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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again


Some thoughts on the new weapons based on a bit of time spent with them (more detailed and with a summary if I've used them more, less if I haven't):

-Ribeyrolles: it's... fine. I would probably end up liking it a bit more after I've spent more time using it, but as of right now, it fills the role of a slightly competent medium range weapon for the Assault class. You could probably do just as well with an MP18 experimental or even the optical, but this one has the added benefit of allowing you to bipod which could help in some fringe cases. Ultimately: if you insist on playing mid range with the assault class, you'll have another option.
-RSC 1917: if you ever found the Selbstlader 1906 or Model 8
variants too hard to use, you're not going to enjoy this. If you can absolutely hit 100% accuracy out to 44 meters, it's competent against a lot of things, although I'd still pick the Model 8 marksman/factory. Outside of that range even the garbage tier M1907, Model 8 .25 etc. can and will outshoot you. Only used the factory model. Ultimately: way too demanding but it will make you improve your aim.
Or just use the Model 8 .35 and shit all over it
-Chauchat: actually pretty fun to use, really good damage at close-mid range and okay performance at longer ranges if you shoot single shots. Rewards good (but not necessarily perfect) aim which I like. Haven't used the telescopic model but base spread might be a bit much for it to need it.
-Sjörgen: falls between the M97 and the 12G Automatic nicely, although not necessarily better than either of those. I enjoyed using it a lot though.
-Lebel: lol why. Don't use K bullets.
-Reskinned melee weapons: they are reskinned melee weapons.
Second Assault and China Rising had been available since December by the time Naval Strike rolled out on March 27th, just two weeks shy of TSNP's release date. So in actuality, it's not far from the truth. Two weeks is not a substantial time difference.

People should keep in mind that BF4 was very rushed, unfinshed etc...

Second Assault was just a copy paste job from BF3.
Second Assault and China Rising had been available since December by the time Naval Strike rolled out on March 27th, just two weeks shy of TSNP's release date. So in actuality, it's not far from the truth. Two weeks is not a substantial time difference.

To be fair, most of the dlc in BF4 was average at best.
the first two bf4 dlcs weren't very good. naval strike was when it really gained some traction.

i've messed with rupture in the cte. it's okay but pretty small. verdun heights better be a seven flag map.


DICE seriously needs to reduce the frequency and intensity of the fog on Giant's Shadow. I feel like it's foggy 90% of the time I play that map.

I haven't played that map but on other maps I swear the fog levels aren't the same on everyone's screen. Ever get sniped when visibility is like 3 feet on your screen? That doesn't even make sense to me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
the first two bf4 dlcs weren't very good. naval strike was when it really gained some traction.

What? Second Assault was pretty good. I'd say the only complete misfire was China Rising
Though I did like the Desert Map


Is the server browser really screwed up or what? I went to go play some today on PC and server browser was only showing 1 server and it wasn't even full. My filters were Conquest and North American servers. Surely there were more than 53 players playing conquest on a North American server at that time, right? Yesterday I actually got ZERO servers. But sometimes I'll get a bunch of servers.

Ended up going to quickmatch and instantly got put into a game with a full server.
Its just my opinion, I don't like the game at all. There's nothing wrong with that, and I didn't want to start a new thread over it.

For some reason the game does not click for me at all, I legit hate it. Which is shocking to me because Battlefield 4 was one of my favorite multiplayer shooters ever. The game feels terrible to me

maybe you should head in the Options
there is like a ton of customization for aiming
idk how it could feel worse than BF4
Artillery trucks have to be the single most annoying thing in this game. The ONLY time they're used by players is sniping across the map or from out of bounds areas in a Conquest.
Did not realize they'd released all that info! I wish they had included a Russia vs Ottomans in the Caucasus map, but other than that I love all these choices - Zeebrugge Raid is an inspired choice for a battle. Have no idea what apocalypse will actually amount to based on that description.
I want to believe the flame reflection in the solider's gas mask is Livens Large Gallery Flame Projectors.

Toying with the idea of setting up a server for They Shall Not Pass launch week. Would anyone here be interested in checking it out on PC?

No more like a sweet lance
I will be around on weekends whenever I have time
which I find hard these days :'(
What? Second Assault was pretty good. I'd say the only complete misfire was China Rising
Though I did like the Desert Map

i felt guilin peaks was the only good one from china rising. second assault was *okay* excluding garbage metro that dice didn't bother to re-balance around bf4's multiple grenade types.


Feels good taking out Bombers with the Trench Fighter. Took out 3 with it. And on the 4th one, I killed it too but was accidentally too close to the ground. Lol
Anyone here played on the DLC test servers? I was wondering if there is a behemoth for Fort De Vaux. If it's all inside then none of the behemoths will be any use there.

And apparently you have to get a certain number of kills with other weapons to unlock the new melee weapons.. I'm guessing they won't unlock if you already have that number of kills and will have to start the counter from 0 though.

Still no zodiac tag tracker either. I've lost cont of how many kills with stationary weapons I've gotten so far.

The Flash

Anyone here played on the DLC test servers? I was wondering if there is a behemoth for Fort De Vaux. If it's all inside then none of the behemoths will be any use there.

And apparently you have to get a certain number of kills with other weapons to unlock the new melee weapons.. I'm guessing they won't unlock if you already have that number of kills and will have to start the counter from 0 though.

There was no behemoth on Fort De Vaux. Not for Conquest at least. Not sure if there will be one for Operations though.

Yeah the new melee weapons require 50 kills with some of the base game melee weapons and you'll have to start the count for each at 0.

Cogwheel club requires 50 kills with the basic club
Nail knife requires 50 kills with the shovel
Trench fleur requires 50 kills with the US trench knife


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Anyone here played on the DLC test servers? I was wondering if there is a behemoth for Fort De Vaux. If it's all inside then none of the behemoths will be any use there.

And apparently you have to get a certain number of kills with other weapons to unlock the new melee weapons.. I'm guessing they won't unlock if you already have that number of kills and will have to start the counter from 0 though.

Still no zodiac tag tracker either. I've lost cont of how many kills with stationary weapons I've gotten so far.

There won't be a Behemoth on that map. It's infantry focused. And IMO it's probably the best one DICE has done in the game. It basically took the lessons of Operation Metro and Operation Locker and refined them. You're actually able to fucking flank in Conquest, which would be pure insanity on those other two maps. My only complaint is the invisible wall on top of the map to prevent people from flanking OVER the inside/fort area. I can understand why (gameplay and balance reasons) but they should move the wall down a bit so I can't mount/vault over the debris and like camp the "doorway" from above in that case.
I feel like they were worried about people not responding to the WWI setting, so they they overcompensated by making everything else about the game super streamlined and arcade-y. It definitely doesn't have the legs of the older games.


LevelCap - Casualfield 1 - Is Battlefield Getting Too Casual?

Pretty good analysis of "casualness" of BF1. Aside from the grenade spam, I'm pretty satisfied with the game overall but DICE could definitely take a look at increasing skill in the game. As someone who mainly plays Scout, I'd love if they balanced out bullet deviation and suppression a little bit better.

I agree with pretty much every point he makes. It's sad if the series keeps going in this direction.


LevelCap - Casualfield 1 - Is Battlefield Getting Too Casual?

Pretty good analysis of "casualness" of BF1. Aside from the grenade spam, I'm pretty satisfied with the game overall but DICE could definitely take a look at increasing skill in the game. As someone who mainly plays Scout, I'd love if they balanced out bullet deviation and suppression a little bit better.

Bayonets - I agree with his points mostly except for when he brings up the flame trooper. Positioning yourself decently and not being a simpleton and walking around just holding mouse 1 will save you from a lot of bayonet charges. Nearly all other problems with the charge imo can be fixed by making the damage build up over distance so for example, a charge over 10m would do full damage, and a charge from 5m would do 50%

Grenades - throw animations are way too fast and the frag grenade timer not starting until it hits the ground is idiotic. No arguments from me on those.

Gunplay - not being able to grasp the concept of spread and guns being meant for certain ranges is his fault, not the game's. Also, "mastering" burst patterns in BF3 that he always brings up = click fast. Literally. No thought needed, click fast and abuse the fact that spread resets to minimum in one frame. AN94 1200RPM microbursting was shit tier and I for one am glad that kind of cancer is gone from BF. By the way, the medic rifles actually meant for more than close range (like, not the 1907 and the Model 8 .25) can be fired at max RPM without issues, except for the Selbstlader 1916 which can be fired as accurate as the weapon can get at ~190RPM (iirc) which he rarely ever hits in his gameplays anyway, so that's a moot point.
I also loved him whining at the end at "high skill weapons" having small magazines and not allowing to take down 60 people with one mag - that's the fucking point! It prevents one gun from being THE BEST and that is a good thing, but he seems unable to grasp it once again

Suppression - nah. Scouts absolutely need a hard counter and suppression is one way to do that. Not perfect at all, but it's far, far better than a BF without something like it. Also, if it's such a large problem in his opinion, why does he only bother with a passing mention?

Goddamn 5 MINUTE 30 SECONDS of whining about muh leaderboard ranking -...oh, that's why. Not even going to bother.
LevelCap - Casualfield 1 - Is Battlefield Getting Too Casual?

Pretty good analysis of "casualness" of BF1. Aside from the grenade spam, I'm pretty satisfied with the game overall but DICE could definitely take a look at increasing skill in the game. As someone who mainly plays Scout, I'd love if they balanced out bullet deviation and suppression a little bit better.

I have to agree with pretty much everything he said.

Bayonet charges do feel cheap.

The grenades timer hitting the ground I do feel is dumb.

Suppression has always been a problem and have kinda learned to live with it at this point.

Bullet deviation is pretty random. Playing as mostly a medic and literally having most my clip miss even though I'm tapping a good rate. I got to the point of saying fuck it and spray and pray with the single fire medic rifles. Honestly a lot of the weapons feel that way.

Really agree with the point system.. My play style is picking off incoming or stragglers enemies around points without being on the point myself without actually getting points for attacking or defending. Kinda sucks ptfoing and having double the kills and the least deaths and only to be half way down the board
bayonet charge... i somewhat agree, but i laugh at his complaints about 90 degree turns because he cheered at BF3 for being able to turn during sprints after BC2 made you run basically in a near straight line. oh but this time that freedom of movement is different because reasons!!!

grenade timer... no arguments.

suppression...if you don't like it you're probably the type to go for it on 4th and long in the 1st quarter in Madden. #youarepartoftheproblem

gunplay... yeah, the way they tried to hard force weapons into perfect little boxes of effect is really weird.

scoring... complains about PTFO. later, complains when people PTFO. tries to change PTFO to mean PTFO and surrounding areas. yea, those snipers on that mountain are also "killing enemies headed to and/or from objective" buddy


He's not wrong about twenty players standing on a flag (which is capped at the same rate regardless of number of players, I'm fairly sure) being a waste of your team's manpower, but the real issue is that there is little incentive for staying behind and defending a point versus rushing off to the next closest enemy flag, resulting in a "musical chairs" flow to the match. This isn't a problem specific to BF1, either. I don't know DICE should tackle this, but they might consider looking at For Honor, which has a Conquest-like Dominion mode in which players can double the team-score output of a zone (and also significantly boost their personal score) by standing inside it and guarding it after it has been captured.

"Stopping enemies who are on their way to an objective is also PTFOing" is so all-encompassing as to be nonsensical as a definition.

The Flash

Speak of the devil.


Today we are kicking off what we've chosen to call the Battlefield Roots Initiative (BRI)! Within this project we are going to target areas important to experienced players and veterans of Battlefield.
We will discuss issues, improve features and reach conclusions. We will disagree, and we will have fierce discussions - but we feel it's high time we start to focus on this now!
In the near future we will be expanding on this through direct communication, so if you know of a great representative you think we should be talking to - let us know!

Biggest thing they're going to tackle is explosive spam. More at the link.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Biggest thing they're going to tackle is explosive spam. More at the link.

They did this last time. And frankly, it was unneeded. But I mean, if they're going to do it: Why not just copy their BF4 changes there and go with that?

As it is, it's wasting time on bullshit that isn't really that bothersome. They could be working on some other things than worrying about people spamming gas.

He's not wrong about twenty players standing on a flag (which is capped at the same rate regardless of number of players, I'm fairly sure) being a waste of your team's manpower, but the real issue is that there is little incentive for staying behind and defending a point versus rushing off to the next closest enemy flag, resulting in a "musical chairs" flow to the match. This isn't a problem specific to BF1, either. I don't know DICE should tackle this, but they might consider looking at For Honor, which has a Conquest-like Dominion mode in which players can double the team-score output of a zone (and also significantly boost their personal score) by standing inside it and guarding it after it has been captured.

"Stopping enemies who are on their way to an objective is also PTFOing" is so all-encompassing as to be nonsensical as a definition.

The incentive is you keep your teams flag captures going. This has always been the case with Conquest: Whoever stays behind and shoots whoever comes to cap is the teams most valuable player in regards to wins. The issue is: Defending doesn't give points, and when you're trying to rank up for class items and leveling: Getting points quickly is what you're wanting to do.

The easiest fix isn't going with the "Amped" (or whatever you want to call it) system of defending: The easiest fix would be to incentive defending: Every like half a minute to a minute, you get 20-50 points for being in a flag cap area as "defending." Might not be as much as capping, but at least it'd incentive actually staying in an area to defend a flag.


He's not wrong about twenty players standing on a flag (which is capped at the same rate regardless of number of players, I'm fairly sure) being a waste of your team's manpower, but the real issue is that there is little incentive for staying behind and defending a point versus rushing off to the next closest enemy flag, resulting in a "musical chairs" flow to the match. This isn't a problem specific to BF1, either. I don't know DICE should tackle this, but they might consider looking at For Honor, which has a Conquest-like Dominion mode in which players can double the team-score output of a zone (and also significantly boost their personal score) by standing inside it and guarding it after it has been captured.

"Stopping enemies who are on their way to an objective is also PTFOing" is so all-encompassing as to be nonsensical as a definition.

Well if we had a class that could fortify points by placing a few obstacles or upgrading defenses or reparing equipment around an objective, you would have some squads specializing in capture point defense. Feels like BF has been a glorified version of a dog chasing its tail in the past few installments.
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