unlocks after you play through it once with another character. You'll get enjoyment out of the gameplay anyway, not the plot. :p It's a dungeon crawler.


The game is #3 on the Steam top sellers list, which warms my heart. Hopefully, we'll have a bunch more people in here soon [provided they can find the thread].


The game is #3 on the Steam top sellers list, which warms my heart. Hopefully, we'll have a bunch more people in here soon [provided they can find the thread].

I think I'm going to try it out today since Rayman Origins has been giving me problems.


Unconfirmed Member
So, after playing Origin for around an hour, I noticed I beat Felghana without ever using a burst attack since I never knew they existed...the more you know.


Boo, played for a little bit and then when i tried to load my save later it booted me out and said my game was corrupted. Having to re-download :\. This a known problem, or did I just get unlucky?

I'll probably snag Felghana as well before the sale is over, just waiting to see if it goes any lower. Seems like both are doing well on Steam, which is cool.


Got this game from the summer sale, had my eye on it for a while

Quite awesome boss fights so far when it does giant monsters instead of humans


So I'm playing through Oath right now.

About to go to the castle. That dragon was really cool. When I hit his leg just in time and he fell over with the ice breath spilling out of his mouth... that's polished! The story is pretty lol standard JRPG, I literally went "time to go save the town" before actually seeing that it was attacked.

I have two issues with it, both involving controller use. First, the config doesn't recognize the trigger buttons. This is less of an issue since I'm using a PDP pad, but I'd still prefer boost on trigger. The second, however, doesn't make any sense... no start button? It's so weird playing with controller the whole time then having to reach over and hit ESC to go to the menu. Does Origin fix these two small problems?


Played this for a bit this morning, took a while before I figured out a) how to save and b) how to do long jumps, but I got there in the end. Incidentally is the voice in the intro supposed to be in French? (the text is in English)


Unconfirmed Member
Played this for a bit this morning, took a while before I figured out a) how to save and b) how to do long jumps, but I got there in the end. Incidentally is the voice in the intro supposed to be in French? (the text is in English)

Yes. It was French in the Japanese version, but it was redone for the Steam release since the Japanese-person-speaking-French sounded kind of weird.


Boo, played for a little bit and then when i tried to load my save later it booted me out and said my game was corrupted. Having to re-download :\. This a known problem, or did I just get unlucky?

I'll probably snag Felghana as well before the sale is over, just waiting to see if it goes any lower. Seems like both are doing well on Steam, which is cool.

Definitely unlucky. I haven't read that to be a widespread issue.


I got through
Velagunder and Anthropod
bosses. My god, some of the more amazing Ys bosses I've face.

Even if it takes place all in one location, I really like the increased degree of movement. Seems a bit more vertical than other Ys games is the feeling I'm getting, which makes sense since it's in a tower. And the underwater parts so far don't suck.


I just reached the
Construct boss
and it's a bit disappointing, especially compared to the last one. The attack patterns aren't that great and I'm doing such tiny amounts of damage it's just going to take forever once I get it down.


I just reached the
Construct boss
and it's a bit disappointing, especially compared to the last one. The attack patterns aren't that great and I'm doing such tiny amounts of damage it's just going to take forever once I get it down.

Does the boss have some sort of resistance?


I just reached the
Construct boss
and it's a bit disappointing, especially compared to the last one. The attack patterns aren't that great and I'm doing such tiny amounts of damage it's just going to take forever once I get it down.

Levelling up (probably just once) will probably make a huge difference.


I just reached the
Construct boss
and it's a bit disappointing, especially compared to the last one. The attack patterns aren't that great and I'm doing such tiny amounts of damage it's just going to take forever once I get it down.
If you gain one level, you will undoubtedly have a better time. A single level makes a dramatic difference in Ys games.


Make sure you've been turning in your Cleria Ore to upgrade your weapon. I got stuck on him because of that.


I've bought Origins and I'm currently mulling over Felghana, in case it goes on flash deal. It's so cheap, though...

It will be in the fifth Indie pack tomorrow with:

Greed Corp.
Gemini Rue
The Tiny Bang Story
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

It should be $10. Since it's part of an indie I'd be surprised if it was a flash deal as well. If one of those other games is worth $5 to you then the bundle is a good deal, otherwise it's current price at $5.09 with it being 66% off is a better deal.


It will be in the fifth Indie pack tomorrow with:

Greed Corp.
Gemini Rue
The Tiny Bang Story
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

It should be $10. Since it's part of an indie I'd be surprised if it was a flash deal as well. If one of those other games is worth $5 to you then the bundle is a good deal, otherwise it's current price at $5.09 with it being 66% off is a better deal.

I hope this bundle ends up happening. I already have the games I'd like from it, but it'd be a great value for those who don't.
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