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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again


I'm surprised they aren't raising the level cap. In BF4 they increased it by 10 every DLC. They did the same for Battlefront. I mean I'm only 85 so I still have awhile to go, but I'm just curious because they have always done it.

Wad? They will raise it by 10. This has been confirmed.


Has Dice commented at all on the medal system? It is just awful in its current state. I'd like it more if they set like three medals each week and you can work toward all three concurrently. Each medal could have a specific award levels. Like, let's say one of the medals is to get a certain amount of headshots. 50 headshots in a week would net you a normal battlepack, 100 headshots would give you an enhanced battlepack, and 150 would give you a superior battlepack.

As it stands now, I have basically no motivation to work for medals since the rewards seem pretty pathetic for how long they take to unlock.


Arg whats the point of even releasing the maps on the 14th in Australia when you're not going to put them up until 10PM? Then having to wait forever to download them off PSN?!
Arg whats the point of even releasing the maps on the 14th in Australia when you're not going to put them up until 10PM? Then having to wait forever to download them off PSN?!

We are pleased to announce that the Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass expansion pack and Base Game Update will start rolling out tomorrow. While access to They Shall Not Pass content will be limited to Premium Pass owners for their 2-week Early Access, the download is required for all Battlefield 1 players.

The Update will be automatically deployed to your platform on Tuesday, March 14th across all platforms with the following downtimes:

PC: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 08.00 UTC / 1.00 AM PST.
PS4: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 10.00 UTC / 3.00 AM PST.
Xbox One: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 12.00 UTC / 5.00 AM PST.

Update notes will be posted here once the Base Game Update is live. Be sure to check back once maintenance is complete.

Thank you for your patience and see you on the battlefield!

The teams at EA/DICE
Played two matches of Frontlines. It's pretty fun. If you ever played Supremacy in Battlefront it's pretty much that, but with two objectives you have to arm at the end.

The matches can be really good or bad depending on the team. For instance, the first match was almost 30 minutes long. It was just a lot of back and forth. However, my second matched sucked it was only 6 minutes because nobody understands how to play it really.
It feels like the nade and explosive spam is worse. I'm playing Frontline, so that maybe it. Fort whatever is a clusterfuck on Frontline, Metro 1918.

Oh, the new music is good. Love that piano.


any new cheevos? (Xbox)

d/loading the patch at the mo!


Spend 30 minutes in-game as French Republic Medic
Kill 4 enemies with the Trench Raider Elite Class
Kill 25 enemies with the St Chamond Heavy Tank
Perform one kill with each of the 5 primary Weapon Assignments weapons

Sounds pretty easy.


Ribeyrolles 1918 factory
- 50 automatico M1918 kills
- 20 headsets with MP18 optical

Lebel model 1886 infantry
- 50 kills gewehr M.95 infantry
- 20 spot flare assists

Lebel model 1886 sniper
- in a round perform 5 headshots with the Russian 1895 sniper
- Perform 10 periscope spot assists

Chauchat telescopic
- in a round perform 15 kills with M1909 benet-merc telescopic
- Perform 10 kills with the mortar

Chauchat low weight
- 50 kills Levis gun suppressive
- 75 resupplies

RSC 1917 factory
- 50 kills M1907 SL sweeper
- 50 revives

RSC 1917 optical
- In a round, perform 15 kills with the autoloading 8.35 factory
- Perform 75 heals

Sjogren inertial factory
- 50 kills with the 10-A slug
- In a round perform 15 kills with the M97 trench gun hunter

Trench fleur
- 50 kills with the US trench knife

Nail knife
- 50 kills with the shovel

Cogwheel club
- 50 kills with the club


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
"KOSB" is fucking horrible.

TWO FUCKING HOURS to reach the Rush portion of Chain Reaction. Only for them to give the attaackers 39 tickets.

You know what happens when those tickets run out?

I just had a 140 minute long Frontline match...

We pushed them back to their final base, but we couldn't get the last mcom. Eventually my team just said fuck it, and let them push all the way back and win. I had like 130 kills with +50k score. Some guy on my squad had 240 kills...lol

I also played against levelcap
he kicked our ass.

The Lewis gun is quite possibly the worst weapon I've ever used in any Battlefield game. This challenge is painful.

Just wait until you have to get headshots with the MP18.


Oke. Giving the attackers on Verdun 4 elite classes after they lost a battalion is abit to much. I am fine with a tank a train etc. But to have 4 of those guys running arround on a infantery map is no fun. No normal gun fights then.
Oke. Giving the attackers on Verdun 4 elite classes after they lost a battalion is abit to much. I am fine with a tank a train etc. But to have 4 of those guys running arround on a infantery map is no fun. No normal gun fights then.

You dont like them turning battlefield into battlefront?


TWO FUCKING HOURS to reach the Rush portion of Chain Reaction. Only for them to give the attaackers 39 tickets..

Rounds in this gamemode can go on forever. Dice need to do something about this.

Also 32 players is to much in this mode. 24 would be way better.

The Lewis gun is quite possibly the worst weapon I've ever used in any Battlefield game. This challenge is painful.

Use the bipod, makes it a little bit better. Although it is still a pea-shooter...


The Lewis gun is quite possibly the worst weapon I've ever used in any Battlefield game. This challenge is painful.

I don't like any other MG than Lewis Gun Lightweight. The belt-fed one overheats which i keep mistaking for an empty belt and start reloading too soon, BAR doesn't offer bipod option (and i most certainly don't want anything other than iron sights) and neither does that one odd MG with rigid "belt" or clip or whatever it is. Haven't tried that MG with upside down magazine but frankly it doesn't look like it'd offer me anything over Lewis.

I like finding a good place with the Lewis, set the bipod and let loose. With some aiming, headshots are reasonably easy. Doesn't do great in CQB though, not without some luck.
I use AA sights with 1.5 magnification.
Have some 2000 kills with already, more than with any other weapon...

(I would welcome a buff, it seems Lewis has fastest damage drop-off any MG and probably should be reduced or tweaked.)

What i really don't like about the Support is how poor the mortar feels. It has limited ammo, slow projectiles, meh damage, accuracy penalty if firing in a row, long cooldown post-use. The HE version feels especially weak.
So I really like the Chauchat and RSC 1917. These are really fun weapons. Slow firing, but packs a punch. They also have some of the best animations in the game. They are just extremely satisfying to use, two shotting people feels amazing. The Selb 1906 should have been like the RSC.

Now for some bitching. Fuck this MP18 20 headshot bullshit. Why they fuck would you make a challenge for getting headshots with a smg? It makes no sense at all. 5 to 10 headshots I could maybe understand, but fucking 20? It's just fucking luck due to all the fucking random bullet deviation. It's a fucking dumbass challenge.


Played counquest on all mpas twice. I really like Fort Vaux, feels like Metro but different/many ways to go. Really also liked Soissont. The others are okay


So I really like the Chauchat and RSC 1917. These are really fun weapons. Slow firing, but packs a punch. They also have some of the best animations in the game. They are just extremely satisfying to use, two shotting people feels amazing. The Selb 1906 should have been like the RSC.

Now for some bitching. Fuck this MP18 20 headshot bullshit. Why they fuck would you make a challenge for getting headshots with a smg? It makes no sense at all. 5 to 10 headshots I could maybe understand, but fucking 20? It’s just fucking luck due to all the fucking random bullet deviation. It’s a fucking dumbass challenge.

Yup I've also enjoyed playing with RSC


Second Operation on Verdun is pretty crappy also. Just to much choke point and at the end you need to run up a hill with no cover and they even have big field guns lol.
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